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Muhammad said Christians are exalted until Judgement Day, why?

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
The stuff I write is what Elohim/God gave me and told me to write.

Satanism is Total War Against Elohim/God and Unbelief in Elohim/God. There are Totally Devoted Satanists that knows that Elohim/God exists and are Consciously Zealous in a Total War Against Elohim/God. Through these Totally Devoted Satanists the Devil/Satan Deceives people into believing that Elohim/God does Not exist thus Stealing the Worship and Belief.

Atheism is another word for Satanism.

Are you confirming your belief that Queen Elizabeth II and King Charles III are Christian?

As king or queen of Britain you would be Christian as you are the head of the Church of England,I suggest a rethink on what atheism means.


Well-Known Member
As king or queen of Britain you would be Christian as you are the head of the Church of England,I suggest a rethink on what atheism means.
I Am a Christian Monk that has a different Consciousness from normal people. Elohim/God showed me by Revelation that Atheism is Satanism. I don't expect and Atheist to see or understand this.

Queen Elizabeth II did Outward Christianity of Christendom for British Crown Appearances while Secretly practising Personal Inward Christianity:

The Christmas Broadcast, 1957

The Pilgrim's Progress

"...Bunyan began his work while in the Bedfordshire county prison for violations of the Conventicle Act 1664, which prohibited the holding of religious services outside the auspices of the established Church of England..."

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England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
I Am a Christian Monk that has a different Consciousness from normal people. Elohim/God showed me by Revelation that Atheism is Satanism. I don't expect and Atheist to see or understand this.

Queen Elizabeth II did Outward Christianity of Christendom for British Crown Appearances while Secretly practising Personal Inward Christianity:

The Christmas Broadcast, 1957

The Pilgrim's Progress

"...Bunyan began his work while in the Bedfordshire county prison for violations of the Conventicle Act 1664, which prohibited the holding of religious services outside the auspices of the established Church of England..."

I find Catholicism scary on it’s own,it must be tough being a monk.


Well-Known Member
I find Catholicism scary on it’s own,it must be tough being a monk.
Hebrews 12:1

12 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,

Philippians 3:14

14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

I understand why your find Roman Catholicism Scary. The Catholic Church is the Gold Standard For Evil.

I Am Christian Gnostic the Total Opposite of Roman Catholicism. Being a Christian Monk is the Hardest Road you can travel and brings the Greatest Rewards. In the World of the Olympics it's hard to Win a Gold Medal and Athletes Sacrifice a great deal enduring the Pain Barrier to Attain it. Real Christian Monks Sacrifice and Endure More than Olympic Athletes.

This is the fruitage of the Catholic church - Jordan Maxwell

River Sea

Well-Known Member
Hebrews 12:1

12 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,

Philippians 3:14

14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

I understand why your find Roman Catholicism Scary. The Catholic Church is the Gold Standard For Evil.

I Am Christian Gnostic the Total Opposite of Roman Catholicism. Being a Christian Monk is the Hardest Road you can travel and brings the Greatest Rewards. In the World of the Olympics it's hard to Win a Gold Medal and Athletes Sacrifice a great deal enduring the Pain Barrier to Attain it. Real Christian Monks Sacrifice and Endure More than Olympic Athletes.

This is the fruitage of the Catholic church - Jordan Maxwell

This is horrible, cutting heads off?

@Elihoenai @Bharat Jhunjhunwala @shunyadragon

There's the Mandaeism who's gnostic too; who followed John the Baptist? How come John baptized Jesus for? Did this influence Jesus in anyway, and also the Romans? Did John Baptize any Romans too?
How come the Mandaeism people followed John?

What did the Roman Catholics think about John the Baptist in the influencing situations?

Did John the Baptist give freedom to Jesus, because what would have happened if Jesus said no, don't baptize me?

Who cut off John's head and why, the same situations that happened in this video?

What did the Romans think about John the Baptist?

Added edit:

Here's a short video on John the Baptist

This is dramatic.

It always seems to be a king who doesn't like someone who they feel is a threat; in this case, it's John the Baptist.

Topic of thread:

Muhammad said Christians are exalted until Judgement Day, why?​

What did Muhammad think of John the Baptist?

John the Baptist in Islam

Yahya is also honoured highly in Sufism as well as Islamic mysticism, primarily because of the Quran's description of Yāhya’s chastity and kindness.[6] Sufis have frequently applied commentaries on the passages on John in the Quran, primarily concerning the God-given gift of wisdom which he acquired in youth as well as his parallels with Jesus. Although several phrases used to describe John and Jesus are virtually identical in the Quran, the manner in which they are expressed is different.

I wanted to see if there were any sufi music of John the Baptist

This is really horrible how people are.

Does this bother you that John had his head chopped off? It bothers me.
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River Sea

Well-Known Member
This really bothers me this area of religion, does this bother you too?

The thought of what all John went through is horrific., how do you handle this emotionally?

I really think this is horrible, no freedom to think amongst these types of kings.
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Well-Known Member
This is horrible, cutting heads off?

@Elihoenai @Bharat Jhunjhunwala @shunyadragon

There's the Mandaeism who's gnostic too; who followed John the Baptist? How come John baptized Jesus for? Did this influence Jesus in anyway, and also the Romans? Did John Baptize any Romans too?
How come the Mandaeism people followed John?

What did the Roman Catholics think about John the Baptist in the influencing situations?

Did John the Baptist give freedom to Jesus, because what would have happened if Jesus said no, don't baptize me?

Who cut off John's head and why, the same situations that happened in this video?

What did the Romans think about John the Baptist?

Added edit:

Here's a short video on John the Baptist

This is dramatic.

It always seems to be a king who doesn't like someone who they feel is a threat; in this case, it's John the Baptist.

Luke 16:16

16 The law and the prophets were until John: since that time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it.

Good questions. These are Mysteries that Only Christian Gnostics Really Understand. The Arrival of Yeshua/Jesus Depends on John the Baptist making the Crooked Ways Straight.

King Herod Cuff Off the Head of John the Baptist and King Herod is Proxy of the Roman Authorities. What the Roman Authorities think about John the Baptist is Represented by King Herod.

The Water Baptism of Roman Catholicism/Christendom is meant to represent John's Baptism.

Topic of thread:

Muhammad said Christians are exalted until Judgement Day, why?​

What did Muhammad think of John the Baptist?

John the Baptist in Islam

Yahya is also honoured highly in Sufism as well as Islamic mysticism, primarily because of the Quran's description of Yāhya’s chastity and kindness.[6] Sufis have frequently applied commentaries on the passages on John in the Quran, primarily concerning the God-given gift of wisdom which he acquired in youth as well as his parallels with Jesus. Although several phrases used to describe John and Jesus are virtually identical in the Quran, the manner in which they are expressed is different.

I wanted to see if there were any sufi music of John the Baptist

This is really horrible how people are.

Does this bother you that John had his head chopped off? It bothers me.
From a Christian Gnostic perspective the Chopping Off of John the Baptist head is a Glorious Event. The Carnal Mind Will Never Understand this.

The questions related to Islam you will have to ask Muslims.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
I find Christianity scary as with the recent events in the USA with many Protestant Christians trying to impose a Christian Theonomy under the leadership of the Heathen Donald Trump.

I get that,I’m shocked at “Christian nationalists” in the USA and how Christianity is so apparent in general there,from “Morning Joe” to Boebart (I always carry my Glock) and Moscow Marg,scary indeed.

In Britain we have the Anglican Church but it’s not so noticeable other undermining illegal immigration by so called conversion from Islam to Christianity,other than that it’s nowhere near the level of America.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Luke 16:16

16 The law and the prophets were until John: since that time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it.

Good questions. These are Mysteries that Only Christian Gnostics Really Understand. The Arrival of Yeshua/Jesus Depends on John the Baptist making the Crooked Ways Straight.

King Herod Cuff Off the Head of John the Baptist and King Herod is Proxy of the Roman Authorities. What the Roman Authorities think about John the Baptist is Represented by King Herod.

The Water Baptism of Roman Catholicism/Christendom is meant to represent John's Baptism.

Topic of thread:

Muhammad said Christians are exalted until Judgement Day, why?​

From a Christian Gnostic perspective the Chopping Off of John the Baptist head is a Glorious Event. The Carnal Mind Will Never Understand this.

The questions related to Islam you will have to ask Muslims.
Do you guys believe that the sky rained blood when John the Baptist (a) was martyred?


Premium Member
Do you guys believe that the sky rained blood when John the Baptist (a) was martyred?
Very bright red sunset in the morning is a traditional warning of terrible storms .

Much of the Bible and the Quran particularly the Pentateuch is based on mythology and later day created history. Also the basis of the rejection of science.

Considering the state of religions in the present tense I can see no way Christianity and Islam should be exalted for any reason. It is possible a terrible bloody tribal Judgement Day may be caused by them


Premium Member
I get that,I’m shocked at “Christian nationalists” in the USA and how Christianity is so apparent in general there,from “Morning Joe” to Boebart (I always carry my Glock) and Moscow Marg,scary indeed.

In Britain we have the Anglican Church but it’s not so noticeable other undermining illegal immigration by so called conversion from Islam to Christianity,other than that it’s nowhere near the level of America.
Beware of sleeping dragons.


Well-Known Member
Do you guys believe that the sky rained blood when John the Baptist (a) was martyred?
Matthew 3:2

2 And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

Where did you get that idea from? Good question when you think about it.

John the Baptist is Flesh and Blood Being Born of a Woman. Does John the Baptist Declaring that the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand mean John the Baptist is in the Kingdom of Heaven?


Well-Known Member
I find Christianity scary as with the recent events in the USA with many Protestant Christians trying to impose a Christian Theonomy under the leadership of the Heathen Donald Trump.
Donald Trump has declared many times that he is Protestant Presbyterian. Why do you consider Donald Trump a Heathen?

How Trump talks about his faith: ‘God is the ultimate’


Premium Member
Donald Trump has declared many times that he is Protestant Presbyterian. Why do you consider Donald Trump a Heathen?

How Trump talks about his faith: ‘God is the ultimate’
If it acts like duck, walks like a duck, smells like duck, well ah . . . It is a DUCK!!!!

His behavior over the years is as a Heathen, and not remotely a sincere believer in anything of substance.