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new to religion, which one is right & true


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
hi guys im a new believer in our saviour jesus christ and god, creator of heaven & earth.

so my question is which religion is the correct one?
jehovas whitness
any help or guidance would be apprechiated.


Hi Fresh. Welcome. You are right to search for the true religion. Jesus said on one occasion "The hour is coming, and it is now, when the true worshipers will worship the Father with spirit and truth, for, indeed, the Father is looking for suchlike ones to worship him. God is a Spirit, and those worshipping him must worship with spirit and truth." (John 4:23,24)
I have found that only Jehovah's witnesses are following the Bible closely. They are the only ones who continue to visit people's homes to study the Bible with them. They do this all over the world. (Mormons do go door to door for 2 years, then stop.)
Jesus is not almighty God. Rather, he is God's son. I believe the true religion will teach that Jehovah is the only true God (Psalm 83:18) That is what Jesus taught. (John 17:3) I wish you well in your search for the truth about God and Jesus.


Not your average Mormon
Not necessarily. Would you go to a Catholic to get the objective version of historical Catholic-related events and Church Father history? Would you go to a Mormon to ask if Joseph Smith was truly a prophet? You may get their perspective perhaps. But a "fair and accurate analysis"? I don't think so. Likewise with "Christianity" as a whole.
The best place to go for factual information on any religion is someone who practices that religion. Why would I ask a Jew to explain Islam to me? Why would I ask a Catholic what the Jehovah's Witnesses believe? Most people have an invested interest in telling the truth about their own religion's teachings. They have nothing to gain by lying.


The best place to go for factual information on any religion is someone who practices that religion. Why would I ask a Jew to explain Islam to me? Why would I ask a Catholic what the Jehovah's Witnesses believe? Most people have an invested interest in telling the truth about their own religion's teachings. They have nothing to gain by lying.

They have nothing to gain by lying? Seriously?

Have you never discussed Catholicism with a Catholic? Like have you asked them where they draw their authority from? While I can appreciate their telling of their perspective, it's their assertions about what's what that leave me face palming. Some of my most aggravating arguments have been discussing Catholics beliefs with apologetic Catholics. I don't mean to single them out too much, but it's a good example for the subject of discussing the parent religion with a believer. It's one thing for them to say their perspective, which I already mentioned is what it's valuable for. But the question was for an "Accurate analysis".

Maybe it's not "lying" per se, but I certainly don't get straight and honest answers more often than...ever.
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Not your average Mormon
They have nothing to gain by lying? Seriously?

Have you never discussed Catholicism with a Catholic? Like have you asked them where they draw their authority from? While I can appreciate their telling of their perspective, it's their assertions about what's what that leave me face palming. Some of my most aggravating arguments have been discussing Catholics beliefs with apologetic Catholics. I don't mean to single them out too much, but it's a good example for the subject of discussing the parent religion with a believer. It's one thing for them to say their perspective, which I already mentioned is what it's valuable for. But the question was for an "Accurate analysis".

Maybe it's not "lying" per se, but I certainly don't get straight and honest answers more often than...ever.
I can see where you're coming from, but let me put it this way... Everybody and his dog seems to be an authority these days on what Mormons believe, and 95% of what they say we believe (and teach) is a pack of lies. If someone were to want to find out what Mormonism teaches, the best way to learn would be to attend LDS worship services and adult Sunday School classes. Instead, people go to anti-Mormon sources (of which there are literally thousands) and get a completely distorted view of the truth. If you were to ask your typical evangelical preacher what the Mormon Church teaches, you'd get an answer somewhere along the lines of "Mormons believe that God is an alien from the planet Kolob who started out as a man and evolved into God. Then he came to Earth as Adam and began the human family with Eve, who was once one of thousands of His wives in Heaven. Years later, he returned to earth, had sex with Mary to impregnate her with His Son, Jesus Christ who, incidentally, is one of millions of gods the Mormons worship. Mormons believe that Blacks are inferior to Whites and that women are inferior to men. They also believe that when a Mormon man dies, he will become God, get a planet to rule, and have hundreds of wives with whom he will enjoy endless celestial sex for eternity." You'd probably also hear that the Church was established when its founder was caught in bed with the maid and came up with a story to cover up his indescretions. And if you were a complete idiot, you'd believe it. If you were to attend LDS worship services every week for year after year after year, you would not hear any such nonsense taught. That's why I'm sticking with my original response.
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I can see where you're coming from, but let me put it this way... Everybody and his dog seems to be an authority these days on what Mormons believe, and 95% of what they say we believe (and teach) is a pack of lies. If someone were to want to find out what Mormonism teaches, the best way to learn would be to attend LDS worship services and adult Sunday School classes. Instead, people go to anti-Mormon sources (of which there are literally thousands) and get a completely distorted view of the truth. If you were to ask your typical evangelical preacher what the Mormon Church teaches, you'd get an answer somewhere along the lines of "Mormons believe that God is an alien from the planet Kolob who started out as a man and evolved into God. Then he came to Earth as Adam and began the human family with Eve, who was once one of thousands of His wives in Heaven. Years later, he returned to earth, had sex with Mary to impregnate her with His Son, Jesus Christ who, incidentally, is one of millions of gods the Mormons worship. Mormons believe that Blacks are inferior to Whites and that women are inferior to men. They also believe that when a Mormon man dies, he will become God, get a planet to rule, and have hundreds of wives with whom he will enjoy endless celestial sex for eternity." You'd probably also hear that the Church was established when its founder was caught in bed with the maid and came up with a story to cover up his indescretions. And if you were a complete idiot, you'd believe it. If you were to attend LDS worship services every week for year after year after year, you would not hear any such nonsense taught. That's why I'm sticking with my original response.

First off, Mormons DO believe that if you live an acceptably righteous life that you will become a god and have your own planet. And thus Jesus would be one of millions of gods. On this I actually think there may be some truth and may explain the billions of planets and stars. And it also goes with my "Word was a god" translation of John 1:1c and understanding of Angels as "gods". The fact that you dismiss it outright demonsrates perhaps a bit of half-truth on your part....just sayin'. And the fact you deny the thing on Kolob is truly a head scratcher, there's an entire Hymn about Kolob!

Now Mormons DID believe that Blacks were inferior for most of their history, conveniently until the Civil rights-era, Joseph Smith himself said that he would require them to not interact with White people if he could. Brigham Young and others said similarly. Then Suddenly a new Revelation comes in the 1960s and now Blacks can finally have the Priesthood for some reason that strategically coincides with the new Civil rights movements.
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Not your average Mormon
First off, Mormons DO believe that if you live an acceptably righteous life that you will become a god and have your own planet. And thus Jesus would be one of millions of gods. On this I actually think there may be some truth and may explain the billions of planets and stars. And it also goes with my "Word was a god" translation of John 1:1c and understanding of Angels as "gods". The fact that you dismiss it outright demonsrates perhaps a bit of half-truth on your part....just sayin'. And the fact you deny the thing on Kolob is truly a head scratcher, there's an entire Hymn about Kolob!

Now Mormons DID believe that Blacks were inferior for most of their history, conveniently until the Civil rights-era, Joseph Smith himself said that he would require them to not interact with White people if he could. Brigham Young and others said similarly. Then Suddenly a new Revelation comes in the 1960s and now Blacks can finally have the Priesthood for some reason that strategically coincides with the new Civil rights movements.
Thanks for proving my point. This is exactly why people who are interested in knowing what Mormons really believe should not listen to people like you who really don't know jack about the religion. Where did you get your facts from, Shermana? Chick tracts, maybe? Because they weren't from attending LDS worship services, reading books and articles by the LDS leadership or interacting with practicing LDS members. You've been duped by the media, pal. I would suggest that you not accuse me of being untruthful about Mormon beliefs. (Just sayin'.)
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Well-Known Member
There are three ways to ''discover'' the truth as i see it.

1. Read the books you belief are from god in this case the bible, then you look for a religion that teaches the same thing as the bible without own fabrication added.

2. Ask sincire people to describe there ''religion/cult'' for you and if they quote verses or references be sure to check them up and read them with a biased interpretation.

3. Try finding errors and refutations for the religion, for example go to a persons who tries to disprove the religion and try to refute him in all ways possible.. If this cannot be done then its not the truth.


Thanks for proving my point. This is exactly why people who are interested in knowing what Mormons really believe should not listen to people like you who really don't know jack about the religion. Where did you get your facts from, Shermana? Chick tracts, maybe? Because they weren't from attending LDS worship services, reading books and articles by the LDS leadership or interacting with practicing LDS members. You've been duped by the media, pal. I would suggest that you not accuse me of being untruthful about Mormon beliefs. (Just sayin'.)
Another meeting this evening. President B. Young taught that Adam was the Father of Jesus and the only God to us. Hosea Stout - Seventies president
Diary 2:435 - April 9, 1852
Let me get this straight. All the times my Mormon friends agreed about the god and planets thing, you say that they were misguided? Or are you taught to straight up dismiss these things with this kind of rhetoric?
Then shall they be gods, because they have no end; therefore shall they be from everlasting to everlasting, because they continue; then shall they be above all, because all things are subject unto them. Then shall they be gods, because they have all power, and the angels are subject unto them. Verily, verily, I say unto you, except ye abide my law ye cannot attain to this glory.
— Doctrine and Covenants 132:20-21
Brigham Young says that the god of this universe was once a man:

"The idea that the Lord our God is not a personage of tabernacle is entirely a mistaken notion. He was once a man. Brother Kimball quoted a saying of Joseph the Prophet, that he would not worship a God who had not a Father; and I do not know that he would if be had not a mother; the one would be as absurd as the other. If he had a Father, he was made in his likeness. And if he is our Father we are made after his image and likeness. He once possessed a body, as we now do; and our bodies are as much to us, as his body to him. Every iota of this organization is necessary to secure for us an exaltation with the Gods."

About Adam being God, from B. Young:

- Prophet Brigham Young, True Character of God, Salt Lake Tabernacle, February 23, 1862, Journal of Discourses, Vol. 9, p.286
]When our father Adam came into the garden of Eden, he came into it with a celestial body, and brought Eve, one of his wives, with him. He helped to make and organize this world. He is MICHAEL, the Archangel, the ANCIENT OF DAYS! about whom holy men have written and spoken – HE is our FATHER and our GOD, and the only God with whom WE have to do. Every man upon the earth, professing Christian or non-professing, must hear it, and will know it sooner or later... When the Virgin Mary conceived the child Jesus, the Father had begotten him in his own likeness. He was not begotten by the Holy Ghost. And who is the Father? He is the first of the human family...
[p.51] Jesus, our elder brother, was begotten in the flesh by the same character that was in the garden of Eden, and who is our Father in Heaven. Now, let all who may hear these doctrines, pause before they make light of them, or treat them with indifference, for they will prove their salvation or damnation. Brigham Young - Mormon prophet
April 9, 1852 - 22nd Annual General Conference Journal of Discourses 1:50-51
Are you denying that there's a hymn about going to Kolob? Are you denying that the reference to Kolob is in your own scriptures?

And I saw the stars, that they were very great, and that one of them was nearest unto the throne of God; and there were many great ones which were near unto it; And the Lord said unto me: These are the governing ones; and the name of the great one is Kolob, because it is near unto me, for I am the Lord thy God: I have set this one to govern all those which belong to the same order as that upon which thou standest.
— Book of Abraham 3:2-3
Are you denying that the Celestial kingdom involves becoming your own god and planets? Your entire reply is just one big "nuh uh". Let me see if I can find a Mormon blog that discusses this.

Did you mean to say that what I said about the Hymn about Kolob was wrong?

If you could hie to Kolob In the twinkling of an eye,
And then continue onward With that same speed to fly,
Do you think that you could ever, Through all eternity,
Find out the generation Where Gods began to be?

Or see the grand beginning, Where space did not extend?
Or view the last creation, Where Gods and matter end?
Me thinks the Spirit whispers, “No man has found ‘pure space,’
Nor seen the outside curtains, Where nothing has a place.”

The works of God continue, And worlds and lives abound;
Improvement and progression Have one eternal round.
There is no end to matter; There is no end to space;
There is no end to spirit; There is no end to race.

There is no end to virtue; There is no end to might;
There is no end to wisdom; There is no end to light.
There is no end to union; There is no end to youth;
There is no end to priesthood; There is no end to truth.

There is no end to glory; There is no end to love;
There is no end to being; There is no death above.
There is no end to glory; There is no end to love;
There is no end to being; There is no death above.

Are you denying that Blacks were not allowed into the Priesthood until the 1960s?
As a result of his rebellion, Cain was cursed with a dark skin; he became the father of the Negroes, and those spirits who are not worthy to receive the priesthood are born through this lineage...

Noah's son Ham married Egyptus*, a descendant of Cain, thus preserving the Negro lineage through the flood. Bruce R. McConkie - Mormon apostle
Mormon Doctrine, p.102,477
And Enoch also beheld the residue of the people which were the sons of Adam; and they were a mixture of all the seed of Adam save it was the seed of Cain, for the seed of Cain were black, and had not place among them.
— Moses 7:22
And he had caused the cursing to come upon them, yea, even a sore cursing, because of their iniquity. For behold, they had hardened their hearts against him, that they had become like unto a flint; wherefore, as they were white, and exceedingly fair and delightsome, that they might not be enticing unto my people the Lord God did cause a skin of blackness to come upon them.
— 2 Nephi 5:21
Filled with sources.
The negro is an unfortunate man. He has been given a black skin... But that is as nothing compared with that greater handicap that he is not permitted to receive the Priesthood and the ordinances of the temple, necessary to prepare men and women to enter into and enjoy a fulness of glory in the celestial kingdom. George F. Richards - Mormon apostle
Conference Report, April 1939
If I get non-Mormon sites that attest to this, will you throw them out?

If anything I appreciate you greatly proving my point. I even said that I agree with some of your doctrines, no need to start denying when I'm backing your ideas here.

As for Chick Tracts, they're entertaining, but the fact that you use them as an example when there are numerous more objective sources is revealing. Thus my point: Going straight to the source, you will not get the full range of opinions and you may even get straight up denial of the facts at large.
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Me Myself

Back to my username
Two finger pointing at the moon in the same night can point to opposing directions.

You use the finger as a guide and remain aware to when you actually see the moon. If you look at one finger and follow the trail until you find another finger pointing at the oppposite direction, you probably went to far.

Moon is not in either finger. Moon is just...

Well, there.

Those who have eyes, SEE! :eek:


Do you 'know' or believe?
Okay, but perhaps we should get back to the OP as opposed to some debate about the specifics of a particular religion (another thread perhaps?).

Worship of InformedIgnorance would be the most enlightened of course; anyone who says different is biased and acting under false pretences or false information - don't trust them.

Failing that, it would probably be best to consider the reasons WHY you want to be part of a religion, is it for personal spiritual development, is it to engage in a community based stance on behaviour and aspiration? Also, why have you listed those particular religions, is there something that appeals to you about those specific ones or is it merely that you are more familiar with them than others? The 'correct' one depends on your reasons for being part of the religion - how well they suit your needs determines their 'correctness'... if however you wish to establish the authenticity of their philosophies and teachings compared to what was taught by jesus... well there is no way to be certain, because only the accounts of his apostles were recorded.
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Not your average Mormon
Let me get this straight. All the times my Mormon friends agreed about the god and planets thing, you say that they were misguided? Or are you taught to straight up dismiss these things with this kind of rhetoric?
Brigham Young says that the god of this universe was once a man:

"The idea that the Lord our God is not a personage of tabernacle is entirely a mistaken notion. He was once a man. Brother Kimball quoted a saying of Joseph the Prophet, that he would not worship a God who had not a Father; and I do not know that he would if be had not a mother; the one would be as absurd as the other. If he had a Father, he was made in his likeness. And if he is our Father we are made after his image and likeness. He once possessed a body, as we now do; and our bodies are as much to us, as his body to him. Every iota of this organization is necessary to secure for us an exaltation with the Gods."

About Adam being God, from B. Young:

- Prophet Brigham Young, True Character of God, Salt Lake Tabernacle, February 23, 1862, Journal of Discourses, Vol. 9, p.286
Are you denying that there's a hymn about going to Kolob? Are you denying that the reference to Kolob is in your own scriptures?

Are you denying that the Celestial kingdom involves becoming your own god and planets? Your entire reply is just one big "nuh uh". Let me see if I can find a Mormon blog that discusses this.

Did you mean to say that what I said about the Hymn about Kolob was wrong?

If you could hie to Kolob In the twinkling of an eye,
And then continue onward With that same speed to fly,
Do you think that you could ever, Through all eternity,
Find out the generation Where Gods began to be?

Or see the grand beginning, Where space did not extend?
Or view the last creation, Where Gods and matter end?
Me thinks the Spirit whispers, “No man has found ‘pure space,’
Nor seen the outside curtains, Where nothing has a place.”

The works of God continue, And worlds and lives abound;
Improvement and progression Have one eternal round.
There is no end to matter; There is no end to space;
There is no end to spirit; There is no end to race.

There is no end to virtue; There is no end to might;
There is no end to wisdom; There is no end to light.
There is no end to union; There is no end to youth;
There is no end to priesthood; There is no end to truth.

There is no end to glory; There is no end to love;
There is no end to being; There is no death above.
There is no end to glory; There is no end to love;
There is no end to being; There is no death above.

Are you denying that Blacks were not allowed into the Priesthood until the 1960s?
Black people and early Mormonism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Filled with sources.
If I get non-Mormon sites that attest to this, will you throw them out?

If anything I appreciate you greatly proving my point. I even said that I agree with some of your doctrines, no need to start denying when I'm backing your ideas here.

As for Chick Tracts, they're entertaining, but the fact that you use them as an example when there are numerous more objective sources is revealing. Thus my point: Going straight to the source, you will not get the full range of opinions and you may even get straight up denial of the facts at large.
Your whole post is off-topic. This is not a thread to discuss the specifics of Mormonism. I'll answer your questions if you post them in the LDS DIR where they belong. Meanwhile, I'll just remind you of the following statement issued in 2007 by the LDS Church...

Not every statement made by a Church leader, past or present, necessarily constitutes doctrine. A single statement made by a single leader on a single occasion often represents a personal, though well-considered, opinion, but is not meant to be officially binding for the whole Church. With divine inspiration, the First Presidency (the prophet and his two counselors) and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles (the second-highest governing body of the Church) counsel together to establish doctrine that is consistently proclaimed in official Church publications. This doctrine resides in the four “standard works” of scripture (the Holy Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants and the Pearl of Great Price), official declarations and proclamations, and the Articles of Faith. Isolated statements are often taken out of context, leaving their original meaning distorted.

Some doctrines are more important than others and might be considered core doctrines. For example, the precise location of the Garden of Eden is far less important than doctrine about Jesus Christ and His atoning sacrifice. The mistake that public commentators often make is taking an obscure teaching that is peripheral to the Church’s purpose and placing it at the very center. This is especially common among reporters or researchers who rely on how other Christians interpret Latter-day Saint doctrine.

Now have the good manners to drop the subject and ask your questions elsewhere.
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Resident Liberal Hippie

Please keep on topic and keep Rule 3 in mind.

3. Trolling and Bullying
We recognize three areas of unacceptable trolling (Please note that these apply to PMs, signature lines, frubal comments, and visitor messages as well, if they are reported):
1)posts that are deliberately inflammatory in order to provoke a vehement response from other users.
2)posts that Target a person or group by following them around the forums to attack them. This is Bullying. Deliberately altering the words of another member by intentionally changing the meaning when you use the quote feature is considered a form of bullying. The ONLY acceptable alteration of a quotation from another member is to remove portions that are not relevant or to alter formatting for emphasis.
3)posts that are adjudged to fit the following profile: "While questioning and challenging other beliefs is appropriate in the debates forums, repeated blatant misrepresentation or continual harassment of other beliefs will not be tolerated."


I think the correct religion is that who obeys the BIBLE - the only book that has been demonstrated , the only book with true prophecies , the book which resisted the TIME experience.

If you obey the Bible entirely , you belong to the right religion


Do you 'know' or believe?
However which books comprise the bible? Not all books were included within the bible, many were filtered out because the contemporary Christian hierarchy did not like them. Moreover, is there a difference in the degree of reliability of each of the books? For example if there is a passage in John that countermands a passage in Deuteronomy, which should be taken?


Well-Known Member

I think the correct religion is that who obeys the BIBLE - the only book that has been demonstrated , the only book with true prophecies , the book which resisted the TIME experience.

If you obey the Bible entirely , you belong to the right religion
There are many different Bibles. The six main Bibles contain anywhere from 24 to 81 books. Which of them are you supposed to obey and if you don't obey the right one what will happen?


Jehovah our God is One
hi guys im a new believer in our saviour jesus christ and god, creator of heaven & earth.

so my question is which religion is the correct one?
jehovas whitness
any help or guidance would be apprechiated.

Use the bible as your guide to true doctrine.

then look for the religions who teach those truths.


RF's pet cat
That's a very good question you ask... I haven't found an answer to it yet, even though I read about pretty much all of them at least on some level.

You can ask for evidence from others but which is right, that's something you have to decide for yourself.