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Moses asks science


Active Member
Over a decade investigating science?!?! And you still get almost everything wrong? Consider your nonsense that we don't know the radii or masses of Earth and moon (let alone Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus), and then check out this little gem
on the Wikipedia item on Gravity Assist Especially look at the course taken by Voyager II.

NASA has used the technique multiple times (the Soviet Union did, too). Without an absolutely excellent estimation of the gravities of the various bodies used by Voyagers I and II, there is no possible way to project what their trajectories would be after using such techniques multiple times, and yet the manouevres worked perfectly every time. Not only that, they are still functioning -- Voyager I is 15,035,084,442 miles from earth as I type this, traveling at 38,026 mph.

Sorry, but you don't know the science you're talking about at all.
You holes from naked science forum really should of keep shut


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
You holes from naked science forum really should of keep shut
Does that mean something I'm supposed to understand? Am I a "hole?" Have I ever visited something called "naked Science Forum" that I've never heard of until now?

And are you suggesting that I must "keep shut," thus having less right to to speak here than you?

Or are you just trying to say, "I have no answer to your post?"

You, who have claimed "lies" so many times in this thread, should now try honesty.


Active Member
Does that mean something I'm supposed to understand? Am I a "hole?" Have I ever visited something called "naked Science Forum" that I've never heard of until now?

And are you suggesting that I must "keep shut," thus having less right to to speak here than you?

Or are you just trying to say, "I have no answer to your post?"

You, who have claimed "lies" so many times in this thread, should now try honesty.
I have ''destroyed'' sciences famous gravity equation , I have shown particle physics is a lie, it is not I being dishonest now is it , tut tut .


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
I have ''destroyed'' sciences famous gravity equation , I have shown particle physics is a lie, it is not I being dishonest now is it , tut tut .
Pardon us, your Genius Majesty Lord of All Knowledge!!!!

Do we bow? Or do you prefer virgin sacrifices?


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
I have ''destroyed'' sciences famous gravity equation , I have shown particle physics is a lie, it is not I being dishonest now is it , tut tut .
I'll bow when you present your peer-reviewed proof of destruction and lie (I can't be a virgin sacrifice, sorry!). Can hardly wait, really.


Active Member
Pardon us, your Genius Majesty Lord of All Knowledge!!!!

Do we bow? Or do you prefer virgin sacrifices?
I am a genius but do not think myself better than others . Bowing is towards others who think they are different such as the King of England , their whole life formed and lived , acting out a fake life fantasy .


Active Member
I'll bow when you present your peer-reviewed proof of destruction and lie (I can't be a virgin sacrifice, sorry!). Can hardly wait, really.
Do you seriously think peer-reviewers would ever pass anything that demonstrates the errors in physics ?

I know I would be wasting my time in a dishonest world where people can't even act human well enough .


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
Sorry, @jes-us, if your only response to having your wild claims effectively debunked is to throw a tantrum, you're not going to make much progress. Genius (as you claim) or not.


Active Member
Sorry, @jes-us, if your only response to having your wild claims effectively debunked is to throw a tantrum, you're not going to make much progress. Genius (as you claim) or not.
Are you living in a fantasy ? Nobody has debunked my corrections of science , you can't debunk a correction , you are being willy .


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Are you aware that we were succesfully building and detonating nuclear bombs decades before we had microscopes capable of directly observing atoms?
Up until then, atoms were "only" a theoretical construct.

Yet, that didn't stop us from building devices capable of splitting them open and harnassing all that power hidden within it to unleash in giant explosions.

Just to inform you... there are other ways of knowing in science other then "direct observation".
Ironically, this is where theories come in handy as they are capable of making testable predictions.

That "spike" on a print out.... that's a signal that correlates with a prediction. Not unlike the signals that confirmed the theoretical model of atoms, allowing us to split them open and unleash that energy into giant explosions, or harness it to power our homes.

But by all means, continue on with your head firmly lodged into the ground.
What does this prove? Or in other words, so what? Gorillas and chimpanzees do not have the capacity to do this. As the saying might go, they haven't "evolved" to build atomic or nuclear bombs.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Don't you believe the moon has gravity, Jes-us? Don't you believe in universal gravitation?

The moon's large enough that its gravity has a measurable effect on Earth. It has little effect on solid earth, but its pull does exert an effect on fluids like water.
Gravity is a known and measurable phenomenon. If it were not, we'd never be able to navigate outer space.
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Veteran Member
News for you , atomic bombs aren't nuclear . You'd have to use a dirty bomb if you wanted nuclear fallout .

Also you have gone off track when you was doing so well in confessing sciences sins too God .

Nobody on this planet has split an atom , that can never happen, Gods orders for me to keep stump .



Veteran Member
What does this prove?

It is stated right in the post you are replying: that "direct observation" is not necessarily required to know a thing exists. There are other ways of confirming theoretical models.

Or in other words, so what?

So, his argument, which states that direct observation is required for confirmation, is wrong.

Gorillas and chimpanzees do not have the capacity to do this.

Nobody claimed they were. What a random thing to say.

As the saying might go, they haven't "evolved" to build atomic or nuclear bombs.
That's not so much a "saying" as it is an irrelevant piece of idiocy


Active Member
Don't you believe the moon has gravity, Jes-us? Don't you believe in universal gravitation?

The moon's large enough that its gravity has a measurable effect on Earth. It has little effect on solid earth, but its pull does exert an effect on fluids like water.
Gravity is a known and measurable phenomenon. If it were not, we'd never be able to navigate outer space.
I know gravity exists but I also know we can't measure the effect of the moon . Sciences famous gravity equation doesn't work as demonstrated prior in this thread .


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Moses sat down to rest at night by a great lake and looking into the sky he could see a full moon .

Moses then asked science , ''if the tides of oceans are a consequence of the moon then why sitting here I have not got my feet wet ? ''

Why doesn't the moon affect any other bodies of water , is it because you have got it wrong ?

The moon affects all the water on earth. Small lakes show a small effect, and big oceans show a huge effect.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Why not tectonic plate shift at regular intervals ?
The moon does not effect plate tectonics.

Most things in nature do not happen at regular intervals and tend to be unpredictable, because there are too many factors at play. You quickly start to experience what we call Chaos, aka the Butterfly effect.



Active Member
The moon does not effect plate tectonics.

Most things in nature do not happen at regular intervals and tend to be unpredictable, because there are too many factors at play. You quickly start to experience what we call Chaos, aka the Butterfly effect.

I didn't mean the moon affected the tectonic plates . I meant , could it of been the tectonic plates instead of the moon .

However , as long as there is other proofs such as the great lake having a ''tide'' , the query is satisfied and I happy to accept the moon as the cause .