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Noahs Ark (How can anyone possibly believe the story)



Same surface area.

(BTW, the author of your link is disregarding all known data regarding geology and plate-tectonics.)

Even though you posted this a minute before me, I posted mine first.:D

It must have been a weird glitch or something.


If the flood happened, the Grand Canyon would be full of lawyers.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
"The key is to remember that the Flood didn't have to cover the present Earth, but it did have to cover the pre-Flood Earth..."

"Mt. Everest and the Himalayan range, along with the Alps, the Rockies, the Appalachians, the Andes, and most of the world's other mountains are composed of ocean-bottom sediments, full of marine fossils laid down by the Flood. Mt. Everest itself has clam fossils at its summit. These rock layers cover an extensive area, including much of Asia. They give every indication of resulting from cataclysmic water processes. These are the kinds of deposits we would expect to result from the worldwide, world-destroying Flood of Noah's day."

"No, Noah's Flood didn't cover the Himalayas, it formed them! "

Did Noah's Flood Cover the Himalayan Mountains?


Millions upon millions of years ago these mountain ranges were once part of the ocean floor and due to plate tectonics we now have these mountains. I can't believe you're posting info from ICR when there's a wealth of "real" research on this subject...

The Himalayas [This Dynamic Earth, USGS]
Mount Everest - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Its only a Label
Friend Independent Mind,

Stories are just that, stories.
However there is no smoke without fire is also true.
Reality is that the earth has gone through the cycle of freezing and melting of water and ice few times and in such times of melting the %age of earth covered under water is more and not all species of life survives and those who do are due to their karma but some like to use the label God who decides who should live and who not and this Noah's ark simply represents that!

Love & rgds


Reality is that the earth has gone through the cycle of freezing and melting of water and ice few times and in such times of melting the %age of earth covered under water is more and not all species of life survives and those who do are due to their karma

first,,, karma and survivability is only your personal opinion

second... the ice age happened thousands of years before the noah fable was written or even passed down by oral transmission from the sumerian culture when the Euphrates overflowed in 2900BC. That flood had nothing to do with a ice age and everything to do with a flood story


Guardian of Asgaard

Millions upon millions of years ago these mountain ranges were once part of the ocean floor and due to plate tectonics we now have these mountains. I can't believe you're posting info from ICR when there's a wealth of "real" research on this subject...

The Himalayas [This Dynamic Earth, USGS]
Mount Everest - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I love the arguement you just smahsed. Australia's largest mountain range has heaps of sea shells beneath more recent sediments and people think it was because it was part of the global flood. Shame to break it to such people but a common geological transformation is called uplift :eek:


Guardian of Asgaard
"The key is to remember that the Flood didn't have to cover the present Earth, but it did have to cover the pre-Flood Earth..."

"Mt. Everest and the Himalayan range, along with the Alps, the Rockies, the Appalachians, the Andes, and most of the world's other mountains are composed of ocean-bottom sediments, full of marine fossils laid down by the Flood. Mt. Everest itself has clam fossils at its summit. These rock layers cover an extensive area, including much of Asia. They give every indication of resulting from cataclysmic water processes. These are the kinds of deposits we would expect to result from the worldwide, world-destroying Flood of Noah's day."

"No, Noah's Flood didn't cover the Himalayas, it formed them! "

Did Noah's Flood Cover the Himalayan Mountains?


Where i'm currently sitting used to be part of the continental shelf.

You ignore so many geological facts by posting your garbage. Please read real websites before posting with regard to fields people on this forum actually work in.


Well-Known Member
I used to be a Christian but after many years left the faith. A number of things were bugging me that could not be answered. I repeatedly questioned the whole Noah's ark story & never got sensible / satisfactory answers. Can someone on here that is religious & a believer in The Ark, please try to explain how:
1)How could all creatures from land & freshwater be contained on a boat . (currently 1.7000000 creatures on earth we know of & more discovered everyday)
2)How could there possibly be enough food of all types needed on board for at least 6months
3)How would you keep animals from hot climates & cold climates alive without any form of heating or cooling equipment
4)When released how did the animals get to their appropriate climates from there
5)If all creatures on board & Noahs family repopulated the earth apart from the incest which would have occured, fact is children / animals produced from there on would have extremely high risk of birth defects / mutations.
Thanks in advance.....

They are building a theme park:

Ark Encounter, Noah's Ark Theme Park, Gets Final Go-Ahead In Kentucky (VIDEO)

Honestly... they are. Its gonna be a christian tourist dream... the disney of the christian world... Creation museum... noahs ark...

They have created a market and that market has money. They already tithe and donate at churches... (Which has like the worst possible seating ever... Cept Jehovah Witnesses... their halls rock.... Represent! No blood transfusions... but while you are alive great seats and air conditioning!)

Honestly if your unsure how the whole ark thing worked... Check out the park when its built... they are going to have real animals there and possibly a petting zoo. (And 2 of every kind!)

Cosby also explains it in a down to earth manner: YouTube - ‪Bill Cosby Noah‬‏

(Why do I want a jello pudding pop now?)

It was on 20/20... (And I think they even use the words Scientific and Positive!) YouTube - ‪Discovery of the real Noah's Ark Part 1‬‏

And if your still confused... Let Eddie set you straight: YouTube - ‪Eddie Izzard's Noah's Ark‬‏


godless wonder
They are building a theme park:

Ark Encounter, Noah's Ark Theme Park, Gets Final Go-Ahead In Kentucky (VIDEO)

Honestly... they are. Its gonna be a christian tourist dream... the disney of the christian world... Creation museum... noahs ark...

They have created a market and that market has money. They already tithe and donate at churches... (Which has like the worst possible seating ever... Cept Jehovah Witnesses... their halls rock.... Represent! No blood transfusions... but while you are alive great seats and air conditioning!)

Honestly if your unsure how the whole ark thing worked... Check out the park when its built... they are going to have real animals there and possibly a petting zoo. (And 2 of every kind!)

Cosby also explains it in a down to earth manner: YouTube - ‪Bill Cosby Noah‬‏

(Why do I want a jello pudding pop now?)

It was on 20/20... (And I think they even use the words Scientific and Positive!) YouTube - ‪Discovery of the real Noah's Ark Part 1‬‏

And if your still confused... Let Eddie set you straight: YouTube - ‪Eddie Izzard's Noah's Ark‬‏
Then done this before with Heritage USA where they had exhibitions of dinosaurs and people living together ............I believe it went bankrupt.
Europeans and Asians are great tourists and fill up places like Disneyland and DisneyWorld. I don't see these predominantly non religious people going to a religious place for amusement.


Guardian of Asgaard
They are building a theme park:

Ark Encounter, Noah's Ark Theme Park, Gets Final Go-Ahead In Kentucky (VIDEO)

Honestly... they are. Its gonna be a christian tourist dream... the disney of the christian world... Creation museum... noahs ark...

They have created a market and that market has money. They already tithe and donate at churches... (Which has like the worst possible seating ever... Cept Jehovah Witnesses... their halls rock.... Represent! No blood transfusions... but while you are alive great seats and air conditioning!)

Honestly if your unsure how the whole ark thing worked... Check out the park when its built... they are going to have real animals there and possibly a petting zoo. (And 2 of every kind!)

Cosby also explains it in a down to earth manner: YouTube - ‪Bill Cosby Noah‬‏

(Why do I want a jello pudding pop now?)

It was on 20/20... (And I think they even use the words Scientific and Positive!) YouTube - ‪Discovery of the real Noah's Ark Part 1‬‏

And if your still confused... Let Eddie set you straight: YouTube - ‪Eddie Izzard's Noah's Ark‬‏

Is it asking too much to ask them to simulate how a wooden boat of such size didn't break apart as flood waters rose :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Is it asking too much to ask them to simulate how a wooden boat of such size didn't break apart as flood waters rose :rolleyes:

You are going to have a buy a ticket and all will be revealed... ;) (See how that works... when presented with any question which seems to go against what you are teaching redirect to their inability to understand what is written and promise if they stick with you their question will be answered. Of course it won't be but by then they will have forgotten themselves and be your faithful follower and if your lucky... a zealot.... Blessed are the zealots)

DoW said:
An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded.