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Muhammad The Greatest: A comparative study


i'd choose iran any day. i would go there right now if i could. there is no dictatorship in iran, it is the best islamic country to date i recon. compared to todays countries though.

could you participate i discussions here if you lived in Iran?

Global Voices Online » Iran: When the Internet is Viewed through a Filter

Iran says uncovers foreign-backed Internet plot | Reuters

But if you get bored you could watch a public execution or help stop some Bahai's from being persecuted


Worshipper of Athe.
Response: "In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful". (Opening of every chapter except chapter 9)

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful, you are wrong.

If you believe that starting everything you say with that automatically makes everything that follows literal truth, then you must now concede that you have lost this argument.


Well-Known Member
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful, you are wrong.

If you believe that starting everything you say with that automatically makes everything that follows literal truth, then you must now concede that you have lost this argument.

Response: On the contrary, if simply saying that I am wrong is your only rebuttle, it is you that has faced a lost.


Worshipper of Athe.
Response: On the contrary, if simply saying that I am wrong is your only rebuttle, it is you that has faced a lost.

The point of my post was that putting "In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful," at the beginning of something doesn't make it true. I apologize if this was at all unclear.

You still have not provided any evidence that shows the Quran to be in any way different from the Hadiths which describe Muhammed committing immoral actions.


i'd choose iran any day. i would go there right now if i could. there is no dictatorship in iran, it is the best islamic country to date i recon. compared to todays countries though.
You do realise that Iran contains an overwhelming majority of shi‘a muslims, don’t you?


Well-Known Member
The point of my post was that putting "In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful," at the beginning of something doesn't make it true. I apologize if this was at all unclear.

You still have not provided any evidence that shows the Quran to be in any way different from the Hadiths which describe Muhammed committing immoral actions.

Response: The simple fact that none of these immoral actions are in the qur'an nor can you provide any evidence that it is is evidence enough.


Well-Known Member
I ask you this,if the decadent West is so bad why are so many people ,including many Muslims queing to come here and like you stay.
I wonder how many people emigrate from Western Democracies to Iran,Saudi,Pakistan etc,i would hazard a guess of 0

Response: Based on your statements. It would seem that you believe that when the going gets tough, one should pack up and leave. The muslims simply beg to differ. We fight for our rights, not pack up and leave.n

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Response: Based on your statements. It would seem that you believe that when the going gets tough, one should pack up and leave. The muslims simply beg to differ. We fight for our rights, not pack up and leave.n

It would seem you did'nt understand the question and you assume too much,i think it was straightforward.


Well-Known Member
The Quran is an ancient text which is in no way more authoritative than any other ancient text, UNLESS you have evidence that the other ancient texts are unreliable.

By admitting the Quran has evidence, you admit that the other texts have evidence.

Response: The qur'an is the word of Allah. The other ancient texts are not. It is Allah who has promised the qur'an and it's message to be free from any discrepancy and from being tampered. That is not the case for other ancient texts.


I want Khilafah back
You do realise that Iran contains an overwhelming majority of shi‘a muslims, don’t you?

yeah so? if i was to worry about the shia and sunni stuff there will never be any unity among the muslims, that stuff doesn't bother me, we are all muslims, anyone that doesn't like it can go and bite george bush. for me there is no sunni no shia, only muslim.


I want Khilafah back
They have been tampered with to keep me away from Islam ? Well then I praise that tampering - I want nothing to do with a God that calls me a vile beast and that says he does not Love me.

i never said you, so don't worry.

I knew what you were trying to say. I never said that I do not take in what others tell me - That would be an example of a closed mind.


You are a slave to Allah's words (Allah) - you are unable to question one word of the Quran. That means you are unable to think for yourself.. unable to have an original thought or idea. This is the death of reasoning - the death of common sense.

i question the quran, i do not understand everything so i do question many verses.

But.. you consider 100 lashes for having sex outside of marriage to be civilized ?

i never said that have i?

I think you are truly a dangerous individual - your thoughts have been corrupted. If the majority of Muslims have your mindset - then - Islam is something that should be fought against - and should not be allowed to take hold in Western lands. I know there are some Muslims here on this site that do not have your mindset - but - they are the minority.

yes true, the wise people are always low in numbers, just compare muslims to the rest of the world.

Judgement, sorry if you got offended by any of my posts, some were actually soposed to be funny, but i guess you didn't get them, i'll become more serious and leave my jokes aside.


I want Khilafah back
Ah, of course, when one has no argument, attack the person you disagree with.

no argument? come on TOTALSTRANGER, be serious. i just posted that to skip all of the other posts, but if you do not like me calling you that then heres your chance to prove me wrong. how is islam doing it by itself (this is what you had posted before i think, islam is shaming itself or something)

Even more pathetic in this case, since I am, in fact, more educated than most, so your petty insult is meaningless as well.

you know at the very moment you think you are smart, thats when you end up beig dumb. according to whos facts are you more educated by anyway. and compared to who?

Not unexpected, of course

you can say that again :)


yeah so? if i was to worry about the shia and sunni stuff there will never be any unity among the muslims, that stuff doesn't bother me, we are all muslims, anyone that doesn't like it can go and bite george bush. for me there is no sunni no shia, only muslim.

I think if you lived in Iran you might have to worry

The BPP says the persecution of moderate Sunni clerics and religious students is an attempt by the Tehran regime to suppress non-fundamentalist believers and to strengthen the position of fanatical Shiism in the Baloch homeland. Since most Balochs are Sunni, attacks on the Sunni faith are also de facto attacks on the Baloch people and nation.

Peter Tatchell: Iran's war on Sunni Muslims | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk


I want Khilafah back
I think if you lived in Iran you might have to worry

The BPP says the persecution of moderate Sunni clerics and religious students is an attempt by the Tehran regime to suppress non-fundamentalist believers and to strengthen the position of fanatical Shiism in the Baloch homeland. Since most Balochs are Sunni, attacks on the Sunni faith are also de facto attacks on the Baloch people and nation.

Peter Tatchell: Iran's war on Sunni Muslims | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

don't worry abot it kai. and the only faith there is islam, no sunni faith, no shia faith. i'm not affraid to die, so it really doesn't bother me.


Active Member
eselam: i never said you, so don't worry.
You said..

You: "a lot of the hadith have been tempered with, and the reason for that is to keep people such as your self away from islam"

That certainly sounds like me.

eselam: exactly
Exactly what ? The closed mind belongs to you.

You: "well muslims aren't allowed to "think" for themseves,"

eselam: i question the quran, i do not understand everything so i do question many verses.
You question what the verse means. A scholar informs you of the meaning - you accept that meaning. Do you ever challenge the meaning that is given ? Do you ever say No, that can not be right ?

For Muslims to just accept that black dogs are evil, that they are Satan, and should be killed.... is not questioning the teachings. This should be questioned - and - it should be deemed as evil itself.

eselam: i never said that have i?
Are you then saying... that the lashes for punishment - that the Quran states are to be done... are not civilized?

eselam: yes true, the wise people are always low in numbers, just compare muslims to the rest of the world.

Judgement, sorry if you got offended by any of my posts, some were actually soposed to be funny, but i guess you didn't get them, i'll become more serious and leave my jokes aside.

The one who brags about wisdom - is usually one that is not wise.

Your jokes are a little on the sick side for my tastes..

By the way... Happy Belated Birthday!


I want Khilafah back
You said..

You: "a lot of the hadith have been tempered with, and the reason for that is to keep people such as your self away from islam"

That certainly sounds like me.

my bad, the meaning of saying that was to reffer to the non muslims, you are a non muslim so i just used you, wasn't reffering to you though. i said "people such as your self" meaning non muslim.

Exactly what ? The closed mind belongs to you.
You: "well muslims aren't allowed to "think" for themseves,"

not quite. you said we need to accept what others tell us otherwise we would be closed minded, so i am accepting that wich the scholars say therefore i am not closed minded.

You question what the verse means. A scholar informs you of the meaning - you accept that meaning. Do you ever challenge the meaning that is given ? Do you ever say No, that can not be right ?

i don't know, never done it before:)

For Muslims to just accept that black dogs are evil, that they are Satan, and should be killed.... is not questioning the teachings. This should be questioned - and - it should be deemed as evil itself.

you see this is the challenging part. this is where a muslim does not accept this unless we have been shown actuall proof, but that is just a tale to you so it's not worth it.

Are you then saying... that the lashes for punishment - that the Quran states are to be done... are not civilized?

i'm not saying anything, you are putting the words in my mouth. so how could i have said anything?

The one who brags about wisdom - is usually one that is not wise.

exactly my point

Your jokes are a little on the sick side for my tastes..

ok i'll put my serious face from now on.

By the way... Happy Belated Birthday!

whats this? whats belated.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Response: I understood it very well and my response was straightforward as well.

i will repeat it.
If the decadent West is so bad why are people including Muslims comming here here to live and staying.
How many people emigrate from western democracies to Islamic states,i would hazard a guess at 0.

Bearing this in mind your answer does'nt make any sense


Well-Known Member
Your original statement was a pretty obvious, England my lionheart. I'm not exactly sure where Fatihah got off the bus, as it were.

Response: It could not have been that obvious to you according to your response above because if it was than you should have been able to understand my response.