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Noahs Ark


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
The story of Noah's Ark shouldn't be taken as literal by anyone including members of Christianity. Killing off everyone but Noah's family would require incest in order to repopulate the world. Exactly why would the God which favored Noah force him to have sex with his daughters to repopulate the world? That's right God wouldn't because that would be requiring sin of his creations.

Jesus Christ took Noah's Ark literally and spoke of it as historical fact. (Matthew 24:37-39. True Christians are disciples of Christ and accept all his teachings, including the Flood. To say God would force Noah to have sex with his daughters is simply not true. Noah had a wife, and his three sons had their wives. When they had children the children would have to marry their cousins for a few generations at most. Then sufficient numbers would make even that unnecessary.As far as I know, the Bible is silent about Noah even having any other children other than his 3 sons, either before or after the Flood, much less cohabiting with them.
Adam and Eve's immediate children did marry their siblings, something entirely necessary and not sinful in God's eyes when the earth began to be populated. (Genesis 1:28).


Well-Known Member
Then perhaps you could tell us where 13.5 Billion cubic MILES of water came from, and more important, where it all went.

answer: The Bible tells us the Earth of Noah's day existed "in the midst of water" (2 Peter 3:5) Apparently the Earth was surrounded by water above the Earth's atmosphere that kept the planet at a consistently warm temperature.
Today there is about 1.4 billion cu km (326 million cu mi) of water on the earth. It covers more than 70 percent of the globe’s surface. The average depth of the oceans is 4 km (2.5 mi); average elevation of the land is only 0.8 km (0.5 mi) above sea level. If the earth’s surface was smoothed out, it would all be covered with water to a depth of 2,400 m (8,000 ft). The pre-flood mountains were evidently much lower than the mountain ranges the effects of the Flood brought into existence. Next time you swim in the ocean, give thought to the fact the water you are in may have fallen to earth in Noah's day for the first time.

Then explain why there is no sediment layer found covering the globe as would be consistent with a global flood.

The Flood of Noah's day was apparently so devastating it completely changed the Earth's landscape, including filling the seas that previously did not exist. It is naive to believe we can disprove the Flood occurred because we expect to find similar effects as when a local flood occurs.
Geology professor John McCampbell once wrote: “The essential differences between Biblical catastrophism [the Flood] and evolutionary uniformitarianism are not over the factual data of geology but over the interpretations of those data. The interpretation preferred will depend largely upon the background and presuppositions of the individual student.

Then explain how a craft of over 300 feet in length stayed afloat, as no wooden boat over 300 feet has ever been seaworthy, too much stress on the joints and the wave action causes the wood to buckle and leak, the largest known wood boat a three masted schooner 268 feet in length had to be reenforced with metal rods and brackets to keep it from breaking apart, which it eventually did of the coast of Cape Cod, going down in moderate seas with all hands.

God gave Noah instructions on building the Ark. One would think God could design a craft that would float for a year or so. After Noah entered the Ark, God shut the door. The Ark wasn't a boat but a solidly built floating chest.

Then you just might want to give some thought about every species of animal, reptile, and insects and how they where feed specialized diets, and the space for basically millions of species, and KINDS< doesn't answer anything, its a biblical term not a scientific one,

It is true that encyclopedias refer to over a million species of animals. But Noah was instructed to preserve only representatives of every “kind” of land animal and flying creature. Some investigators have said that just 43 “kinds” of mammals, 74 “kinds” of birds, and 10 “kinds” of reptiles could have produced the great variety of species of these creatures that are known today. The ark had about 40,000 cu m (1,400,000 cu ft) of usable space—ample for both the passengers and food required.

Those who deny the historicity of the Global Flood that occurred in Noah's lifetime deny that Jesus Christ taught the truth, as he said he did. As a sign of the last days, Peter wrote that some would scoff at the evidence of God's approaching judgement.
"According to their wish, this fact escapes their notice,that there were heavens from of old and an earth standing compactly out of water and in the midst of water by the word of God and by those means the world of that time suffered destruction when it was deluged with water... by the same word the heavens and the earth that are now are stored up for fire...and destruction of the ungodly men." (2 Peter 3:3-7)

When confronted with scientific evidence the religious are famous for invoking "God Magic" It would take God magic to suspend billions of cubic miles of water above the earths atmosphere, if true, the the entire earth would cook, oceans boiled away to nothing, all life cooked to well done, please read some books on science. How was this water suspended and why did it not evaporate in the vacuum of space? Again simple science will tell you this is impossible, unless of course you invoke "God Magic"

The earth was no "smoothed" out or flat at the time of the flood, the present day mountain ranges date geologically back to well before the time of the great flood. Once again we would be looking at 13.5 billion cubic MILES of water to cover these ranges. NEVER HAPPENED


Well-Known Member
Then perhaps you could tell us where 13.5 Billion cubic MILES of water came from, and more important, where it all went.

answer: The Bible tells us the Earth of Noah's day existed "in the midst of water" (2 Peter 3:5) Apparently the Earth was surrounded by water above the Earth's atmosphere that kept the planet at a consistently warm temperature.
Today there is about 1.4 billion cu km (326 million cu mi) of water on the earth. It covers more than 70 percent of the globe’s surface. The average depth of the oceans is 4 km (2.5 mi); average elevation of the land is only 0.8 km (0.5 mi) above sea level. If the earth’s surface was smoothed out, it would all be covered with water to a depth of 2,400 m (8,000 ft). The pre-flood mountains were evidently much lower than the mountain ranges the effects of the Flood brought into existence. Next time you swim in the ocean, give thought to the fact the water you are in may have fallen to earth in Noah's day for the first time.

Then explain why there is no sediment layer found covering the globe as would be consistent with a global flood.

The Flood of Noah's day was apparently so devastating it completely changed the Earth's landscape, including filling the seas that previously did not exist. It is naive to believe we can disprove the Flood occurred because we expect to find similar effects as when a local flood occurs.
Geology professor John McCampbell once wrote: “The essential differences between Biblical catastrophism [the Flood] and evolutionary uniformitarianism are not over the factual data of geology but over the interpretations of those data. The interpretation preferred will depend largely upon the background and presuppositions of the individual student.

Then explain how a craft of over 300 feet in length stayed afloat, as no wooden boat over 300 feet has ever been seaworthy, too much stress on the joints and the wave action causes the wood to buckle and leak, the largest known wood boat a three masted schooner 268 feet in length had to be reenforced with metal rods and brackets to keep it from breaking apart, which it eventually did of the coast of Cape Cod, going down in moderate seas with all hands.

God gave Noah instructions on building the Ark. One would think God could design a craft that would float for a year or so. After Noah entered the Ark, God shut the door. The Ark wasn't a boat but a solidly built floating chest.

Then you just might want to give some thought about every species of animal, reptile, and insects and how they where feed specialized diets, and the space for basically millions of species, and KINDS< doesn't answer anything, its a biblical term not a scientific one,

It is true that encyclopedias refer to over a million species of animals. But Noah was instructed to preserve only representatives of every “kind” of land animal and flying creature. Some investigators have said that just 43 “kinds” of mammals, 74 “kinds” of birds, and 10 “kinds” of reptiles could have produced the great variety of species of these creatures that are known today. The ark had about 40,000 cu m (1,400,000 cu ft) of usable space—ample for both the passengers and food required.

Those who deny the historicity of the Global Flood that occurred in Noah's lifetime deny that Jesus Christ taught the truth, as he said he did. As a sign of the last days, Peter wrote that some would scoff at the evidence of God's approaching judgement.
"According to their wish, this fact escapes their notice,that there were heavens from of old and an earth standing compactly out of water and in the midst of water by the word of God and by those means the world of that time suffered destruction when it was deluged with water... by the same word the heavens and the earth that are now are stored up for fire...and destruction of the ungodly men." (2 Peter 3:3-7)

No it is naive to ignore scientific evidence because it doesn't aline with your beliefs. A world wide flood would have produced a single identifiable world wide layer of sediment, that is simple a fact, no such layer exists. Local flood, world wide flood, no difference, sediment would be present in both scenarios.

Once again KINDS does not address the problem of millions of species on this ark, "kinds" is a biblical term used to justify the impossibility of the Ark.

Another obvious problem and unable to be answered is how these animals where collected and returned, Marsupials are only found in Australia, long trip for old Noah, how about those only found in the North and south poles?

Any wooden boat over 300 feet long is in fact unseaworthy, only "god Magic" would keep it from breaking apart and sinking, read some books, as I wave, on wooden boat construction, and the history of the sailing ships, If you educate yourself with some simple science and wooden boat history you will see how far fetched this ark thing really is. Or simply invoke your God magic as that is the only way any of this could have happened.


Hostis humani generis

Ever checked out the Epic of Gilgamesh's story?

Is the Biblical Flood Account a Modified Copy of the Epic of Gilgamesh?
"200 x 200 x 200 feet (unseaworthy cube)"

Made me giggle. AND a slate roof. AND built in 7 days. :yes:

As said before on this thread, I believe the flood is a myth probably brought along by the sudden change in land, like from the end of the Ice Age, most likely a plagiarised Epic of Gilgamesh from the Sumerians, which is probably a remenant of something passed down from generation to generation and dramatised and changed to fit the understanding of the society (I guess somewhere along the lines, a 200 x 200 x 200 feet boat with a slate roof was considered silly to be floating on the sea. :D).

(But, more importantly, why are you so angry?)

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
The story of Noah's Ark shouldn't be taken as literal by anyone including members of Christianity. Killing off everyone but Noah's family would require incest in order to repopulate the world. Exactly why would the God which favored Noah force him to have sex with his daughters to repopulate the world? That's right God wouldn't because that would be requiring sin of his creations.

Jesus Christ took Noah's Ark literally and spoke of it as historical fact. (Matthew 24:37-39. True Christians are disciples of Christ and accept all his teachings, including the Flood. To say God would force Noah to have sex with his daughters is simply not true. Noah had a wife, and his three sons had their wives. When they had children the children would have to marry their cousins for a few generations at most. Then sufficient numbers would make even that unnecessary.As far as I know, the Bible is silent about Noah even having any other children other than his 3 sons, either before or after the Flood, much less cohabiting with them.
Adam and Eve's immediate children did marry their siblings, something entirely necessary and not sinful in God's eyes when the earth began to be populated. (Genesis 1:28).

Fact is most of that book shouldn't be taken as literal or some sort of historical account......NOT even the "stories" about the biblical Yeshua (Jesus). Jesus' bloodline as well as most in the OT trace their genealogy back into Genesis...so if the stories of Adam and Even and Noah aren't to be taken as literal, historical accounts then everything else makes little sense.....

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
When confronted with scientific evidence the religious are famous for invoking "God Magic" It would take God magic to suspend billions of cubic miles of water above the earths atmosphere, if true, the the entire earth would cook, oceans boiled away to nothing, all life cooked to well done, please read some books on science. How was this water suspended and why did it not evaporate in the vacuum of space? Again simple science will tell you this is impossible, unless of course you invoke "God Magic"

The earth was no "smoothed" out or flat at the time of the flood, the present day mountain ranges date geologically back to well before the time of the great flood. Once again we would be looking at 13.5 billion cubic MILES of water to cover these ranges. NEVER HAPPENED

What I'm starting to hear more and more as well as reading here on RF is that these biblical events which were taught and believed to be literal accounts (Adam and Eve...Noah...etc) are now being viewed as not literal events at all. Maybe it's all a big fraud......and this fraud has a new named called religion...


I heard somewhere that the great flood is due to rapidly rising sea levels brought about by the end of the last ice age, that was kept alive as a story by early humankind. That, or it could have been some regional flood that gained more and more awesomeness as generations went on. These are two proposals that I've heard.

Although, according to various alien conspiricists (I think Raëlianism thinks the same, too) Noah's ark was in fact, a UFO, and it wasn't two of every living animal, but DNA extracts! ... That sounds kinda cool, actually. :D

i would have to say it was regional myself. there are way too many indigineous animals spread out all over the world for it to even make sense. although im diggin the comment on dna extracts. i ve heard alot of similar stories, but not that one before.

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
The story of Noah's Ark shouldn't be taken as literal by anyone including members of Christianity. Killing off everyone but Noah's family would require incest in order to repopulate the world. Exactly why would the God which favored Noah force him to have sex with his daughters to repopulate the world? That's right God wouldn't because that would be requiring sin of his creations.
First of all you need to make the case that incest was sinful in the pre-Mosaic Law world.

There is some thought that Satan had corrupted the genetic line of man (Genesis 6)and that He needed to preserve the Noadic line that would lead to Christ
Last edited:


Grumpy Old Man
Further to Rusrao2 excellent post may I add to it with a post I made on another forum

Supposedly God can work in mysterious ways, but even the religious agree he generally follows the laws of his own Physics, and maths.

On this basis the Noah Fable is just that, a symbolic moral tale of be good or suffer the consequences. Taking it literally may leave you open to ridicule from your smarter children.

If an ark did exist then I would be looking down in the ancient valleys rather than way up a mountain.

Why? Consider the following....

Genesis claims it rained for 40 days and 40 nights and the water rose and wiped out all the sinners and left Noah and his P&O menagerie floating around on some vast new sea. Agreed?

At some point later the arc, boat, wooden supertanker hits a shallow bit ie Mt Ararat. Then the plug is pulled, the sea recedes and Noah is left high and dry to repopulate the earth. Agreed?

Well I don't know if Mt Ararat has shrunk or grown significantly since then, but today it is recognized to be approximately 5181m above mean sea level. and it is a large singular mountain in a range of rugged smaller hills. The point is we have sea level, the height of the mountain range and the very tall Mt Ararat. Now our mate God grabs his big watering can and starts pouring the water on said region. I don't know about you, but when I went to school, water ran down hills to the sea. Ok lets say God grabs a bigger watering can and pours out heaps more water, eventually the sea will rise so long as we are not taking water from the same sea or we would be defeating our purpose. So lets assume the sea rises 2000m at a minimum. OK?

In order to get the hills around Mt Ararat underwater means we need at least 1500m AMSL of extra water, to cover these these hills would mean covering well beyond ie the whole Mediterranean and the Atlantic and the Pacific, as there are no geological barriers to "hold it in" In fact the entire planet would have to be covered and most parts would be under water except the higher mountains ranges. (Bye bye Skippy, this would surely have drowned all the kangaroos on the planet) Now if the believers are right and this ark is way up on the side Mt Ararat as many say, then the water level must be way higher than 1500m. Lets use 2000m (not even halfway up)
Not sure what Gods view on algebra is but it seems to work for me more often than any God event.
Anyway on to the maths.

The earth is basically spherical, it has a fairly accurately known radius. Lets call this R1 (=6371000m)now we get God and his watering can, after pouring the water on to the earth, we get the new radius ie R2=R1+2000 (=6373000m).

The volume of a sphere is 4/3 multiplied by pi multiplied by the radius cubed. If we work out the volume of the two spheres and subtract them we end up with the volume of water required to raise the sea level to 2000m.

After doing this very basic and simple maths we find out that it would take 18.62 times the total volume of the entire earths oceans to be rained upon the earth EVERY DAY for 40 DAYs. (Given the current volume of all the oceans on this earth is recognized as 1.37 X10^9 cubic kilometers). So OK God snaps his fingers and whips up this planetoid sized mass of water (ie 744 times the volume of all the earths oceans), but where did he hide it when he had finished? That's a pretty big bucket to hide.

It amazes me this Noah story has been around for few millennia now and people still take it literally, it would appear these believers can't do primary school maths.

Check the maths or get your kids to do it.
Now how do the believers justify this? Oh I forgot the earth was flat then


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Further to Rusrao2 excellent post may I add to it with a post I made on another forum

Supposedly God can work in mysterious ways, but even the religious agree he generally follows the laws of his own Physics, and maths.

On this basis the Noah Fable is just that, a symbolic moral tale of be good or suffer the consequences. Taking it literally may leave you open to ridicule from your smarter children.

If an ark did exist then I would be looking down in the ancient valleys rather than way up a mountain.

Why? Consider the following....

Genesis claims it rained for 40 days and 40 nights and the water rose and wiped out all the sinners and left Noah and his P&O menagerie floating around on some vast new sea. Agreed?

At some point later the arc, boat, wooden supertanker hits a shallow bit ie Mt Ararat. Then the plug is pulled, the sea recedes and Noah is left high and dry to repopulate the earth. Agreed?

Well I don't know if Mt Ararat has shrunk or grown significantly since then, but today it is recognized to be approximately 5181m above mean sea level. and it is a large singular mountain in a range of rugged smaller hills. The point is we have sea level, the height of the mountain range and the very tall Mt Ararat. Now our mate God grabs his big watering can and starts pouring the water on said region. I don't know about you, but when I went to school, water ran down hills to the sea. Ok lets say God grabs a bigger watering can and pours out heaps more water, eventually the sea will rise so long as we are not taking water from the same sea or we would be defeating our purpose. So lets assume the sea rises 2000m at a minimum. OK?

In order to get the hills around Mt Ararat underwater means we need at least 1500m AMSL of extra water, to cover these these hills would mean covering well beyond ie the whole Mediterranean and the Atlantic and the Pacific, as there are no geological barriers to "hold it in" In fact the entire planet would have to be covered and most parts would be under water except the higher mountains ranges. (Bye bye Skippy, this would surely have drowned all the kangaroos on the planet) Now if the believers are right and this ark is way up on the side Mt Ararat as many say, then the water level must be way higher than 1500m. Lets use 2000m (not even halfway up)
Not sure what Gods view on algebra is but it seems to work for me more often than any God event.
Anyway on to the maths.

The earth is basically spherical, it has a fairly accurately known radius. Lets call this R1 (=6371000m)now we get God and his watering can, after pouring the water on to the earth, we get the new radius ie R2=R1+2000 (=6373000m).

The volume of a sphere is 4/3 multiplied by pi multiplied by the radius cubed. If we work out the volume of the two spheres and subtract them we end up with the volume of water required to raise the sea level to 2000m.

After doing this very basic and simple maths we find out that it would take 18.62 times the total volume of the entire earths oceans to be rained upon the earth EVERY DAY for 40 DAYs. (Given the current volume of all the oceans on this earth is recognized as 1.37 X10^9 cubic kilometers). So OK God snaps his fingers and whips up this planetoid sized mass of water (ie 744 times the volume of all the earths oceans), but where did he hide it when he had finished? That's a pretty big bucket to hide.

It amazes me this Noah story has been around for few millennia now and people still take it literally, it would appear these believers can't do primary school maths.

Check the maths or get your kids to do it.
Now how do the believers justify this? Oh I forgot the earth was flat then

As I mentioned in a previous post, The Bible tells us the Earth of Noah's day existed "in the midst of water" (2 Peter 3:5) Apparently the Earth was surrounded by water above the Earth's atmosphere that kept the planet at a consistently warm temperature.
Today there is about 1.4 billion cu km (326 million cu mi) of water on the earth. It covers more than 70 percent of the globe’s surface. The average depth of the oceans is 4 km (2.5 mi); average elevation of the land is only 0.8 km (0.5 mi) above sea level. If the earth’s surface was smoothed out, it would all be covered with water to a depth of 2,400 m (8,000 ft). The pre-flood mountains were evidently much lower than the mountain ranges the effects of the Flood brought into existence. Next time you swim in the ocean, give thought to the fact the water you are in may have fallen to earth in Noah's day for the first time.
As so many others do, you assume that the Earth has always been as it is today.
Geologists tell us otherwise.
Here is what a textbook on geology says: “From Pre-Cambrian times down to the present, the perpetual process of building and destroying mountains has continued. . . . Not only have mountains originated from the bottom of vanished seas, but they have often been submerged long after their formation, and then re-elevated.” Compare this with the poetic language of the psalmist: “With a watery deep just like a garment you covered [the earth]. The waters were standing above the very mountains. Mountains proceeded to ascend, valley plains proceeded to descend—to the place that you have founded for them.”—Psalm 104:6, 8.
Thus, your premise for your math is faulty. You state "Well I don't know if Mt Ararat has shrunk or grown significantly since then, but today it is recognized to be approximately 5181m above mean sea level". What about the height of Mt Ararat before the flood? There are vast mountain ranges currently under water.
Since no one can say what the earth was like or how high the mountains were before the global deluge, any math based on current conditions is both speculative and based on faulty reasoning. Mocking the Bible record does not make your reply more scientific, nor does it make the Bible account any less truthful.


Grumpy Old Man
Rusra02 said above:
As I mentioned in a previous post, The Bible tells us the Earth of Noah's day existed "in the midst of water" (2 Peter 3:5) Apparently the Earth was surrounded by water above the Earth's atmosphere that kept the planet at a consistently warm temperature.

Correct me if I'm wrong but my bible reads as follows

2 Peter 3:5

For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the Heavens of old, and the earth standing out of water and in the water.

2 Peter 3:6

Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished.

Surely this is a straight forward description of heaven "standing out of the water" and the land "in the water" in other words a land like an Island in a surrounding sea on a "flat" earth. How on earth, do you draw the conclusion from "and in the water" to mean the early world was at the bottom of some magical saturnine ring ocean. That is a way long stretch. It simply says the land is an island in the sea. A sea that apparently rose so far that it drowned all the creaures of the planet. (except those on the Ark). BTW I guess plants can hold there breath for more than 40 days.

Also, the ocean moderates coastal temperatures because of its huge heat capacity naturally. (no need for super Deity on that point.)

Today there is about 1.4 billion cu km (326 million cu mi) of water on the earth. It covers more than 70 percent of the globe’s surface. The average depth of the oceans is 4 km (2.5 mi); average elevation of the land is only 0.8 km (0.5 mi) above sea level. If the earth’s surface was smoothed out, it would all be covered with water to a depth of 2,400 m (8,000 ft). The pre-flood mountains were evidently much lower than the mountain ranges the effects of the Flood brought into existence. Next time you swim in the ocean, give thought to the fact the water you are in may have fallen to earth in Noah's day for the first time.
As so many others do, you assume that the Earth has always been as it is today.
Geologists tell us otherwise.
Here is what a textbook on geology says: “From Pre-Cambrian times down to the present, the perpetual process of building and destroying mountains has continued. . . . Not only have mountains originated from the bottom of vanished seas, but they have often been submerged long after their formation, and then re-elevated.” Compare this with the poetic language of the psalmist: “With a watery deep just like a garment you covered [the earth]. The waters were standing above the very mountains. Mountains proceeded to ascend, valley plains proceeded to descend—to the place that you have founded for them.”—Psalm 104:6, 8.
Thus, your premise for your math is faulty.

Nothing wrong with my maths it is sound. The fault appears to be the differing assumptions. If we are to discuss this equitably we should have some ground rules instead of grabbing a bit here and a bit there to argue with. Lets bring some consistency to this discussion.

First when exactly are we talking about? Are we talking about a period that both the religious and scientists appear to agree on ie the beginning of civilization which evidence suggests occurred around 5000BC with the development of Agrarian societies at the expense of Nomadic cultures. Or are we using some illogical twist to throw the Noah concept further back in time, to a point where human like creatures could not exist, or do you believe the earth has had an oxygen rich atmosphere for the whole of its existence?

So may I presume those who take the Noah Myth literally also accept a date for the flood of around 5000BC?. If this presumption is correct, I'll stick by my interpretation of events as described above, as the geological evidence suggests the basic landscape of the planet then was nearly identical to that which exists today.

However if the premise is, that the part about Noah and his wooden ark is true literally, but the time is now precambrain earth, then we have a problem. One of logic. Are you are talking about the Hadean period before the oceans formed. Minor other inhibitory aspects include no oxygen yet for Noah to breath and no animals yet. And wouldn't that contradict the biblical description of a garden of Eden prior. An atmosphere high in sulfuric acid does not bode well for good grape and apple harvests.

But lets forget logic for a minute and assume all the water is in the sky and none (or very little) is on the surface of this ancient earth ie maximum flood value. So now it rains this planetoid volume of water and the valleys fill eventually covering the land of the pre-ocean ancient earth with new oceans. Can I ask was it just the low lands or the high lands as well? Is the earth flat and dead smooth. No! logic and geological evidence indicates we probably have always had and are always likely to have mountains and valleys of similar size to that which we have today even though they move around a bit (Plate tectonics) over the EONS.

So the bible says "Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished." Well I read that as pretty unambiguous if you were not on the ark you were dead, (bye Bye Skippy). Since many animals including humans can normally climb hills to highlands, even a bit at a time, rather than stand helplessly in rising water, I contend that for a total earth extermination the water must have risen well above your little hills and well up the mountains to be effective, where low oxygen and freezing conditions prevail. Even then some animals and human were sure to survive so long as any land remained out of the water.

I would also point out, the bible in reference to this, mentions "the hills" of Ararat/ Irat/Iraq, so hills and valleys were present, so its not dead flat, its similar to today and why wouldnt it be? The same physics and geological processes apply. It also points to a geographic region recognised as that of a more recent time not Gondwana or Pangaea. Over eons mountains do rise and fall while others form and grow. How ever the vertical relief profiles seem consistant through out the EONS. In other words my argument still holds for any period since the ancient oceans formed, in the post Hadean Period. Geological evidence indicates that during interglacial periods and sea level rises and falls are in the order of +/- 100m not the +/- kilometers, your arguement requires.

You state "Well I don't know if Mt Ararat has shrunk or grown significantly since then, but today it is recognized to be approximately 5181m above mean sea level". What about the height of Mt Ararat before the flood? There are vast mountain ranges currently under water.

So what. In 5000 years there probably has been some minor tectonic changes, but basically the continents are the same today as they were 5000 years ago. The mid Atlantic ridge hasn't grown overnight, covering Africa and South America to then suddenly retreat to its present position in such short geological time. So what are you actually saying.

Since no one can say what the earth was like or how high the mountains were before the global deluge, any math based on current conditions is both speculative and based on faulty reasoning. Mocking the Bible record does not make your reply more scientific, nor does it make the Bible account any less truthful.

No I wasn't there to draw a contour map but the evidence suggests yes, they can. Have you ever heard of the lands called Pangaea and Gondwana? Did these super continents exist before or after Noah according to you?

I don't mock the bible, but its interpretations often do have a tendency to mock themselves.



Guardian of Asgaard
No I wasn't there to draw a contour map but the evidence suggests yes, they can. Have you ever heard of the lands called Pangaea and Gondwana? Did these super continents exist before or after Noah according to you?

I don't mock the bible, but its interpretations often do have a tendency to mock themselves.


The initial problems with proving that there was such a super-continent were silly fools trying to fit the hypothesis within a biblical timeline. Theres no way the continents could break up and travel thousands of miles within 10-20 thousand years.

Geologists with common sense just laugh at the bible. Theres more holes in the biblical account of Noah than the Iraqee navy ;)


Intentionally Blank
The initial problems with proving that there was such a super-continent were silly fools trying to fit the hypothesis within a biblical timeline. Theres no way the continents could break up and travel thousands of miles within 10-20 thousand years.

Geologists with common sense just laugh at the bible. Theres more holes in the biblical account of Noah than the Iraqee navy ;)

Sure they could. Continents can skid across the planet like skateboarders in a pool with no one noticing--what's the problem?

Mountain ranges can rise and fall like Pam Anderson's heaving bosom, without people on them noticing it, right?

And why would the Bible itself take note of say, mountain ranges being flattened like a shirt being ironed, when it takes the trouble to describe a bit of rain?

Just remember--with God all things are possible!


Guardian of Asgaard
Sure they could. Continents can skid across the planet like skateboarders in a pool with no one noticing--what's the problem?

Mountain ranges can rise and fall like Pam Anderson's heaving bosom, without people on them noticing it, right?

And why would the Bible itself take note of say, mountain ranges being flattened like a shirt being ironed, when it takes the trouble to describe a bit of rain?

Just remember--with God all things are possible!

:rolleyes: yeh right, and i'm the next king of England