Noah, in the story, collects this Ruach-Chayim, because it contains the essential qualities for all life of all animals ( and humans too ). He brings them onto the metaphorcial ark which he built in his heart. Then he carries it away and on completion of his journeying, he makes an offering releasing the entire collection where it will eventually land back on earth. And that is why evil was not conquered and eliminated at this point in the story.
Noah made a mistake, in spite of being a perfect Tzaddik in his generation ( See the Hebrew in Genesis 6:9 -
LINK ). The Rabbis, sages, of the Talmud knew this. Noah had an opportunity to correct the faults of the generation of the flood prior to collecting them all in the metaphorical ark which he was building in his own heart. But he didn't do it.
And that is the story of the great flood in the Torah.