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Muslims, would this stop terrorist attacks from fundamentalists?


Premium Member
It does not matter what type it
But the important thing is your attitude you because you have Muslim
Who is the enemy of God
??? Am I the enemy of God ???
Are you the enemy of God ??
It's a very flexible term
You can kill your neighbor also
It's a problem of Islam intellectually

That's an interesting point of view. Thank you for sharing.

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
By default, you're not the enemy of God, and I'm not the enemy of God. And not, I can't kill my neighbor just because I want to.
Thank you
Your attitude Profile
But I want to know the position of Islam
And that the advance of the forum members
A simple definition to the term enemies of God
Which it was mentioned in the Quranic verse precious ???
Take advantage note and culture


Premium Member
Thank you
Your attitude Profile
But I want to know the position of Islam
And that the advance of the forum members
A simple definition to the term enemies of God
Which it was mentioned in the Quranic verse precious ???
Take advantage note and culture

Yes, that's a good point.

What I have to offer as (part of) the answer is the following verse:

Quran 60:8 (translation):
God is not forbidding you from those who do not fight you because of religion and do not expel you from your homes - from being righteous toward them and acting justly toward them. Indeed, God loves those who act justly.

According to what this verse clearly implies, those who do not fight us for (1) our religion, and (2) expelling us from our homes, are not our enemies nor God's enemies. You are not fighting me or God nor you are expelling me from my home, so you are not the enemy of God and me.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Yes, the world did not know the term terrorism
The ancient Assyrians are often credited as being the first "terrorists" due to their methods and ways of combat. This way back before either Christianity or Islam, and so long ago that even Judaism was still a young religion. Even in contemporary times, we had terrorists like Timothy McVeigh, Theodore Kaczynkski, the Provisional-IRA, Aryan Nations, Army of God, KKK, ALF, ELF, The Order, Jewish Defense League - there are just way too many terrorists groups to say the world didn't know terrorism before the the recent rise in Islamic terrorism. Even during the 80's the English population, especially in London, was terrorized by the Irish-Catholic group known as the Provisional Irish Republican Army, whose acts of terrorism include bombing a hotel in an attempt to assassinate Margarete Thatcher as well as planting bombs in trash cans in London (and they were known for using nail bombs).
But after that the Islamic terrorist groups have emerged has spread this term
That's a load of bull. When I was growing up, the Russians were our idea of terrorists. Terrorists didn't wear turbans and dynamite belts, they wore black masks and kevlar vests.


Well-Known Member
Just avoid stupid threads like this
Well you're entitled to your opinions but this thread is infinitely more intelligent than believing, for instance, that Muhammad, a warlord, got special knowledge from an angel in a cave over the course of twenty years, where no one could verify this, and then after dozens of military expeditions, eventually flew to heaven on winged horse. Or something along those lines. So i don't know why you made this post--I thought you had a high tolerance to alleged stupidity.


Well-Known Member
AS I SAID, KILLING IS NOT ALWAYS THE BAD THING, get it? or is my english not clear to you? they may become gay, it will become a big problem if they show off their homosexuality let alone practice it.
Please cite where I said that you said killing is always bad. Oh wait. i didn't say that. I think you're the one who doesn't understand English here, or rather don't understand what a strawmen is perhaps. You asked me why killing was bad and I gave you an explanation, and then you get all upset and claim that I didn't understand. Do you even know what your previous post was?

And like I said, its completely stupid to judge and punish people that God made gay via their genetics and environment. Most people are probably born gay, they aren't made gay. its not really a choice for them. Why would it make any sense for God to make so many homosexual mammals, including humans, and then demand homosexuality be punished? Its like punishing people for having a sixth toe. its completely senseless and it reflects the facts that ignorant, bigoted peasants who didn't know the earth orbited the sun constructed the fundamentals of Islam.


Muhammad, a warlord, got special knowledge from an angel in a cave over the course of twenty years

Or closer to the truth,,,, muhammad raised by his cousin a heretic Christian priest known to write his own biblical text in Arabic :rolleyes: taking muhammad in at 5 years old and the first person to claim him divine :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Or closer to the truth,,,, muhammad raised by his cousin a heretic Christian priest known to write his own biblical text in Arabic :rolleyes: taking muhammad in at 5 years old and the first person to claim him divine :rolleyes:

Yeah and this is supposedly the perfect book--the book is so good that no other book needs to be read because then you might discover something you shouldn't, like plagiarism and the fact that it consists of a lot of boring poetry.


Yeah and this is supposedly the perfect book--the book is so good that no other book needs to be read because then you might discover something you shouldn't, like plagiarism and the fact that it consists of a lot of boring poetry.

Religion even this one in moderation could be a very positive thing.

Unfortunately they do not understand what moderation actually is. They lost that a long time ago and it has suffered ever since.

Their moderation is like calling the practice of YEC, moderate :rolleyes:

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
Yes, that's a good point.

What I have to offer as (part of) the answer is the following verse:

Quran 60:8 (translation):
God is not forbidding you from those who do not fight you because of religion and do not expel you from your homes - from being righteous toward them and acting justly toward them. Indeed, God loves those who act justly.

According to what this verse clearly implies, those who do not fight us for (1) our religion, and (2) expelling us from our homes, are not our enemies nor God's enemies. You are not fighting me or God nor you are expelling me from my home, so you are not the enemy of God and me.
You know that every word of the Koran have meaning
So why not be able to identify (enemy of God)
This term must be defined
Who is the enemy of God ???
How can distinguish between the enemies of God and God Ahbab ???
What is the standard ???The answer to the question task
Because if you know who is the enemy of God
Posture The Force is to fight terrorism and the enemies of God ??
And the preparation of the force of the duties of a Muslim
I hope that the answer to the question be directly

But Sura verse from Surat p Mumtahinah are replicated in any fighting
Including this verse When you meet those who disbelieve, smite the necks even if Otkhantamohm Vhdoa bond either us or redemption after placing the war ended, so if it pleases God to beat them but Ablo some of you and some of those killed in the way of Allah will not mislead their business
(Mohammed 4).
Not slack so as to cry for peace and you incline and God is with you and will not Iturkm your business

(Anfal 65).

When the sacred months then kill the idolaters wherever you and you take them and count them and sit you for them each observatory if they repent and establish worship and pay the Zakat then leave their way, God is Forgiving, Merciful
Pay attention to this verse
Kill the infidels wherever they are
Do you think that full compatibility between verse 8 of Surah Mumtahinah This verse of Surat Al Anfal

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
The ancient Assyrians are often credited as being the first "terrorists" due to their methods and ways of combat. This way back before either Christianity or Islam, and so long ago that even Judaism was still a young religion. Even in contemporary times, we had terrorists like Timothy McVeigh, Theodore Kaczynkski, the Provisional-IRA, Aryan Nations, Army of God, KKK, ALF, ELF, The Order, Jewish Defense League - there are just way too many terrorists groups to say the world didn't know terrorism before the the recent rise in Islamic terrorism. Even during the 80's the English population, especially in London, was terrorized by the Irish-Catholic group known as the Provisional Irish Republican Army, whose acts of terrorism include bombing a hotel in an attempt to assassinate Margarete Thatcher as well as planting bombs in trash cans in London (and they were known for using nail bombs).
Yes Assyrians used the harshest means of warfare at that time
Romania and the empire used various means of murder
The Irish army was also used different means to fight
But do they have orders from God ???
Does God told them to kill and terrorized
No my friend
Human commit various acts
But it is attributed to him
It is responsible for such acts
But Muslim stems from the words written in the Koran
He believes it is the Word of God
This is the difference between terrorism in order to target such mundane money and control and editing
And between Islamic terrorism for it is written, God does not accept debate

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
That's a load of bull. When I was growing up, the Russians were our idea of terrorists. Terrorists didn't wear turbans and dynamite belts, they wore black masks and kevlar vests.
Is Among them were lifted from the Bible and says this of the word of God in the Bible?
Muslim kills and say this is written in the Koran
Wyatt fighting Know
The Koran is the driving force of Islamic terrorism
While international terrorism, the engine has specific goals, such as getting rid of dictatorship
Or independence or money or power
I hope that this is important to know the difference between these and the dogmatic Islam


Premium Member
You know that every word of the Koran have meaning
So why not be able to identify (enemy of God)
This term must be defined
Who is the enemy of God ???
How can distinguish between the enemies of God and God Ahbab ???
What is the standard ???The answer to the question task
Because if you know who is the enemy of God
Posture The Force is to fight terrorism and the enemies of God ??
And the preparation of the force of the duties of a Muslim
I hope that the answer to the question be directly

But Sura verse from Surat p Mumtahinah are replicated in any fighting
Including this verse When you meet those who disbelieve, smite the necks even if Otkhantamohm Vhdoa bond either us or redemption after placing the war ended, so if it pleases God to beat them but Ablo some of you and some of those killed in the way of Allah will not mislead their business
(Mohammed 4).
Not slack so as to cry for peace and you incline and God is with you and will not Iturkm your business

(Anfal 65).

When the sacred months then kill the idolaters wherever you and you take them and count them and sit you for them each observatory if they repent and establish worship and pay the Zakat then leave their way, God is Forgiving, Merciful
Pay attention to this verse
Kill the infidels wherever they are
Do you think that full compatibility between verse 8 of Surah Mumtahinah This verse of Surat Al Anfal

Unfortunately I don't know every word of the Quran, let alone knowing their meanings. But for enemies, such a thing comes with normal practices and handed down continuously from the ancestors. My ancestors told me (indirectly, of course) who my enemies are. You are not my enemy.

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
Unfortunately I don't know every word of the Quran, let alone knowing their meanings. But for enemies, such a thing comes with normal practices and handed down continuously from the ancestors. My ancestors told me (indirectly, of course) who my enemies are. You are not my enemy.
My friend Esquire
You know how to read and write
And you know dealing with the net and you are in the management of this forum
You can view the opinions of Muslim scholars and offered us only is it difficult to even know you the honest truth
Or you are now living in Saudi Arabia
In every corner of the streets of the corners of Arabia having jurist and Alammam and its shape is called the beard and shave his mustache
I ask him about the meaning of God's enemy
Write answering honestly even members of the Forum benefit
And ungrateful trouble on this mission, arduous and difficult ?????I want to tell you
If a Muslim does not know who is the enemy of God he is not a Muslim?
Will you accept my words
Because you hide the word of God
It hides the word of God is not a Muslim greetings to you


Active Member
I've heard a theory out there which seems dubious but interesting, and i'm wondering whether or not this would deter terrorist attacks or attacks on military installations or vehicles.

Basically the idea of the theory was to place Qurans all over vehicles and building, so that way in order to attack something or blow someone up, the Islamic terrorist would be destroying hundreds of Qurans via burning, or bullets, or whatever. I mean even allegations that someone burned a Quran in the middle east could potentially get you stoned to death. Do you think this would deter attacks at the very least or would they just ignore the books and attack anyways? I seriously don't know because i've heard that Muslims take Quran destruction very seriously as one of the largest offenses and blasphemies possible.

i think a person deciding to blow himself up the way they do has reached a point of stupidity and indoctrination that would make it useless every effort to stop them. We have plenty of examples on this forum of people who are so indoctrinated and one can see they're no more capable of talking or listening, aknowledge the contradictions of their logic or make valid points, so they can't be talked to or reasoned to. If in case of suicide bombers their indoctrination go as far that is able to deactivate their instinct for self preservation than they're probably past the point of no return.

Do you think that threatening to bury the remains of suicide bombers in a grave with pork bits and blood and other unislamic things like that would scary them to the point of stopping their will to attack? if they can't be reasoned to maybe you can exploit their stupidity against them.
but in the end i'm pretty sure that the same guys that are able to convince them to blow themselves up will be able to convince them that would not stop them reaching heaven.
Last edited:


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
i think a person deciding to blow himself up the way they do has reached a point of stupidity and indoctrination that would make it useless every effort to stop them. If their indoctrination was able to deactivate their instinct for self preservation than they're past the point of no return.

Do you think that threatening to bury the remains of suicide bombers in a grave with pork bits and blood and other unislamic things like that would scary them to the point of stopping their will to attack?

Proposing a competition to decide who is more obnoxious between the suicide terrorists and their would be victims is far worse than pointless, I think.

Does anyone expect people who are blinded by hate to suddenly feel scared actionless because of the threat of the same sacrilege that they already feel certain to be happening?

What good could possibly come from that?


Premium Member
My friend Esquire
You know how to read and write
And you know dealing with the net and you are in the management of this forum
You can view the opinions of Muslim scholars and offered us only is it difficult to even know you the honest truth
Or you are now living in Saudi Arabia
In every corner of the streets of the corners of Arabia having jurist and Alammam and its shape is called the beard and shave his mustache
I ask him about the meaning of God's enemy
Write answering honestly even members of the Forum benefit
And ungrateful trouble on this mission, arduous and difficult ?????I want to tell you
If a Muslim does not know who is the enemy of God he is not a Muslim?
Will you accept my words
Because you hide the word of God
It hides the word of God is not a Muslim greetings to you

What's an esquire?

Bro, I don't memorize the whole Quran. You want me to read it all to find out about something that's been sent from my early Muslim ancestors of Makkah, the birth place of Islam, that we know for sure?

And, are you trying to make yourself an enemy to me or something?

By the way, I'm a native from Makkah and I inherited my Islamic practices from my ancestors, not from Saudi Arabia, which is like just ~111 years old or something?

Why don't just tell us already who is the enemy? With proof please.
Or closer to the truth,

Or closer to wild, unevidenced speculation that you cannot find a single credible source to support because it is completely unprovable, based on circular reasoning and thus isn't taken seriously by any scholar.

muhammad raised by his cousin a heretic Christian priest known to write his own biblical text in Arabic :rolleyes:


Also this 'Christian priest' may or may not have actually existed as he is only known through the Islamic tradition which is unreliable from the perspective of academic history as it is really an exercise in theology. The Islamic tradition also variously describes him as a Jew, Christian and Hanif, has him writing the Bible in Hebrew and has him dying both before and after Muhammed started preaching.

taking muhammad in at 5 years old

You are just making things up now, and have gone from wild speculation into 'fan fiction'. The tradition says he found Muhammed who was lost and took him back to his family.

and the first person to claim him divine :rolleyes:

Not sure 'divine' is the correct word, but you are confusing Waraqa with Bahira the Christian monk.

Countless times you demand that others provide you with 'a credible link' or they are 'rejecting academia and knowledge'. You well know that you can't provide credible sources for your speculation though and also well know that it is a view rejected by experts in the field as I have already shown you their discussions. Pot/kettle/etc.