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Muhammad said Christians are exalted until Judgement Day, why?


Jesus in me
But his followers ie Ahmadiyyas believe him when,like Muhammad,he had revelations that cannot be verified but I will agree that you can tell “by what he says”,man made religion in a nutshell.
I can tell the words in the Qu'ran are from God because it is consistent with the way He views things. Making a claim isn't going to change the way the author views things.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
I can tell the words in the Qu'ran are from God because it is consistent with the way He views things. Making a claim isn't going to change the way the author views things.

You must be on personal terms with your god then if you know “how he views things”,does he view things in a medaeval way then?,Abrahmic religions have stagnated imo,anyone can claim prophethood yet non can prove it,again imo.


Active Member
Quran 3:55

"God said, "Jesus, I will cause you to die and raise you up to me, and purify you from those who denied the truth, and I will exalt your followers over those who deny you until the Resurrection Day. Then you all will return to me, and I will judge between you in matters about which you disagree."

Why did Muhammad say, Christians are exalted above those who deny Jesus until Day of Resurrection?
Consider, Christians themselves have been denying the Quran, and Muhammad, and mostly believe in Trinity. So, the Christians themselves are the new deniers, and misguided people, in Islamic belief.

This verse seems to ONLY apply for Jesus' immediate followers. Jesus had to leave without finishing his task. He left behind some true believers. He also left behind some who wrongly believed he was son of god and some unbelievers. I believe this verse is about them ONLY! God will ask Jesus if he ever said he was son of God and then deal with those who started the rumor and raised the ones who believed correctly that Jesus was just a prophet.
Remember - message was not fully delivered by Jesus - hence God will be raising the status of the true believers (of his time) so that they are accepted into Heaven! IMO
I don't believe this verse is about future so-called followers of Jesus who divided into so many sects. There is no hope for them unless they stop believing Jesus was God or son of God!

By the way, Muhammad was the final prophet. Any doubt about that should be thrown into the Ocean.
I said "Ocean" because that is where the kingdom of Jinn is - and this notion (the doubt) is coming from their leader to fool you! IMO.
So, you should dump it where it came from. (That is my suggestion).
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My personal take, as a Baha'i, is this

I start from the assumption, held in the Baha'i Faith, that Resurrection Day is the time in which a Messenger of God calls people to awake from their spiritual sleep or death.
At all dispensations, God has exalted the followers of a Messenger of God over those who deny it, until the next Messenger (the next Resurrection Day arrives). This was true for the dispensation of Jesus as for the dispensation of Mohammed.

A "follower" of Jesus is not necessarily a person who formally identifies himself as "Christian", but one who really follows the Message that Jesus taught... one who acts as He acted. Jesus would not take as a follower somebody who calls Him "Lord" but does not obey what He says.
Jesus taught that the identifier of a true disciple would be their love for one another: By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:35)

So, let's not think in "followers of Jesus" as people belonging to specific churches, but as people living by the example of Jesus.


Jesus in me
You must be on personal terms with your god then if you know “how he views things”,does he view things in a medaeval way then?,Abrahmic religions have stagnated imo,anyone can claim prophethood yet non can prove it,again imo.
I believe I am very close to God on a personal level and speak His words when debating here.

I believe he views things in an orderly way. He created an orderly universe which helps to verify that is part of His nature.

I believe Christianity is quite dynamic but at times people can fall away from it and that is called apostasy.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
I believe I am very close to God on a personal level and speak His words when debating here.

I believe he views things in an orderly way. He created an orderly universe which helps to verify that is part of His nature.

I believe Christianity is quite dynamic but at times people can fall away from it and that is called apostasy.

That’s quite a claim.


Well-Known Member
That’s quite a claim.
Why are you Promoting the Knights Templar Cross in your Avatar when you are an Atheist? Do you believe that the Knights Templar are really Atheist?

What about your assertion in your profile that your occupation is Lazy Person? Are you retired? Can you afford to be a Lazy Person?

Kingdom of Heaven (2005) Trailer #1 | Movieclips Classic Trailers

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England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Why are you Promoting the Knights Templar Cross in your Avatar when you are an Atheist? Do you believe that the Knights Templar are really Atheist?

What about your assertion in your profile that your occupation is Lazy Person? Are you retired? Can you afford to be a Lazy Person?

Kingdom of Heaven (2005) Trailer #1 | Movieclips Classic Trailers


It’s just a picture,I like the picture because it has my country’s flag,i don’t believe the knights Templar are anything but extinct,I am lazy sometimes aren’t you?,work to live not live to work;-)


Well-Known Member
It’s just a picture,I like the picture because it has my country’s flag,i don’t believe the knights Templar are anything but extinct,I am lazy sometimes aren’t you?,work to live not live to work;-)
Matthew 28:18

18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.

The English Flag is a Knights Templar Flag. No, the Knights Templar are Not extinct. The Knights Templar Controls England.


"...We are entirely a Christian and chivalric organisation. Our primary aim is to bring together like-minded Christian women and men who are personally committed to be followers of the Lord Jesus Christ and try to live in positive response to His prayer to the Father, as recorded in St John's Gospel (Chapter 17, verses 20-21):

"That they may be all be one : so that the world will believe that You sent me."..."

1953. Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II: 'The Crowning Ceremony'

My Temporal Work Is For and Supports My Spiritual Journey.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Matthew 28:18

18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.

The English Flag is a Knights Templar Flag. No, the Knights Templar are Not extinct. The Knights Templar Controls England.


"...We are entirely a Christian and chivalric organisation. Our primary aim is to bring together like-minded Christian women and men who are personally committed to be followers of the Lord Jesus Christ and try to live in positive response to His prayer to the Father, as recorded in St John's Gospel (Chapter 17, verses 20-21):

"That they may be all be one : so that the world will believe that You sent me."..."

1953. Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II: 'The Crowning Ceremony'

My Temporal Work Is For and Supports My Spiritual Journey.

I always doubt when you see this “we are the authentic Knights Templar”, the English flag is st Georges cross not a Templar cross.

I love a conspiracy and haven’t heard this one before,”the knights Templar controls England”,well they’re not doing a very good job if the were,I wouldn’t take them seriously imo.


Well-Known Member
I always doubt when you see this “we are the authentic Knights Templar”, the English flag is st Georges cross not a Templar cross.

I love a conspiracy and haven’t heard this one before,”the knights Templar controls England”,well they’re not doing a very good job if the were,I wouldn’t take them seriously imo.
2 Corinthians 11:14

14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

You can have doubts. I'm Absolutely Certain that the English Flag is a Knights Templar Flag and that the Knights Templars Controls England. People believe what they See. What people are told and made to believe by the British Establishment is not necessarily true.

Given that the Knights Templar Controls England, they are doing a Great Job if they are Really Atheist. Worship and Belief in the Devil/Satan Is Atheism. Happy to say I'm on the receiving end of 24/7 Satanic Ritual Abuse in London England.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Umm,do you understand what atheism is?,this makes no sense “Belief in the Devil/Satan Is Atheism”.

The English flag is definitely the cross of st George,it’s historical fact and you are more likely to suffer the abuse of champagne socialists now labour are in.


Well-Known Member
Umm,do you understand what atheism is?,this makes no sense “Belief in the Devil/Satan Is Atheism”.

The English flag is definitely the cross of st George,it’s historical fact and you are more likely to suffer the abuse of champagne socialists now labour are in.
Yes Indeed, I understand what Atheism means better than you. Atheism is Unbelief in Elohim/God. Unbelief in Elohim/God is Satanism. Satanism is Nature Worship. Unbelief in Elohim/God for Worship and Belief in Satan/Devil is the Sole Purpose of the Devil/Satan.

Conservative, Labour or Liberal has nothing to do with it. The British Establishment Governs Satanically according to the Base Satanic Nature of Men/Women because that is what is Popular due to Inheritance. It's the same in every country in the World.

Do you believe that the British Establishment Worship and Belief in Elohim/God and Exaltation of Holy Scriptures/Bible is not real just for show?

The truth of The Bible (Coronation 1953)


Well-Known Member
Why did Muhammad say, Christians are exalted above those who deny Jesus until Day of Resurrection?
A possible reason is that Christian faith is associated with the just. From Habakkuk:

And YHWH answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make [it] plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.
For the vision [is] yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.
Behold, his soul [which] is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his faith.
Yea also, because he transgresseth by wine, [he is] a proud man, neither keepeth at home, who enlargeth his desire as hell, and [is] as death, and cannot be satisfied, but gathereth unto him all nations, and heapeth unto him all people:
Habakkuk 2:2-5

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Yes Indeed, I understand what Atheism means better than you. Atheism is Unbelief in Elohim/God. Unbelief in Elohim/God is Satanism. Satanism is Nature Worship. Unbelief in Elohim/God for Worship and Belief in Satan/Devil is the Sole Purpose of the Devil/Satan.

Conservative, Labour or Liberal has nothing to do with it. The British Establishment Governs Satanically according to the Base Satanic Nature of Men/Women because that is what is Popular due to Inheritance. It's the same in every country in the World.

Do you believe that the British Establishment Worship and Belief in Elohim/God and Exaltation of Holy Scriptures/Bible is not real just for show?

The truth of The Bible (Coronation 1953)

I don’t know where you get this stuff from but that’s not atheism,the Queen was and now King Charles is the head of the Church of England,that’s it,does it have significance,I would say yes to Christian’s.

Atheism is,imo,a stance,an absence of belief in a god or gods so what you are saying makes no sense at all.


Well-Known Member
I don’t know where you get this stuff from but that’s not atheism,the Queen was and now King Charles is the head of the Church of England,that’s it,does it have significance,I would say yes to Christian’s.

Atheism is,imo,a stance,an absence of belief in a god or gods so what you are saying makes no sense at all.
The stuff I write is what Elohim/God gave me and told me to write.

Satanism is Total War Against Elohim/God and Unbelief in Elohim/God. There are Totally Devoted Satanists that knows that Elohim/God exists and are Consciously Zealous in a Total War Against Elohim/God. Through these Totally Devoted Satanists the Devil/Satan Deceives people into believing that Elohim/God does Not exist thus Stealing the Worship and Belief.

Atheism is another word for Satanism.

Are you confirming your belief that Queen Elizabeth II and King Charles III are Christian?