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Most recent cases and deaths of Covid-19 are unvaccinated.


Well-Known Member
Typo...yeah, that was what happened.
I'll leave it at that.

not exactly what happened .. was more a grammar thing than typo .. but is same kind playground stupidity as the Typo Nazi ..we could call it grammar Nazism if that would be a more accurate term but that would not make it any less of a moronic deflection fallacy rabbit hole


Veteran Member
1) Preventing Transmission is a primary goal of a Vax .. The main justification for violation of Essential liberty was the prevention of transmission .. had to have a vax pass in many places. .. so what on earth are you talking about? As far as Kennedy .. I don't care what he says .. was just pointing out that his claim about Prevention of Transmission turned out to be correct.
Nope, as already pointed out several times.

The "primary goal" of a vaccine is to protect against severe illness from infectious diseases and to prevent hospitalizations and death.

Haven't you wondered why I keep asking you how you think vaccines are supposed to work?
2) "Vaccines reduce transmission" is a strange comment.. a real vaccine prevents transmission .. but we are not talking about Vaccines in General .. but the mRNA VAx .. which did not prevent transmission = no significant reduction. A slight reduction doesn't help to slow or stop transmission in any significant way .. and certainly does not get the number below a transmission rate of 1 .. which you need to stop transmission. So unfortunately .. someone is misrepresenting the truth .. "The Evidence" such as the London Study .. the Massachussets outbreak .. and the rate at which Omicron went through the population in general .. Showed that the Vax was very terrible at Transmission reduction. In my region .. the Omnicron wave infected 60% of the population in 6 weeks .. super high transmission rate .. during a normal flue season 5-20% are infected over the whole Year.
This has already been thoroughly explained to you.

mRNA Vaccines were designed to do the same thing as pretty much every other vaccine.
3) Correct that the transmission rate was different for different mutations Alpha Delta Omicron .. following the normal trent of getting more contageous but less toxic. That there is some insignificant reduction that varies from one strain to the next is thus a given .. but is an a statistically insignificant reduction -- does not prevent the spread in any significant way. If you want that . look to Australia and New Zealand who did the Full Lockdown .. that is the only thing that prevented the spead .. reduced the number to below 1 - throughout this pandemic.
Ah but didn't you also claim that masking and social distancing don't work at all? Now you want it both ways?


Veteran Member
Now that is some narly collectivist doublespeak .. characterizing information from the CDC and the journals of medical science as "Dangerous misinformation" because it conflicts with some forced medical treatment mandate you wish to impose on people.

According to Science 1 in 800 people suffer severe adverse effects Serious adverse events of special interest following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination in randomized trials in adults but this is not for silly made up list of yours "hepatitis, polio, tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis, pneumonia, flu, measles, mumps, papillomavirus, etc" ? You must have gotten confused somewhere along way and forgot that it is the mRNA vax for Covid being discussed .. not all those other things. You need to try harder to focus on what is being discused friend .. and not made up fantasy strawmen..
Don't pretend you got that crap about kids from the CDC and "journals of medical science."


Veteran Member
I did no such thing friend ? I am not the one in favor of forced medical treatment .. .. not the one spouting fake news and wild claims saying the CDC study was misleading and factually irrelevant.

It is not my fault the Study clearly shows that the Vax did not prevent transmission (and the CDC has stated this) -- and I am sorry that the media sources you been listening to have been talking up the falsehood ... Rachel Madow being the butt of many a Joke on this basis.

I did not given any deadly anti science advice .. what is this nonsense you are talking ? you are the one wishing to force unwanted medical treatment on others .. treatment that according to "The Science" can result in Serious Adverse Reaction and even death.

"Combined, the mRNA vaccines were associated with an excess risk of serious adverse events of special interest of 12.5 per 10,000 vaccinated"

"The study upon which Malhotra based his claims is a reanalysis of the serious adverse events reported in the main Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccine trials. Adverse events are health issues that occur following vaccination, but are not necessarily caused by vaccination. The authors of the study claimed to have found that people who received the vaccine had a higher risk of what are called serious adverse events of special interest than those who didn’t.

But as we’ve explained before, one of the problems of the paper is that while the authors focused on serious adverse events of special interest, the trial reported all serious adverse events. As a result, the authors chose the events they thought corresponded to the ones of special interest, which could have resulted in cherry-picking, critics say.

A second issue is that the authors compared the number of people hospitalized with COVID-19 with the number of adverse events of special interest – instead of comparing it with the number of people who experienced these events. That’s problematic because each person could report multiple symptoms or conditions.

Also, a hospitalization can be more serious than some of the adverse events, such as rashes or diarrhea, as Susan Oliver, an Australian scientist who corrects misinformation on YouTube, has explained.

Fraiman has argued against that critique and others. But Jeffrey Morris, director of the division of biostatistics at the University of Pennsylvania, told us in December that the authors’ response to the problems raised was not “sufficient or convincing.”

The benefits of vaccination are also underestimated in the study, Morris told us, because while the protection lasts a long time, the data only reflect the duration of the trials.

By ignoring the rest of the vast literature on the COVID-19 vaccines in favor of a single, flawed analysis, Malhotra is exaggerating the risks of vaccination and providing a misleading and highly skewed view of the risks and benefits."



Veteran Member
Why are you projecting your desire to control the healthcare decisions of others on to me .. as if this is my issue ? I am not the one wanting to force medical treatment on others via Law .. violating bodily autonomy. That is the song you have been singing .. chirping along with those progressive Blue Tropes .. not understanding but looking for hope . Thats not my path friend .. big fan of the Constitutional Republic and the founding principle. Essential liberty not something to be carelessly disgaurded on the basis of fallacious utilitarianism ..

So no no no Friend ... I won't be forcing no medical treatment your direction .. as the good book says .. don't do to others what you don't want done to you .. If you don't want others messing with your right to bodily autonomy .. then don't do that to them.. and this includes the use of force or coercion in the workplace .. threatening one's job if you don't have sex with the boss ..

Not me wanting to tell women what they should do with an accidental pregnancy .. try to force them to carry pregnancy to term .. like these folks engaged in the collectivist fallacious utilitarinism .. as justification for law .. pounding the propaganda .. as justification for violation.

Nope Brother Revol - you got me mixed up with someone else .. someone with no respect for essential individual liberty.
Not one single person on this thread has advocated for forcing anyone to take a vaccine. Enough with these silly accusations already. They make you look dishonest.

Also, do you have some sort of aversion to proper grammar and sentence structure?


Veteran Member
I did not make any false statements about vaccine danger ? and who are these "Weak minded" who have nothing better than false accusation "Strawman fallacy" .. and personal invective ..

There is no right to exclude others on the basis of vax status .. any more than the right to exclude Jews - Gays or Black folk on the basis of fallacious utilitarianism .. Who is the one who .. in your words "misunderstands so very much" LOL

"No one should be forced to vaccinate" -- Excellent .. glad you finally understand that "Jab or lose job -(or other consequence)" is forced medical treatment .. that finally you have seen the light and are against such law .. and that you are now against Biden Mandates.

Last - the belief that there is no danger from the mRNA vaccines is false .. is this the "Misguided falsehood" you were referring to ? Myocharditis is one of the dangers you can go to this Gov't site and read about Myocharditis and other dangers. COVID-19 vaccine safety: Report on side effects following immunization - Canada.ca
Why are you going on as though all of this has not been thoroughly addressed and refuted several times over in this thread?

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Stranger than the typo Nazi ? I don't think so .. how one would think the typo nazism is an argument for something is as strange as it gets friend. or how about them folks running around wanting to forcefully Jab thy neighbor .. wanting mandates and so on .. haters of liberty these folks. Do you not agree that hatred of liberty and freedom is even stranger than .... :)

Speed limits, stop signs, and traffic lights also trample liberty. We should have the freedom to drive at whatever speed we want and to stop or go whenever we want. "Public safety" is just a pretext for tyranny.


Well-Known Member

Wandering Monk

Well-Known Member

You need to Google this guy, Steve Kirsch. And how is a police detective more qualified to diagnose cause of sudden infant death than the doctors who filled out the death certificates?

In May 2021, Kirsch posted an article online claiming that COVID-19 vaccines affect fertility, while also underplaying the vaccines' ability to prevent illness and death, both statements criticized by fact checkers as being inaccurate and misleading.[14] In September 2021, speaking at an FDA meeting and identifying himself as CETF's executive director, Kirsch claimed that the vaccines "kill twice as many as they save"; the FDA responded that Kirsch had misinterpreted data and that there was no evidence his statement was true.[11][15] Reuters assessed the claim as false.[15]
In October 2021, Kirsch founded the anti-vaccine group Vaccine Safety Research Foundation (VSRF),[16] which created ads depicting deaths the group attributed to vaccines.[17][18] Foundation advisors include Robert Malone, Peter McCullough, and Stephanie Seneff. Before this, in June 2021, Kirsch had appeared with Malone on the Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying podcast, which according to MIT Technical Review "introduced Kirsch to followers of the 'intellectual dark web'" and allowed him to access a "large and receptive audience to his claims about a fluvoxamine conspiracy".[11]

Wandering Monk

Well-Known Member
From KFF (Formerly the Kaiser Family Foundation):

From MIT Technology Review:



A striving disciple of Jesus Christ
Speed limits, stop signs, and traffic lights also trample liberty. We should have the freedom to drive at whatever speed we want and to stop or go whenever we want. "Public safety" is just a pretext for tyranny.
Humans don't have an inherent right to speed or run stop signs or traffic lights, so a simple argument that such laws regulating such actions trample liberty is a strawman assertion. On the other hand, "public safety" does become a de facto pretext for tyranny when government compels the injection of a substance into one's body—over which government is not sovereign—without due process.
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Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Humans don't have an inherent right to speed or run stop signs or traffic lights, so a simple argument that such laws regulating such actions trample liberty is a strawman assertion.
But they have an inherent right to transmit infectious diseases? Both behaviors endanger others.
On the other hand, "public safety" does become a de facto pretext for tyranny when government compels the injection of a substance into one's body—over which government is not sovereign—without due process.
If the government isn't sovereign over the body, then I assume you're pro-choice when it comes to reproductive freedom, as well as pro trans rights?


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
You need to Google this guy, Steve Kirsch. And how is a police detective more qualified to diagnose cause of sudden infant death than the doctors who filled out the death certificates?

In May 2021, Kirsch posted an article online claiming that COVID-19 vaccines affect fertility, while also underplaying the vaccines' ability to prevent illness and death, both statements criticized by fact checkers as being inaccurate and misleading.[14] In September 2021, speaking at an FDA meeting and identifying himself as CETF's executive director, Kirsch claimed that the vaccines "kill twice as many as they save"; the FDA responded that Kirsch had misinterpreted data and that there was no evidence his statement was true.[11][15] Reuters assessed the claim as false.[15]
In October 2021, Kirsch founded the anti-vaccine group Vaccine Safety Research Foundation (VSRF),[16] which created ads depicting deaths the group attributed to vaccines.[17][18] Foundation advisors include Robert Malone, Peter McCullough, and Stephanie Seneff. Before this, in June 2021, Kirsch had appeared with Malone on the Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying podcast, which according to MIT Technical Review "introduced Kirsch to followers of the 'intellectual dark web'" and allowed him to access a "large and receptive audience to his claims about a fluvoxamine conspiracy".[11]
His claim (if it were true) is like the various statistics cited
to reach a wrong-but-obvious conclusion of danger.
M most car accidents happen within 5 minutes of home.
Bogus conclusion: Stay away from home.

Even if vaccination did result in some SIDS cases, it would
be necessary to compare the morbidity & mortality rates
of vaccination vs non-vaccination.
SIDS is uncommon, & has been waning over the decades
to under 40 per 100,000 live births. But the dangers of
not vaccinating infants is far greater due to contracting
the diseases otherwise prevented.

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