But when millions of people die of natural causes, we try to do something about that. In the U.S. hundreds of thousands of people die from cancer each year, but we don't just shrug that off. Millions of dollars and countless man-hours of brilliant researchers go into go into treating, curing or preventing cancer. Covid comes along and kills millions and we try to prevent that and we make a vaccine. The point is we do something.
@Orbit said, 10-25% of all pregnancies end in miscarriages. Now if you really believe, with all sincerity, that those are dead "people", if you really believe those are millions and millions of people dying, even if it is from "natural causes", I have to ask, why aren't we doing anything about that? We don't even talk about it. Why?
When you think about it, all the abortions make up a incredibly tiny fraction of the natural miscarriages. Why aren't you talking about that?