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Mostly to the US people (Civil war?)


Well-Known Member
Participants were also asked: “Looking ahead to the next 10 years, how likely do you think it is that there will be a civil war in this country?”

Among all US citizens, 43% said civil war was at least somewhat likely. Among strong Democrats and independents that figure was 40%. But among strong Republicans, 54% said civil war was at least somewhat likely.

More than 40% of Americans think civil war likely within a decade

Is that a thought/fear/expectation that people here on the forum have as well, that it might turn out that way?

Personally, I have only just heard about it, I knew that things between people in the US weren't good after the whole Trump/Biden thing, but didn't know that it was so bad as many seen to suggest.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Participants were also asked: “Looking ahead to the next 10 years, how likely do you think it is that there will be a civil war in this country?”

Among all US citizens, 43% said civil war was at least somewhat likely. Among strong Democrats and independents that figure was 40%. But among strong Republicans, 54% said civil war was at least somewhat likely.

More than 40% of Americans think civil war likely within a decade

Is that a thought/fear/expectation that people here on the forum have as well, that it might turn out that way?

Personally, I have only just heard about it, I knew that things between people in the US weren't good after the whole Trump/Biden thing, but didn't know that it was so bad as many seen to suggest.

Civil War starts with the lunatic fringe as a warning sign.

So far it's just been the fringe and nothing else, it's when the next step occurs, when states use their own power to resist when I would say a real civil war could occur in a decade or so.

So far I don't see the latter happening, so I don't think it's actually that close yet.

I do think we are in a "cold" civil war however on social media.


Staff member
Premium Member
Participants were also asked: “Looking ahead to the next 10 years, how likely do you think it is that there will be a civil war in this country?”

Among all US citizens, 43% said civil war was at least somewhat likely. Among strong Democrats and independents that figure was 40%. But among strong Republicans, 54% said civil war was at least somewhat likely.

More than 40% of Americans think civil war likely within a decade

Is that a thought/fear/expectation that people here on the forum have as well, that it might turn out that way?

Personally, I have only just heard about it, I knew that things between people in the US weren't good after the whole Trump/Biden thing, but didn't know that it was so bad as many seen to suggest.

I think the worst thing is many on either side see their political opponents as evil(for lack of a better term) now, instead of people with differing opinions. We cannot compromise, we cannot try to understand, because these people are rotten to their core, and are a threat to us/families/planet/penguins/etc.

I don't even know how civil war would fix it, at this point. :shrug:

Secret Chief

I think the worst thing is many on either side see their political opponents as evil(for lack of a better term) now, instead of people with differing opinions. We cannot compromise, we cannot try to understand, because these people are rotten to their core, and are a threat to us/families/planet/penguins/etc.

I don't even know how civil war would fix it, at this point. :shrug:

It just shows how out of touch you are if you can't see the threat to penguins. And meerkats.


Staff member
Premium Member
To fail to recognize the core Trump forces as evil is more than irresponsible.

There's evil in the 'Trump forces', as you put it, but the people... so many of them seem misguided, lied to, brainwashed in some cases... what led them to be that disgruntled that they've resorted to such?

It really isn't okay, but... what do we do with this? I guess it hits too close to home for me to write off people on either side as 'bad'... I have people in my family that vote on both sides. Its forced me to question deeply what's going on, and why, and it doesn't really seem simple to me.

Secret Chief

We both know I'm out of touch... no question there.

See, I didn't even mention the meerkats! How far behind the times am I?
Well, seriously, you can't be totally out of touch, cos everyone knows about the unrest in the armadillo community. ..... You do know about that don't you?

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
There's evil in the 'Trump forces', as you put it, but ...
What I said is: "To fail to recognize the core Trump forces as evil is more than irresponsible."

And, yes, their supporters run the gamut from frustrated to neo-fascist. But this has been effectively the case throughout history. It is hardly a reason to obscure a coordinated, evil assault on human rights.


Advaita Vedanta, Theosophy, Spiritualism
Premium Member
Participants were also asked: “Looking ahead to the next 10 years, how likely do you think it is that there will be a civil war in this country?”
What would it take to be called a Civil War?

You could argue we're in one now. If you mean a hot war, like the last Civil War it seems essentially impossible. There can always be a few violent incidents even now.


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
There's evil in the 'Trump forces', as you put it, but the people... so many of them seem misguided, lied to, brainwashed in some cases... what led them to be that disgruntled that they've resorted to such?

It really isn't okay, but... what do we do with this? I guess it hits too close to home for me to write off people on either side as 'bad'... I have people in my family that vote on both sides. Its forced me to question deeply what's going on, and why, and it doesn't really seem simple to me.

I have this one friend I've known for about two decades. They've always had anger management and temper problems. When they misstepped, they would recognize it later, apologetically own up do it, and be an adult about it. I considered them one of the most Christlike, fundamentally good-hearted people I knew in spite of their flaws and challenges.

Then, something about them changed. I don't know why, I don't know what, but they're like a completely different person than whom I once knew. They still have their anger management and temper problems. But now when they have their adult temper tantrums, there's little to no recognition of a misstep, no apologies, and no owning up to it. They instead externalize the blame, even onto longtime friends.

Twats like dumpster fire have basically provided role models for people like my friend that make it acceptable for them to channel their anger outwards and acting like an adult toddler again. It was always there, it's just now off the chain and they're not trying to be good people anymore. They don't seem to care.


Staff member
Premium Member
I have this one friend I've known for about two decades. They've always had anger management and temper problems. When they misstepped, they would recognize it later, apologetically own up do it, and be an adult about it. I considered them one of the most Christlike, fundamentally good-hearted people I knew in spite of their flaws and challenges.

Then, something about them changed. I don't know why, I don't know what, but they're like a completely different person than whom I once knew. They still have their anger management and temper problems. But now when they have their adult temper tantrums, there's little to no recognition of a misstep, no apologies, and no owning up to it. They instead externalize the blame, even onto longtime friends.

Twats like dumpster fire have basically provided role models for people like my friend that make it acceptable for them to channel their anger outwards and acting like an adult toddler again. It was always there, it's just now off the chain and they're not trying to be good people anymore. They don't seem to care.

In the last year or so, it has hit home exactly how much influence the company a person keeps has on their personality(both in my personal sphere, and the world at large).

Its a bit frightening.

I'd like to see more(regardless of political ideals) step up for goodness, patience, and kindheartedness in general, in hopes it'll spread somehow.

But perhaps I'm being too optimistic.

Left Coast

This Is Water
Staff member
Premium Member
Participants were also asked: “Looking ahead to the next 10 years, how likely do you think it is that there will be a civil war in this country?”

Among all US citizens, 43% said civil war was at least somewhat likely. Among strong Democrats and independents that figure was 40%. But among strong Republicans, 54% said civil war was at least somewhat likely.

More than 40% of Americans think civil war likely within a decade

Is that a thought/fear/expectation that people here on the forum have as well, that it might turn out that way?

Personally, I have only just heard about it, I knew that things between people in the US weren't good after the whole Trump/Biden thing, but didn't know that it was so bad as many seen to suggest.

As the others here, I highly doubt it. Full scale war is not gonna happen. An increase in gun violence, street squabbles, etc? I wouldn't be surprised.


Staff member
Premium Member
As the others here, I highly doubt it. Full scale war is not gonna happen. An increase in gun violence, street squabbles, etc? I wouldn't be surprised.

This is largely what I think will happen, too, but the Jan. 6th thing was scary, and doesn't really leave the back of my mind...


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Personally, I have only just heard about it, I knew that things between people in the US weren't good after the whole Trump/Biden thing, but didn't know that it was so bad as many seen to suggest.
Ya, I ran across this a few days ago but it didn't surprise me much as the Trumpettes have gone looney tunes and a majority if Pubs in D,C. have caved to the Donald-- certainly not a "Profiles in Courage".

Left Coast

This Is Water
Staff member
Premium Member
This is largely what I think will happen, too, but the Jan. 6th thing was scary, and doesn't really leave the back of my mind...

I can understand that. Though I think it probably won't get repeated. Capitol Police will be sure of that from now on.