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Mickiel's proof of God.

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The Devil herself
Oh its possible, a womans bueaty can be tarnished by her own attitude. Not that your body would change, but how others perceive you would change, which I sense has already occured in your life anyway.

Not a chance, actually my attitude probubly causes others to be even more attracted to me.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure someone said this already, but I find all the unanswered prayers more convincing than any answered ones. Ask for enough things long enough some of them are bound to happen. Why are the few prayers that people think are answered more impressive than the sheer bulk of prayers which aren't?

Well their not, unanswered prayer proves that God is largely ignoring humanity. He wound up the clock and he letting it wind down. Few Atheist realize how spiritually dead they are until they come out of the graveyard of their unbelief, and just can't comprehend the art of communication with God, what it does for you.



Well-Known Member
Not a chance, actually my attitude probubly causes others to be even more attracted to me.

Thats not what I sense, its probally more physical, because its hard to hide conceit and selfishness which has already leaked out of you, and I have only spoken with you a few minutes. You are transparent and I see through you. Thats also why you posted your picture, so that others can see you as well.



Well-Known Member
Well their not, unanswered prayer proves that God is largely ignoring humanity. He wound up the clock and he letting it wind down. Few Atheist realize how spiritually dead they are until they come out of the graveyard of their unbelief, and just can't comprehend the art of communication with God, what it does for you.


I can't say I agree with your liberal use of the word 'proves' here. If this god is ignoring humanity, how then can billions of people expect 'communication' with god. This seems somewhat contradictory. I think you're avoiding giving a real answer.
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Well-Known Member
Thats not what I sense, its probally more physical, because its hard to hide conceit and selfishness which has already leaked out of you, and I have only spoken with you a few minutes. You are transparent and I see through you. Thats also why you posted your picture, so that others can see you as well.


There are many who have posted their picture. You throw a lot of baseless insults at your opponent with this post. But I soppose your just following jesus' example. If they don't believe you just insult them.


Well-Known Member
I can't say I argue with your liberal use of the word 'proves' here. If this god is ignoring humanity, how then can billions of people expect 'communication' with god. This seems somewhat contradictory.

It is contridiction. Just because they expect it, does not mean they get it. I know what God ignoring you can be like, he does it to me all the time.



Well-Known Member
There are many who have posted their picture. You throw a lot of baseless insults at your opponent with this post. But I soppose your just following jesus' example. If they don't believe you just insult them.

I don't know Jesus, I follow no one but myself. I see what I see in her. Why don't you ask her if what I see is wrong, since you come to her rescue.



Well-Known Member
It is contridiction. Just because they expect it, does not mean they get it. I know what God ignoring you can be like, he does it to me all the time.


...yet you believe he exists enough to claim there's even proof to that effect?

Jesus said if you believe in him, than whatever is asked for in his name will be granted. If jesus was god then, does this make god a lier or does this mean that all those people who claim to believe in him don't really? I'd say no, it just proves this god doesn't exist.


Well-Known Member
I don't know Jesus, I follow no one but myself. I see what I see in her. Why don't you ask her if what I see is wrong, since you come to her rescue.


You follow no one but yourself yet your the author of many 'proof of god' posts. Okay...

At any rate, I would not pressume to think she needed to be rescued. She was doing a fine just debunking you herself. I'm merely pointing out that in absence of a ligitimate argument, you seem to have digressed to petty insults, and then ironically end your posts with 'peace'.


Well-Known Member
...yet you believe he exists enough to claim there's even proof to that effect?

Jesus said if you believe in him, than whatever is asked for in his name will be granted. If jesus was god then, does this make god a lier or does this mean that all those people who claim to believe in him don't really? I'd say no, it just proves this god doesn't exist.

Well its good that what you say means nothing in the total picture of all this. The whys and hows and reasons and who"s, that God decides to answer prayer, I just do not understand. I live in the darkness, I am not privy to God or Jesus, so I accept the crumbs that fall from their table and am content with that.

I would rather eat Gods crumbs than to deal with men. I am through with the world of men.



Well-Known Member
A power by itself, without intelligence, will destroy itself, power needs direction and order.

The sun will eventually destroy itself and our solar system along with it and the universe will eventually collapse on itself and destroy everything else. So I guess using your assumption, there is no intelligence or order involved because everything will eventually destroy itself. :)


Well-Known Member
Well its good that what you say means nothing in the total picture of all this. The whys and hows and reasons and who"s, that God decides to answer prayer, I just do not understand. I live in the darkness, I am not privy to God or Jesus, so I accept the crumbs that fall from their table and am content with that.

I would rather eat Gods crumbs than to deal with men. I am through with the world of men.


Uh-huh... well, let me know when you get back to claiming to have 'proof' that god actually exists, without resorting to cop out posts.


Well-Known Member
You follow no one but yourself yet your the author of many 'proof of god' posts. Okay...

At any rate, I would not pressume to think she needed to be rescued. She was doing a fine just debunking you herself. I'm merely pointing out that in absence of a ligitimate argument, you seem to have digressed to petty insults, and then ironically end your posts with 'peace'.

They were not petty insults, they were discriptive of what I saw, conceit and selfishness, one of which she admitted to. So I certainly disagree with you. And I have not digressed, I am simply answering the questions of Atheist, well perhaps that within itself is digression.



Well-Known Member
The sun will eventually destroy itself and our solar system along with it and the universe will eventually collapse on itself and destroy everything else. So I guess using your assumption, there is no intelligence or order involved because everything will eventually destroy itself. :)

And from there we should start our own thread, and call it non-order, proof that there is no god.


Well-Known Member
The sun will eventually destroy itself and our solar system along with it and the universe will eventually collapse on itself and destroy everything else. So I guess using your assumption, there is no intelligence or order involved because everything will eventually destroy itself. :)

Well, here again is an example of twisting things, because the mind itself is twisted in its thoughts on said subject.



Well-Known Member
They were not petty insults, they were discriptive of what I saw, conceit and selfishness, one of which she admitted to. So I certainly disagree with you. And I have not digressed, I am simply answering the questions of Atheist, well perhaps that within itself is digression.


Right. So if I was to give a discripter that I feel is accurate, namely that common sence and reason seem to be beyond you, and that whenever your confronted with evidence that contradicts your theoris (which seem to be the case more often than not) you diffur to insults and cop outs because your too mentally inferior to keep up, you would not consier this insulting?

If not, you have thicker skin than I do, and I envy you.


Well-Known Member
There are 60 trillion cells in the human body, all conglomerated into a way that works. This is magnificant Order, it is not random theory. Matter cannot create human cells. They must exist exactly as they are, whole and complette, cells cannot evolve, they were preconditioned and well ordered. That Order is proof of God.

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