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Muslims do not worship the same god as the Christians

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
I'm a Christian and I can't see Jesus' heavenly Father at all
in Muhammad's Quran.

I think the Quran mentions Yeshua (Isa) more than Muhammad.

There's no real forgiveness of sins in Islam

Like the Jews, Muslims believe that every person is responsible for themselves.

and there is much threat of unending torturous punishment for sinners.

Christians believe the same thing.

Plus Allah seems very much like the Israelite tribal war god, Yahweh

This is the same god that the Christians worship. What's your point.

and I am with Jesus who followed the commandments of God Most High, EL Elyon, the highest of all ancient deities.

Then you'd be a Jew and not a Christian.

The Jewish makeover of EL into Yahweh via the Sinai Covenant never really worked, did it? Only produced the schizoid YHWH and Allah both war gods primarily with no sense of human worth except as obedient slaves.

If this is your position then it's no different than when the Christians turned a man into a god or "God"...is it? Now you have so much confusion withing the varying sects (Denominations) of Christians where are are split calling him "God", on the son of God...or even some that believes he was/is an angel. So you are hardly in a position to throw stones at glass houses....

It's telling that both Jews and Muslims believe YHWH and Allah are beyond human comprehension and not directly related to humanity

Chistians believe the same thing. If not all then I'd say most do.

We Gnostic Christians never forgot Her, Catholics didn't either, but Pauline Protestants


Jews and Muslims have and are stuck with the Man God who acts the War Lord issuing commandments that must be obeyed or you are punished severely.

Obviously you haven't been reading your Old Testament. That same god is your god too. You can't just pick and choose because you don't like it.

EL, not being a war god but above war gods never needed to terrorize believers into belief as do the war gods, YHWH and Allah. So, yes, there is a difference in the godhead believed by Muslims, Jews, and Christians.

Jews, Muslims and non-trinitarian Christians worship the same god. Trinitarian Christians worship the man Yeshua whom they have made a god figure.
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I think the Quran mentions Yeshua (Isa) more than Muhammad.

Muhammad's "Isa" is not Jesus Christ but Muhammad's makeover of Jesus Christ, making Jesus the Christian into a Muslim and that can never be. Why? Because as I said Muhammad's Islam lacks the central theology of Jesus Christ, which is forgiveness of sins. Allah doesn't forgive sins and sinners. He punishes them, brutally. Isa is Muhammad's attempt to capture Jesus Christ and Christianity's charisma but to Christians Muhammad's ploy can only work with Muslims taught to never to question Muhammad or his book so Muslim can never think for themselves without committing blasphemy. Pauline Christians tried to do this stunt with us Gnostic Christians and we never went for the religious fascism inherent in blindly following a religious leader who had few qualms about killing religious opponents, something that a wise person would know marks a troubled mind and not one of God but one of a very ambitious man eager to inflict his ideas on the rest of humanity by creating another religious slavery system, slaves to Muhammad's book and Muhammad's ideas as if God talks only to war lords. Anyone who kills men is automatically disqualified for creating any religious of peace but Muslims won't learn this simple truth until they obtain the courage to buck their Idols, Muhammad and his book. I'm sorry but to me, Muhammad's Islam is contaminated with male territorial conquest and control agenda and thereby is not of God but of man.

Like the Jews, Muslims believe that every person is responsible for themselves.

Why on earth would you think Christians were not as responsible citizens as Jews or Muslims?

Christians believe the same thing.

No. Especially not us Gnostic Christians.

This is the same god that the Christians worship. What's your point.

No, our Christian God demands forgiveness of sins, turning the other cheek, Allah demands punishment and revenge.

Then you'd be a Jew and not a Christian.

I am a Jew and a Christian.

If this is your position then it's no different than when the Christians turned a man into a god or "God"...is it? Now you have so much confusion withing the varying sects (Denominations) of Christians where are are split calling him "God", on the son of God...or even some that believes he was/is an angel. So you are hardly in a position to throw stones at glass houses....

I don't have any such confusion but it's true, I am not traditional (Pauline) Christian but Gnostic. You Muslims cannot think beyond what Muhammad thought because he's made you into clones of himself and like zombies you carry out the wishes of a dead man with great hubris, so great he actually thought human spiritual and intellectual knowledge stopped at him back in the 7th century and now all Muslims follow this irrational lunacy that thinks that past knowledge is superior to present and future knowledge.

Chistians believe the same thing. If not all then I'd say most do.

Most Christians in America voted for liars and cheats and are quite gullible people. Sorta like most Muslims and most Jews. Organized Abrahamic religions create people who don't think rationally when it comes to the will of God.


Obviously you haven't been reading your Old Testament. That same god is your god too. You can't just pick and choose because you don't like it.

Oh yes I can. You forget I am not a Pauline Christian taught to believe Christianity is "grafted onto the vine" of Judaism. I am a Gnostic Christian, different tradition altogether. If you care to learn about Gnosticism you will find us Gnostics have virtually no use for the God of the Old Testament, the Fraud of Israel, a man-made construct trying to stuff Father and Son gods together as One. Oh yes, the Jews tried it before Christians, the melding of Father and Son gods together. You will find this out when you read ancient Near Eastern religious history and discover EL Elyon was the Canaanite God Most High while Yahweh started off in Canaan as one of the sons of EL. There's a whole boatload of historical information that Abrahamic believers are in for a shock when they learn it and the deliberate mixing of ancient polytheistic gods to make them "monotheistic" is just the tip of the iceberg.

Jews, Muslims and non-trinitarian Christians worship the same god. Trinitarian Christians worship the man Yeshua whom they have made a god figure.

Repeating a lie doesn't make it true. You go ahead and keep posting Muslim ideas about God and Jesus and I guarantee you Christians will be telling you Allah and Jesus' heavenly Father are not at all the same deity. All Christians will tell you this so you can't make it into a Christian sectarian issue. Allah doesn't meet Christian standards of goodness, period.


Allah doesn't meet Christian standards of goodness, period.
And does the "Christian god" meet the "Christian standards of goodness" when he strikes dead Ananias and Sapphira in Acts for lying about the value of their house? Or when the four horsemen kill the myriads of the sinners in Revelation? What are these "standards" exactly?


Admiral Obvious
Allah doesn't meet Christian standards of goodness, period.
I tell you what, once you get all the Christians to sit down together and hammer out what, exactly, this "Christian Standard of Goodness" is, then perhaps you might have an argument.


And does the "Christian god" meet the "Christian standards of goodness" when he strikes dead Ananias and Sapphira in Acts for lying about the value of their house? Or when the four horsemen kill the myriads of the sinners in Revelation? What are these "standards" exactly?

You missed where I point out that I am a Gnostic Christian. Pauline Christianity's texts are not valid history, have no relationship to Jesus' teachings about goodness but are only church propaganda meant to scare believers into believing, much like Paul uses fear of condemnation to hell to scare believers into believing his stuff, Paul's gospel that is at odds with Jesus' teachings.

Paul doesn't follow Jesus' teachings and neither does that story about Ananias and Sapphira. Revelation is not a Christian scripture as in it Jesus forgets all about forgiveness of sins and sinners and acts the Muslim Avenger.

The Gospels contain Jesus' teachings and that's where you find God's guidance for goodness in our relationships with one another.


You missed where I point out that I am a Gnostic Christian. Pauline Christianity's texts are not valid history, have no relationship to Jesus' teachings about goodness but are only church propaganda meant to scare believers into believing, much like Paul uses fear of condemnation to hell to scare believers into believing his stuff, Paul's gospel that is at odds with Jesus' teachings.

Paul doesn't follow Jesus' teachings and neither does that story about Ananias and Sapphira. Revelation is not a Christian scripture as in it Jesus forgets all about forgiveness of sins and sinners and acts the Muslim Avenger.

The Gospels contain Jesus' teachings and that's where you find God's guidance for goodness in our relationships with one another.

I'm glad we agree that Paul's epistles are not valid and that Paul was a false apostle.

PS The Gospels talk about G-d's wrath nonetheless.

That rules out Acts.

But it doesn't rule out Revelation, on what grounds do you say that Revelation is not a Christian text? Because of the concept of sinners being punished? Perhaps your idea of how sinners are forgiven is what's incorrect in this regard.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Muhammad's "Isa" is not Jesus Christ but Muhammad's makeover of Jesus Christ, making Jesus the Christian into a Muslim and that can never be.

You have no idea what a Muslim is or what Islam teaches. Mind you (I'm NOT a Muslim) but I know enough to call foul when I see it. Now, Muslims didn't make Yeshua into a Muslim. The word means (To voluntarily submit or one who submits). In Islamic thought you don't have to be a follower of Islam to be considered a Muslim. To Muslims it is a universal description.

Allah doesn't forgive sins and sinners. He punishes them,

You have no business commenting on Muslims or Jews if you don't know what you're taking about.

Our Lord, we have heard a caller calling us to belief, saying, "Believe you in your Lord!" And we believe. Our Lord, forgive Thou us our sins and acquit us of our evil deeds, and take us to Thee with the pious.

that God may forgive thee thy former and thy latter sins, and complete His blessing upon thee, and guide thee on a straight path,

So it would appear you are in error. In Islam it does teach "Allah" will forgive sins.

Muhammad's ideas as if God talks only to war lords.

How about you go and examine your book of Chronicles and Kings in the OT (Bible).

Anyone who kills men is automatically disqualified for creating any religious.....

By your logic Christianity is disqualified as well.

Muslims won't learn this simple truth until they obtain the courage to buck their Idols, Muhammad and his book.

What "idols" are you talking about and have you even read the Qur'an?

I'm sorry but to me, Muhammad's Islam is contaminated with male territorial conquest and control agenda and thereby is not of God but of man.

Say that again but stand in front of a mirror while holding up your bible. See the similarities.

Why on earth would you think Christians were not as responsible citizens as Jews or Muslims?

I didn't say they weren't. Your charge was about "sin" and I'm simply giving you the facts. Jews and Muslims believe that the sins of the father are not passed down but everyone bears their own personal responsibility for their actions and shall be judge by "God" accordingly.

No. Especially not us Gnostic Christians.

Surely you don't speak for ALL Christians when you say that? There are plenty out there teaching of the dammed burning in hell or lake of fire for eternity (What Does The Bible Say About Hell And A Sinners Punishment?).

No, our Christian God demands forgiveness of sins, turning the other cheek, Allah demands punishment and revenge.

The Qur'an teaches the same thing.

Know God is terrible in retribution, and God is All-forgiving, All-compassionate.

Does not your bible teach the same thing about "God" there?

As far as "Turning the other cheek" the Qur'an teaches the same thing.

Repel thou the evil with that which is fairer.......

Not equal are the good deed and the evil deed. Repel with that which is fairer and behold, he between whom and thee there is enmity shall be as if he were a loyal friend.

I don't have any such confusion but it's true, I am not traditional (Pauline) Christian but Gnostic. You Muslims cannot think beyond what Muhammad thought because he's made you into clones of himself and like zombies you carry out the wishes of a dead man with great hubris, so great he actually thought human spiritual and intellectual knowledge stopped at him back in the 7th century and now all Muslims follow this irrational lunacy that thinks that past knowledge is superior to present and future knowledge.

Ahh, but I'm not a Muslim. I'm simply highlighting your bigotry. When it comes to the Abrahamic faiths you're all the same....No better and no worse than the other.

Most Christians in America voted for liars and cheats and are quite gullible people. Sorta like most Muslims and most Jews. Organized Abrahamic religions create people who don't think rationally when it comes to the will of God.

Again, see above...:facepalm:

Oh yes I can. You forget I am not a Pauline Christian taught to believe Christianity is "grafted onto the vine" of Judaism. I am a Gnostic Christian, different tradition altogether.

I'm not referring to the Pauline doctrine. I'm pointing out that everything before the NT scriptures is wholeheartedly part of the Christian doctrine...regardless of what sect you claim. You take the bitter with the sweet. To pick and choose from the OT makes you sound like a hypocrite.

If you care to learn about Gnosticism you will find us Gnostics have virtually no use for the God of the Old Testament, the Fraud of Israel, a man-made construct trying to stuff Father and Son gods together as One. Oh yes, the Jews tried it before Christians, the melding of Father and Son gods together. You will find this out when you read ancient Near Eastern religious history and discover EL Elyon was the Canaanite God Most High while Yahweh started off in Canaan as one of the sons of EL. There's a whole boatload of historical information that Abrahamic believers are in for a shock when they learn it and the deliberate mixing of ancient polytheistic gods to make them "monotheistic" is just the tip of the iceberg.

I'm very much aware of ALL that. The difference between me and you is I have one less god than you and find all of this theology to be man made...including yours......but I still think Non-Trinitarian Christians, Muslims and Jews worship the same god.....;)
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You have no idea what a Muslim is or what Islam teaches. Mind you (I'm NOT a Muslim) but I know enough to call foul when I see it. Now, Muslims didn't make Yeshua into a Muslim. The word means (To voluntarily submit or one who submits). In Islamic thought you don't have to be a follower of Islam to be considered a Muslim. To Muslims it is a universal description.

You have no business commenting on Muslims or Jews if you don't know what you're taking about.

If you're not a Muslim then neither do you, hypocrite. You have your opinion about Muhammad's Islam as an outsider. I have mine.

Our Lord, we have heard a caller calling us to belief, saying, "Believe you in your Lord!" And we believe. Our Lord, forgive Thou us our sins and acquit us of our evil deeds, and take us to Thee with the pious.

that God may forgive thee thy former and thy latter sins, and complete His blessing upon thee, and guide thee on a straight path,

So it would appear you are in error. In Islam it does teach "Allah" will forgive sins.

Do you really want me to post the great many sayings in the Quran where Allah punishes sinners with everlasting fire and torment? The Quran has more condemning to hell than any other Abrahamic scripture. And tell us about Isa as the pacifist Muslim Jesus Christ who counsels turning the other cheek instead of an eye for an eye, tell us about him so we can see for ourselves this Isa as Jesus Christ.

How about you go and examine your book of Chronicles and Kings in the OT (Bible).

How about you read again my Gnostic Christian stance on the Torah/Tanakh so you stop confusing me with Pauline Christian believers.

By your logic Christianity is disqualified as well.

Not Gnostic Christianity which you seem unfamiliar with. Hint: no traditional hell in classical Gnostic Christianity which regards this life in the material world as hellish enough.

What "idols" are you talking about and have you even read the Qur'an?

Yes, three times now. Muslims are taught to bow down to this paper and ink IDOL. It is treated as an idol would be treated where the idol tells believers it is Taboo to ever question the idol. Same thing with Muhammad where he makes himself into another Muslim IDOL where Muslims are forbidden to ever question him as such. The way Muslims defend their IDOL Muhammad when he's just a pile of bones is the mark of idolators defending their idol to the death. I mean what could be more utterly absurd than to think a dead man could be offended by words spoken against him over a thousand years later. Islam glorifies Muslim male egos as inviolate mentality defensible to the death which is another primitive characteristic unfit for our modern world.

Say that again but stand in front of a mirror while holding up your bible. See the similarities.

How many times do it take it to register in your brain that I am not a Pauline Christian but Gnostic. The Bible is not our holy book. The library is where God's books are to be found, not in any single book on the shelf but all of them.

I didn't say they weren't. Your charge was about "sin" and I'm simply giving you the facts. Jews and Muslims believe that the sins of the father are not passed down but everyone bears their own personal responsibility for their actions and shall be judge by "God" accordingly.

What is different then from Christian social responsibility which if you know your history has produced most of the world's social change programs protecting innocents from injustice as well as most of the world's charity programs. No other religion comes close to Christian charities worldwide. That's individual responsibilty in Christian form.

Surely you don't speak for ALL Christians when you say that? There are plenty out there teaching of the dammed burning in hell or lake of fire for eternity (What Does The Bible Say About Hell And A Sinners Punishment?).

I speak for me, no one else, but I do know many a Christian who has no belief in the hellish Egyptian lake of fire adopted by Jewish Christianity where souls are judged worthy enough to cross over into heaven or be rejected and sent back or into the fiery lake.

The Qur'an teaches the same thing.

Know God is terrible in retribution, and God is All-forgiving, All-compassionate.

Does not your bible teach the same thing about "God" there?

Both Yahweh and Allah claim to be "all-forgiving, all compassionate" here in their Scriptures while damning sinners to everlasting hell there in the same Scriptures. I don't follow Yahweh or Allah, both lower war gods. I follow God Most High who is Jesus' heavenly Father and gave Jesus and us the spiritual truth whereas Moses and Muhammad, both being killers of men, gave us religion as war--from their tribal war gods masquerading as God.

As far as "Turning the other cheek" the Qur'an teaches the same thing.

Repel thou the evil with that which is fairer.......

Not equal are the good deed and the evil deed. Repel with that which is fairer and behold, he between whom and thee there is enmity shall be as if he were a loyal friend.

Eye for eye in Islam:
5:45 And We ordained therein for them: Life for life, eye for eye, nose for nose, ear for ear, tooth for tooth and wounds equal for equal. But if anyone remits the retaliation by way of charity, it shall be for him an expiation. And whosoever does not judge by that which Allah has revealed, such are the Zalimun (polytheists and wrongdoers . . .).

Ahh, but I'm not a Muslim. I'm simply highlighting your bigotry. When it comes to the Abrahamic faiths you're all the same....No better and no worse than the other.

With your lack of discernment between Abrahamic religions and your total failure to read my posts accurately, of course you'd come out learning nothing but your own prejudices. I suggest you learn something about Gnostic Christianity next time you try debating a Gnostic Christian.

Again, see above...:facepalm:

I'm not referring to the Pauline doctrine. I'm pointing out that everything before the NT scriptures is wholeheartedly part of the Christian doctrine...regardless of what sect you claim. You take the bitter with the sweet. To pick and choose from the OT makes you sound like a hypocrite.

What? Picking and choosing has nothing to do with hypocrisy. You might want to think about this: Jesus Christ gave us the Two Greatest Commandments. Were they written as such in the Torah? No. He had to "pick and choose" among the Ten Commandments and the Mitzvot laws to piece together the Two Greatest Commandments. And with that I rest my case. Have a good day.

I'm very much aware of ALL that. The difference between me and you is I have one less god than you and find all of this theology to be man made...including yours......but I still think Non-Trinitarian Christians, Muslims and Jews worship the same god.....;)

I hear having a religious mythology one believes in wholeheartedly helps keep some people sane. Myself, I need truth and seek the truth as Jesus Christ taught us Christians.


Jehovah our God is One
No actually not the same at all because as far as I know different versions of Bibles incorporate different stories.

The Qur'an has one single form from which translations are produced. Every single copy of the Qur'an is identical.

is the english translated Quran identical to the arabic Quran? Im sure you would say in 'meaning' it is the same...but obviously its not the same language, so in that way it is different.

The bible is the same no matter which publisher publishes it. Just as islam has many scholars who provide slightly different tranlsations of the Arabic text, so too does the bible have different translators who provide slightly different traanslations of the Greek and Hebrew texts of the bible manuscripts.

The bible always contains 66 books... all the books of the hebrew scriptures and all the books of the Christian scriptures make up a bible.


Jehovah our God is One
The Bible does not always contain 66 books. Different churches have different Bibles.

every bible contains 66 books of 'inspired scripture' known as the 'canon'

the catholic church are the only ones i know of who also attach the books of the 'apochrypha' to those 66 inspired books.

But even then, I dont think they proclaim that the books of the apocrypha are actually inspired writings. Im pretty sure they know they are not part of the bible canon.


Active Member
Take a look at the Ethiopian Orthodox Bible, one of the oldest. The oldest surviving Bible in Greek has a diferent canon. And the coptics as well. There are over 8 different versions of the Bible believed to be canon by their own churches.
It's possible they are not worshipping the same God because the natures of their Gods are different.

This should be a pretty basic premise, if something is blue and something is red they are not the same color.

but the covenant that "God" made with Christians and Hebrews and Muslims are mostly the same. the god is the same god. It is just, the Christians and the Hebrews broke their covenants, and the last covenant - Muslims - is the true one. Or so I was taught by a very smart man.


every bible contains 66 books of 'inspired scripture' known as the 'canon'

the catholic church are the only ones i know of who also attach the books of the 'apochrypha' to those 66 inspired books.

But even then, I dont think they proclaim that the books of the apocrypha are actually inspired writings. Im pretty sure they know they are not part of the bible canon.

The Catholics affirmed in the 16th century that the Apocrypha, with exception of 2 Esdras was inspired. (Though they have no problem including it in their liturgy. I personally consider 2 Esdras canonical.)

There is no reason to assume that the Apocrypha are not part of Canon, this is a typically Protestant argument that says that because the Masoretic Jews abandoned them, that somehow means they are not inspired, even though there is evidence that Josephus (1 Esdras) and others (Dead Sea Scroll authors, Talmud editors) affirmed various books of the Apocrypha as inspired.

Nonetheless, the Apocrypha and others like Enoch (which is canon to the Ethiopian church and was canonical to Iraneus and other church fathers) was found in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Also, some books like Ascension of Isaiah are mentioned such as in 2 Chron 32:32 as canonical.

And then going further, there's the issue that the "canon" of Christian "scriptures" was not really well established until the Roman/Orthodox Church said so much later. We have the Muratorian fragment for example that includes the Apocalypse of Peter, and the Syrian Orthodox Church rejected the Pastoral epistles (Which nearly all scholars today say wasn't by Paul). Many groups discluded the epistles of "Peter" (and again, most scholars today affirm that it was pseudipigraphic just as the ancients who rejected it did). The "Traditional canon" is "Traditional ROMAN Canon", and Protestants have no problem using the Orthodox canon for the NT selection, just not the Apocrypha, for whatever reason.
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Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
You've got to learn how to use the quote feature here.

If you're not a Muslim then neither do you, hypocrite. You have your opinion about Muhammad's Islam as an outsider. I have mine.

How am I a hypocrite? I'm not the one here making baseless claims. I've countered everything you asserted about Muhammad and Islam and showed you how wrong you are...come on now...:facepalm:

Do you really want me to post the great many sayings in the Quran where Allah punishes sinners with everlasting fire and torment?

No because it has no bearing on the thread topic whatsoever.

How about you read again my Gnostic Christian stance on the Torah/Tanakh so you stop confusing me with Pauline Christian believers.

I know your stance and I'm not charging you as a Pauline Christian but you weaken your position by picking and choosing what you will and won't accept from the OT.

Not Gnostic Christianity which you seem unfamiliar with. Hint: no traditional hell in classical Gnostic Christianity which regards this life in the material world as hellish enough.

Even Gnosticism is born out of the Hebrew culture. The Hebrews didn't and don't accept the mainstream Christian interpretation of "Hell".....So once again nowhere did I say or even insinuate you were part of the old world or modern Christianity.

Yes, three times now. Muslims are taught to bow down to this paper and ink IDOL.

No they're not. Wow...!!!! You are embarrassing yourself here.

What is different then from Christian social responsibility which if you know your history has produced most of the world's social change programs protecting innocents from injustice as well as most of the world's charity programs. No other religion comes close to Christian charities worldwide. That's individual responsibilty in Christian form.

Because I wasn't talking about "social responsibility" I was talking about (sin - moral responsibility) and what both the Jew and the Muslim believe compared to Christians. We all have social responsibilities regardless of religion.....and who cares if Christians have done more, as you assert? We're not talking about a numbers game. Not only do Christians help on a social level but so do Muslims and so do Jews.

Both Yahweh and Allah claim to be "all-forgiving, all compassionate" here in their Scriptures while damning sinners to everlasting hell there in the same Scriptures. I don't follow Yahweh or Allah, both lower war gods.

I completely agree.

I follow God Most High who is Jesus' heavenly Father and gave Jesus and us the spiritual truth
I can respect that. I simply don't follow any of it.....not even your interpretation of "God".
With your lack of discernment between Abrahamic religions and your total failure to read my posts accurately, of course you'd come out learning nothing but your own prejudices. I suggest you learn something about Gnostic Christianity next time you try debating a Gnostic Christian.

We're not here to debate your specific interpretation of "God", we're not here to knock down Christians, Muslims or Jews. We're simply debating whether or not "they" share the same (One "God").... You jump in spouting your rhetoric about the Quran, war gods etc.....and you serve no purpose here but to derail this thread which is probably why most of the participants in this thread are ignoring your bigotry.

What? Picking and choosing has nothing to do with hypocrisy. You might want to think about this: Jesus Christ gave us the Two Greatest Commandments. Were they written as such in the Torah? No. He had to "pick and choose" among the Ten Commandments and the Mitzvot laws to piece together the Two Greatest Commandments. And with that I rest my case. Have a good day.

If you're referring to Matthew 22:36-40 then he didn't pick and choose anything. What he gave wasn't even new nor was it the "greatest". What he expressed can be found in other cultures. And YES! they're written in the Torah as well....:facepalm:

Deuteronomy 6:5
And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.

Leviticus 19:18
Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I [am] the LORD.
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Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
As an aside you shouldn't add PBUH after the word Allah. PBUH means "peace be upon him" and is usually added after mentioning the names of God's messengers (and can also be used after saints).

Thank you for the explaination. I just wanted to be respectful, now I know.


The OT never speaks about Jesus. You will not find Jesus in the OT unless you place him there. There is a difference.

Really? Check out Zechariah 3

"Then he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the LORD, and Satan standing at his right hand to accuse him." 3:1...
"And the angel said to those who were standing before him, “Remove the filthy garments from him.” And to him he said, “Behold, I have taken your iniquity away from you, and I will clothe you with pure vestments.”" 3:4...
"Hear now, O Joshua the high priest, you and your friends who sit before you, for they are men who are a sign: behold, I will bring my servant the Branch.
9 For behold, on the stone that I have set before Joshua, on a single stone with seven eyes, I will engrave its inscription, declares the LORD of hosts, and I will remove the iniquity of this land in a single day." 3:8-9...
"Take from them silver and gold, and make a crown, and set it on the head of Joshua, the son of Jehozadak, the high priest. And say to him, ‘Thus says the LORD of hosts, “Behold, the man whose name is the Branch: for he shall branch out from his place, and he shall build the temple of the LORD." 6:11-12

So Joshua the High Priest is a sign concerning the Branch, the servant of God whom God brings, who has the same name as Joshua the High Priest. And in case you didn't know, Joshua is the English translation of the Hebrew Y'shua, and Jesus translates from Iesus, which is the Greek translation of Y'shua. So they are all the same name. Go back and read Zechariah now with the name Jesus instead of Joshua.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Really? Check out Zechariah 3

"Then he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the LORD, and Satan standing at his right hand to accuse him." 3:1...
"And the angel said to those who were standing before him, “Remove the filthy garments from him.” And to him he said, “Behold, I have taken your iniquity away from you, and I will clothe you with pure vestments.”" 3:4...
"Hear now, O Joshua the high priest, you and your friends who sit before you, for they are men who are a sign: behold, I will bring my servant the Branch.
9 For behold, on the stone that I have set before Joshua, on a single stone with seven eyes, I will engrave its inscription, declares the LORD of hosts, and I will remove the iniquity of this land in a single day." 3:8-9...
"Take from them silver and gold, and make a crown, and set it on the head of Joshua, the son of Jehozadak, the high priest. And say to him, ‘Thus says the LORD of hosts, “Behold, the man whose name is the Branch: for he shall branch out from his place, and he shall build the temple of the LORD." 6:11-12

Has nothing to do with Yeshua.

So Joshua the High Priest is a sign concerning the Branch, the servant of God whom God brings, who has the same name as Joshua the High Priest. And in case you didn't know, Joshua is the English translation of the Hebrew Y'shua, and Jesus translates from Iesus, which is the Greek translation of Y'shua. So they are all the same name. Go back and read Zechariah now with the name Jesus instead of Joshua.

He wasn't the only person named Yeshua as it was a common name. This does not prove it was the biblical Yeshua.


al gazali

i asked a muslim if humans need an intercessor between them and god, which a christian says christ is the intercessor, and the muslim said that we do not need an intercession between us and god.

This to me tells me that it is not the same god which these two faiths worship.

I'd like someone to ellaborate on the intercession concerning islam, but if i'm correct in that simple manner than we cannot possibly be worshipping the same god because the christian god is necessarily so unfathomable and holy that mankind cannot possibly approach him. Likewise, such a god is so beyond human comprehension that he cannot directly communicate with us.

I don't want my specific definitions to spark too much debate, i'm not sure how to describe allah, if no intercession is required, i've not thought what this means for god in terms of a logical argument, is that the "most holy" god possible? Is that the most infallible? The maximally great? Etc?

I think that the condition of intercession means the two gods are contradictory thus cannot be the same.
well since i e muslim i could explaine thise to you

1 the probleme of intersssion in worship is e false concept in islam because it touch the devinity of allah
in islam the almighty allah is the all hearring the all knowing soo he hear all and he see all so he hear youre prayer you dont need jesus or anny statue deneiy his devnity

2 understand that islam is extremly deffrent in indtification of god than all the rest of religion
in islam all the perviouse abrahamique religion and even non abrahamique religion starts with allah one god than it was changed throw thise probleme of... You cant sense god ..and throw adds of ppl but the core of it is one god . Buddiste speaks aboute one ultimate truth hidus speaks aboute vhcnnu
have e sense of allah is e complexe because of 2 thinks
in islam the nature of all man kind is guided to allah and worship and it is created in us but because of humain typicale guidance to bad and evil he reject it.only the believers DOES NOT
in islam all man kind are born to believe in allah but thy became dibelivers the same with goodenees
in islam all man kind are born with loving goodness in all of it s forms but thy became moste ot them wrong doers who harm more than do good
as for muslims sence allah throw E LOTS OF THINKS . his creation
the world is just soo perfect why physiques is soo perfect why humain biology and all of signies are e devine signe of god
the reason that there is an order means there is e creator and how perfect is the order how porfect is the creator just look how perfect the humain body is

THERE IS E TEXT IN THE OLY CORAN THAT SAYES (( TESTIFY ALLAH AND THE ANGLES AND PPL WITH KNOWLEGE THAT THERES IS NO GOD EXECPET ALLAH ))) and thise is why scientisite are the moste colser to allah thy see the divinity of allah in his creation and the holy coran starts with the word (( recite))

but as for us normal ppl we feel the devinty of allah throw his words the holy coran untill now noo work o litrature seccude the holy coran and we as arabes testify of that and e lots of ppl converted at the time of mohamed just when thy heared the holy coran ? It was the only mirical of mohamed as e profet and it was the only sufficiante miricale that calll e lots of non muslims to our time to join islam
soo read it pls?????
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