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Most recent cases and deaths of Covid-19 are unvaccinated.


Veteran Member
that is not name calling .. is a statement of fact .. stating what you have just done .. like your "mRNA is Save" claims. .. but regardless .. I did not say calling someone a name is wrong in of itself .. it is wrong when that is all a post consists of .. not constituting an argument .. and once again .. my pointing out your errors is not name calling.

My saying "You were duped" when clearly you were duped .. and still are duped as demonstrated by your previous post to me .. posting something that has already been proven false .. as if you were not aware .. or were you "not aware" .. in which case .. stating that you were unaware is not name calling.
Got a mirror handy? Go stare into it.
Good grief.


Veteran Member
That's why I'm here! :)

AMEN! Preach it brother ! :)

Gods when we place them above reproach. That includes anyone.

But, yes, as I understand it in my limited capacity (not changing the actual DNA but manipulating by adding to the process):

Be aware of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein: There is more than meets the eye - PubMed "teach" the body's immune system to respond

You are referencing the new vaccine. The older ones are actually either dead or alive cells to cause the body to respond to its presence and create its antibodies.

Didn't the government control all outlets of information to make sure there were no dissenting view?

OK... you mean you actually found "one"? You can find one in any arena - but it doesn't represent the norm

We all have our opinions and viewpoints.
The "new" vaccine works the same way the "old" vaccines work. By helping one's body respond more quickly to a specific disease pathogen.


Oldest Heretic
My daughter, her husband and their daughter all caught it last week. They had all previously been vaccinated, but have not yet qualified for the latest vaccine. Her boy friend a BBC correspondent has already had covid four times, but seems clear for now.
Fortunately I had not seen any of them in the few days prior to them getting it. And I have had a shot of the very latest phizer vaccine.

The new variety seems to be very virulent and easy to spread, but not usually as dangerous. But they are expecting the hospitals to fill up again with cases this winter,
Unfortunately if you do not qualify you can not buy the vaccine privately in the UK.

My daughter's husband is a doctor and has managed to avoid catching it prior to this. Which is unusual in his profession.

My grand son a college teacher has had it twice as has his wife who is a care worker.
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Premium Member
Science isn't relevant to the issue of the connection between media bias and the agenda and practice of the US security apparatus.
It is relevant to the fact that Kennedy has a long history of being wrong scientifically going back long before COVID-19, and you still will not respond to the references concerning the science involved


Well-Known Member
It is relevant to the fact that Kennedy has a long history of being wrong scientifically going back long before COVID-19, and you still will not respond to the references concerning the science involved
You are still refusing to address the issue of the reporting of the science. Until you do that you're only repeating politicized sources.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
No -- actually I have addressed that fact that you have been duped by propaganda -- and the moronicity of the typo Nazism ... there is no legitimate study showing that the Jab reduces severity of Covid in Healthy people .. but a whole lot of lies out that infer your claim is true by making general statements such as "The Vax is Safe and Effective"
but just for giggles .. the above claim is stupid and misleading on steroids....

Bless your heart.
It's always embiggening to meet people who are
more expert in epidemiology & virology that the
atheist propagandists at Johns Hopkins, Mayo
Clinic, CDC, etc, etc.


Well-Known Member
Sadly, ignorant anti-vaxers have proven to be more than willing to take their science denial to their graves and to nonchalantly take both the gullible and the vulnerable with them.

16/01/2021 ...



Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
That's why I'm here! :)
You're an epidemiologist?
AMEN! Preach it brother ! :)
In my most stentorian voice too.
Gods when we place them above reproach. That includes anyone.
But if you want to know about physics, consult a physicist, not a televangelist.
If you want treatment for cancer, see an oncologist, not a tent revivalist.
If you want to understand epidemiology, go to epidemiologists, not an orange man telling you to take bleach.
Good sources aren't gods, but they're better than charlatans pretending knowledge.
But, yes, as I understand it in my limited capacity (not changing the actual DNA but manipulating by adding to the process):

Be aware of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein: There is more than meets the eye - PubMed "teach" the body's immune system to respond
Why did you cite that article?
You excerpted nothing, & used nothing in it from what I can see.
You are referencing the new vaccine. The older ones are actually either dead or alive cells to cause the body to respond to its presence and create its antibodies.
New & old operate the same way on your immune system.
Didn't the government control all outlets of information to make sure there were no dissenting view?
No. I heard a massive barrage of bad info,
especially from Christian sources like OAN.

We all have our opinions and viewpoints.
Some opinions are dangerous to oneself & others.
If people take yours to heart, you could be killing them.
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Well-Known Member
Sadly, ignorant anti-vaxers have proven to be more than willing to take their science denial to their graves and to nonchalantly take both the gullible and the vulnerable with them.

Pfizer had specific protocols for reporting serious adverse effects relating to pregnancy. Adverse effects including spontaneous abortion are listed below:

Pregnancy cases: 274 cases including: • 270 mother cases and 4 foetus/baby cases representing 270 unique pregnancies (the 4 foetus/baby cases were linked to 3 mother cases; 1 mother case involved twins). • Pregnancy outcomes for the 270 pregnancies were reported as spontaneous abortion (23), outcome pending (5), premature birth with neonatal death, spontaneous abortion with intrauterine death (2 each), spontaneous abortion with neonatal death, and normal outcome (1 each). No outcome was provided for 238 pregnancies (note that 2 different outcomes were reported for each twin, and both were counted). • 146 non-serious mother cases reported exposure to vaccine in utero without the occurrence of any clinical adverse event. The exposure PTs coded to the PTs Maternal exposure during pregnancy (111), Exposure during pregnancy (29) and Maternal exposure timing unspecified (6). Trimester of exposure was reported in 21 of these cases: 1st trimester (15 cases), 2nd trimester (7), and 3rd trimester (2). • 124 mother cases, 49 non-serious and 75 serious, reported clinical events, which occurred in the vaccinated mothers. Pregnancy related events reported in these cases coded to the PTs Abortion spontaneous (25), Uterine contraction during pregnancy, Premature rupture of membranes, Abortion, Abortion missed, and Foetal death (1 each). Other clinical events which occurred in more than 5 cases coded to the PTs Headache (33), Vaccination site pain (24), Pain in extremity and Fatigue (22 each), Myalgia and Pyrexia (16 each), Chills (13) Nausea (12), Pain (11), Arthralgia (9), Lymphadenopathy and Drug ineffective (7 each), Chest pain, Dizziness and Asthenia (6 each), Malaise and COVID-19 (5 each). Trimester of exposure was reported in 22 of these cases: 1st trimester (19 cases), 2nd trimester (1 case), 3rd trimester (2 cases). • 4 serious foetus/baby cases reported the PTs Exposure during pregnancy, Foetal growth restriction, Maternal exposure during pregnancy, Premature baby (2 each), and Death neonatal (1). Trimester of exposure was reported for 2 cases (twins) as occurring during the 1st trimester.

8.3. Adverse Events and Serious Adverse Events

8.3.5. Exposure During Pregnancy or Breastfeeding, and Occupational Exposure Occupational Exposure An occupational exposure occurs when a person receives unplanned direct contact with the study intervention, which may or may not lead to the occurrence of an AE. Such persons may include healthcare providers, family members, and other roles that are involved in the trial participant’s care. Exposure During Pregnancy An EDP occurs if:

  • A female participant is found to be pregnant while receiving or after discontinuing study intervention.
  • A male participant who is receiving or has discontinued study intervention exposes a female partner prior to or around the time of conception.
  • A female is found to be pregnant while being exposed or having been exposed to study intervention due to environmental exposure. Below are examples of environmental exposure during pregnancy:
  • A female family member or healthcare provider reports that she is pregnant after having been exposed to the study intervention by inhalation or skin contact.
  • A male family member or healthcare provider who has been exposed to the study intervention by inhalation or skin contact then exposes his female partner prior to or around the time of conception.
Abnormal pregnancy outcomes are considered SAEs. If the outcome of the pregnancy meets the criteria for an SAE (ie, ectopic pregnancy, spontaneous abortion, intrauterine fetal demise, neonatal death, or congenital anomaly), the investigator should follow the procedures for reporting SAEs.

Ref: Pfizer document PF-07302048 (BNT162 RNA-Based COVID-19 Vaccines) Protocol C4591001


Premium Member
You are still refusing to address the issue of the reporting of the science. Until you do that you're only repeating politicized sources.
The science that Kennedy got wrong is specific in the references going back to before COVID-19, Please respond specifically to the references that document what Kennedy got wrong long before COVID-19.
You made the request I responded and you refuse to acknowledge Kennedy's false claims and conspiracy theories as documented.

You have not documented where my references from Fact Check were politicized.


Premium Member
Part V More to follow . . .
More on Kennedy

Kennedy’s Attack on Pandemic Policies​

During his campaign, Kennedy has repeatedly associated pre-vaccine public health measures to control the pandemic, such as business closures and stay-at-home orders, with what he calls an “attack” on the middle class.

“There’s been a systematic attack on our middle class, and the coup de grâce was a lockdown,” he says in an eight-minute campaign video.

The lockdowns, Kennedy told Michael Smerconish during a town hall in Pennsylvania in June, were a “16 trillion dollar expense for which we got nothing.”

“Lockdowns robbed four trillion [dollars] from the middle class and the poor in this country and transferred it to the super rich. We created five hundred new billionaires—a billionaire a day, every day,” he also told the New Yorker.

As we’ve written, several studies have found the restrictions imposed by the government in an effort to reduce the spread of the coronavirus did reduce COVID-19 cases and/or deaths. (What many people have called “lockdowns” in the U.S. were not true lockdowns, such as the ones seen in China. Stay-at-home orders, for example, limited daily movement to essential activities and were loosely enforced.)

Kennedy did not respond to our requests asking for the source of his figures, but $16 trillion appears in a viewpoint article published by two Harvard economists in JAMA in October 2020. The early estimate, however, isn’t specific to the cost of “lockdowns,” but rather, covers the total cost of the pandemic. It considered all economic losses, including premature deaths and long-term health impairment, and assumed that the pandemic would be “substantially contained by the fall of 2021.”

The 500 new billionaires number likely comes from Forbes, which in 2021 reported a record 493 people joined its “World’s Billionaires” list during the pandemic, “meaning the world on average gained a new billionaire every 17 hours” since March 18, 2020. But contrary to Kennedy’s suggestion that the billionaires are all in the U.S., the number is for the entire globe. China alone had 205 new billionaires, while the U.S. had 98.

The $4 trillion figure could come from a 2022 Oxfam analysis, which found that the net worth of billionaires across the globe increased by $3.8 trillion during the pandemic (a newer Oxfam analysis says billionaires increased their wealth by $5 trillion during the pandemic). But again, the figure isn’t specific to the U.S.

Or, Kennedy could be referring to an approximate figure for the federal response to the coronavirus, which totaled $4.6 trillion as of Jan. 31, 2023, according to the Government Accountability Office. While some of the funds were stolen, wasted or misspent, a good portion of the money went to programs to help lower and middle class people, including unemployment insurance and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or food stamps.



Well-Known Member
The science that Kennedy got wrong is specific in the references going back to before COVID-19, Please respond specifically to the references that document what Kennedy got wrong long before COVID-19.
You're assuming your conclusion that Kennedy got it wrong. Can you describe any actual relevant science, or are you only capable of repeating what some dubious source said about the science?


Premium Member
You're assuming your conclusion that Kennedy got it wrong. Can you describe any actual relevant science, or are you only capable of repeating what some dubious source said about the science?
Fact Check is not a dubious source and you can read the references yourself where Kennedy was wrong scientifically going back before COVID-19