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Most recent cases and deaths of Covid-19 are unvaccinated.


Premium Member
I would disagree... not only did He create the body (in light of my signature) - but Jesus even healed lepers.

Even though you do speak and see things through the Christian perspective. Mixing reliigion, false information, medicine, and science is a toxic mix.
Broad brush, misapplication of what we are talking about, apples vs oranges - you name it, you crossed it :)
This is indeed the problem with posts by you particularly you mix religion and science.
1) I have never said all vaccinations are bad.
2) Reasoning for one particular application doesn't translate into all applications unless you are for all types of lies just because you someone lied to save lives means you can lie about anything
3) Never said doctors are bad - I went to the doctor for my fractured ankle. (you can find eccentrics in any field--even atheists who say prayers never work)
4) Elmer Gantry has nothing to do with what we are talking about.

irrelevance gone to seed.

. . . but you have made false statements and selective misrepresentation of sources. The misrepresentation of Ivermectin Ivermectin | COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines is an example.
Have no idea what you are trying to say:

  • When taking account of region, population density, socio-demographic and household characteristics, and ethnic background, those who identified as Jewish at the time of the 2011 Census showed an increased risk of a death involving COVID-19 compared with the Christian population; Jewish males were at twice the risk of Christian males, with the difference in females being 1.2 times greater risk (additional data and analyses are required to understand this excess risk).

So are you saying that one shouldn't be Jewish if you are male and have Covid? Jewish faith is more deadly? Jewish people need more vaccinations than Christians?

Back to "Statistically, you can make it say anything you want"

:) Didn't you trust the first one? So, thank you for proving what I was saying... you don't see the orthopedic surgeons as gods. But they are a help :)

I'm happy you are open to learn​

"Research and Discovery​

In this early stage of vaccine development, researchers explore their idea for a potential vaccine. Vaccine development often takes 10-15 years of laboratory research, usually at a company in private industry, but often involves collaboration with researchers at a university."


Almost one-third of new drugs approved by the FDA ended up years later with warnings about unexpected, sometimes life-threatening side effects.

That is understandable particularly the urgent rush to develop vaccines for COVID-19 killing millions.
Collusion in government forcing outlets to say the same thing.

Yes... there are people who go to extremes like atheists who say there is no God and prayer doesn't work
Again . . . bringing religion into the discussion here does not contribute to the discussion.

Atheism or whatever there is absolutely no evidence that prayer works in any consistent manner. Millions prayed to live and died.
So... you want the government to force how you live your life?
Ivermectin Ivermectin | COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines

Misrepresentation of the source.
Yes, obesity contributes to the poor outcome of COVID-19 infections, but this is true for all severe diseases and infections, and how long one lives.

Over the top sarcasm does not help your argument
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Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
Even though you do speak and see things through the Christian perspective. Mixing reliigion, false information, medicine, and science is a toxic mix.
Can be... but not for me.

This is indeed the problem with posts by you particularly you mix religion and science.
Can be... but not for me

. . . but you have made false statements and selective misrepresentation of sources.
??? - If I made and error, does it change what is true?

thank you - Maybe you will understand, then, the next statement
That is understandable particularly the urgent rush to develop vaccines for COVID-19 killing millions.

OK... so here is the crux... yes... it killed millions and still kills... but at least you can understand why some people were hesitant.

I contracted COVID 19 before there was a vaccine. I had natural anti-bodies but was being told "YOU MUST GET VACCINATED ANYWAYS" even though in other countries you didn't have to. Totalitarianism imv

Thank you... maybe you will understand then my previous statement
Again . . . bringing religion into the discussion here does not contribute to the discussion.

Not for me.
Atheism or whatever there is absolutely no evidence that prayer works in any consistent manner.

Opinions based on faulty trials

Misrepresentation of the source.

how so? It is black and white.
Yes, obesity contributes to the poor outcome of COVID-19 infections, but this is true for all severe diseases and infections.

Over the top sarcasm does not help your argument
No... just applying your position to the main cause of death by Covid. Government must be the answer
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Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I would disagree... not only did He create the body (in light of my signature) - but Jesus even healed lepers.
If there really were an omniscient omnipotent
god behind it all, the human body would've
been better designed. Oh, & the human mind
was a major failure by it.

I'll have to respond to the rest later.
Tis a rare occasion where I've some work to do.
Broad brush, misapplication of what we are talking about, apples vs oranges - you name it, you crossed it :)

1) I have never said all vaccinations are bad.
2) Reasoning for one particular application doesn't translate into all applications unless you are for all types of lies just because you someone lied to save lives means you can lie about anything
3) Never said doctors are bad - I went to the doctor for my fractured ankle. (you can find eccentrics in any field--even atheists who say prayers never work)
4) Elmer Gantry has nothing to do with what we are talking about.
The broad brush was an attempt to elicit where you stand.
I now a little more than before.
irrelevance gone to seed.
It still seems to address your posts that assume
treating epidemiologists as inerrant gods.
To understand that their understand of things,
sophisticated though it be, will change over time.
Have no idea what you are trying to say:
I don't have a better way to phrase it.
  • When taking account of region, population density, socio-demographic and household characteristics, and ethnic background, those who identified as Jewish at the time of the 2011 Census showed an increased risk of a death involving COVID-19 compared with the Christian population; Jewish males were at twice the risk of Christian males, with the difference in females being 1.2 times greater risk (additional data and analyses are required to understand this excess risk).

So are you saying that one shouldn't be Jewish if you are male and have Covid? Jewish faith is more deadly? Jewish people need more vaccinations than Christians?
I'm saying that one shouldn't let religious belief
trump science when it has adverse conquences.
It's OK to believe that swinging a chicken over
one's head to feed the hungry (Jews), but it's
not OK to teach that vaccinations are dangerous.
Back to "Statistically, you can make it say anything you want"
You remind me of Homer Simpson's lament that
he hates it when people use words to say things.
The problem with words is also the problem with
statistics, ie, mis-using them.
:) Didn't you trust the first one? So, thank you for proving what I was saying... you don't see the orthopedic surgeons as gods. But they are a help :)
I trusted the first one.
But I always find benefit in seeking more info.
But I sense that you favor finding 2nd opinions outside
of experts in the field at issue...like my friend who won't
use Johns Hopkins, but will use Christian radio shows
for medical info.
I'm happy you are open to learn

"Research and Discovery​

In this early stage of vaccine development, researchers explore their idea for a potential vaccine. Vaccine development often takes 10-15 years of laboratory research, usually at a company in private industry, but often involves collaboration with researchers at a university."


Almost one-third of new drugs approved by the FDA ended up years later with warnings about unexpected, sometimes life-threatening side effects.

That doesn't at all address whether to vaccinate or not has
the best outcome. All vaccines have risks. Did you know
that not being vaccinated has risks? They're even worse.
But then comparing the results of each outcome would
involve statistics....which you suggest aren't trustworthy.

BTW, I offered anecdotal evidence of my acquaintances'
experience, ie, that vaccination is good, not being
vaccinated has lead to terrible disease, & even death
from Covid 19.

Collusion in government forcing outlets to say the same thing.
Are you claiming (by "collusion") a government conspiracy
to falsely tell people that vaccination is good?
Yes... there are people who go to extremes like atheists who say there is no God and prayer doesn't work
It sounds from your posts, eg, about "collusion"
that you believe some of those extremes.
So... you want the government to force how you live your life?
Did I say that?
You don't say why you post this link.
I thought you favored using Ivermectin to treat Covid 19.
But this link recommends against it.
I'm having a tough time figuring out what you believe.
And I thought the biggest issue was with people who are overweight... https://www.science.org/content/article/why-covid-19-more-deadly-people-obesity-even-if-theyre-young


Why are you introducing obesity?
Your posts seem disjointed...rather non sequitur.


I badger people about such things because sometimes
it does good. I convinced one anti-vaxer recently to
get the shingles vaccine. He thought he was immune,
but I explained how his advanced age & diabetes were
strong risk factors, & how bad even a mild case can be.
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Premium Member
Can be... but not for me.

Can be... but not for me


thank you - Maybe you will understand, then, the next statement

OK... so here is the crux... yes... it killed millions and still kills... but at least you can understand why some people were hesitant.
Hesitant is different than a widespread anti-vax refusal to take the vaccine of their own free will decision that resulted in a higher fatality and hospitalization rates.
I contracted COVID 19 before there was a vaccine. I had natural anti-bodies but was being told "YOU MUST GET VACCINATED ANYWAYS" even though in other countries you didn't have to. Totalitarianism imv

Unless you were an employee in the healthcare industry or in some cases public employees you were not forced to take the vaccine
Thank you... maybe you will understand then my previous statement
No one was physically forced in the general public, health care workers and many government employees were required because of their intimate involvement with people so that not to spread COVID-19, and it was successful in reducing the transmission.

The rate of severe COVID-19 in the public was much greater than that did not take the vaccines
Not for me.
Okay, but muddies the picture concerning the science involved.
Opinions based on faulty trials

No trials were necessary. It is based on the simple root facts of history, millions died of COVID-19 and prayed as well as in pandemics in the past, and yes a few claimed to be healed by prayer
how so? It is black and white.
It is not black and white in the context erroneously asserted., but selective misrepresentation of sources is unethical.

So... you want the government to force how you live your life?
Ivermectin Ivermectin | COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines

Ivermectin was found conclusively not to be an effective treatment for COVID-19 by several research studies, and not authorized to be prescribed for that purpose. This is the responsibility of the government to only authorize drugs and treatments that are effective for that purpose.

Yes ivermectin continued to be used in some countries and by individuals in the USA, but with no significant benefit.
No... just applying your position to the main cause of death by Covid. Government must be the answer.
No, the vast majority of the deaths and severe cases of COVID-19 were in the public that were unvaccinated of their own free will in the first year or so of the pandemic after vaccines became available
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Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
There is some truth in what you are saying... as long as we remember that there have been lawsuits against healthcare providers, researches and drug companies because they hid information.
Yes, that happens. But like bad things the government actually did (rather than conspiracy fantasies) comes to light in resesrch, metastudies and regular people speaking up.
But there is ZERO anything credible to suggest the covid vaccine is changing DNA. It's just as much bullcrap as bleach, ivermectin, heard immunity and Trump's surgically inserted light.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
If there really were an omniscient omnipotent
god behind it all, the human body would've
been better designed. Oh, & the human mind
was a major failure by it.
Yeah. If they want to claim a creator they really need to lower the bar from omniscient and omnipotent and infallible and settle for something more on par with an engineer at Ford.


aged ecumenical anthropologist

The president cannot control the media since they're privately owned, but they tried to get some media to not post potentially dangerous "information" from others that could jeopardize innocent lives. If I encourage you to do that which may hurt you or others, then I can be held accountable for that. Many on the Pub Party were spouting utter dishonesty by telling others that the vaccines and masks didn't work in spite of the overwhelming medical evidence that they did help.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
Hesitant is different than a widespread anti-vax refusal to take the vaccine of their own free will decision that resulted in a higher fatality and hospitalization rates.

You will have to use a better source than what you offered. Apparently "religion" had nothing to do with it since within religious people differed in fatality rates. Made the whole of the report very suspect.

Unless you were an employee in the healthcare industry or in some cases public employees you were not forced to take the vaccine


Across the country, employers are firing workers for refusing to comply with vaccine mandates. Some people are opting to quit their jobs rather than take the shot.

many sued to get recompense.

No one was physically forced in the general public, health care workers and many government employees were required because of their intimate involvement with people so that not to spread COVID-19, and it was successful in reducing the transmission.

The rate of severe COVID-19 in the public was much greater than that did not take the vaccines

Please see previous statements.

Okay, but muddies the picture concerning the science involved.

It can but it doesn't have to. One could say that many in the medical field disagreed with the CDC and also "muddied the picture". I would say it clarified it.
No trials were necessary. It is based on the simple root facts of history, millions died of COVID-19 and prayed as well as in pandemics in the past, and yes a few claimed to be healed by prayer
And then you wonder why people didn't want it?

It is not black and white in the context erroneously asserted., but selective misrepresentation of sources is unethical.

So... you want the government to force how you live your life?
Ivermectin Ivermectin | COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines

Ivermectin was found conclusively not to be an effective treatment for COVID-19 by several research studies, and not authorized to be prescribed for that purpose. This is the responsibility of the government to only authorize drugs and treatments that are effective for that purpose.

Yes ivermectin continued to be used in some countries and by individuals in the USA, but with no significant benefit.
Contradictory. Your statement contradicts the NIH government site

No, the vast majority of the deaths and severe cases of COVID-19 were in the public that were unvaccinated of their own free will in the first year or so of the pandemic after vaccines became available

Answer in above posts. Also to very-narrowly-focused in scope because it doesn't take int account the fact that after multiple 10's of millions of people had already contracted Covid and by the nature of having contracted produce antibodies so the number of people who could die was already reduced. Numbers naturally will go down

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Answer in above posts. Also to very-narrowly-focused in scope because it doesn't take int account the fact that after multiple 10's of millions of people had already contracted Covid and by the nature of having contracted produce antibodies so the number of people who could die was already reduced. Numbers naturally will go down
Those antibodies don't last forever and it's WAY safer to get the vaccine than catch a disease that can make you severely ill, chronically ill or even kill you.
Again, this is why we use real medical sources, specifically those pertaining to virology, not blogs or cable news or echo chambers or whatever sources where nonexperts masquerade as experts.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
Those antibodies don't last forever and it's WAY safer to get the vaccine than catch a disease that can make you severely ill, chronically ill or even kill you.
you will need to support that. Not to mention we still haven't quantified the side effects of the new form of vaccination

Again, this is why we use real medical sources, specifically those pertaining to virology, not blogs or cable news or echo chambers or whatever sources where nonexperts masquerade as experts.
I agree


aged ecumenical anthropologist

How long do COVID-19 antibodies stay in the body?​

COVID-19 antibodies can stay in the body for a few months or over a year.
Antibodies are proteins that recognize and bind to specific viruses, bacteria, or other foreign substances and help neutralize them.

While experts do not know exactly how long these antibodies stay in the body, the most recent research suggests that adults who contract the SARS-CoV-2 virus develop circulating antibodies that last nearly 500 days. This is the equivalent of about 16.4 months.
A person can develop immunity from COVID-19 following vaccination, natural infection, or a combination of both. The immune system produces antibodies, also called immunoglobulins, in response to the SARS-CoV-2 virus or COVID-19 vaccines.
A person’s immune system usually provides some level of lifelong protection against the same virus after the initial infection. However, the level of protection may diminish over time. The combination of natural and vaccine-based immunity is likely to protect for a longer period.
This article looks at COVID-19 immunity after infection and how long it may last.
All data and statistics are based on publicly available data at the time of publication. Some information may be out of date. Visit our coronavirus hub for the most recent information on COVID-19.--
COVID-19 immunity after infection: How long do antibodies last?

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Can be... but not for me.
He wrote, "Even though you do speak and see things through the Christian perspective. Mixing religion, false information, medicine, and science is a toxic mix." Interesting answer. Does this mean that you mixed religion, false information, and science - by which I mean allowed faith or false information to inform your choices contrary to the science - and it worked out alright?

I haven't read most of your posts in this thread, so I don't know whether you are unvaccinated or if you recommended or took ivermectin or engaged in any other pseudoscience, but if you did and were unharmed, that's no more a good example or evidence of good thinking than drunk driving, coming home alive, and saying "That can be lethal, but it wasn't for me."
Opinions based on faulty trials
How would you know? I'm pretty sure that you aren't qualified to evaluate a clinical trial and identify design flaws in it. Nor would I expect you to be able to interpret the raw data to determine if the publishers of the study understood it properly in their conclusions.

Here's a major study showing that prayer conferred no benefit in cardiovascular surgery, and knowledge of it was actually deleterious. The study survived peer review even if it doesn't pass Kenny review:

Background: Intercessory prayer is widely believed to influence recovery from illness, but claims of benefits are not supported by well-controlled clinical trials. Prior studies have not addressed whether prayer itself or knowledge/certainty that prayer is being provided may influence outcome. We evaluated whether (1) receiving intercessory prayer or (2) being certain of receiving intercessory prayer was associated with uncomplicated recovery after coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery.​
Methods: Patients at 6 US hospitals were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 groups: 604 received intercessory prayer after being informed that they may or may not receive prayer; 597 did not receive intercessory prayer also after being informed that they may or may not receive prayer; and 601 received intercessory prayer after being informed they would receive prayer. Intercessory prayer was provided for 14 days, starting the night before CABG. The primary outcome was presence of any complication within 30 days of CABG. Secondary outcomes were any major event and mortality.​
Results: In the 2 groups uncertain about receiving intercessory prayer, complications occurred in 52% (315/604) of patients who received intercessory prayer versus 51% (304/597) of those who did not (relative risk 1.02, 95% CI 0.92-1.15). Complications occurred in 59% (352/601) of patients certain of receiving intercessory prayer compared with the 52% (315/604) of those uncertain of receiving intercessory prayer (relative risk 1.14, 95% CI 1.02-1.28). Major events and 30-day mortality were similar across the 3 groups.​
Conclusions: Intercessory prayer itself had no effect on complication-free recovery from CABG, but certainty of receiving intercessory prayer was associated with a higher incidence of complications.​
Apparently "religion" had nothing to do with it since within religious people differed in fatality rates.
That's an error. That fact does NOT mean that religion was not a factor in their death rates.
we still haven't quantified the side effects of the new form of vaccination
Sure we have, sufficiently to recommend it. What YOU don't know doesn't limit or define what is known or what can be intelligently recommended.

Do you take an annual flu shot? If not, you should. And that is no different. Covid and influenza are very similar respiratory diseases with similar morbidities and mortality rates caused by viruses that mutate annually and require an annual vaccine, which does not prevent transmission but does reduce the risk of severe disease and death.
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Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
you will need to support that.
This is why we use REAL sources.
Not to mention we still haven't quantified the side effects of the new form of vaccination
Yes, we have. And it's not entirely new. It's ased on older technology and we know from studying vaccines that we have seen the side effects that happen.
Then why do you not do that? You've made it obvious you aren't informed by credible sources. Like your thing about religion making a difference. That's just as true as saying tonight Cthulhu will arise and feast on our souls.


Well-Known Member
Kennedy has a history of anti-vax dishonesty. Your anti-vax ranting continues unabated denying the factual evidence provided.

Please respond to post #295 if you can understand the references. This is specifically related to the topic.

Sorry to prick that You are constantly lying, manipulating selective evidence based on your devotion and denial of Kennedy and an anti-vax agenda.

Don't care about Kennedy .. bringing him up was deflection down a rabbit hole to begin with .. and I told you what the problem was with his monkey argument .. though you didn't know .. but pretended to .. never able to clarify. .. but this matters not other than some silly ad hom fallacy

What matters is that part of Kennedy's claim turned out to be correct .. the Vax did not prevent transmission to any significant degree. Unfortunate but true. and the only folks who got any benefit that we can discern .. is a small group of generally old -obese - severely immune compromized - "Ready to Go" .

So not much benefit .. but relatively speaking .. a rather high risk of harm compared to the old style vaccines .. part of the problem - or perhaps the main problem.. that it does not stay in your arm where it is supposed to - (like a good little vaccine) instead these little nano-particles go racing around your body .. ending up who knows where .. here there and everywhere but in what concentration .. they are nano particle ?

What these particles do is when they run into a cell -- they interrupt its daily function .. over-ride the code and get the cell to start making spike proteins .. which then causes an immune response .. of sorts ... .. the of sorts is because a normal immune respones is to 20 or 30 different kinds of these spike proteins .. this is only to one .. but I digress

"Nano-Particles" -- running around -- if concentrate in the liver .. then these cells start making the protein. but these cells were not supposed to be doing this .. and cause swelling .. scarring - myocharditis. ... if in the Brain .. some other hairy cary. That Journal Article .. the other fellow introduced .. 1 in 800 severe adverse reaction. and if male 16-30 .. more like 1 in 300 SAR. Which is startling. Jab 3 times a year for 10 years and the chance of a "Severe Adverse Event" is now 1 in 10.

Combined, the mRNA vaccines were associated with an excess risk of serious adverse events of special interest of 12.5 per 10,000 vaccinated

My Region ..5 million people .. saw a 100% increase in annual deaths from Covid... Hospitals near capacity - during the delta wave .. but .. what would one expect with a doubling of capacity. In a normal season Influenza-Pneumonia - we lose 20 per 100,000. Covid took 40-`100,000. so 100% seems like alot but not really 999,960 Survived .. and that extra was all from a small category .. folks mostly ready to go .. just maybe had another month .. or maybe a year .. but something was going to get them .. as with the others .. 9 out of 10 people dying from the Influenza- Covid - die from Pneumonia. .. in case you didn't know what is going to take us all .. sans an asteroid or other calamity .. the one thing you can't avoid or outrun .. when you lose the bacterial battle .. your troops lose the battle .. cause you didn't give them the ivermectin anti parasitic treatment .. that bacterial infection is a parasitic infection right ? and no side effects .. gazillions of doses given .. safe as can be .. so might as well give a try ..in conjunction with the other treatments most of which were normal until Covid .. but for some reason they stopped treatment of Pneumonia the normal way .. no more Grand'ma's elixers either.. strange stuff


It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
What matters is that part of Kennedy's claim turned out to be correct .. the Vax did not prevent transmission to any significant degree. Unfortunate but true. and the only folks who got any benefit that we can discern .. is a small group of generally old -obese - severely immune compromized - "Ready to Go" .
I don't mind that you have bought into the pseudoscience for yourself, but I do object to you spreading it, and will always correct errors like yours when I see them.

What matters regarding decisions about taking the vaccine or not is not what Kennedy said, but that the vaccine was very effective at preventing severe disease and death, and moderately effective at preventing long Covid.

You're also wrong with that last sentence. Did you look at the link I provided to the Duncan family of Kansas, which sustained a dozen deaths and a few strokes in survivors? If you had, you would have seen the photos and ages of those who died in that family. They don't fit the profile you just described at all: The Duncan Family of Shawnee, KS vs COVID

And you're exactly wrong about the severely immunocompromised getting the most benefit from the vaccine. Do you not understand how vaccines work? They require a competent immune response. Colin Powell was vaccinated but died of Covid anyway. He had multiple myeloma, a bone marrow disease, which prevented him from mounting a competent reaction to the injected antigens: Colin Powell, trailblazing soldier and statesman who made case for Iraq invasion, dies of Covid at 84

And severe illness and death (and financial collapse and orphaning children) were not the only significant complications mitigated by vaccination: "12 studies reported data on vaccination before infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and 10 showed a significant reduction in the incidence of long covid" Effect of covid-19 vaccination on long covid: systematic review | BMJ Medicine There are people still grappling with this, many unable to work or care for their families.

And then there's the late sequelae of viral infection that isn't cleared from the body. You don't want that bugger to make a home in your body. While the vaccine only prevented maybe 30% of infections, infection in the vaccinated involved a smaller viral load for a shorter time. I don't think most people realize that AIDS is long HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), cervical cancer is long HPV (papillomavirus), Multiple Sclerosis is long EPV (Epstein-Barr Virus), Alzheimer's is long HSV (herpes simple virus), and liver cancer is long HCV (hepatitis C virus).


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
What matters is that part of Kennedy's claim turned out to be correct .. the Vax did not prevent transmission to any significant degree.
This is an example of prevarication, ie, lying using facts to
mislead. Kennedy trots out this factoid (a dubious fact) to
give the impression that vaccines lack efficacy. He ignores
facts about vaccines reducing the risk of severity of Covid 19,
there by reducing mortality, hospitalizations, & Long Covid.
Why ignore vaccine benefits?
To manipulate gullible people who fear vaccines & the federal
government into supporting his political ambitions.

As for not reducing transmissibility, that's an unsupported
claim. He can likely cite a result from some limited study,
but transmissibility is a function of many things outside of
narrowly focused research, eg, the vaccinated population
being infectious for shorter duration, fewer infected people
in hospitals.

Also, there is evidence that vaccines reduce transmission.
Rates depends upon which vaccine & which Covid variant.


Well-Known Member
I don't mind that you have bought into the pseudoscience for yourself, but I do object to you spreading it, and will always correct errors like yours when I see them.

What matters regarding decisions about taking the vaccine or not is not what Kennedy said, but that the vaccine was very effective at preventing severe disease and death, and moderately effective at preventing long Covid.

"The Pseudoscience" -- is what you are spouting - don't be pinning that label on me. "Vax was very effective at preventing severe disease and death" .. is one of the propaganda tropes ... Gov'ts around the world -- Lying to people - so I don't blame you for ingesting .. one of many.

What I presented was the Science .. the Clinical Trial Data from "Moderna and Pfizer". This data showed a high Severe Adverse Reaction Rate ( 12.5 per 10,000) in general but particularly aggressive in males 16-30... having a 300% higher rate of Myocharditis.

How many healthy children did the Vax prevent from "Severe disease and Death" ? Start out with Alpha and Delta prior to the Vax .. the first year of Covid.. how many dead healthy children ? and how is this compared to a normal flu-pneumonia season. .. back up your claim.