I waited for this! When I wrote my treatise on the punishment and execution of apostates I left out a couple of points, waiting to add them in as soon as someone (as they usually and predictably do) mentioned treason. So without further ado…I don't believe that the prophet pbuh killed anyone solely for changing their beliefs but it was associated with other crimes like treason.
To label a change in a belief as commensurate with treason represents the height of illogicality. It indicates nothing other than a dismissal of a previously held philosophical position. When comparing apostasy to treason, the only proportionate analogy comes with a person renouncing his/her citizenship of any nation — hardly an act worthy of capital punishment.
A final point, in the form of two queries: in a secular and liberal democratic society (in which the general belief and value of democracy and libertarianism binds the state together), does a person disagreeing with democracy or libertarianism constitute having committed treason? Should such a person suffer threats of capital punishment?