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Muhammad's Sword !!!

fullyveiled muslimah

Evil incarnate!
I fail to see the point of this thread.

Is the point of this thread to point out that sometimes muslims commit crimes under the guise of it being religious duty? If so, then that has been done.

Is the point of this thread to spit venom about Islam and muslims as a whole? If so, then this has also been accomplished.

Is the point of this thread to make muslims "admit" that Islam is indeed an inherently evil and violent religion? If so, then this has never been nor will it ever be accomplished.

Is the point of this thread to cite the fact that there is much upheaval in the middle east? If so, then I don't think anyone can contest that.

So what then is the point of this thread? It has devolved into an argument aimed at making Islam the cause of unrest and trouble from the time of its inception until now. Is that a fair analysis? Is it the honest opinion of the non-muslims who have posted on this thread so far, that Islam has done nothing but cause bloodshed and tyranny throughout the ages? That the "bad" of Islam has far outweighed the "good" in it, and so therefore it must be contained, changed, done away with or whatever?

Call me slow, but I can't see what the argument is now. If you all are convinced that Islam has such major faults as a system and a religion, then let it be. If we are in error, then let us remain in error. If you are upset about a past that you are not affected by, then what can be accomplished by arguing over it now?

Only a fool can look at the overal situation particularly in the middle east and think that Islam is not only the root cause of trouble but that it is the only cause.


Nita Okhata
fullyveiled muslimah said:
I fail to see the point of this thread.
Looking back at the first post, it seems the point of this thread is to show all the infidels what a peaceful, passive religion Islam is. For some reson, we're failing to buy that.


Well-Known Member
michel said:

Persecution: The country’s constitution gives preference to Muslims, and Christians are treated as second-class citizens, denied political representation, and discriminated against in employment. An 1856 Ottoman Empire law kept any church from being built, repaired or even repainted without the permission of Egypt’s president. The law was revised in 2003, and the decision-making is now left up to local governments. In January 2003, President Mubarak declared Christmas (January 7th on the Eastern Church calendar) a public holiday. That was a first for Egypt, but Christians are still susceptible to attacks by Muslim extremists who often go unpunished. Some Christian girls have been raped and then forced to marry Muslim men. Others have been abducted and forced to convert to Islam. Financial incentives have even been offered to convince some Christian girls to convert to Islam.
Sir, i invite u to visit Egypt and see how christians are persecuted and treated as second class citizens!!!

I invite u to see wat happened when that christian woman declared her reverting to islam..to see how the christians tried to re-convert her by force until she sought protection of the police and after all that, they claimed she was forced to convert to islam and
financial incentives were offered to force her to convert to islam!!

I invite u to see how that editor who spoke badly about one of the priests in the newspaper was imprisoned!!

I invite u to see how the country celebrate officially Christmas although 90% of the population are muslims!!

I invite u to see the christian ministers, doctors, professors...etc

Summary: egyptian christians are treated equally as any other egyptian muslim and no1 can deny this fact except those who have their own agenda.



Active Member
Economics and the turmoil of post-Colonialism and the fall of the Soviet Union have more to do with the problems in Muslim states then the religion. If many of these States were stable and had prospering econemies then there generally wouldn't be problems. Which is part of the reason why things are generally better in Egypt and Turkey compared to other nations.

However, there are cases of general racism and religious hate (Iran is a good example). Yet, the USA has had that problem ever since it's inception as well.


Done here.
champion said:
Oh yeah, forgot to reply to this: "We do, however, see Muslims rallying against cartoons, so that gives us some idea what the scale of priorities is". The only muslims you see rallying are the one's in your country and in other European countries. They are using the same "freedom of speech" technique you are when you don't agree to something. I was talking about the muslims here in the Middle East. Btw, I would rally against all evil, if i knew it would actually do something.
We don't see them rallying against terrorism, or honor killings, or any other Muslim crimes, regardless of where they live. But somehow they find time to rally against cartoons. Priorities.


Done here.
The Truth said:
I advice you to read this thread about the Banu Qurayzah and the other tribes issue then you can ask about it later on if the link i'll post didn't make you satisfied.
It certainly doesn't satisfy me; maybe I'll take it up on that thread when I'm not so tired.

The Truth said:
There is no Muslim rule and Christian rule nowadays as you know.
There are certainly Muslim rulers; how would their rule be different if they ruled according to the teachings of Islam?

The Truth said:
If you mean non-muslim countries so according to what happened in the past, the Muslims were offering Islam and if they accepted it so the Muslims will leave them alone, and if they said that they don't want to accept Islam so they were paying the Jizyah.

After that, If they refused accepting Islam nor paying the Jizyah and fought the Muslims, then the Muslims could enter the city for instance so they were also living amongest the Muslims and the men who can work ONLY were paying the Jizyah, that's all.
"Muslims could enter the city"? And then what? They were offered the choice of accepting Islam, paying the jizyah, or what?


Active Member
MidnightBlue said:
We don't see them rallying against terrorism, or honor killings, or any other Muslim crimes, regardless of where they live. But somehow they find time to rally against cartoons. Priorities.

Again, have you seen muslims in the middle east rallying about cartoons? And has rallying ever done anything? Even the rallying against the cartoons did nothing. Denmark has done it again. Muslims all over the world have no control over terrorist actions. As Bin Laden is the most wanted person in America, he's wanted also in Saudi Arabia. (honor killings?? I don't even know what that is)

Btw, I don't want people rallying against anything! Its a very stupid, uncivilized way of showing ones opinion.


Done here.
champion said:
Again, have you seen muslims in the middle east rallying about cartoons?
No, I can't say I have.

They attacked the Danish embassy in Tehran, set fire to the Danish embassy in Beirut, and attacked the Danish embassy and (inexplicably) the Norwegian embassy in Damascus. They mounted an armed assault on the European Union offices in Gaza. But although there were riots, I can't honestly say I saw any rallies.


Active Member
MidnightBlue said:
No, I can't say I have.

They attacked the Danish embassy in Tehran, set fire to the Danish embassy in Beirut, and attacked the Danish embassy and (inexplicably) the Norwegian embassy in Damascus. They mounted an armed assault on the European Union offices in Gaza. But although there were riots, I can't honestly say I saw any rallies.

I'm really getting tired of replying to comments that have nothing to do with the thread. Yes, there are STUPID PEOPLE in the MUSLIM community. And STUPID PEOPLE, do stupid things. Do you want me to rally against them too?:rolleyes:


Active Member
MidnightBlue said:
No, I can't say I have.

They attacked the Danish embassy in Tehran, set fire to the Danish embassy in Beirut, and attacked the Danish embassy and (inexplicably) the Norwegian embassy in Damascus. They mounted an armed assault on the European Union offices in Gaza. But although there were riots, I can't honestly say I saw any rallies.

I'm getting tired of replying to comments that have nothing to do with the thread. Yes, there are STUPID people in the MUSLIM community. And stupid people, do stupid things. Do you want me to rally against them too?


It seems to me that debates of this kind are pointless, there is never any consensus, on the one side history has been totally negated,there was no muslim conquests, it was all peaceful and all conversions were voluntary, the occupation of Spain and Portugal was a golden era of science and understanding,while the west was in the "dark ages"there are no provisions for war and violence in the Quran except for self defence, there are no actual Muslim countries today so any criticism against any "islamic" country is pointless because they are not truly muslim or are using cultural beliefs or laws such as Burqas,honour killings,stoneings etc. Terrorists such as Alquieda are not following Islam by Murder etc so it has nothing to do with Islam.

on the other side we have genuine questions about the spread of Islam, the provision for violence in the Quran, the fact that terrorist groups act in the name of allah and the prophet,the persecution or out right banning of other religions in Islamic states of non muslims, the treatment of women,the medieval sentences layed down and carried out in Sharia. the view that israel should be destroyed,the Anti jew propaganda in the middle east,

nothing ever resolved i have delved into this since coming to RF because i found it fascinating. I have learned a lot but mostly there will never be consensus, i have learned that there are two sides to many muslims who tell us of the religion of peace and harmony yet consider other beliefs as shirk and all of us Kuffar, i have learnt that if you ask too many questions you are labeled Anti islam, i have seen learned people declare they are the enemies of people because they are not of the Ummah , these debates are pointless in solving anything but if you stay long enough and cover enough subjects you will see a duplicity in islamic arguments.


Done here.
champion said:
I'm really getting tired of replying to comments that have nothing to do with the thread
I was answering your question. Why did you ask it, if you didn't want an answer?


Well-Known Member
MidnightBlue said:
We don't see them rallying against terrorism, or honor killings, or any other Muslim crimes, regardless of where they live. But somehow they find time to rally against cartoons. Priorities.
why should they rally against such things?!
such problems cant be solved like this!
they can be solved by enlighten the youth in mosques, skools, through the media not by rallies.
and the problem that the muslim themselves are the ones who suffer from this in the first place.

we can take Dahab terrorist bombings in Egypt as a good example; the victims were mostly Egyptians n tourism in Egypt was affected and iam not going to list the terrorist attacks that happened in Egypt over the years.
and these attacks were commited by whom!! by muslims (but gone astray) who killed other mulims and we cant blame Islam for this!

so wat iam trying to say; not only non-muslims are suffering from this but also muslims themselves and this problem we cant solve it by rallies but by enlightenment!!

and the same thing goes for the others like honor killing which is basically forbidden in shari'a and the law so wat will the rallies do with this?!


Veteran Member
Premium Member
MidnightBlue said:
There are certainly Muslim rulers; how would their rule be different if they ruled according to the teachings of Islam?

Totally different.

"Muslims could enter the city"? And then what?

After they enter the city so they will just be the rulers there.


Done here.
not4me said:
why should they rally against such things?!
I'm not suggesting they should rally. My point is that they do rally, and the things they rally against are not the serious matters they ought to concern themselves with.


Well-Known Member
MidnightBlue said:
I'm not suggesting they should rally. My point is that they do rally, and the things they rally against are not the serious matters they ought to concern themselves with.

Rallies are the weakest reaction they can do and even not effective and such reaction is not appropriate for serious matters like terrorism, honor killings and other muslim crimes!!!


Done here.
not4me said:
Rallies are the weakest reaction they can do and even not effective and such reaction is not appropriate for serious matters like terrorism, honor killings and other muslim crimes!!!
What would be an appropriate reaction to terrorism and honor killings?


Well-Known Member
MidnightBlue said:
What would be an appropriate reaction to terrorism and honor killings?
I said be4 in my post #174 but
Let me ask u the same Q, in ur opinion wat should be done to fight against these issues?!


Done here.
not4me said:
I said be4 in my post #174
Yes, you said enlightening the youths in the mosques. That seems like a shockingly mild response to terrorism, even if we forget that in many cases the mosques are where they're being instructed in violence in the first place.

not4me said:
Let me ask u the same Q, in ur opinion wat should be done to fight against these issues?!
The immigration policies of European countries need to be completely revamped. Greater effort must be made to integrate those Muslim immigrants who are allowed to enter or remain in Europe in European society. Terrorists, their accomplices, and religious leaders who incite to violence should be strictly prosecuted. Honor killings should be strictly prosecuted.