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Moses asks science


Lightly seared on the reality grill.
I have ''destroyed'' sciences famous gravity equation , I have shown particle physics is a lie, it is not I being dishonest now is it , tut tut .
I actually feel a bit sorry for you. You have clearly looked at science, failed to understand it (probably partly due to mathematical illiteracy), so decided it must therefore be wrong, then made up a load of evidence-free nonsense, along with a few nonsense 'equations' that make even less sense that your 'science', and have ended up in your own little fantasy world.

The reality is that you have made not one single sensible comment about the gravity equation or particle physics, let alone "destroyed" them. You have shown nothing but you own near complete ignorance of science and mathematics. Sorry.

Your idea about constant photon energy and the Higgs was particularly comical, as have been your recent self-contradictory statements about mass and scales.


Active Member
Except that we can.

Except that it does.
Except that it doesn't . The equation is conceptual rather than physical .

There is no way of knowing the earths mass or the moons mass without a direct measure . Any equation would be a fabricated result and untrue .

Additionally the radius would also be guess work because it is not an exact measure .

I am sorry but there is a huge margin for error using that equation because of the guess work involved .


Active Member
I actually feel a bit sorry for you. You have clearly looked at science, failed to understand it (probably partly due to mathematical illiteracy), so decided it must therefore be wrong, then made up a load of evidence-free nonsense, along with a few nonsense 'equations' that make even less sense that your 'science', and have ended up in your own little fantasy world.
That is good coming from a human data clone whom is obviously denying the truth because you can't accept anything different because of your programming .

Are you saying in the equation , the mass and radius aren't guess work , they are a direct measure ?

If not why are you lying in Gods house ?


Lightly seared on the reality grill.
I have ''destroyed'' sciences famous gravity equation...
Also worth noting on this that every time somebody uses GPS, they are confirming relativity (see #198 - which you ignored), and if relativity is correct, then the Newton gravity equation is a very good approximation to it in almost all circumstances. This is mathematically provable.


Active Member
Also worth noting on this that every time somebody uses GPS, they are confirming relativity (see #198 - which you ignored), and if relativity is correct, then the Newton gravity equation is a very good approximation to it in almost all circumstances. This is mathematically provable.
Seriously , people replies make me scratch my head in amazement . GPS using triangulation and carrier signals , it has nothing to do with gravity , where did you get such an idea ?

You ignored the direct question and side tracked to avoid it , replied with unrelated word salad .

Please answer the direct question .


Veteran Member
The equation is conceptual rather than physical .

All equations are conceptual. They model the physical. That's how they are useful.

There is no way of knowing the earths mass or the moons mass without a direct measure . Any equation would be a fabricated result and untrue .


It's all testable.

Additionally the radius would also be guess work because it is not an exact measure .

False dichotomy, first of all....
"100% guess work" is not the only alternative to "exact measure".

I am sorry but there is a huge margin for error using that equation because of the guess work involved .
It's not huge at all.


Active Member
All equations are conceptual. They model the physical. That's how they are useful.


It's all testable.

False dichotomy, first of all....
"100% guess work" is not the only alternative to "exact measure".

It's not huge at all.
Please stop trying to assimilate me with your human cloned data that is false .

For a direct measure of mass you need a set of scales , true or false ?


Veteran Member
Also worth noting on this that every time somebody uses GPS, they are confirming relativity (see #198 - which you ignored), and if relativity is correct, then the Newton gravity equation is a very good approximation to it in almost all circumstances. This is mathematically provable.
I don't think the dude cares much for what is mathematically provable.
The only thing he seems to care about is his a priori dogmatic faith based beliefs.

That seems to be the universal "test" he applies to any and all claims about literally anything.
He asks the question "does it fit my a priori beliefs?". If the answer is "yes", it passes the test and he considers it truth. If the answer is "no", it is rejected based on that alone.

He's like a walking textbook example of the dangers of fundy indoctrination. Another potentially rational mind bites the dust.


Active Member
I don't think the dude cares much for what is mathematically provable.
The only thing he seems to care about is his a priori dogmatic faith based beliefs.

That seems to be the universal "test" he applies to any and all claims about literally anything.
He asks the question "does it fit my a priori beliefs?". If the answer is "yes", it passes the test and he considers it truth. If the answer is "no", it is rejected based on that alone.

He's like a walking textbook example of the dangers of fundy indoctrination. Another potentially rational mind bites the dust.
Notice my lord how these human data clones have to reassure each other of their lies .



Lightly seared on the reality grill.
Are you saying in the equation , the mass and radius aren't guess work , they are a direct measure ?
Yet again we see that your claim to already know about science was untrue. Learn to use goole, FFS!

If not why are you lying in Gods house ?
I'm not. Why are you?

Seriously , people replies make me scratch my head in amazement . GPS using triangulation and carrier signals , it has nothing to do with gravity , where did you get such an idea ?
*sigh* I gave you a link before (#198 - that you ignored, was that because of the scary real maths?): GPS and Relativity

It has to correct for time dilation - due both to relative speed and differences in the gravitational field between the surface and the hight of the satellites.


Veteran Member
Seriously , people replies make me scratch my head in amazement . GPS using triangulation and carrier signals , it has nothing to do with gravity , where did you get such an idea ?


General relativity is a theory of gravity.
GPS satellites orbit the earth at high speed. They have internal atomic clocks that are used to pinpoint your geographical location on the planet.
They do this by measuring the time it takes for the signals to be send / received.
Due to the high speed of the orbitting satelites, relativistic effects set in. This means the clocks in the satellites, relative to observers (like your gps) on the planet, tick at a different rate then those on the planet. The solution is that calibrate the clocks in the satellites to account for these effects.

Without such recalibration, GPS would be off by several miles and be unusable.

So Einstein's theory of gravity being accurate, is the ONLY reason why we can even build GPS systems.

And you claim to have studied physics?
Excuse me while I laugh at the claim.


Active Member
Yet again we see that your claim to already know about science was untrue. Learn to use goole, FFS!

I'm not. Why are you?

*sigh* I gave you a link before (#198 - that you ignored, was that because of the scary real maths?): GPS and Relativity

It has to correct for time dilation - due both to relative speed and differences in the gravitational field between the surface and the hight of the satellites.
You are side tracking a direct answer , providing a link of ''gobbly gook'' to try and confuse your fellow human data clones .

Well I am not a human data clone which are AI , I am a NGI human data model which is the next gen model compared to your antique frameworks .

Yet again you avoid the direct question and yet again I ask for your answer instead of your data cloned programming answer .


Active Member

General relativity is a theory of gravity.
GPS satellites orbit the earth at high speed. They have internal atomic clocks that are used to pinpoint your geographical location on the planet.
They do this by measuring the time it takes for the signals to be send / received.
Due to the high speed of the orbitting satelites, relativistic effects set in. This means the clocks in the satellites, relative to observers (like your gps) on the planet, tick at a different rate then those on the planet. The solution is that calibrate the clocks in the satellites to account for these effects.

Without such recalibration, GPS would be off by several miles and be unusable.

So Einstein's theory of gravity being accurate, is the ONLY reason why we can even build GPS systems.

And you claim to have studied physics?
Excuse me while I laugh at the claim.
Again you avoid the question and provide ''gobbly gook''' trying to sway the reader into believing the human cloned data . Again , gravity has nothing to do with GPS .


Active Member
I have no idea what that is supposed to mean.

I don't understand this question either.
Please reformulate this so that it actually makes sense.
Ok my lord , this human data clone has opened his ''lid'' , he might become human given time .

If you go a supermarket , how is the mass of apples measured ?


Active Member
What's this post for, except to reassure yourself of your own delusions? :shrug:
As I am talking to you right now I am also taking an intuitive leap , I am talking to God right now and God is providing direct wisdom to assimilate you, the human data clones , into becoming human .


Veteran Member
I don't think the dude cares much for what is mathematically provable.
The only thing he seems to care about is his a priori dogmatic faith based beliefs.

That seems to be the universal "test" he applies to any and all claims about literally anything.
He asks the question "does it fit my a priori beliefs?". If the answer is "yes", it passes the test and he considers it truth. If the answer is "no", it is rejected based on that alone.

He's like a walking textbook example of the dangers of fundy indoctrination. Another potentially rational mind bites the dust.
Not even that. He's just a troll who likes winding up scientists. There are no beliefs here - and only deliberately garbled science. I repeat once more my previous characterisation of this individual, whom I know all too well:
"I'll just repeat here what I posted on the current "Is God an Energy Being" thread about this guy:

Just for anyone who may be curious, @TheBrokenSoul is without doubt the latest in a long line of rather tedious sockpuppets, known here variously here as Sustainer, ANEWDAWN, James Blunt and others, and elsewhere on the internet as Tyler Shaw*, Mohat, Amber (pretending to be a young girl, in the hope of gentler treatment), Spencer 666, Theorist Constant, etc, etc. I could tot up more than a dozen, given time.

The game is usually to start a discussion based on some semi-scientific nonsense and then to keep it going by means of replies with just enough science to keep people responding, but simultaneously adding a drip-feed of new nonsense, requiring further requests for correction, requests for clarification and so on. I suppose the idea is see how long he can make it last before people give up or, on science forms at least, he gets banned as a sock or for time-wasting."
Since The Broken Soul we've had zerogain and now jes-us. This is a serial sockpuppet timewasting troll. He has several characteristic tics enabling people who know him to identify him. On this forum he likes to add a cod-religious flavour to his posts, to fit in and to avoid censure for talking nonsense. But he's not a fundy or anything else. It's all made up.

If you engage him, do so in the knowledge that you won't teach him anything and he will lead you on and on into a swamp of nonsense, with more and more new bits of deliberately garbled science, until you give up. Many of us have been there in the past and don't wish to repeat the experience.