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Well-Known Member
No.... read the story again. That's not what Amalek does.
Amalek is 'against Israel' IN my words, against what 'is real' (what is pure).
Nope. The facts are they were fired in the air away from the civilians.
You never observed the videos from the ground on-site of 2008 nor 2009. All you have is your opinion that are used to substantiate the usage
Then stop obssessing about the temple.
I am not, the obsessed require, pray-for and expect to 're-build' what does not exist there now.
But the Israelis are not fighting over it. It's a red-herring.
No, the 'red heifer' ashes are what the teachers are literally trying to obtain. Israel as a state could exist anywhere on the earth but that location is the importance.
Those are the facts. It was stupid for them to put on such an event. But it wasn't militant, and that's what caused this current war and the Hamas kidnapping murdering and WORSE which you ignore.
I know that what HAMAS did and has done is wrong, horrid and unsubstantiated. I do not support any such acts, no matter which temple is being sought. What is disgusting is your attempts to discount the fact that the location (mount) is the long sought location and why israel exists in palestine. That denial could have you labeled a heretic.
There's nothing wrong with wanting to build a temple there.
But as usual, you know what I say is true as that confirmed it.
But I agree there's no reason to fight about it. That is the moderate position.
That's an honest position
People can have their own dreams and aspirations as long as they do not harm anyone. The desire to rebuild the temple is harming no one except for Satan/Samael and the whole demonic crew ( assuming it exists ).
Then you cover it up with nonsense. As that pursuit has caused 70 yrs of oppression.
No, you are asking for domination over people's hopes and dreams. That's too much.

I agree, the dominant are imposing oppression over hopes and dreams.
Would you give up your hopes and dreams?
NO, i already comprehend what the pursuit is about. I discount the misleading reasons and focus on Torah and the wisdom of why. Again, i love the wisdom of the dialogue and skip over the bias or idea of control, authority of the dross. Even you believe that the 'higher authority' gives you the right.
Maybe someday the whole world will want the Jewish people to rebuild the temple there. Who knows?
The whole world does want the grounding truth to understand what is real. Overlooking the old translations enables the pure wisdom to unfold.

I have offered you the basics but you regress back to old translations as if you are trained better than I.
False-victimhood. If YOU NEED THIS, it's ok to imagine yourself being persecuted.
I forgot, you are inerrant and claiming to be my friend is your escape. While continually condemning me.
You took what I said out of context. You omitted the part where I said I didn't hate you.
There is the example of using a few words to reassure yourself.
I don't expect YOU to forgive me. I don''t expect anything from you except to oppose anything that is not absolute domination.
Holding your ground as infallible is exposing that ideal of domination. You actually believe that israel and the religious teachers have it right.
The desire to build the temple reminds you that there is a group that answers to a higher authority.
Again confirmed, you actually believe your belief system has the translations correct
This is infuriating for everyone. I totally understand.
What is infuriating, is i cannot stop the what is to unfold because the dross are so obtuse.
You think your "knowledge" should be supreme,

The unveiling is what the whole promise is about, not worship and dominance by a single religious system.
No matter how much "knowledge" you aquire, the Jewish people will always answer to a higher power. It doesn't matter how much you evolve, it will never be high enough.
That higher power is what you fail to understand. The focal problem is you believe your line of teachers are superior and know more than all. That delusion is perhaps the best example of Amelak.
That's it. Get over it.

Even if the temple is never built, it will still be in the hearts and minds of the Jewish people, and given the opportunity, it will be rebuilt. And there's nothing wrong with that... unless...
I am aware that in the hearts and mind of mankind (all of us) is the hope of understanding what is real and eventually, whether you like it or not, the unveiling of what is real will happen and the holy of holies (name of) will be that last word perfecting the truth for the generations of the rest of time.
Unless you desire absolute domination and the construction of a temple interferes with that.
Not even close. I am just frustrated that apparently nothing will stop the destruction witnessed in prophecy
Sorry, you cannot have absolute domination.
Nor will I ever even wish for such.

I am already aware that the 'book of life' will not be completed by my hand. The 12 will finish the works and that is what perfects what is real.
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Well-Known Member
Have we found out who bombed the hospital in Gaza? Or is that complicated too?
yep, an improvised (home made) rocket that could not even make it over the fences.

If the israelis actually bombed the location, it would have dropped the hospital to the ground.

What bugs me, is will one of those be claimed to be the cause if the the dome of the rock caves in.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
All you have is your opinion that are used to substantiate the usage

Not true, I used your own sources.

I am not, the obsessed require, pray-for and expect to 're-build' what does not exist there now.

That does not describe any Jewish person I have ever met, nor any that you have brought as examples. It seems to be a straw-man.

No, the 'red heifer' ashes are what the teachers are literally trying to obtain.

So what? It's called being prepared and keeping the law. It's harming no one. There's no reason to over-react.

Israel as a state could exist anywhere on the earth but that location is the importance.

That is your opinion. Others should be permitted to have a different opinion. The league of nations made a concensus decision.

I know that what HAMAS did and has done is wrong, horrid and unsubstantiated.

Then the right thing to do is demonstrate that in thoughts words and deeds. To state the content of your posts is off-balance would be an enormous understatement.

the dominant are imposing oppression over hopes and dreams.

I have seen no evidence of Israelis doing this to a degree which is unreasonable considering they are in a constant state of war.

i already comprehend what the pursuit is about.

What you are observing is patience and preparation.

The whole world does want the grounding truth to understand what is real. Overlooking the old translations enables the pure wisdom to unfold.

I have offered you the basics but you regress back to old translations as if you are trained better than I.

When it comes to Judaism it is evident that I am better trained than you. All you need to do is demonstrate your understanding and then we can learn together. But so far, everything you have brought is wrong. You might desire to flip it into someething else, but that is... something else.

And again, this "truth" and "grounding in what is real", those are ideals of a gnostic. I do not hold those ideals, and I do not need to. The path to peace comes from mutual understanding, not knowledge. The insistence in "ONE TRUTH" perpetuates conflict and fills the heart with a toxic combination of LOVE+HATE+PURPOSE. This feels very-very good to many people, and that is why the conflict in the middle east is ongoing. But it's just another conflict, similar to all the others, going back to, by my judgement, the dawn of creation.

As that pursuit has caused 70 yrs of oppression.

As a natural and necessary consequence of 70 years of war waged against them from those whom surround them on all sides and have sworn to annihilate them all mercilessly.

you are inerrant and claiming to be my friend

I am not inerrant, I'm just like you. But younger. I will always consider you my friend.

There is the example of using a few words to reassure yourself.

I think you can feel the truth of my words in your heart.

Holding your ground as infallible

I'm not doing that. I've proven it with my statement about the UN and what I posted about the Gnostic approach to the demonic as an ally for personal responsibility and empowerment.

If only you would come out of the "Gnostic" closet and admit that your theology is at it's root egyptian, it would be huge step forward in this debate.

i cannot stop the what is to unfold because the dross are so obtuse.

unless you're wrong about it. You could be wrong about all of it. You could be wrong about what is to unfold. You could be wrong about the dross. Refusing to accept this as a possibility IS pointing at oneself as INERRANT.

The unveiling is what the whole promise is about

It can't be a promise unless the speaker is a liar, or they consider themself inerrant, or they are delusional, or pathological. Those are the options.

you believe your line of teachers are superior and know more than all.

I don't believe that. In Judaism learing is a chavrusa. But you don't know this, or what it means. Your ignorance is not my problem anymore. You would need to demonstrate a willingness to learn.

That delusion is perhaps the best example of Amelak.

read the story again. that's not what amalek does. whomever is the source for this is misleading you. if it came from your own heart and mind, then your are misleading yourself. I've corrected you about this before. This is why I'm done sharing information with you.

Let me make this perfectly clear.

I do not need you, or your knowledge to make peace with Muslims. All I need is the Quran.

whether you like it or not, the unveiling of what is real will happen and the holy of holies (name of) will be that last word perfecting the truth for the generations of the rest

This is a proclamation of your own inerrancy. The truth is not in you.

I am just frustrated that apparently nothing will stop the destruction witnessed in prophecy

Then get with the program. Set aside the inerrancy of your position and let's talk about what's real. Understanding is the path to peace.

Nor will I ever even wish for such.

You could be fooling yourself. The heart can play tricks on the mind. It happens to everyone sooner or later.

I am already aware that the 'book of life' will not be completed by my hand. The 12 will finish the works and that is what perfects what is real.

Or not.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
yep, an improvised (home made) rocket that could not even make it over the fences.

If the israelis actually bombed the location, it would have dropped the hospital to the ground.

What bugs me, is will one of those be claimed to be the cause if the the dome of the rock caves in.

OK. This is great. If this is true, it can be used to validate which sources are biased. Any source that propagates the story that Israel bombed the hospital can be considered corrupt.



Well-Known Member
Not true, I used your own sources.
What source did I use? Show the images of the phosphorus falling upon the people. Show the children in the hospitals?

If you used them you will be able to show what I have been unable to on this old terminal
That does not describe any Jewish person I have ever met, nor any that you have brought as examples. It seems to be a straw-man.

I know, Jews know better. Nice unknowing confirmation. There is a poster here that claims that Jews pray for the pursuit 3 times a day as daily prayers.
So what? It's called being prepared and keeping the law. It's harming no one. There's no reason to over-react.
I am not over reacting. You are getting butt hurt and are reacting even when you denied the pursuit before. Now you are using 'so what?' and then are calling it 'the law'.
That is your opinion. Others should be permitted to have a different opinion. The league of nations made a concensus decision.
And hertzl's opinion. I have no problem with variety of opinion. Hence how I accept and understand that no single state or population will have that dominance or control over the unveiling.
Yes, the UN made a consensus: Jerusalem is not israel. NO touch the mount! Well before I realized why.
Then the right thing to do is demonstrate that in thoughts words and deeds. To state the content of your posts is off-balance would be an enormous understatement.
I condemn HAMAS' deeds about naturally. Capitulation to the pursuit of the 'city of blood' and temple is not a good deed or action

That week idea is what caused the taking of the city in 1967, as if it was in retribution.
I have seen no evidence of Israelis doing this to a degree which is unreasonable considering they are in a constant state of war.
The 67' land grab and then renaming the mount as 'temple mount' are perfect examples of stupid is as stupid does. The religiously obtuse must have the location and the 67' war gave them a reason to impose, oppress and use the dominant force against the weaker side as a retalliation.
What you are observing is patience and preparation.
To regress back to ancient rituals. Even at the expense of breaking the rules (commandment) and abusing the integrity of the Jewish identity.
When it comes to Judaism it is evident that I am better trained than you.
Not really as you have no idea what the purpose is of judiasm or why a tsion is so important to mankind (all of us).
All you need to do is demonstrate your understanding and then we can learn together. But so far, everything you have brought is wrong. You might desire to flip it into someething else, but that is... something else.
Yep, the old model is just that old. The unveiling (new) will and does uproot the old. What will be reaffirmed is the rules of personal responsibility are in fact as solid now as then.
And again, this "truth" and "grounding in what is real", those are ideals of a gnostic.
Nope..... 'the truth and grounding what is real' will and does combine most every belief system, including the sciences and philosophies describing life, purpose. Having the perfect words to fulfill, is what the 12 will do the best for finality.
If Moses could have done it, it would have already been done, just as all of them generations of compiled midrash/talmadic interpretations have not completed the works. The time was not right nor the observance of each model was never applied.

I am humble enough to comprehend such truth. YOU?
The path to peace comes from mutual understanding, not knowledge.
There you show feeling it, but still put up the road block of "I do not hold those ideals, and I do not need to. " Combined with
The insistence in "ONE TRUTH" perpetuates conflict and fills the heart with a toxic combination of LOVE+HATE+PURPOSE.
I am not inerrant, I'm just like you. But younger. I will always consider you my friend.
Do you call your mother a liar and at fault for not knowing what you do?
I think you can feel the truth of my words in your heart.
I am aware that you have want for truth, just like the majority on the earth
I'm not doing that. I've proven it with my statement about the UN and what I posted about the Gnostic approach to the demonic as an ally for personal responsibility and empowerment.

If only you would come out of the "Gnostic" closet and admit that your theology is at it's root egyptian, it would be huge step forward in this debate.
OK, i'll touch both of those. a..... personal responsibility is grounded in the commandments (egypt to moses to torah)
Very consistent and supersedes what israel and the mislead want
unless you're wrong about it. You could be wrong about all of it. You could be wrong about what is to unfold. You could be wrong about the dross. Refusing to accept this as a possibility IS pointing at oneself as INERRANT.

again, i will tap into that: See Ezek 22. read the whole chapter and apply as a vision, not as if being told or as already having occurred. Then consider what could actually cause such a complete destruction. What weapons could melt the population.
It can't be a promise unless the speaker is a liar, or they consider themself inerrant, or they are delusional, or pathological. Those are the options.

If you do not comprehend the premise that 'to those following the rules (commandments) the truth will unfold', then why would you consider yourself Jewish? Why would the model even still exist?
I don't believe that. In Judaism learing is a chavrusa.
Exactly............ the good always pursue learning. "Keep the rules, be patient, learn and write for the new generations' eventually the truth, what is real, WILL UNFOLD. That is Judaism to me. I understand it may seem esoteric (gnostic to you) but the premise is what Torah is about
But you don't know this, or what it means.
That is my point exactly.


Well-Known Member
OK. This is great. If this is true, it can be used to validate which sources are biased. Any source that propagates the story that Israel bombed the hospital can be considered corrupt.


What source did you use?
Same one that all of us used at first, the media.

I am well aware that US (We the people) have satellites, drones and 2 aircraft carriers out front, the cause and what is recorded already exists. Israel is not the last word!

I will accept that Joe was given the answer before he even left Washington for the visit.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
What source did I use? Show the images of the phosphorus falling upon the people. Show the children in the hospitals?

The HRW link shoows pictures of white phosporous being fired in the air for "smoke" not ON civilians. The pictures of children in the hospitals are not consistent with white-phosporous indendiary devices used ON civilians.

I am not over reacting

Then let people have have patience and prepare for rebuilding the temple. It's hurting no one.

And hertzl's opinion

So what? It was still a concensus of the league of nations.

Yep, the old model is just that old. The unveiling (new) will and does uproot the old.

This is an irrational claim of religious inerrancy. This is what perpetuates conflict.

Having the perfect words to fulfill, is what the 12 will do the best for finality.

This is an irrational claim of religious inerrancy. This is what perpetuates conflict.

I am humble enough to comprehend such truth

This is the opposite of humilty.

Dybmh said: "I do not hold those ideals, and I do not need to"

Correct. There is another way.

I am aware that you have want for truth, just like the majority on the earth

I don't though. I don't idolize these things. I accept it if and when it is revealed to me. Ashrei Adam Boteiach.

personal responsibility is grounded in the commandments

Nope. The Torah has a justice system by being judged by others which is the opposite of "personal responsibility". If it is teaching personal responsibility please explain nadav and avihu. Here is an opportunity to demonstrate your "knowledge" of Judaism.

See Ezek 22. read the whole chapter and apply as a vision

As a vision means it is not literal.

to those following the rules (commandments) the truth will unfold', then why would you consider yourself Jewish?


That is my point exactly.

This is what you agreed to:



What source did you use?

Here's a couple of biased sources. The UN and AlJahzeerah. Is this the hospital you were talking about? It couldn't be Israeli?



Yup, looks like it is:

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Well-Known Member
The HRW link shoows pictures of white phosporous being fired in the air for "smoke" not ON civilians. The pictures of children in the hospitals are not consistent with white-phosporous indendiary devices used ON civilians.
2008, 2009.....not last week.
Then let people have have patience and prepare for rebuilding the temple. It's hurting no one.
Let? No choice of mine..... That dead end will cause the next layers of 'judgment' that you await I suggest, 'leave that arm pit' so you don't have to see what was written in Ezek 22.
So what? It was still a concensus of the league of nations.
yep the consensus is and always has been, Jerusalem is not israel and the mount is a heritage site (no temple on it)
This is an irrational claim of religious inerrancy. This is what perpetuates conflict.
I can see that, you are in conflict with torah and willing to break the commandments as practically required by your submission to israel

This is the opposite of humilty.
What you write sure it.

IN contrast and in context "I accept not being capable" of completing the 'book of life'. You maintain the idea of dominance, control and the hypocrisy of being chosen over the wisdom of torah and choosing to keep the rules(commandments)
Correct. There is another way.
It's not to be found in capitulation................... but go ahead break the rules ..... the focal loss has been written within tanakh sharing the vision. I dont have to remind you. You are perfect evidence, that your training and leadership don't care and lack any humility to torah and the wisdom of keeping the commandments.
Nope. The Torah has a justice system by being judged by others which is the opposite of "personal responsibility".
Sorry, I am unable to regress to your accepted manipulation of torah, the commandments.

I will trust that keeping the laws are more important than your state or your religious leaders.
As a vision means it is not literal.
You have no idea what a vision is or how they occur.
This is what you agreed to:

View attachment 83742
You did get me on that word. I considered the term to mean learning (lilmod).......... I have long understood that scope in torah but I have no need to prove anything to you. You are against learning and only maintain submission to your tribe, israel and perhaps that job with IDF


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
2008, 2009.....not last week.

Your post, your source, whatever it was, you claimed it was used ON civilians. The pictures show it in the air, and the burns are not consistent with it used ON civilians. There would be charred corpses

That dead end will cause the next layers of 'judgment' that you await I suggest

~eye-rolls~ I won't be responding to anymore of this. Your just preaching doomsday. It deserves about as much respect as someone on a street corner wearing a homemade sandich board sign. There's a war going on. I think you should adjust your priorities. Weren't you making some kind of comment about Amalek not focusiing on what's real? Pah-lease.

Jerusalem is not israel and the mount is a heritage site (no temple on it)

It changes nothing about anything I've said. So, does this mean you will no longer critisize zionism? There's nothing wrong with it.

I can see that, you are in conflict with torah and willing to break the commandments as practically required by your submission to israel

Nope. I will not be responding to any more comments about commandments or Torah since you do not know what those are. If you quote scripture or law we can talk about it. If you don't know how to do that in an authoritative way, it's not my problem. They will be ignored.

It's time to whittle down these posts. You're bringing very little substance.

You maintain the idea of dominance, control and the hypocrisy of being chosen over the wisdom of torah and choosing to keep the rules(commandments)

Ignored - argument from ignorance. This is given as an example for your edification.

but go ahead break the rules ..

argument from ignorance

manipulation of torah, the commandments.

argument from ignorance ( also bearing false witness ) So much for Ma'at the partner of ThoTh. I guess that doesn't actually matter.

You have no idea what a vision is or how they occur.

OK, if you want me to take it seriously, then, please explain and provide proof.

I considered the term to mean learning (lilmod)

Great, now if you learn to spell it and understand why, you'll understand why you were wrong.

have long understood that scope in torah

Then you did you make the claim below? It's wrong. We learn in a chavrusa.



Well-Known Member
Your post, your source, whatever it was, you claimed it was used ON civilians. The pictures show it in the air, and the burns are not consistent with it used ON civilians. There would be charred corpses
Again, you are NOT looking up 2008 and 2009 images or the ensuing global condemnation

The Israel Defense Forces fired at least three white phosphorus shells above this UN-run school in Beit Lahiya on January 17, 2009, killing two and wounding 14. The school was housing about 1,600 displaced persons at the time. © 2009 Getty Images

Again, i made the mistake of trusting you.
I won't be responding to anymore of this.

I am on the same thought process, there is nothing that I can do to help and humbled once again to just let it fly.
Your just preaching doomsday. It deserves about as much respect as someone on a street corner wearing a homemade sandich board sign. There's a war going on.

There is a war going on and women and children are being killed because the rabbid few could care less.

It changes nothing about anything I've said. So, does this mean you will no longer critisize zionism? There's nothing wrong with it.

Pursuit of that mount, is the rube of the problem. The rude simply accept it and care nothing to stop the stupidity.
I will not be responding to any more comments about commandments or Torah
I know, you have no integrity to keep the rules, so why even try.
Then you did you make the claim below? It's wrong. We learn in a chavrusa.
""Chavrusa is an Aramaic word meaning "friendship" or "companionship"; it can also mean "group of fellows"."""

Why use the aramaic language, it's from the afroasianic language family, .......semitic....?
See below with the blue underlining, you could not even use it correctly in a sentence.
By the way you used it, I thought you were using a hebrew term for precept. Learning is important to Jews! Compliance of the commandments is far more important than defending israel.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
The Israel Defense Forces fired at least three white phosphorus shells above this UN-run school

The pictures show it in the air,

This is what it looks like when it is used ON people. It is dropped on the ground. Not IN The AIR.


you are NOT looking up 2008 and 2009 images or the ensuing global condemnation

I showed you a picture of this exact report. YOU sir, are not reading what I've posted to you. I was posted to you on MONDAY at 6:32 PM. Look at the link I used. ITS THE SAME THING YOU POSTED AGAIN. Read the screenshot from YOUR OWN SOURCE. The shot it into the AIR not ON civilians. And your source is wrong, it is NOT a war crime to use it the way it was used.



made the mistake of trusting you.



דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
Compliance of the commandments is far more important than defending israel.

1) It's amazing that you can evven begin to talk about compliance coonsidered your reject cooperation becuase you think it is a forcing you to comply.

2) You have yet AGAIN shown you know absolutely NADA about Judaism. Pikuach Nefesh. When will you learn? Never I guess. What ever you paid for the egytpian pagan crowley gnostic non-sense you think is informing you about Judaism, ask for a refund. You got ripped off. If it's coming from visions, those visions are trash.



Well-Known Member
This is what it looks like when it is used ON people. It is dropped on the ground. Not IN The AIR.

View attachment 83755

I showed you a picture of this exact report. YOU sir, are not reading what I've posted to you. I was posted to you on MONDAY at 6:32 PM. Look at the link I used. ITS THE SAME THING YOU POSTED AGAIN. Read the screenshot from YOUR OWN SOURCE. The shot it into the AIR not ON civilians. And your source is wrong, it is NOT a war crime to use it the way it was used.

View attachment 83756

View attachment 83757

I get it, you will find any possible explanation as long as it does not show your dross kin are just nasty.

“Son of man, will you judge her? Will you judge this city of bloodshed? Then confront her with all her detestable practices.

“‘See how each of the princes of Israel who are in you uses his power to shed blood. 7 In you they have treated father and mother with contempt; in you they have oppressed the foreigner and mistreated the fatherless and the widow.

“Son of man, the people of Israel have become dross to me; all of them.


Well-Known Member
1) It's amazing that you can evven begin to talk about compliance coonsidered your reject cooperation becuase you think it is a forcing you to comply.

2) You have yet AGAIN shown you know absolutely NADA about Judaism. Pikuach Nefesh. When will you learn? Never I guess. What ever you paid for the egytpian pagan crowley gnostic non-sense you think is informing you about Judaism, ask for a refund. You got ripped off. If it's coming from visions, those visions are trash.

View attachment 83758
‘Because you have all become dross, I will gather you into Jerusalem'

You can look it up yourself but as you said In bold above............. Nothing important to the dross.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
I get it, you will find any possible explanation as long as it does not show your dross kin are just nasty.

No... firing it in the air, is not using it ON people.

Son of man, will you judge her? Will you judge this city of bloodshed? Then confront her with all her detestable practices.

“‘See how each of the princes of Israel who are in you uses his power to shed blood. 7 In you they have treated father and mother with contempt; in you they have oppressed the foreigner and mistreated the fatherless and the widow.

“Son of man, the people of Israel have become dross to me; all of them.

Thus says the Lord God: I will also make an end to the multitude of Egypt, by the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon.

Thus says the Lord God: I will also destroy the idols, and I will make an end to the images of Noph; and there shall be no more a prince of the land of Egypt; and I will put a fear in the land of Egypt.

Thus says the Lord God: I will also destroy the idols, and I will make an end to the images of Noph; and there shall be no more a prince of the land of Egypt; and I will put a fear in the land of Egypt.

(K) And I will set a fire in Egypt; Sin shall have great pain, and No shall be torn asunder, and Noph shall have distresses daily.

At Tahpanhes also the day shall be darkened, when I shall break there the yokes of Egypt; and the pride of her strength shall cease in her; as for her, a cloud shall cover her, and her daughters shall go into exile.

Thus will I execute judgments in Egypt; and they shall know that I am the Lord.

Son of man, I have broken the arm of Pharaoh king of Egypt; and, behold, it shall not be bound up to be healed, to put a dressing to bind it, to make it strong to hold the sword.

And I will scatter Egypt among the nations, and disperse them among the countries; and they shall know that I am the Lord.

To whom are you thus like in glory and in greatness among the trees of Eden? Yet you shall be brought down with the trees of Eden to the nether world; you shall lie in the midst of the uncircumcised with those who were slain by the sword. This is Pharaoh and all his multitude, says the Lord God.

Son of man, raise a lamentation for Pharaoh king of Egypt, and say to him, You consider yourself a young lion of the nations, but you are like a crocodile in the seas; and you burst forth in your rivers, and trouble the waters with your feet, and foul their rivers.

... and it keeps going ...

"In that day will I cause the horn of the house of Israel to bud forth, and I will open your mouth in the midst of them; and they shall know that I am the Lord."


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
‘Because you have all become dross, I will gather you into Jerusalem'

You can look it up yourself but as you said In bold above............. Nothing important to the dross.

I did, and guess what Egypt falls and the horn of Israel rises.

Therefore I will save my flock, and they shall no more be a prey; and I will judge between one lamb and another.

And I will set up one shepherd over them, and he shall feed them, my servant David shall feed them, and he shall be their shepherd.

And I, the Lord, will be their God, and my servant David will be a prince among them; I, the Lord, have spoken it.

And I will make with them a covenant of peace, and I will make an end in the land to the evil beasts; and they shall dwell safely in the wilderness, and sleep in the woods.

And I will make them and the places around my hill a blessing; and I will cause the showers to come down in their season; there shall be showers of blessing.

And the tree of the field shall yield its fruit, and the earth shall yield its produce, and they shall be secure in their land, and shall know that I am the Lord, when I have broken the bars of their yoke, and saved them from the hand of those who enslaved them.

And they shall no more be a prey to the nations, nor shall the beast of the land devour them; but they shall dwell safely, and none shall make them afraid.

And I will raise up for them a plantation of renown, and they shall not be consumed any more with hunger in the land, nor suffer any more the insults of the nations.

Thus shall they know that I, the Lord, their God, am with them, and that they, the house of Israel, are my people, says the Lord God.


Therefore I will save my flock, and they shall no more be a prey; and I will judge between one lamb and another.

And I will set up one shepherd over them, and he shall feed them, my servant David shall feed them, and he shall be their shepherd.

And I, the Lord, will be their God, and my servant David will be a prince among them; I, the Lord, have spoken it.

And I will make with them a covenant of peace, and I will make an end in the land to the evil beasts; and they shall dwell safely in the wilderness, and sleep in the woods.

And I will make them and the places around my hill a blessing; and I will cause the showers to come down in their season; there shall be showers of blessing.

And the tree of the field shall yield its fruit, and the earth shall yield its produce, and they shall be secure in their land, and shall know that I am the Lord, when I have broken the bars of their yoke, and saved them from the hand of those who enslaved them.

And they shall no more be a prey to the nations, nor shall the beast of the land devour them; but they shall dwell safely, and none shall make them afraid.

And I will raise up for them a plantation of renown, and they shall not be consumed any more with hunger in the land, nor suffer any more the insults of the nations.

Thus shall they know that I, the Lord, their God, am with them, and that they, the house of Israel, are my people, says the Lord God.

And you my flock, the flock of my pasture, are men, and I am your God, says the Lord God.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
@Bthoth ,

Don't forget that Ezekiel's vision includes the temple which will be built, and it's NOT egyptian:

And he brought me to the temple, and measured the posts, six cubits wide on the one side, and six cubits wide on the other side, which was the width of the tabernacle.

And the width of the door was ten cubits; and the sides of the door were five cubits on the one side, and five cubits on the other side; and he measured its length, forty cubits; and the width, twenty cubits.

Then he came to the interior, and measured the post of the door, two cubits; and the door, six cubits; and the width of the door, seven cubits.

And he measured its length, twenty cubits; and the width, twenty cubits, according to the width of the temple; and he said to me, This the most holy place.

And he measured the wall of the house, six cubits; and the width of every side chamber, four cubits, around the house on every side.

And the side chambers were one over another thirty three times; and there were recesses in the wall which was of the house for the side chambers around, that they might have hold, so that they were not fastened into the wall of the house.

And the side chambers became wider as one circled higher and higher; for the winding around of the house went still upward around the house; therefore the width of the house continued upward; and thus one ascended from the lowest level to the highest level by the middle.

(K) I saw also that the house had a platform around it; the foundations of the side chambers were a full reed of six long cubits.

The thickness of the wall, which was for the side chamber on the outside, was five cubits; and so was that which was left by the place of the side chambers of the house.

And between the chambers was the width of twenty cubits around the house on every side.

And the doors of the side chambers were towards the place that was left, one door towards the north, and another door towards the south; and the width of the place that was left was five cubits around.

And the building that was before the main wing on the western side was seventy cubits wide; and the wall of the building was five cubits thick around, and its length was ninety cubits.

And he measured the house, a hundred cubits long; and the main wing and the building, with its walls, a hundred cubits long;

Also the width of the front of the house, and of the main wing towards the east, a hundred cubits.

(K) And he measured the length of the building in front of the main wing which was behind it, and its galleries on the one side and on the other side, a hundred cubits, with the inner temple, and the vestibules of the court;

The thresholds, and the narrow windows, and the galleries around those three; opposite the threshold was a wood panelling all around, so the space from the ground up to the windows, and the windows, were covered;

Likewise to the space above the door, to the inner house, and outside, and on all the wall around inside and outside, by measure.

And it was made with kerubim and palm trees, so that a palm tree was between a kerub and a kerub; and every kerub had two faces;

So that the face of a man was towards the palm tree on the one side, and the face of a young lion towards the palm tree on the other side; thus it was made through all the house around.

From the ground to above the door were kerubim and palm trees, and so on the wall of the temple.

The posts of the temple were squared, and likewise the front of the sanctuary; the appearance of the one as the appearance of the other.

The altar of wood was three cubits high, and its length two cubits; and it had corners; its length and its walls were of wood; and he said to me, This is the table that is before the Lord.

And the temple and the sanctuary had two doors.

And the doors had two leaves each, two turning leaves; two leaves for the one door, and two leaves for the other door.

And there were fashioned on them, on the doors of the temple, kerubim and palm trees, such as the ones upon the walls; and there were thick planks on the front of the vestibule outside.

And there were narrow windows and palm trees on the one side and on the other side, on the sides of the vestibule, and upon the side chambers of the house, and on the thick planks.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש

And it needs to be ON a Mountain:

This is the Torah of the house; Upon the top of the mountain its whole limit around it shall be most holy. Behold, this is the Torah of the house.