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Noah's Ark


Some sort of scholar dude who likes learning
Not looking? No.

I've been here for a long time. Audie is hurting. She's doing what she needs to do. Sub simply likes to argue. It makes him feel alive. Audie, if I recall has academic credentials in theology. Sub was a Christian, I think a fundamentalist, prior to deconstructing from Christianity. Both have looked. That's not the issue.
Ah I see

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member

To denote approximately

Again the standard in just about ALL physics and Mathematics

Especially when typing Syntax for something LaTEX which is what the industry standard is when writing scientific literature

I’m preeeeeety certain I know what “~” means
Then your conversion was wrong.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I love your first paragraph, that’s a great way of putting it.

I haven’t heard of Black Boxing, I’ll have to look at that.

Your third and fourth paragraph reminds me of causal agents and cause and effect which also makes me think of hermeticism, this long chain that goes back to some initial condition

So when you look at taxonomy your looking to it in the same way I would, a sort of branching from some initial moment

Which of course you can do with planets, stars, primordial matter, the fundamental forces etc

You can treat it the same way

I really really enjoyed reading the rest of this as it was a fantastic insight into Jewish beliefs and views and ideas

Again thank you
My favorite part of the oral teachings of Musa (a) in Jewish writings is the explanation of Adam (a) in image of God. Then there is a whole branch of it just dealing with that explanation and expanding on it. It's pretty deep.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
It's also something you have to really understand the 10 words in Hebrew because there is three words attached to each of those words in translation and the image of God is explained in more comprehensive way. And then there is words attached to words and so branches.

So it's something you can't just translate but have to be versed in the Hebrew to understand the 10 gifts/aspects and how they include all virtues.

I plan to learn Hebrew because I believe there is a lot of "hadiths" that are true in Talmud as well.

I think the Zohra (is that proper name? I forget now) has a book for each of these aspects.


Veteran Member
You are being ridiculous. You pretended to have evidence when all that you did was to read titles to articles. Do you even remember what the discussion was about?
400 ft sea level rise in 50 to 100 yrs I
believe it was.

Which is nonsense.

Debate is a fine thing, but not with someone who just makes things up, gallops about with the goalposts,
and performs other such base and ignoble tricks.

A swift ticket ig city is the best medicine.
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Veteran Member
Noah's Ark

"Noah's Ark"- the name of a short book of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad 1835-1908 the Promised Messiah, Second Coming- Imam Mahdi- the End Time Reformer, please just for information, please:



Some sort of scholar dude who likes learning
400 ft sea level rise in 50 to 100 yrs I
believe it was.

Why waste time with someone who just makes things up?

Swift burial in ig city is the mercy to all.
Not ME making it up
I’m just looking at the evidence

Then presenting it


Some sort of scholar dude who likes learning
You are being ridiculous. You pretended to have evidence when all that you did was to read titles to articles. Do you even remember what the discussion was about?
Where have I pretended?
How do you know I haven’t sat down and studied?

My friend,
The original question which we’ve diverted from was did or how did Noah travel from Mesopotamia to the arctic

And so, No
Noah didn’t because Noah didn’t exist
Who did exist was Utnipishtim

Utnipishtim most likely didn’t do the things it says in the bible because it’s mythical

My oppinion is that the myth MAY have some truth

EITHER the Iraqi flood plain OR the YDP OR it’s an entirely made up story

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Where have I pretended?
How do you know I haven’t sat down and studied?

My friend,
The original question which we’ve diverted from was did or how did Noah travel from Mesopotamia to the arctic

And so, No
Noah didn’t because Noah didn’t exist
Who did exist was Utnipishtim

Utnipishtim most likely didn’t do the things it says in the bible because it’s mythical

My oppinion is that the myth MAY have some truth

EITHER the Iraqi flood plain OR the YDP OR it’s an entirely made up story
I told you what you pretended. You were supposed to provide evidence of your ludicrous claim of a rate of sea level rise that would qualify as a flood. All that you did was to post articles that you either did not read or did not understand. If you understood you would have quoted the passages from those articles that supported you.

You have a lot to learn about how to even argue about the sciences. Seeing a title that you like is not "researching".


Some sort of scholar dude who likes learning
I told you what you pretended. You were supposed to provide evidence of your ludicrous claim of a rate of sea level rise that would qualify as a flood. All that you did was to post articles that you either did not read or did not understand. If you understood you would have quoted the passages from those articles that supported you.

You have a lot to learn about how to even argue about the sciences. Seeing a title that you like is not "researching".
This is pointless

It’s like I’m talking to Wendy Wright
“Show me the evidence, show me the evidence”

The EVIDENCE IS THERE, I have given it to you
They’re not JUST articles

You’re not making any arguments or showing me evidence to refute me

You’re just flailing about and frankly it’s boring me now


Veteran Member
Then your conversion was wrong.
The conversion wasn't " wrong" as such, it was just
silly to say sea level rose 121.92, or whatever it was
meters. Something so approximate expressed to
O.02 is inherently absurd, so i twitted him for it.
But out friend lacked a sense of humour about it.
See vid below.* "how would you describe him"

Not worth going over it.

Of significance here though is the steadfast claim
unsupported by any data despite the gish, about sea level
rising enormusly ( 121.92 meters, say) in 50 to 100
years. Didnt happen. No reputable source will support that.

What the source of the fictitious boat story might be, nobody will ever know.

"Noahs ark" not worth the 10,000th part of the
10,000th part of the attention it's gotten.

Those who cannot concede the least error aren't worth any either. Though there may yet be a possibility...?

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Active Member
At that time, primitive people were not scientific, but they were clever. The implications of belief in an absolutely literally infinite creator are profound.

A Creator who is without equal or limitation, including being outside time and space.

Noah, in the story, collects this Ruach-Chayim, because it contains the essential qualities for all life of all animals ( and humans too ). He brings them onto the metaphorcial ark which he built in his heart. Then he carries it away and on completion of his journeying, he makes an offering releasing the entire collection where it will eventually land back on earth. And that is why evil was not conquered and eliminated at this point in the story.

Noah made a mistake, in spite of being a perfect Tzaddik in his generation ( See the Hebrew in Genesis 6:9 - LINK ). The Rabbis, sages, of the Talmud knew this. Noah had an opportunity to correct the faults of the generation of the flood prior to collecting them all in the metaphorical ark which he was building in his own heart. But he didn't do it.

And that is the story of the great flood in the Torah.

Do you read God as “travelling” with Noah in a physical ark of the Genesis story?


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
The implications of belief in an absolutely literally infinite creator are profound.

... an absolutely literally infinite creator ...

A Creator who is without equal or limitation, including being outside time and space.

A source which is creating time and space, but cannot be outside of it. If it were outside of it, it would not be absolutely literally infinite.

Do you read God as “travelling” with Noah in a physical ark of the Genesis story?

"with" <--- excellent word choice.

If God were not with Noah at each and every moment, then God would not be absolutely literally infinite. The same is true for each and every... one.


Veteran Member
Noah's Ark

"Noah's Ark"- the name of a short book of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad 1835-1908 the Promised Messiah, Second Coming- Imam Mahdi- the End Time Reformer, please, just for information, a portion of it is separately published as " Our Teachings"- of only 41 pages:

" Verbal Pledge Amounts to Nothing, Unless Practiced with Full, Heartfelt resolve Let it be clear that to affirm the covenant of bai’at with the tongue alone amounts to nothing unless it is practiced with full, heartfelt resolve. Thus, whosoever fully acts upon my teachings enters that house of mine, concerning which God Almighty has promised in His Word: ِ That is, "I shall protect everyone who is within the four walls of your home." This should not be taken to mean only such people , who dwell in my house made of brick and mortar; rather, this also refers to all those who follow me completely and dwell in my spiritual home. "
page1 of the Teachings.

Noah’s Ark: An Invitation to Faith


Well-Known Member
I struggle to accept that in the twenty first century this discussion is happening.

Don't worry about sea levels let look at the story. God, if I recall correctly, wanted to rid the earth of the unrighteous. So he gets involved in ship building and then we have all this messing about with animals. Hello, wakey wakey, this is the all powerful supreme being we are talking about. God is annoyed, clicks his fingers and bingo, the unrighteous have vanished. Flood, give me a break.