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My God Why have you forsaken me


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
you believe don't you?
you have the ability to save yourself just by believing... a work no less.

I believe in the work already performed by Jesus' rightiousness as my own, thus I rest from my own works.

I find my Sabbath rest in Jesus.

Those not claiming His rest as thier own are still in slavery and not free as in the day of jublee.
Blessings, AJ


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Good grief, people. Get real!

Christians believe that Jesus was both fully God and fully man, and that he took on the sins of the world in order to save mankind. Since he took on the sins of the world, God turned his face from him. As a man, he felt the loss of communion with God, and expressed the pain of this loss. He wasn't trying to fulfill prophesy; he was just being real.

I am not a Christian, so maybe my thoughts don't count for much. But, really, people. Is this so hard to grasp? Have any of you felt disconnected from the divine? I know I have. Quit thinking of Jesus as AT

not like you. Give him a break.

Prophecy fulfilled to the crossing of the T and dotting of the i.
How else is a promise made a truth?
Prophecy is not good until it is fulfilled.
Oh, by the way, we are the one who were granted " a break".
Blessings, AJ


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Yes .. belief can save..
But what belief? Does it matter what you believe? .. Of course it does!

It is belief which changes your behaviour .. if your behaviour is not affected by your belief, then how can you expect to arrive at a particular destination :candle:

Not belief itself but belief in the Son of God to empower us to change our behaviour as new citizens of His kingdom.

A rebirth if you can understand what I mean.

Blessings, AJ


Veteran Member
I believe in the work already performed by Jesus' rightiousness as my own, thus I rest from my own works.
do you rest from your culpability too?

I find my Sabbath rest in Jesus.

Those not claiming His rest as thier own are still in slavery and not free as in the day of jublee.
Blessings, AJ

why call those who do not believe a slave? isn't that being presumptuous?

at any rate, it is you who believes, it is a work because
you decide to hand over your guilt, your responsibility and your ownership of all your wrong doings.


Premium Member
Good grief, people. Get real!

Christians believe that Jesus was both fully God and fully man, and that he took on the sins of the world in order to save mankind. Since he took on the sins of the world, God turned his face from him. As a man, he felt the loss of communion with God, and expressed the pain of this loss. He wasn't trying to fulfill prophesy; he was just being real.

I am not a Christian, so maybe my thoughts don't count for much. But, really, people. Is this so hard to grasp? Have any of you felt disconnected from the divine? I know I have. Quit thinking of Jesus as someone not like you. Give him a break.
The fully god and fully man math doesn't add up. Even then, how is someone who is god in the flesh supposed to be disconnected from the divine?

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Good grief, people. Get real!

Christians believe that Jesus was both fully God and fully man, and that he took on the sins of the world in order to save mankind.

Well I'm not a christian but I can say this with some certainty....Not all chistian denominations believe Yeshua was "God".....


Rogue Theologian
Not belief itself but belief in the Son of God to empower us to change our behaviour as new citizens of His kingdom.

A rebirth if you can understand what I mean.

Blessings, AJ

So...all others will fail?

Where's that blanket salvation?
The fully god and fully man math doesn't add up. Even then, how is someone who is god in the flesh supposed to be disconnected from the divine?

It's a mystery, and kind of fundamental to orthodox Christianity.

I don't mean to offend you, but if you want to discuss religion, you might want to familiarize yourself with some of the territory, especially that territory that is widely-traveled in this culture.


Veteran Member
It's a mystery..

Come off it ! If you asked me a question like "Do we still exist in some way after we die?" and I said "It's a mystery", that's not an answer :D
ie. we learn nothing

.. in fact, what you really mean is "I don't know .. it makes no sense to me either".

Heathen Hammer

Nope, you're still wrong
Good grief, people. Get real!

Christians believe that Jesus was both fully God and fully man, and that he took on the sins of the world in order to save mankind. Since he took on the sins of the world, God turned his face from him. As a man, he felt the loss of communion with God, and expressed the pain of this loss. He wasn't trying to fulfill prophesy; he was just being real.

I am not a Christian, so maybe my thoughts don't count for much. But, really, people. Is this so hard to grasp? Have any of you felt disconnected from the divine? I know I have. Quit thinking of Jesus as someone not like you. Give him a break.

Much like the conundrums of the Fall from Eden, there are things about Jesus' mortal end that create a lot of paradox. On the one hand, his crucifixion and death hold very little meaning in terms of sacrifice if Jesus is really God. So, at this point, a believer must consider him as only a man; he suffers, he fears death, he cries out. His death is a loss, a sacrifice, as it would be to any other human, because we truly lose everything at that moment. If he is God it means nothing.

However he cannot only be a mere man if his pronouncements and lessons are to hold any real weight, any more than say, the words of Aristotle. His words must come from God's mouth. His promises must be God's promises. His blessings must be true. If he is only a man, none of these mean anything other than a wise person's pondering on the nature of things.

Having to switch Jesus' nature on the fly, depending on what part of his tale is going on at the time... hard for me to fathom how one does it.


Rogue Theologian

Much like the conundrums of the Fall from Eden, there are things about Jesus' mortal end that create a lot of paradox. On the one hand, his crucifixion and death hold very little meaning in terms of sacrifice if Jesus is really God. So, at this point, a believer must consider him as only a man; he suffers, he fears death, he cries out. His death is a loss, a sacrifice, as it would be to any other human, because we truly lose everything at that moment. If he is God it means nothing.

However he cannot only be a mere man if his pronouncements and lessons are to hold any real weight, any more than say, the words of Aristotle. His words must come from God's mouth. His promises must be God's promises. His blessings must be true. If he is only a man, none of these mean anything other than a wise person's pondering on the nature of things.

Having to switch Jesus' nature on the fly, depending on what part of his tale is going on at the time... hard for me to fathom how one does it.

So take to it on a more personal level.

First decide if there is life after death.
Anyone having gone before you will have the advantage.
They will know...the language...the territory.... the scheme of things.

You will arrive naked.

If you can at least resemble Them....maybe They will let you follow....
'put a ring on your finger' (for belonging)... a robe for your shoulder....

If the words of the Carpenter are insufficient.....what would be better?


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
do you rest from your culpability too?

why call those who do not believe a slave? isn't that being presumptuous?

at any rate, it is you who believes, it is a work because
you decide to hand over your guilt, your responsibility and your ownership of all your wrong doings.

Works meriting salvation can no man make, save God in the flesh.
Jesus as God did the works meriting salvation I could never achieve.
Therefore, in Jesus I am a new creation of and in which there is no end.
I can only get there by claiming Jesus' works as my own, meaning resting from mine.

Now, by slaves, meaning that as long as we are not born again to new creature status, as in becoming free, slaved to our own works remain.

Humanity has to born all over again spiritually in order to live forever.
The question is....when?
It can happen now, today, or at our physical death at which time there will be no douths as to who Jesus was, is and will be.
Many will go through this life not being born again does not mean they are lost forever.
They would only be lost while in the flesh.
Blessings, AJ
Why did people think Jesus was calling on Elijah when he said My God Why you Forsaken me? What did Jesus really say and why would people have expected Elijah? Perhaps Jesus was also expecting Elijah but felt forsaken. Jesus wouldn't have been forsaken by God, I would have figured that Jesus could have saved himself at any time. In what way was Jesus forsaken?

its a utterance of disbelief
"eli,eli lama sabachthani" (mathew 27;46) why are the words in all of the new testament the only words to be reported in aramiac.could it be jesus'alleged helpless cry left such a vivid impression of a man seemingly bereft of hope that anyone who hear them would remember the exact words? why did he allegedly beseech god to "let this cup pass" (matthew 26;39,mark 14:36,luke 22;42)? did he get cold feet? was the redemption of mankind not to important anymore?


Veteran Member
Works meriting salvation can no man make, save God in the flesh.

you can only decide for yourself...it is a work you do.
iow, your decision for your salvation depends on who is offering it and who receives it, an action done on BOTH ends. so yes, your choice to receive is just as important as the gift offered...both parts are just as important as the other for the end result; ones salvation

Jesus as God did the works meriting salvation I could never achieve.
Therefore, in Jesus I am a new creation of and in which there is no end.
I can only get there by claiming Jesus' works as my own, meaning resting from mine.
i understand, but you are still doing a work that produces your salvation
it won't work any other way.
a tree is a beautiful thing to look upon
but in order to experience the beauty of it, you have to look at it.

Now, by slaves, meaning that as long as we are not born again to new creature status, as in becoming free, slaved to our own works remain.
which is why a believer and a non believer are both capable of doing the same things

Humanity has to born all over again spiritually in order to live forever.
The question is....when?
It can happen now, today, or at our physical death at which time there will be no douths as to who Jesus was, is and will be.
Many will go through this life not being born again does not mean they are lost forever.
They would only be lost while in the flesh.
Blessings, AJ
that's a nice thought but it seems to contradict what you just said:
Humanity has to born all over again spiritually in order to live forever.


Veteran Member
Works meriting salvation can no man make, save God in the flesh.

Strange logic .. what about God "out of the flesh" .. isn't He able to do anything .. has He no power?

This is the trouble with this 'trinity lark' .. people go so far as to demote God while elevating His messenger!


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
So...all others will fail?

Where's that blanket salvation?
Failure to achieve the rebirth of the one' s spirit from a dead state keeps the gift of salvation from being excercised yet while in the flesh.
Meaning salvation delaied untill either we learn what it is an recieve it, or at death when we all will bow at the feet of Jesus.Blessings, AJ


Veteran Member
As I read the gospels I saw a Carpenter tried and executed for false accusation.
wasn't he being accused for proclaiming to be god?

His words, during those last hours indicate the Spirit was no longer responding to Him.

maybe because he was at the end of his rope?


Premium Member
It's a mystery, and kind of fundamental to orthodox Christianity.

I don't mean to offend you, but if you want to discuss religion, you might want to familiarize yourself with some of the territory, especially that territory that is widely-traveled in this culture.
I'm familiar with the concept of the trinity but saying that Jesus became disconnected from the divine throws in a little issue with the "God the son" concept. I'm sure the connection between human and god is a bit of a mystery but Theosis is potentially possible for any individual not just Jesus and a trinity formula is not necessary and actually just creates more issues.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Strange logic .. what about God "out of the flesh" .. isn't He able to do anything .. has He no power?

This is the trouble with this 'trinity lark' .. people go so far as to demote God while elevating His messenger!

God outside the flesh, meaning spirit, created all that is. So how could He not have the power to do az He pleasds?
The flesh is the vehicle, the vessel which houses a seperate entity from God as individual gods.
The separation is was caused the fall, meaning death spiritually.
Only God Himsslf in and as tbe flesh could be one with Himself.

In order to reconcile. the loss of humanity, Jesus as God in the flesh did away with the 1st creations separation ( death) AND INSTUIDED A SECOND. Which by the grace of God granted us immunity from deatg.
Blessings, AJ