why don't we have Muhammad's original Quran? Is there any record of him presenting it to his enemies(ie the King of Byzentium). The Quran was likely published by a Caliph after the death of Muhammad using his status as a deiefied general/prophet to support his empire. but i do not know Middle Eastern common history extensively; so can anyone enlighten me?
It was Abu Bakr the first Caliph who first compiled the Quran,he was chosen by Muhammed but other factions preffered Muhammeds son in law Ali.
Some generations later this would cause the split in the religion,one faction would be Sunni who followed the Caliphs and Shi'ite who would only follow direct decendants of Ali.
There were more than one version of the Quran and i think it was the third Caliph Usaman who ordered some destroyed,i think it was then edited with additions of vowel and consanant marks(correct me if i am wrong).