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Non Christians are more evil than all Christians combined


Active Member
In my experience almost every encounter with non Christians has been infinitely worse than any interactions that I have had with Christians. For example Muslims give me dirty looks and look down on me and atheists don't care about my suffering and insult me for not believing in evolution.


My own religion

Let us say a human is suffering and I understand that this person is suffering. From there doesn't follow that I can help that person to get rid of the suffering. Nor does it say anything about what is the cause of the suffering.
In fact for some models of how to help with suffering it is worse to try to help without actually being able to help rather than being honest and saying: "I can't help you with your suffering!"


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
Can you please provide an example of a scenario where a Muslim gives you dirty looks? Given my interactions with Muslims, I don't find this generalization credible unless there is something you're doing that solicits it.

Can you please provide an example of a scenario where an atheist insulting your for not believing in evolution? How would they even know if you don't shove the fact that you don't believe in evolution in their face?

What would you like me to do about your suffering? How do you think I can help? I may be able to help with your pain, but have zero control over your reaction to that pain, i.e. suffering.


Well-Known Member
In my experience almost every encounter with non Christians has been infinitely worse than any interactions that I have had with Christians.
Massimo, I can only urge you to think again. I have spent my entire life in a very multicultural/multi faith setting and have experienced nothing like this.

A few years ago, I was very sick and unable to work. It was a Muslim colleague who took the time to drive to my home and see that I was ok. In a different job, it was a Muslim colleague who would bring food in sometimes, specially cooked for us by his wife.

There is a Sikh temple near my home. On Christmas day the man in charge (sorry no idea as to his religious title) would always visit us to wish us the seasons greetings.

When I was ten, a sunday school teacher, herself the mother of young children, went into great detail telling me about the agonies of hellfire that were coming my way. My crime, I did not wish to be in the school play.

I could give you more, but I think my point is made. You just cannot make simple generalizations about such matters, it is extremely unfair and very divisive. Please look again with fresh eyes.


हर हर महादेव
Premium Member
A few years ago, I was very sick and unable to work. It was a Muslim colleague who took the time to drive to my home and see that I was ok. In a different job, it was a Muslim colleague who would bring food in sometimes, specially cooked for us by his wife.

I’m glad that you experienced such kind deeds from those Muslim colleagues. It reminds me that when I worked as a mall janitor for a short while at age 29, I was taunted, was intimidated by one person, and had something thrown at me in the food court. One afternoon, when I was cleaning the men’s room, a Muslim gentleman walked in and said many kind words to me. He thanked me for the work that I did, told me that I was important, etc. The next day, when he saw me walking into the building, he greeted me in a friendly manner. I know that he was Muslim because I saw him perform wudu.

There is a Sikh temple near my home. On Christmas day the man in charge (sorry no idea as to his religious title) would always visit us to wish us the seasons greetings.

Many Sikhs are wonderful individuals.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
In my experience almost every encounter with non Christians has been infinitely worse than any interactions that I have had with Christians. For example Muslims give me dirty looks and look down on me and atheists don't care about my suffering and insult me for not believing in evolution.

I have found precisely the opposite.

Christians are the reason i left the church in the first place. I have been seriously hurt 5 times in my life, (excludingb medical conditions) each time perpetrated by christians.

I have several Muslim friends, and used to hang around with Muslims often when i lived in the UK, i have never seen a any Muslim give a dirty look to anyone except when that person vomits racial or islamophobic comments

Oh come on, i have shown care for your depression and loneliness without insult it's insulting that you speak that way.

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
In my experience almost every encounter with non Christians has been infinitely worse than any interactions that I have had with Christians. For example Muslims give me dirty looks and look down on me and atheists don't care about my suffering and insult me for not believing in evolution.
Would not exactly call Buddhist, Taoists, Shintoist, or even devout Muslims evil

And there are multiple other religions that I would not label as Evil either

Other than your experience with Muslims and Atheists, how many non-Christians have you had experience with?

And what was your attitude/approach in these interactions?
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Staff member
Premium Member
In my experience almost every encounter with non Christians has been infinitely worse than any interactions that I have had with Christians. For example Muslims give me dirty looks and look down on me and atheists don't care about my suffering and insult me for not believing in evolution.
How did you know who was who?

Did they wear their religious affiliation like name tags?


Pronouns: he/they/it/neopronouns
In my experience almost every encounter with non Christians has been infinitely worse than any interactions that I have had with Christians. For example Muslims give me dirty looks and look down on me and atheists don't care about my suffering and insult me for not believing in evolution.
*Reads your post* *grabs walkie talkie*
We have a code 167 a code 167 alert this is not a drill he's onto us/jk

In reality Mass people are individuals. There's bad groups sure but being a particular religion or not doesnt mean you evil or not.

I Am Hugh

In my experience almost every encounter with non Christians has been infinitely worse than any interactions that I have had with Christians. For example Muslims give me dirty looks and look down on me and atheists don't care about my suffering and insult me for not believing in evolution.

Everyone is evil. There aren't any exceptions.



Well-Known Member
In my experience almost every encounter with non Christians has been infinitely worse than any interactions that I have had with Christians. For example Muslims give me dirty looks and look down on me and atheists don't care about my suffering and insult me for not believing in evolution.
First, I'm sure that for the vast majority of people you have day-to-day interactions with, you'll not know what their religious beliefs are. It could well be that you're assuming that those who treat you well must be Christian, but that doesn't make it so.

Secondly, "non Christian" covers a vast range of people, well beyond just Muslims and atheists, and I suspect that a significant proportion of other Christians are as distant from you in beliefs as plenty of non Christians would be.

Thirdly (and I'm sure you'll spin it as a case in point but it really isn't), if you encounter one person who acts like a ****, they're probably a **** but if you encounter lots of different people who all act like ****s, you have to accept the possibility that you're the ****. I doubt that would have much to do with your religion though. we're all much more than that singular characteristic.
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Active Member
Everyone is evil. There aren't any exceptions.

Some adults around the world struggle relentlessly to maintain the purity of childhood within themselves; often, such individuals are subjected to psychic or existential torment, and many of them, under the weight of these trials, ultimately become "monsters" in the eyes of society.


Staff member
Premium Member
Some adults around the world struggle relentlessly to maintain the purity of childhood within themselves; often, such individuals are subjected to psychic or existential torment, and many of them, under the weight of these trials, ultimately become "monsters" in the eyes of society.
Can you further explain?