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Mickiel's proof of God.

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Well-Known Member
Your classification and disregard of them for what you label them and group them as shows your character as a bigot.

Well I admit to being a bigot, I don't like Atheist for sure.

The protien Cillum is a proof of God. In humans epithelial cells lining the respiratory tract each about 200 cilia that beat in synchrony to sweep mucus towards the throat for elimination. A cilium consist of a membrane coated bundle of fibers called axoneme. An axoneme contains a ring of 9 double microtubules surrounding two central single microtubes. Impossible for evolution to achieve, each outer doublet consist of a ring of 13 filaments. The filaments of the microtubes are composed of two protiens, called alpha and beta tubulin. The 11 microtubules forming axoneme are held together by 3 types of connectors: subfibers are joined to the central microtubules by radial spokes. Adjacent outer doublets are joined by linkers that consist of a highly elastic protein called nexin. And the central microtubules are joined by a connecting bridge. Finally every subfiber bears two arms, an inner and outer, both containing the protein dynein.

Man, this is obvious proof of God, its no way possible that evolution can produce such complexity.



Well-Known Member
Mickiel, I've looked at a couple of your "proofs of God" threads, and it seems like most of your proofs consist of pointing out the absence of God, rather than the existence of God.
Your argument:
1. Humans display X.
2. X is due to the absence of God.
3. Therefore, God exists.

I'm not quite sure how your conclusion that "God exists" follows from your argument. Actually, "God doesn't exist" would follow better.

Well the post are obviously not for you. Its clear to me.



Earthbending Lemur
Premium Member
Well the post are obviously not for you. Its clear to me.

You could try to bridge the leap from "These things show an absence of God" to "God exists." Perhaps I just didn't understand the first time around.


Thats how God controls his creations, through their consciousness. You can't get around it or away from it. Atheist think they have gotten away from God, they are in for a very rude awakening. Its like turning on a light, God can appeal directly into our consciousness and instill what he wishes. He can keep us down as long as he wills.

Such as? You believe everyone gets saved, so what awakening is in store for atheists? Is it worse than what a billion people feel every night they go to bed?(hunger)


Well-Known Member
You could try to bridge the leap from "These things show an absence of God" to "God exists." Perhaps I just didn't understand the first time around.

If you built a house, then left the house for others to live in, although you are absent, the house proves you exist, because you built it. Its the same with the earth, God built it, hes not here now, but it proves he exist.



Well-Known Member
Notice how on the board , I have gotten into the consciousness of Atheist, an relative easy thing to do. But consciousness can be invaded like that, Jim Jones did it to over 900 people. The consciousness of an Atheist has been invaded by a godless stroke. The mind of a Christian has been invaded by the sick concept of eternal hell suffering. Consciousness is easy to influence, and this is what God will use to change the mind of humanity.

When he invades our consciousness, its going to be a total sweep.


I would say there are a couple of things going on here. Religious faith isn't just a dead thing, but has to be worked at - sometimes quite hard in the face of well argued scepticism. It is my view that these posts are primarily the believer rationalizing his views, confirming to himself in his own words what he want to believe.

Most of the arguments are pretty poor, badly supported or just opinion served up as if it were truth. Critics are denounced as 'Atheists' (note the relevance of the capitalisation), and he says this as if anyone who dares to point out his bad argumentation belongs to a distinct class of people.

I feel this misplaced sensitivity cannot be overstressed, for example note how he has said that he has nothing to learn from 'Atheists', who he regards as a different species, as if theists and atheists have nothing to teach and nothing to learn from one another. While these posts are entertaining, I feel that on a serious note they probably give religion and believers generally a bad name.


Earthbending Lemur
Premium Member
If you built a house, then left the house for others to live in, although you are absent, the house proves you exist, because you built it. Its the same with the earth, God built it, hes not here now, but it proves he exist.


Thank you. That helps me understand your position a little better.

The problem is that it is not apparent that the universe, like a house, had a builder.

To infer that a builder exists is circular: You assume that a builder must exist, therefore the universe has a builder.


Well-Known Member
Thank you. That helps me understand your position a little better.

The problem is that it is not apparent that the universe, like a house, had a builder.

To infer that a builder exists is circular: You assume that a builder must exist, therefore the universe has a builder.

Yes, that is correct. In my view design requires a designer, order requires and orderer, creation requires a creator, and these make perfect sense to me. But let me do something I rarely do. I will go oppisite of my beliefs, now I will try to prove that God does not exist. But I just can't think of absolutely anything that proves that God does not exist. Nothing. And I see no post on board that offers proof that he does not exist.




Well-Known Member
If you built a house, then left the house for others to live in, although you are absent, the house proves you exist, because you built it. Its the same with the earth, God built it, hes not here now, but it proves he exist.


Even if we accept that 'God' created the earth, by your own admission he is not here now. So whatever happens now in a Godless world cannot be an argument that God is responsible. So we may deduce from your argument, and empircially fromthe state of the world, that there is no immutable, omnipresent, immanent God.


Well-Known Member
There it is, I get into the consciousness there. And while I am there I will plant things.



Only I say that not as some self-assumed authority who believes he is endowed with special knowledge denied to certain people (hint), but as an ordinary person who absorbs and passes on knowledge, a common ability that I share with all my fellows.


Well-Known Member
Even if we accept that 'God' created the earth, by your own admission he is not here now. So whatever happens now in a Godless world cannot be an argument that God is responsible. So we may deduce from your argument, and empircially fromthe state of the world, that there is no immutable, omnipresent, immanent God.

Well yes, we can, at least I have, deduced that God is not now here, he can't be. From the state of the world, God is not here for sure. Christians just have that wrong, chaos cannot co-exist with God, that much I am sure of. Thats why I do not believe in eternal hell torture, which would be something far worse than earths present condition. But these religious people are convinced that God will coexist with that insanity forever.

So yes, God does not exist in the minds of many, but that falls to him. It is his responsibility to convince, not people who live in a godless environment that believe in him. And I believe this with all my heart.



Treasure Hunter
I still cannot tell if your posts are a joke. And this is not sarcasm. I really do wonder if you are serious... Are your "proofs of god" sarcasm? That would be sort of ironic, hm?


Well-Known Member

Only I say that not as some self-assumed authority who believes he is endowed with special knowledge denied to certain people (hint), but as an ordinary person who absorbs and passes on knowledge, a common ability that I share with all my fellows.

Agreed! Then its on. You do what you can to impress, and so will I.

And we will see what happens. Your powers will back you, and mine will back me. And we will judge the powers by the future effect on humanity.



Well-Known Member
I still cannot tell if your posts are a joke. And this is not sarcasm. I really do wonder if you are serious... Are your "proofs of god" sarcasm? That would be sort of ironic, hm?

I hold no intrest in sarcasm. Figure it out for yourself, trust in your own mind, thats what I do. Theres a lot more proof to come. I garentee that.


Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
This stuff is too funny...No it's not sarcasm. I'm just getting a kick out of this. Oh, and before you go and say...'well it just might not be for you'.....Trust me it is...It's making me chuckle...so it is for me.


Well-Known Member
This stuff is too funny...No it's not sarcasm. I'm just getting a kick out of this. Oh, and before you go and say...'well it just might not be for you'.....Trust me it is...It's making me chuckle...so it is for me.

Well good, its for me to. And much more is in the making, its all to easy.



Well-Known Member
The art of music, an outward expression of whats inside of man. The vocal poetry, the sound of musical expression, something evolution could never ever produce. How in the world of reason could something like music evolve from apes? Where did music come from? Why does man do it? Its just in us, and it comes out of us. Rythum and notes, beats and sounds that we place together. It comes from our soul and touches our soul, irresistible. And I want to show that this most impressive human talent comes from God.

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