9/11 was definitely a watershed moment for America, although the circumstances leading up to 9/11 started probably around the time of the Iranian hostage crisis of 1979, which then led to Reagan's election. The post-Vietnam, post-Watergate era led to a certain anti-militaristic viewpoint, as well as one of greater tolerance, but once footage of Iranians burning our flag, saying "death to America," and leading blindfolded hostages out in front of angry mobs, any chance for a peaceful, tolerant America pretty much evaporated at that point.
Reagan also appealed to the so-called "moral majority," which was a reaction to various movements which came out of the 60s, believing that America was becoming too immoral and permissive. It should be noted that a lot of the leading Republicans up until that time were far more secular and felt that religious right was too radical. Even the grandfather of conservativism, Barry Goldwater, somewhat eschewed the religious right, although not so much as to abandon them entirely.
In the ensuing decades, there was a resurgence in American militarism which continued even after the end of the Cold War, which eventually triggered 9/11, which led to a doubling-down of the same process Reagan set in motion 20 years earlier.
One slogan of the 1960's and 1970's, by Harvard Professor Timothy Leary; 1966 was,
turn on, tune in and drop out. This slogan helped to shape an entire young generation; drug culture. It broke down the traditions of the past and led to dependency; drop out into the teenage wasteland.
Reagan was from the past just before that change; Hollywood Actor from the 1930's to the early 1960's. Regan later become the Governor of California, before he was president. He was also the President of the Actor's Union. Reagan reappeared on the national scene in 1979, when the pendulum was starting to swing the other way; away from the 1960's, back toward unity and self reliance. Carter was the end of a different time. Reagan led to the modern age. Reagan knew how to use various forms of media to affectively promote his beliefs.
Reagan was still well liked and connected to Hollywood, with movies like Rambo, helping to create appeal for the military. Raiders of the lost Ark, would recreate WW2 feelings mixed with mysticism, while Star Wars was about the future of the Military. Today the political Left tries to add woke to movies; copying Regan. However, this does not feel as organic as Rambo or Star Wars.
If Congress was delaying, Reagan would take it to the airways; TV, and give an affective presentation that could motivate citizens, who would take it to Congress, who would cave. Reagan is still hated by the Left; revisionist history, since he had them running in circles.
Regan increased US world prestige in the 1980's, which led to end of the Cold War. This freed tens of millions of people; Soviet Union breaks up. Take down that wall!
I like Reagan since he seemed like a kind grandfather who was very wise and persuasive. He was not angry, mean or hateful. His acting skills was part of his charm, but he was had firm conviction, that he could artfully present.
Reagan is also hated, because he inspired figures like Rush Limbaugh, who would become the father of talk radio, opening up a countering voice to the Liberal Main Street media. Today the political Right is well set up to compete with all forms of media.