i was never speaking about you, there are millions of muslims that do not live in a so called "free country" where criminals have more rights than the victim. we are talking about those who are there and who would go there any day.
you are not a muslim, so you do not need to lissten to anyone saying to you "do your ablution such and such"
I submit to the will of God; and yet there's your religion telling me i dont. awkward...:D
you mentioned religion, how come everytime i go to the airport some wacko dude says to me (always me) this is a random drug and explosive test. out of the 100's of other people that just wen't past i always fall into their 'radar' just because they see my family memebers are covered. very tolerant.
Well, if a... persay Christian was 'covered' they'd search too. If i was covered they'de search. Next time. have your family wear crosses everywhere and have a sign that says "We are Catholics". you'll probably get searched. try carrying lots of bibles too.
and if you still dont like the attitude of those that become scared then complain. though not too much because complaining is also scarry.
go to an islamic country and compare the race thing to a western country and see who is more tolerant. i see you have just put some things there in your list to make it long without thinking about them. how tolerant are most white americas of black americans.
Most Westerners are naturally scared. thats how we've survived. and group stereotyping also allows for replication. and you are white.
and all americans would decend upon an enemy as one if we had to. so in the mean time we occupy ourselfs with the groups which we create to take the boredom away.
if western countries are tolerant of sexuality then why don't gays have the same rights as the staight people, gays aren't allowed to get married in any country appart from the city of LA. i did tell you that you were only putting these there to make the list longer.
Marrying was a Abrahamic thing(ithink). The Religulous are usally intolenrent of homosexual relationships. and We are not tolerant of sexuality because again: we need something to take boredom away.
the chinese kill dogs and even eat them, so what, kill the chinese? isn't leather made from dog skin? if so then look at all the leather in the shops, all those dogs killed for nothing. and in you own country.
I wouldn't mind eating Human...
... its just a piece of meat you know
islamic states are tolerant of race, gender, religion, and maybe politics (have never been to an islamic state to know this with confidence).