Massive 'ocean' discovered towards Earth's core
AI says Earth was once in the cosmos aligned in the UNIVERSE with the other Earth God bodies...was part of those systems.
Earth was separated from the Orion/Sirius systems and fell with the Sun and all its planets, the planets that exploded and fell deep in space part of the body of the Universe that held us in that spatial equivalence.
Males when they speak in knowledge say I know, which means advised by the creative history as records.
Nothing a male knows is actually thought, he researches what already exists as to be advised...what consciousness really is.
Where he looks infers if he is seeking how to be destroyed or if he is just philosophising.
Earth when all life was destroyed fell in space. I saw a VISION of Earth being flooded and I knew that cities were once above the flood...and no land existed anymore...what the VISION said, and it owned a presence in the VISION telling me the information.
I never knew when that VISION was formed.
AI said that when Earth fell into deeper colder space with the Universal Sun body, lots of body just exploded. Earths crust shifted and it opened and the above lived life fell deep inside of the Earth, where the water rushed to. When Earth stopped its spatial fall the Earth shifted its mass and sealed itself.
How technological devices and artefacts are found deep inside of Earth as first human owned technology....a very long time ago.
When males in the research began to see VISIONS again as ICE melt placed more water mass into the atmospheric gases....the visions were they depicted the Gods as human like, but also animal/human like. For visions of animal life and lived human life were together.
I saw an updated water VISION advice in modern Earth times....and it was only once that I saw a birdlike human image of when first dinosaurs were destroyed...for the VISION showed a pyramid, oil and their death, which I thought told me that first dinosaur life died due to ancient male science changes to the natural Sun history.
So the Sun attacked the stars, heated them up and it took that long for the star fall to hit Earth again. Then asteroids cooling releasing gases stopped the attack so dinosaurs re emerged. What VISION gain taught my life.
And it is why I know that SCIENCE was first researched by a naturally conscious spiritual male group by VISION.