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Mickiel's proof of God.

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Well-Known Member
I do not rebel against anything other than dishonesty. It is foolish to explore and make conclusions about entities we are too young to understand. God has been explained to us as a father of which is beyond our reasoning. We are his creations but we do not think like him, nor posess the necessary skills to understand him.

We must be careful to understand God. The first step is to realise we are not meant to. Faith is a gift not all recieve and we do not need faith. Faith is for those with dependencies. We can and are starting to overcome our dependencies and work independently.

Foolishness comes through attempting to speak for things we are not entitled to speak of. By attributing weak human qualities to a being above our understanding and pretending that our devotion will be rewarded.

Well spoken, I agree. The root of dishonesty is the denial of God, who is the symbol of honesty. No matter how far your dislike of being dishonest goes, if it travels away from God, your own perception of honesty is and always will be distorted. You can rant and rave all you wish, and may seem correct in your hissy fits, but if you deny God, no matter how right you seem to be to yourself, you are dishonest in your roots. You deny your orgin, your true race, your heritage, but yet you think goodness can come from denial of the Goodness that is God.

You are wrong about something, God can be understood, but only on his own terms, not ours. THATS what we really hold a problem with, we approach a God, and think we can dictate the terms of understanding to him. Because we are his children, we demand a response.

Demand things from a God, and think we can get away with it.

He made us too much like himself.



Well-Known Member
The consistant attention that Atheist give to a " God they think is a myth", is a proof of God to me. Here we have an historical group of people who have dedicated their lives to debate a myth. Man don't you know if I think something is a myth, I am not going to pay any attention to it. For what? But Atheist are dedicated to paying attention to God, which is why they frequent religious websites. They need God too, but just don't realize this.

They need to have access to believers, they need to debate, they need to argue against. God gave them this need, and that need is proof of God.


That, with respect, is arrant nonsense. You are arguing from the particular to the general, which is fallacious. Atheists are not a group of people who have dedicated their lives to anything. The sceptics who you come across on these forums represent only a tiny number of atheists who actively argue against what they see as belief systems and deities dreamt up by man. So if you believe such a miniscule sample is proof for God then you have shown that your standards of proof are not in the least stringent.


Well-Known Member
Thats because you have certain Atheist who can't get away from name calling, showing disrespect and personal insults in conversation. And I am not going to stand for that. I'm just not. If you are going to talk with me, then you must show certain respects in the conversations. I ask for nothing I do not give. You can disagree, rough me up a bit, challange me, ignore me, question me, even complain about my spelling. You can be sarcastic, joke as much as you wish, but once you insult my personage, the conversation is over.

But I will forgive the insult, if a person apoligises. And I will give apoligy to others when I am wrong about how I treated them.


I'm sorry but I think you complain too much. There will always be a certain amount of rough and tumble on message boards. We can all see insults if we look for them. Some would say the way you describe atheists is insulting. The best way to respond to insults, real or imagined, is by the strength of the argument.


Rogue Theologian
Earlier in this thread, a shared reality was briefly mentioned, or maybe I'm getting my threads crossed.

Viewing evidence and arriving at a common observation can be tricky.
Even when all conditions repeat the experiment well, there can be different renderings as to what the evidence actually proves.

Here...this topic revolves about an item that doesn't repeat.
Your awareness is not only unique, you are many miles away.

Personal experience can be firm, and the participant can be convinced for cause of it. But until that experience can be conveyed thoroughly, convincing your fellow man anything, will require a lot of typing.

I say, consciousness cannot be offered under these conditions, as proof.

If it were possible to share a common thought...telepathically....then the experience would be a better proving.
But unless God sees it fit to share His mind, as He did with His prophets, to actually experience the thoughts of God, then the proving will have to wait.

But not for long. We all die.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
The outright quess of evolution is foolishness that has evolved into perceived intelligence. Foolishness has a way of growing, and it dovetails with evolution, which is just growth. In time, foolishness has a way of masking itself as intelligence, you know, because its growing. And if its growing, then it has a life of its own. Now its alive and moving, and foolishness always takes you away from reality, this is the birth of an Atheist mentality. Intelligence masked by foolishness.

And I want to go into that.


In your above statement you just describe (sort of a "evolutionary" process).....:rolleyes:

Your problem is you talk big but in reality you know nothing.....

Influenza - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"An avian strain named H5N1 raised the concern of a new influenza pandemic, after it emerged in Asia in the 1990s, but it has not evolved to a form that spreads easily between people. In April 2009 a novel flu strain evolved that combined genes from human, pig, and bird flu, initially dubbed "swine flu" and also known as influenza A/H1N1, emerged in Mexico, the United States, and several other nations."

"A vaccine formulated for one year may be ineffective in the following year, since the influenza virus evolves rapidly, and new strains quickly replace the older ones."

It evolves and it has been observed over time to do so. One of the reasons there are many strains and the fact that we continue to develop newer ways to combat it. It's a simple but prime example.

I am so tired of the weak minded individuals, such as yourself, who try to take it upon themselves to educate us when they you failed to educate yourself.

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Well-Known Member
In your above statement you just describe (sort of a "evolutionary" process).....:rolleyes:

Your problem is you talk big but in reality you know nothing.....

Influenza - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"An avian strain named H5N1 raised the concern of a new influenza pandemic, after it emerged in Asia in the 1990s, but it has not evolved to a form that spreads easily between people. In April 2009 a novel flu strain evolved that combined genes from human, pig, and bird flu, initially dubbed "swine flu" and also known as influenza A/H1N1, emerged in Mexico, the United States, and several other nations."

"A vaccine formulated for one year may be ineffective in the following year, since the influenza virus evolves rapidly, and new strains quickly replace the older ones."

It evolves and it has been observed over time to do so. One of the reasons there are many strains and the fact that we continue to develop newer ways to combat it. It's a simple but prime example.

I am so tired of the weak minded individuals, such as yourself, who try to take it upon themselves to educate us when they you failed to educate yourself.


I am not trying to educate people, why should I try to educate foolishness in others beliefs? Let people behave as they wish, I couldcareless.



Well-Known Member

Personal experience can be firm, and the participant can be convinced for cause of it. But until that experience can be conveyed thoroughly, convincing your fellow man anything, will require a lot of typing.


I am not trying to convince anyone. I know how to get into the consciousness of others. And that does not require convincing.



Well-Known Member
That, with respect, is arrant nonsense. You are arguing from the particular to the general, which is fallacious. Atheists are not a group of people who have dedicated their lives to anything. The sceptics who you come across on these forums represent only a tiny number of atheists who actively argue against what they see as belief systems and deities dreamt up by man. So if you believe such a miniscule sample is proof for God then you have shown that your standards of proof are not in the least stringent.

The Atheist on this forum represent all Atheist, and are common with the Atheist thought. They are an example of each Atheist, And need to be taken as such.



Well-Known Member
Evolution s theories are as much a proven science as those of the "hard sciences" like physics and chemistry. The only questions that remain are the exact details of certain mechanics of evolution.


Rogue Theologian
If not for a convincing discussion...then why bother?
I would now suppose you have nothing else to offer.


Well-Known Member
There is no doubt in my mind that the Universe is in a state of condition marked by harmony or methodical arrangement. It has been successively arranged. This arrangement reveals establishment of sequence as if its ordained by someones powerful will. It was prescribed which reveals an authority invested in it. Since all things have an ordering about them, orelse they would lack reason, there must be a being that gives all things order, or plans all things. The Universe has no mind or intelligence to have established or planned itself, its structure comes from an intelligence, its order was planned. That order comes from and proves God.



Well-Known Member
There is no doubt in my mind that the Universe is in a state of condition marked by harmony or methodical arrangement. It has been successively arranged. This arrangement reveals establishment of sequence as if its ordained by someones powerful will. It was prescribed which reveals an authority invested in it. Since all things have an ordering about them, orelse they would lack reason, there must be a being that gives all things order, or plans all things. The Universe has no mind or intelligence to have established or planned itself, its structure comes from an intelligence, its order was planned. That order comes from and proves God.


The Universe operates in an orderly manner according to laws. The laws of physics, gravity and motion, the laws of chemistry and laws of biology. The world follows rules, rules that are fundamentally mathematical, rules that humans can figure out. Gravity holds the planets in their orbits, biology fixes our differing species, and no new species has come into existance. None of these laws have been broken.

How did these laws orginate? Where did they come from? Who set them in motion? How are they substained, if the planets variate from their orbits, it would be horrid destruction. All of these laws, all of this order, demands a Law Giver, who is God.



Well-Known Member
Um...The title of the thread is "Answered prayer, another proof of God", and the OP explains how God has answered your prayers and that's proof of God. What's the point of showing proof of something other than to try to convince someone else that that something exists?

Even if it's not to convince someone else that you're right, why post proof, if you don't expect the people who don't already agree with you to see them as proof?

I expect absolutely nothing from people, and I respect their right to disagree. My personal proof is my testimony to the public, a testimony is not designed to convince, only to convey.


Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
I am not trying to educate people, why should I try to educate foolishness in others beliefs? Let people behave as they wish, I couldcareless.


Then you have learned nothing of what I just posted. In the face of your assertions is the Influenza virus. It evolves and it is observable and tested...We know it evolves...WHY?....NOT because we say so...It's because we've seen it happening with this virus.

I'm forced to conclude you know nothing about evolution. In case you don't know then here, read the basics. If you don't want to know then you have no one to blame for your utter lack of understanding but yourself. And I notice you keep referring to it as foolishness but you've offered no refutation to the theory.


Well-Known Member
A power by itself, without intelligence, will destroy itself, power needs direction and order. Look how powerful the Universe is, look at the Suns sheer awesome power. Why is it different than every other planet, and why is it that many cannot see its obvious design to warm the earth and give it light. Its well ordered, and that order is proof of God.



Well-Known Member
Then you have learned nothing of what I just posted. In the face of your assertions is the Influenza virus. It evolves and it is observable and tested...We know it evolves...WHY?....NOT because we say so...It's because we've seen it happening with this virus.

I'm forced to conclude you know nothing about evolution. In case you don't know then here, read the basics. If you don't want to know then you have no one to blame for your utter lack of understanding but yourself. And I notice you keep referring to it as foolishness but you've offered no refutation to the theory.

Well if I do not learn anmything from you, I suggest you try and teach someonelse, perhaps I am just not for you. Evolution is a false teaching, a useless confused theory. At its base, its an effort to remove God from his role as creator. Nothing is caused by itself, not even virus or infection. All things have a cause, evolution seeks to explain things without a cause. Which I view as foolishness.

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