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My views on homosexuality


Veteran Member
My view on homosexuality depends on one factor.

If homosexuality is a choice, then it's a sin.
If it isn't a choice, then it isn't a sin. God would not create someone who could not help but sin.

Could someone please provide some evidence proving that it isn't a choice or is a choice? I need to clear this up for myself.

And if it is a choice, does this mean that I think that homosexuals will go to Hell (if there is a Hell)? Certainly not. A homosexual would be just as much a sinner as everyone else, and has an equal chance of salvation.

did you choose to be hetero?


Veteran Member
Homosexuality is a choice. As an example, I am very attracted to blond women. But, I married a brunette woman. I am still attracted to blond women, but I have made a promise to stay monogamous to my brunette wife. I am making a choice about my sexual preference.
no you are stating a hair color preference

your wife is so much more than the color of her hair...

you choose to be monogamous...meaning you can also choose not to be.

did you choose to be attracted to the opposite sex?


Enlightner of the Senses
My view on homosexuality depends on one factor.

If homosexuality is a choice, then it's a sin.
If it isn't a choice, then it isn't a sin. God would not create someone who could not help but sin.

Could someone please provide some evidence proving that it isn't a choice or is a choice? I need to clear this up for myself.

And if it is a choice, does this mean that I think that homosexuals will go to Hell (if there is a Hell)? Certainly not. A homosexual would be just as much a sinner as everyone else, and has an equal chance of salvation.

Homosexuality is no sin, and represents nothing immoral whatsoever. It harms no one, and is within a person’s right as an autonomous being, to choose how to life their life, and pursue happiness and fulfilment in peace.
What is immoral is the attempts of others to disgrace and shame these people based on small minded unjustified intolerances that they harbour. Their attempts to interfere with the peaceful pursuit of happiness of others, a right that is equally held and exercised by themselves, is hypocritical and wrong. The shame is on them.

Its one thing to debate the existence of a god, and then its another thing to claim you know what that god wants or expects from us, and whether he is interested in how we go about our lives, what we eat, when we pray who we sleep with and so on. Of course everyone has the right to pursue their own beliefs and spiritual paths, but to then project an impose such unjustified claims such as declaring homosexuality a sin onto others, when significant adversity is caused to their happiness and right to peace, is morally intolerable.

I mean it’s utterly medieval to ignorantly declare such things as sinful based on scripture and tradition. Such a 'no thought' mentality is both dangerous and unstable, demonstrating an unnerving moral shallowness, which is incompatible with a constructive and better future for all.

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fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
Please read the my entire post and not just the first paragraph....

The act is choice, whether or not the state is a choice or natural is beyond me.
If you say something stupid in your first paragraph I am going to point out that you said something stupid in your first paragraph. I read the entire post, but nothing in the rest of the post changes that you said something incredibly and obviously stupid in the first paragraph.

Actually the rest of the post is also kind of stupid. Basically you are saying that you opt not to judge people for their “sin”. Well that is all very nice, but it implies that homosexuality is a sin (even if you are not going to judge). And that is pretty stupid. If you don’t think this is stupid imagine saying this concerning a married heterosexual couple in a stable loving supportive relationship. Sure we all have “sins”, but we also have virtues. Love is a virtue.


South of Providence
fantôme profane;2470802 said:
If you say something stupid in your first paragraph I am going to point out that you said something stupid in your first paragraph. I read the entire post, but nothing in the rest of the post changes that you said something incredibly and obviously stupid in the first paragraph.

Actually the rest of the post is also kind of stupid. Basically you are saying that you opt not to judge people for their “sin”. Well that is all very nice, but it implies that homosexuality is a sin (even if you are not going to judge). And that is pretty stupid. If you don’t think this is stupid imagine saying this concerning a married heterosexual couple in a stable loving supportive relationship. Sure we all have “sins”, but we also have virtues. Love is a virtue.

So, the crux of your argument is that I am stupid? That is pretty astute logic. Did you learn that debate strategy on the playground?

And so far you all you have pointed out is that homosexuality may be natural occurring (which I didn't disagreed with). But the act is completely in the control of the doer. If you see it as a sin (which many Christians do, being it is condoned in the Bible) and continue to engage in sinful activities, then you must atone for that sin. How you do that is personal between the individual and God. My choice in not judging an individual is my personal decision, so take it or leave it.

It is funny, in a post filled with so much hate, you decided to end it with "Love is a virtue."


South of Providence
no you are stating a hair color preference

your wife is so much more than the color of her hair...

you choose to be monogamous...meaning you can also choose not to be.

did you choose to be attracted to the opposite sex?

Indeed, she is.

But, you are right I curtail my sexual preference by choice. That is the point. We are responsible for our choices. Being homosexual (whether it be natural or not) does not give you a free pass, you still have to honor the tenants of whatever religion you want to believe in or pay the consequences.

People seem to want to jump to the conclusion that if homosexuality is a natural state, then homosexuals have no ability to control themselves. Its not a disease or addiction.


Admiral Obvious
That isn't a valid analogy. Homosexuality is seen by many as an "abomination", as an act against the "laws of nature". Putting gravy on your fries isn't.
Actually, there are people who see putting gravy on fries as an abomination.

To choose to do it, and reject heterosexuality, would be a sin, in my opinion, by openly defying God's intended plan. But if it isn't a choice, and is something people are born with, then it is no sin, and is instead just the beautiful variety that God has gifted each and everyone of us with.
So you are going to ignore what your god flat out says and go with popular opinion on the matter?



Admiral Obvious
Homosexuality is a choice. As an example, I am very attracted to blond women. But, I married a brunette woman. I am still attracted to blond women, but I have made a promise to stay monogamous to my brunette wife. I am making a choice about my sexual preference.
What does your being attracted to blonds and marrying a brunette have to do with homosexuality?


Admiral Obvious
But, you are right I curtail my sexual preference by choice. That is the point. We are responsible for our choices. Being homosexual (whether it be natural or not) does not give you a free pass, you still have to honor the tenants of whatever religion you want to believe in or pay the consequences.
You need to look up the definition of "Sexual Preference".

People seem to want to jump to the conclusion that if homosexuality is a natural state, then homosexuals have no ability to control themselves. Its not a disease or addiction.
Actually, that is merely an assumption on your part.
I have yet to see anyone in this thread make any such claim other than you.


Veteran Member
Indeed, she is.

But, you are right I curtail my sexual preference by choice. That is the point. We are responsible for our choices.
wait...did you choose to be straight, meaning you are also attracted to your same sex...is that what you mean?

Being homosexual (whether it be natural or not) does not give you a free pass, you still have to honor the tenants of whatever religion you want to believe in or pay the consequences.
doesn't give you a free pass to what exactly... preference or choice?

People seem to want to jump to the conclusion that if homosexuality is a natural state, then homosexuals have no ability to control themselves.

lets change that to heterosexuality/heterosexuals... and see how that fits.


Admiral Obvious
lets change that to heterosexuality/heterosexuals... and see how that fits.
Seems to me that there are an alarmingly large number of heterosexuals who think that by merely being heterosexual they are allowed to do whatever they want to homosexuals.

Funny how religions are most effective in pointing them out...


Facts not Faith
My view on homosexuality depends on one factor.

If homosexuality is a choice, then it's a sin.
If it isn't a choice, then it isn't a sin. God would not create someone who could not help but sin.

Could someone please provide some evidence proving that it isn't a choice or is a choice? I need to clear this up for myself.

And if it is a choice, does this mean that I think that homosexuals will go to Hell (if there is a Hell)? Certainly not. A homosexual would be just as much a sinner as everyone else, and has an equal chance of salvation.

Honestly I don't know anyone who chooses their sexual orientation. We of course choose who to have sex with and when, but we don't choose whether or not we are attracted to the opposite sex.

Gays are people who are attracted to the same sex, that means they feel lust for fellow men or fellow women. Lust is a very biological process involving hormones and believe me, it is not chosen.


Veteran Member
Seems to me that there are an alarmingly large number of heterosexuals who think that by merely being heterosexual they are allowed to do whatever they want to homosexuals.

Funny how religions are most effective in pointing them out...

it's a sad state of affairs...

Sultan Of Swing

Well-Known Member
Actually, there are people who see putting gravy on fries as an abomination.

So you are going to ignore what your god flat out says and go with popular opinion on the matter?

No. If I went by popular opinion, I'd be believing lots of other stuff. Which I don't. Public opinion or not, I was already leaning towards the fact that homosexuality was not a sin, and I just needed a nudge :D. The question is, is it really what God says? Often His commands are fitted to that time and tradition. God (speaking through Paul) says that women shouldn't speak in church. He also says not to eat shellfish. There is a difference between what God says and what Man says God says in order to fit with his own beliefs and traditions. When concerning homosexuality, the Bible mainly condemns the evils that are associated with it; male rape, male prostitution etc. I look at the Scriptures in their historical and cultural context. Paul's own condemnation of homosexuality is his own opinion, in my opinion. The people of those times did not understand the loving relationship two people of the same sex could share. When thinking of homosexuality, they could only think of the aforementioned sins associated with it, which God certainly condemns.

Jesus says nothing about homosexuality, and it is His teachings that I follow.
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Veteran Member
To choose to do it, and reject heterosexuality, would be a sin, in my opinion, by openly defying God's intended plan.

would that apply to homosexuals that choose to be heterosexual?

and how do you know what god's intended plan is...
do you use ones preference as the standard?

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
So, the crux of your argument is that I am stupid? That is pretty astute logic. Did you learn that debate strategy on the playground?
No, read my post again. At no point did I say you were stupid. I said your post was stupid, your argument was stupid. I know the difference between attacking an argument and attacking a person, and I know which one I did. Sure I could have used a more sophisticated word than “stupid”, but that word is accurate and sufficient. Sometimes it is good to speak plainly, and that is not hateful.

And so far you all you have pointed out is that homosexuality may be natural occurring (which I didn't disagreed with). But the act is completely in the control of the doer. If you see it as a sin (which many Christians do, being it is condoned in the Bible) and continue to engage in sinful activities, then you must atone for that sin. How you do that is personal between the individual and God. My choice in not judging an individual is my personal decision, so take it or leave it.

It is funny, in a post filled with so much hate, you decided to end it with "Love is a virtue."
Again read my post. I made no comment about whether or not it is natural, nor about whether or not it is a choice. Neither of those things are relevant.