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Most recent cases and deaths of Covid-19 are unvaccinated.


Premium Member
You have not mentioned a single specific error .. never mind corrected with references ? - so what you are saying is false nonsense... and I have no idea what this ridiculous false agenda/ cover up nonsense is about ...

That you feel insulted and abused by the fact that you believed the Gov't propaganda.. I am sorry . ... but you need to be more skeptical about what you believe .. the progressive liberal woke club lies often .. and the Covid Lies were fast and furious and numerous .. stop insulting and abusing yourself by ingesting these lies.

I guess I had s-p-e-l-l out the specific errors in posts #257 and 258 that @edonite and you failed the literacy test to read the references yourself. There are a lot more.

To reconfirm the erroneous view of Kennedy on monkey testing:

During an interview with the New Yorker, published July 7, Kennedy said he knew early on that COVID-19 vaccines “should be dead in the water” because they “won’t prevent transmission.”

“[T]he scientists all, at one point, believed that the COVID vaccine prevented transmission,” he said. “I said, No, they don’t prevent transmission, because I read the monkey studies in May of 2020, and I saw that the amount of the concentration of the virus in the nasal pharynx of the vaccinated monkey was identical to the unvaccinated monkeys.”

More abusive language does not help your case, but a remedial reading course in English might help. You obviously have not learned the lesson ALL users of abusive language are losers big time.
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Well-Known Member
Kennedy was wrong about the Monkey testing.

Kennedy is also wrong to claim that studies of the then-candidate vaccines in monkeys showed no difference in viral concentration in the nasopharynx and indicated the vaccines would have no effect on transmission. In a study published in July 2020, animals vaccinated with the Moderna vaccine and then purposely infected with the virus showed much lower levels of virus in samples from the nose and lung than purposely infected unvaccinated animals.

The authors even wrote that their study “showed early prevention of viral replication in the upper and lower airways after a high-dose challenge,” noting that “the ability to limit viral replication in both the lower and the upper airways has important implications for vaccine-induced prevention of both SARS-CoV-2 disease and transmission.”

The results were similar for Johnson & Johnson’s single-dose adenoviral COVID-19 vaccine. In a study published in Nature in July 2020, only one of the six vaccinated monkeys had any detectable virus in its nose at any time point — in sharp contrast to the unvaccinated animals, which had much more virus for a longer time.

The monkey results were more ambiguous for the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine. One vaccine design, BNT162b1, showed a more clear reduction in the viral load in nasal samples, while another, BNT162b2 — the one that was ultimately used in the vaccine — did not. But it’s not true that the amount of virus in the unvaccinated and vaccinated animals was “identical.” One day after infection, the BNT162b2-vaccinated animals had higher amounts of virus in their noses than unvaccinated controls, but for all other tested subsequent days, starting on day 3, none of the BNT162b2-vaccinated animals had any detectable virus at all in their noses, unlike the unvaccinated animals. Swabs taken from the back of the throat also showed both vaccine designs reduced the amount of virus there.

It’s possible Kennedy is thinking of the monkey test results for the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine. Those results, released in May 2020, did not show any difference in the viral load in the nose among vaccinated and unvaccinated animals — something that the Moderna authors commented on and contrasted with their results. But the AstraZeneca vaccine uses a different design than the mRNA shots and was never used in the U.S. And despite the monkey results, subsequent research suggests the AstraZeneca vaccine did reduce transmission in people.

More to follow for the illiterate

And this is relevant the original claim how, exactly?

“COVID-19 attacks certain races disproportionately. COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and Black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese.”


Well-Known Member
I was referring to @Ebionite unable to read the references himself.
I'm able to read the references. You've posted some irrelevent science about monkeys, so nothing yet that addresses Kennedy's claim about racial targeting that solves the problem of media bias due to the connection with his uncle JFK.


Well-Known Member
It's not lack of argument.
Just that having it fall on deaf eyes portends futility.

Is complete lack of argument with you .. famous for your one line wonders .

1 in 800 Severe Adverse Reaction is not "Safe" --- what part of this is your "deaf eyes" not understanding .. and what part of "They lied to you" is your ears not hearing :)


Well-Known Member
I guess I had s-p-e-l-l out the specific errors in posts #257 and 258 that @edonite and you failed the literacy test to read the references yourself. There are a lot more.
It's not about literacy, it's about the problem of reporter bias because of the political context. The burden of proof is yours in this respect, since your argument depends on the existence of facts that refute Kennedy's claim.


Well-Known Member
I guess I had s-p-e-l-l out the specific errors in posts #257 and 258 that @edonite and you failed the literacy test to read the references yourself. There are a lot more.

To reconfirm the erroneous view of Kennedy on monkey testing:

During an interview with the New Yorker, published July 7, Kennedy said he knew early on that COVID-19 vaccines “should be dead in the water” because they “won’t prevent transmission.”

“[T]he scientists all, at one point, believed that the COVID vaccine prevented transmission,” he said. “I said, No, they don’t prevent transmission, because I read the monkey studies in May of 2020, and I saw that the amount of the concentration of the virus in the nasal pharynx of the vaccinated monkey was identical to the unvaccinated monkeys.”

More abusive language does not help your case, but a remedial reading course in English might help. You obviously have not learned the lesson ALL users of abusive language are losers big time.

Sorry friend ... the above diatribe has nothing to do with anything I said .. and I am sorry that you feel abused by beging wrong .. and having your perspective corrected .. but 1 in 800 Severe Adverse Reaction after the Jab is not Safe. .. by any stretch of the imagination.

No idea about Monkey testing .. but Kennedy's claim that the mRNA Vaccines "wont prevent transmission" turned out to be correct ..

Moral of the story = Not safe and not effective at preventing transmission.. don't buy the Big Lie .. and just because you may have bought into the big lie does not make my language abusive
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Premium Member
I'm able to read the references. You've posted some irrelevant science about monkeys, so nothing yet that addresses Kennedy's claim about racial targeting that solves the problem of media bias due to the connection with his uncle JFK.
So much your reading comprehension. Res[pmd to #257, 258 and 264. Shorter citations

The erroneous false statements concerning monkey testing are specific false statements by Kennedy.

Again.. . .
During an interview with the New Yorker, published July 7, Kennedy said he knew early on that COVID-19 vaccines “should be dead in the water” because they “won’t prevent transmission.”

“[T]he scientists all, at one point, believed that the COVID vaccine prevented transmission,” he said. “I said, No, they don’t prevent transmission, because I read the monkey studies in May of 2020, and I saw that the amount of the concentration of the virus in the nasal pharynx of the vaccinated monkey was identical to the unvaccinated monkeys.”
And this is relevant the original claim how, exactly?

“COVID-19 attacks certain races disproportionately. COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and Black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese.”
Simple English: COVID-19 is not targeted to attack Caucasians and Black people. This erroneous view goes along with Kennedy's misinformation on the origins of the Virus in his book

The Wuhan Cover-Up: And the Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race (Children’s Health Defense)​


Wandering Monk

Well-Known Member
Sorry friend ... the above diatribe has nothing to do with anything I said .. and I am sorry that you feel abused by beging wrong .. and having your perspective corrected .. but 1 in 800 Severe Adverse Reaction after the Jab is not Safe. .. by any stretch of the imagination.

No idea about Monkey testing .. but Kennedy's claim that the mRNA Vaccines "wont prevent transmission" turned out to be correct ..


Premium Member
It's not about literacy, it's about the problem of reporter bias because of the political context. The burden of proof is yours in this respect, since your argument depends on the existence of facts that refute Kennedy's claim.
It is about literacy or intentional illiteracy. The errors are specific and referenced. Agin you are condemning the source because you do not like the documented information


Premium Member
Sorry friend ... the above diatribe has nothing to do with anything I said .. and I am sorry that you feel abused by beging wrong .. and having your perspective corrected .. but 1 in 800 Severe Adverse Reaction after the Jab is not Safe. .. by any stretch of the imagination.

No idea about Monkey testing .. but Kennedy's claim that the mRNA Vaccines "wont prevent transmission" turned out to be correct ..
False as documented. Your reading comprehension is deteriorating or is it intentional?


Premium Member
You haven't shown relevance.

New York Times

During an interview with the New Yorker, published July 7, Kennedy said he knew early on that COVID-19 vaccines “should be dead in the water” because they “won’t prevent transmission.”

“[T]he scientists all, at one point, believed that the COVID vaccine prevented transmission,” he said. “I said, No, they don’t prevent transmission, because I read the monkey studies in May of 2020, and I saw that the amount of the concentration of the virus in the nasal pharynx of the vaccinated monkey was identical to the unvaccinated monkeys.”


Well-Known Member
False as documented. Your reading comprehension is deteriorating or is it intentional?
Says the fellow who previously claimed that all users of abusive language are losers big time LOL .. priceless :)

and who has the reading comprehension issues ? .. your claim that Kennedy's view that the Vax won't prevent transmission is false - is completely false.

What part of "Kennedy's claim turned out to be correct" were you unable to comprehend ?
More abusive language does not help your case, but a remedial reading course in English might help. You obviously have not learned the lesson ALL users of abusive language are losers big time.

Who is the big time loser in the room Brother Shuny .. is it the one crying out that others have reading comp deficiency .. when it is themselves who have demonstrated poor reading comprehension ?


Well-Known Member

Wandering Monk

Well-Known Member
No idea why you posted this article Friend .. The Vax does not prevent transmission -- nor is a vax with an SAR of 1 in 800 Safe .. and your article does not say anthing to the contrary ?

"Some rare but serious events caused by COVID-19 vaccines were detected within months of the vaccine rollout.

Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome is a serious but rare clotting disorder. It occurs in around one in 50,000 doses of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine, with 173 cases reported in Australia. This was rapidly reported and its detection shaped the COVID-19 vaccine rollout.

Myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) has been seen more frequently, particularly in teenage boys and young men after mRNA vaccines (around two to ten cases for every 100,000 second Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine doses). While most people with myocarditis related to vaccine have mild symptoms and recover over days or weeks, a small number have more serious disease or prolonged symptoms.

Other rare conditions related to COVID-19 vaccines include anaphylaxis, Guillain-Barré syndrome and immune thrombocytopenia. However, the risk for these events is lower than the serious risks from COVID-19 itself in the absence of vaccination.

There are many “signals” or suggestions that other conditions are linked to COVID-19 vaccines. A recent study, for example, suggests a common syndrome call postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) occurred after vaccination but was five times more common after COVID-19 itself. However, as the authors of the study pointed out, further studies are needed."



Premium Member
Says the fellow who previously claimed that all users of abusive language are losers big time LOL .. priceless :)

and who has the reading comprehension issues ? .. your claim that Kennedy's view that the Vax won't prevent transmission is false - is completely false.

What part of "Kennedy's claim turned out to be correct" were you unable to comprehend ?

Who is the big time loser in the room Brother Shuny .. is it the one crying out that others have reading comp deficiency .. when it is themselves who have demonstrated poor reading comprehension ?
During an interview with the New Yorker, published July 7, Kennedy said he knew early on that COVID-19 vaccines “should be dead in the water” because they “won’t prevent transmission.”

“[T]he scientists all, at one point, believed that the COVID vaccine prevented transmission,” he said. “I said, No, they don’t prevent transmission, because I read the monkey studies in May of 2020, and I saw that the amount of the concentration of the virus in the nasal pharynx of the vaccinated monkey was identical to the unvaccinated monkeys.”

Kennedy's claim is based on a false statement concerning the monkey tests. His statement, “should be dead in the water” clearly indicates the vaccines won't work based on his false notions concerning the monkey tests. The vaccines were never designed to completely prevent infections but to greatly reduce the transmissions.

My previous statement was clear and specific, Kennedy made false statements concerning the monkey test.


Premium Member
"Some rare but serious events caused by COVID-19 vaccines were detected within months of the vaccine rollout.

Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome is a serious but rare clotting disorder. It occurs in around one in 50,000 doses of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine, with 173 cases reported in Australia. This was rapidly reported and its detection shaped the COVID-19 vaccine rollout.

Myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) has been seen more frequently, particularly in teenage boys and young men after mRNA vaccines (around two to ten cases for every 100,000 second Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine doses). While most people with myocarditis related to vaccine have mild symptoms and recover over days or weeks, a small number have more serious disease or prolonged symptoms.

Other rare conditions related to COVID-19 vaccines include anaphylaxis, Guillain-Barré syndrome and immune thrombocytopenia. However, the risk for these events is lower than the serious risks from COVID-19 itself in the absence of vaccination.

There are many “signals” or suggestions that other conditions are linked to COVID-19 vaccines. A recent study, for example, suggests a common syndrome call postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) occurred after vaccination but was five times more common after COVID-19 itself. However, as the authors of the study pointed out, further studies are needed."

This only documents that there was a small percentage of reactions to COVID-19 vaccinations a few serious. This was never doubted. There are small percentages of reactions to all vaccines


Well-Known Member
"Some rare but serious events caused by COVID-19 vaccines were detected within months of the vaccine rollout.

Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome is a serious but rare clotting disorder. It occurs in around one in 50,000 doses of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine, with 173 cases reported in Australia. This was rapidly reported and its detection shaped the COVID-19 vaccine rollout.

Myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) has been seen more frequently, particularly in teenage boys and young men after mRNA vaccines (around two to ten cases for every 100,000 second Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine doses). While most people with myocarditis related to vaccine have mild symptoms and recover over days or weeks, a small number have more serious disease or prolonged symptoms.

Other rare conditions related to COVID-19 vaccines include anaphylaxis, Guillain-Barré syndrome and immune thrombocytopenia. However, the risk for these events is lower than the serious risks from COVID-19 itself in the absence of vaccination.

There are many “signals” or suggestions that other conditions are linked to COVID-19 vaccines. A recent study, for example, suggests a common syndrome call postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) occurred after vaccination but was five times more common after COVID-19 itself. However, as the authors of the study pointed out, further studies are needed."

Thanks for finding some data but its way wrong ... :) Sorry.
Results: Pfizer and Moderna mRNA COVID-19 vaccines were associated with an excess risk of serious adverse events of special interest of 10.1 and 15.1 per 10,000 vaccinated over placebo baselines of 17.6 and 42.2 (95 % CI -0.4 to 20.6 and -3.6 to 33.8), respectively. Combined, the mRNA vaccines were associated with an excess risk of serious adverse events of special interest of 12.5 per 10,00

The problem with your study .. is that it wasn't a controled study .. it went on cases reported. What happened in hospitals is that someone would show up with Chest pains and it would not be recorded as from the Vax .. Know personally a 21 year old male .. son of a friend who was in the hospital for 3 days on morphine to to the pain .. his liver now scarred for life .. but the nurse told him No no no ..this wouldn't be from the vax.

But regardless .. the study before you is using the actual Phizer Moderna Phase III Trial Data. and it is not 2-10 cases per 100,000 - a ridiculous varience to begin with 2-10 ? what is that nonsense

we are talking 12.5 per 10,000 50 times the number if we used 2 per 100,000 .. which makes absolutely no sense .. at all .. meaning the numbers in one of these two studies is way out of wack .. and we know that one of these two studies is not out of wack .. :)


Premium Member
Sorry friend ... the above diatribe has nothing to do with anything I said .. and I am sorry that you feel abused by beging wrong .. and having your perspective corrected .. but 1 in 800 Severe Adverse Reaction after the Jab is not Safe. .. by any stretch of the imagination.

No idea about Monkey testing .. but Kennedy's claim that the mRNA Vaccines "wont prevent transmission" turned out to be correct ..

Moral of the story = Not safe and not effective at preventing transmission.. don't buy the Big Lie .. and just because you may have bought into the big lie does not make my language abusive
I was specific that Kennedy made false statements concerning the Monkey test and based his conclusions on his false statements saying the vaccines "should be dead in the water,"
No one ever claimed that the vaccines prevented transmissions.

As far as side effects, yes more than most vaccines. The vaccines were developed quickly under very difficult circumstances, unlike other vaccines that were developed over the years. The bottom line is as documented the vaccines were very very successful, and the majority of the fatalities and severe illnesses were among the unvaccinated until recently when most of the country is vaccinated.