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Noahs Ark


Well-Known Member
(But, more importantly, why are you so angry?)[/QUOTE]

It bothers me that intelligent people forsake all reason and logic so as to make an impossible event like the Ark appear true. Than in the face of hard science, they still invoke their "God magic." Willful ignorance is maddening to me!


Hostis humani generis
It bothers me that intelligent people forsake all reason and logic so as to make an impossible event like the Ark appear true. Than in the face of hard science, they still invoke their "God magic." Willful ignorance is maddening to me!

It bothers me, too, but "GRARRRRGRRR Y'EEDJITS'R WRONG" doesn't help anyone. :p


Well-Known Member
I came across this;

It's a full size Noah's Ark replica in Hong Kong. I think they should see if it can float!
Raw Video: Full-size Noah's Ark Replica | theledger.com | The Ledger | Lakeland, FL

Now all they have to do is load her up with all the specialized food needed for all those animals with very special diets, lots of fresh water, and let er go. Seeing as no wooden craft over 300 feet long is able to stay afloat, lets also get plenty of rescue boats ready to pick up all those poor animals, can chickens swim?


Intentionally Blank
I don't know, but I think if no one is using "Can chickens swim?" as a user name, someone should jump on it.


"Hi kingcores ~ If the Flood was regional why would Noah have to build the Ark? All he would have to do is take the animals to a region where the flood did not happen. The story implies it had to be a worldwide flood to save all the animals and 8 humans from being flooded to death like all the other humans and animals would die in the flood.":)

I have heard that argument before. Noah certainly could have taken all those animals to another area, but sometimes God has reasons for doing things that He doesn't reveal to us.


Well-Known Member
I have heard that argument before. Noah certainly could have taken all those animals to another area, but sometimes God has reasons for doing things that He doesn't reveal to us. [/QUOTE]

And what would make you think God has reasons for doing things that he doesn't reveal to humans? What would his purpose be in hiding anything from humans? You seem to have the "inside track" on how this God operates!!

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Now all they have to do is load her up with all the specialized food needed for all those animals with very special diets, lots of fresh water, and let er go. Seeing as no wooden craft over 300 feet long is able to stay afloat, lets also get plenty of rescue boats ready to pick up all those poor animals, can chickens swim?

Shucks...they don't even have to do any of this. Just put the dang thing in the water. No one and nothing on it and it won't get very far or last very long on the water......I give it a few hours, if it will even float...

In a violent storm on the open seas it will crumble.....



I just did a quick calculation. Scientists apparently agree that there are somewhere between 3 and 30 million animal species on the earth. So, let's assume that it took Noah 1 day per pair of animals (even though he didn't have any planes trains or automobiles, so it would actually take way longer than that to get some, but I'll let that part go), it would have taken him almost 44 thousand years to finish collecting them. In 44 thousand years, the animals would have to have been reproducing, so that means that there would have had to have been billions of animals on the ark by the time the flood came. If the average animal took up 5 square feet, the ark would have to have been 10-20 billion square feet, which is greater than 3000 football fields. If he were using 8' long logs, it would have been about 56, 250 logs long, times probably 160 logs in depth, so that eaquals about 900 thousand logs, and that's for the hull only, without even having built a deck yet. So, since he supposedly built the ark in 100 years, if he had worked for eight hours a day (excluding sundays) he would have built it in 250400 hours. He would have had to have felled and hewn trees at a rate of one every 7 minutes (allowing for some time to assemble the hull). To gather 900000 trees, he would have had to travel hundreds of miles to a tree, cut it down, hew it, and bring it back several hundred miles to the building site within 7 minutes. If we allow 2.3 minutes for travel to the tree, 2.3 minutes to fell it and hew it, and 2.3 minutes to bring it back to the building site, he'd have to drag the logs at a speed of 388 miles per hour. If we factor in time to build the deck, he probably would have had to have dragged the logs at a speed closer to 500 miles per hour. I could keep making silly calculations, but I hope we can consider Noah's ark as being blown out of the water.
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Well-Known Member
I just did a quick calculation. Scientists apparently agree that there are somewhere between 3 and 30 million animal species on the earth. So, let's assume that it took Noah 1 day per pair of animals (even though he didn't have any planes trains or automobiles, so it would actually take way longer than that to get some, but I'll let that part go), it would have taken him almost 44 thousand years to finish collecting them. In 44 thousand years, the animals would have to have been reproducing, so that means that there would have had to have been billions of animals on the ark by the time the flood came. If the average animal took up 5 square feet, the ark would have to have been 10-20 billion square feet, which is greater than 3000 football fields. If he were using 8' long logs, it would have been about 56, 250 logs long, times probably 80 logs in depth, so that eaquals about 450 thousand logs, and that's for the hull only, without even having built a deck yet. So, since he supposedly built the ark in 100 years, if he had worked for eight hours a day (excluding sundays) he would have built it in 250400 hours. He would have had to have felled and hewn trees at a rate of one every 15 minutes (allowing for some time to assemble the hull). To gather 450000 trees, he would have had to travel hundreds of miles to a tree, cut it down, hew it, and bring it back several hundred miles to the building site within 15 minutes. If we allow 5 minutes for travel to the tree, 5 minutes to fell it and hew it, and 5 minutes to bring it back to the building site, he'd have to drag the logs at a speed of 194 miles per hour. Yeah, I'm gonna say this didn't happen.

Aww, you keep forgetting that word the religious made up to fit all those animals on this boat, it wasn't millions, it was "KINDS" you know felines, are on kind, canines another KIND, and so on. Isn't it great how they can just make stuff up and then postulate that it is real.


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
I'm not sure if anybody has mentioned this but the story of Noah's Ark is told in Vedic history as well. In fact, it was written before Abrahamic religions came to being. The event was not a recent thing. It was supposed to have happened (at least) millions of years ago and did not cover the entire earth.

Still, I personally do not think it is meant to be taken literally.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure if anybody has mentioned this but the story of Noah's Ark is told in Vedic history as well. In fact, it was written before Abrahamic religions came to being. The event was not a recent thing. It was supposed to have happened (at least) millions of years ago and did not cover the entire earth.

Still, I personally do not think it is meant to be taken literally.

The event could not have happened millions of years ago as early man, capable of constructing anything dates back to between 250,000 to 400,000 years ago.


Undercover Nudist
The bible also contradicts itself in saying that everything that was not on the ark was killed. Prior to the ark, there is talk of giants roaming the world, and they are again mentioned later on. Since Noah's family were the only humans onboard, how did the giants survive. Maybe they were tall enough to not be able to be submerged completely! That explains it! Oh yeah, MSizer did not even take into account that of clean animals there were taken 7 of each species, and 2 of unclean animals. So Noah was even faster than 194 miles per hour. Too bad they didn't have stopwatches back then, Usain Bolt would have nothing to boast about today!


Grumpy Old Man
I think the bible mentions unicorns (don't see to many of these in the fossil record), who were naughty and so were killed along with the dinosaurs in the "Flood". Still doesn't explain how kangaroos survived, perhaps marsupials were fish during that period. Then given fur, legs, ears and arms in a bolt of lightning, at gods whim 2 days before captain cook arrived on the east coast of Australia.



RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
I think the bible mentions unicorns (don't see to many of these in the fossil record), who were naughty and so were killed along with the dinosaurs in the "Flood". Still doesn't explain how kangaroos survived, perhaps marsupials were fish during that period. Then given fur, legs, ears and arms in a bolt of lightning, at gods whim 2 days before captain cook arrived on the east coast of Australia.


Maybe the flood took part in the northern hemisphere. After all, all doomsday predictions seem to refer to the northern hemisphere ie/ global warming ---> ice age in NH/slightly warmer in SH. :D


Grumpy Old Man
Maybe the flood took part in the northern hemisphere. After all, all doomsday predictions seem to refer to the northern hemisphere ie/ global warming ---> ice age in NH/slightly warmer in SH. :D

I don't think you can have a northern hemisphere only flood, of course it will always affect the southern hemisphere, there is no brick wall across the Pacific or Atlantic at the equator.

From outer space the earth is smoother than a billiard ball.
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RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
Not sure on a sphere as flat and smooth as the earth whether you can have a northern hemisphere only flood. From outer space the earth is smoother than a billiard ball.

Oh gosh, that's true. I guess my theory is blown out the window. Perhaps the kangaroos can bounce on water?