This is laughable coming from you. You run to a bunch of Muslim apologetic websites to support accusations of a book you've probably never even opened and certainly haven't looked over thoroughly. I'm talking to you out of my own experience reading the Koran. There were three things that stuck out to me in my time reading this book.
I have not made my arguments by quoting from external sources - I quoted straight from the bible and I have provided references for all sources. And we shall see how much you are talking from your experience given most of the Christian apologetic websites refer to the same experiences you are having.
1. That these "revelations" are completely unverifiable as opposed to the life of Jesus which had thousands of witnesses. Yes I addressed this very issue in the apologetic I wrote on page 5.
First, I'll repeat one thing that you repeatedly ignore. That is story of Jesus's(pbuh) birth announcement to Mary and the story of Zechariah (just to name a few of the so many) in the Bible
are not 'eyewitness accounts' - they are also revelations. So if you deny the Qur'anic revelation, you also deny revelation related to Jesus's (pbuh) birth because nobody saw the angel coming and talking to them.
Secondly, I don't even know how you claim the 'Gospels' as an 'eyewitness account' while
nobody really knows for sure who wrote them and where and also since
the originals don't exist. So how can you trust an anonymous author to write an accurate account of events that happened centuries before ? Again, I'll show you that from plain old wikipedia not any Islamic apologetic sites.
From :
Gospel of Mark - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"The Gospel According to Mark does not name its author.[2] A 2nd century tradition ascribes it to Mark the Evangelist (also known as John Mark), the companion of Peter,[7] on
whose memories it is supposedly based.[1][8][9][10] but the author's use of varied sources tells against the traditional account and
according to the majority view the author is unknown.
Gospel of Matthew - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Gospel of Matthew does not name its author. The Christian bishop, Papias of Hierapolis, about 100–140 AD, in a passage with several ambiguous phrases, wrote: "Matthew collected the oracles (logia—sayings of or about Jesus) in the Hebrew language (Hebraïdi dialektōi—perhaps alternatively "Hebrew style") and each one interpreted (hērmēneusen—or "translated") them as best he could."[4] On the surface this implies that Matthew was written in Hebrew and translated into Greek, but Matthew's Greek "reveals none of the telltale marks of a translation."
They don't even know for sure which language Matthew was written in.
Gospel of Luke - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Although the Gospel survives in
anonymous form, it is considered that the name was known to the addressee, Theophilus.[38] The author was probably a Gentile Christian.[13] "
"Most modern scholars agree that
Luke used the Gospel of Mark as one of his sources.[29] The understanding that Mark was the first of the synoptic gospels and that it served as a source for Matthew and Luke is foundational to modern critical scholarship."
Again the supposed Gospel of Luke is also a copy of a material with unknown source(Mark).
Gospel of John - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"The gospel identifies its author as "the disciple whom Jesus loved." The text does not actually name this disciple, but
by the beginning of the 2nd century a tradition began to form which identified him with John the Apostle, one of the Twelve (Jesus's innermost circle).
Today the majority of scholars do not believe that John or any other eyewitness wrote it,[12][13][14][15][16][17] and trace it instead to a "Johannine community" which traced its traditions to John; the gospel itself shows signs of having been composed in three "layers", reaching its final form about 90-100 AD."
And these are your thousands of eyewitness accounts ? Now compare that to the real 'eyewitness account' of the scriptures of Islam.
Qur'an - the eyewitnesses (companions of the Prophet Muhammad(pbuh)) wrote and memorized it as the Qur'an was being revealed over 23 years of Prophet's(pbuh) life and then passed down in the original language generations after generations.
Hadith - eyewitness account of events with unbroken chain of reporters going all the way back to Prophet Muhammad(pbuh)
That's what you call verifiable eyewitness account.
2. That the book has no real structure. Despite several iman's attempts to explain the allegedly otherworldly structure of it I still find this criticism to be unsuccessfully challenged.
Again, as I have mentioned that
it is a highly subjective matter and I have already discussed it.
3. The repetitive nature of it. It's well documented that the Koran tells the story of Noah 39 times. That seems a little excessive to me.
This is futile attempt to prove I don't know what given "The Gospels of Luke, Matthew and Mark (known as the Synoptic Gospels) include many of the same stories, often in the same sequence, and sometimes exactly the same wording." [From :
]Gospel of Luke - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and not to mention with contradictions and inconsistencies.
Whereas Qur'anic repitions serve quite a different purpose with difference in the detail as I have mentioned before and not to mention that just because the name Moses is mentioned in multiple places, it is not necessary that they are being used in the same context or to tell the same story.
But now, please decide which story is repeated in the Qur'an 39 times -
story of Noah or
story of Moses (as you have mentioned earlier here :
Which EXPOSES were you get your information from .... that is the Christian apologetic websites such as
Political Islam // Articles // Understanding The Koran
and many other sites if you google it. I would be really surprised if you all had the similar experience of 39 repetitions of story of Moses in the Qur'an and yet it is wrong.
If I were you, I would just shut up and never return to this thread. The more fake responses you come up with, the more you are getting exposed.