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Well-Known Member
It's not a lie to take no position one way or the other.
The use of the phosphorus has no ambiguity. Israel did in fact use them on civilans in 2009. I have watched the videos myself.

Apparently you have no care.
"No comment" in response to a question is not a lie
OK. I never said otherwise
. And you are ignoring that USA and UK and other anti-Isreal nations also maintiain strategic ambiguity.
OK... not even relevant to bring them up as your pointing at another is a perfect example of being inconsistent and religiously motivated as opposed to being rational, reasonable, and measured in making conclusions
I didn't say they did. But it is not bearing false witness.
Claiming that I consider jesus raising was and is clearly false witness.
Clarifying that you do not know what Jewish law is? You don't don't understand what words mean? And exaggerate your intellectual capabilites in this context?
I have no need of debating what you consider jewish and the wisdom of torah.
Sure bro. You're always welcome for some tough-love from your friend, Daniel-Yosef ( that's me BTW ).
Is that what you call this?
What crime? You don't seem capable of understanding, the law, the evidence, or what constitutes a crime.
Using phosphorus munitions on civilians is criminal, no matter the law, religion or culture that you accept as humane.
You simply have an anti-Jewish theology,

again, there is a false witness of truth..... a lie
and speaking against Rabbis and Israel is extremely rewarding in your heart because your theology cannot distinguish between the the pleasure that comes from self-love, hatred, and altruism.

I get it, you will put yourself on the line to defend the RABBID and israel. I wrote quite clearly with evidence what the RABBID was about and then when I point out that israel using phosphorus weapons on civilians, you begin to break the rules of personal responsibility as if it is OK.
Neither does your theology or the position you have taken against Israel. It's not even Christian.
I do not care.......
That's the part that needs to be clearly stated here, I think. Are you a Christian? Are you in Christ?

Jesus was not the christos............ is that what you expect me to say, before you will stop falsely accusing me and using the rhetoric?
Maybe so, maybe not. Your track record on accuracy in reporting is ... not good.

I know, you will not accept that the RABBID have mislead the good (the jew) nor that israel has and does commit war crimes or crimes against human beings
you have a one sided opinion which is theologically anti-Israel and anti-Jewish, and is likely getting all sorts of facts wrong. You've admitted that you avoid the facts that disagree with you.
You just can't stop falsely accusing me.

What religion allows for that?


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
The use of the phosphorus has no ambiguity. Israel did in fact use them on civilans in 2009. I have watched the videos myself.

Apparently you have no care.

I don't believe you. That's the problem. You have work to do to be considered a source for anything but an anti-Jewish anti-Israel religion.

OK. I never said otherwise

Nope. You did.

You claimed that saying "No Comment" is bearing false witness. Not only is this an example of not understanding, law, evidence and what constitutes a crime, it shows you either cannot keep track of your own words, or do not understand what they mean,


~let's see if anything else in your post deserves a reply~

Jesus was not the christos............ is that what you expect me to say, before you will stop falsely accusing me and using the rhetoric?

I think you should be honest and give us the name of your religion. What are you afraid of? You have already admitted to making conclusions based on a religious ttheology. Why hide? You claim to be clearly stating your postion, yet, you're hiding it.

I do not care.....

You care enough to hide your theological position. What's it called?

I know, you will not accept that the RABBID

Projection. Those who scream the loudest are often the most guilty of the same crime.

~let's see if there is anything else~

Living forever is not even hard but how it works is an understanding that eludes most from even basic conversation

Noted. I am fully aware. I told you already. Read my words again slowly to yourself in case they haven't sunk in.

PS... I've got it. I've got it all figured out. You've tipped your hand. Now I see it clearly... well.... Maybe we'll get there, maybe not. The good news is, now that I understand your position. Fully. I can finally crop this reply below the word-count limit.

Whew. The good news for you is, you don't need to explain anything to me. I completely understand your postion. I've heard it before. I've been here for a while, bro.

And, the thing is, you WANT to spill the beans. Deep down you seem to want recognition and validation and the satisfaction of, like I said, "being-in-the-know", but you also seem want the recognition and the awe of it from others.

Living forever is not even hard but how it works is an understanding that eludes most from even basic conversation

It's domininate and possessive. In the extreme. Extremely possessive. ;) Are you aware of this? The tree of knowledge was to be desired. Do you understand what that means and hhow dominant and possessive that is. It capivates. Literally.

You declared yourself as the tree-of-life, bro. The signficance this is not beyond me. The need to declare that, is no different than the need to charge after the temple mount. But, guess what? The Rabbis aren't doing that, YOU are. You brought evidnece that they want a festive meal there oone time a year. That's nothing. It honestly appears that YOU think you possess this temple, but it's a metaphorical/spiritual temple in the heart, right? In everyone's heart?

If so, that's dominant and possessive. Even if you want to share it, if the temple did not ever belong to you in the first place, then the dominant possession of it is still wrong. That's theft. And perhaps, there's an argument to be made about stealing from the rich to give to the poor. But, like I said above, "maybe we'll get there, maybe not." At this point I doubt it because you're still stuck in the weeds trying to prove "You're wrong", instead of working together with me.

Just the knowledge to help women with child birth saved more lives than genesis ever did.

You are ignoring the point and obsesssing over knowledge again. Do you want peace or not? Do you want to be ignored? It can be done rather easily, just like a light switch, and poof... insignificance.

That's a down right LIE (false witness)

Nope. I was careful with my word choices. You do SEEM to have no problem with those aspects of the story. All you need to do is clearly state whether or not you are a Christian. Are you? Are you in Christ? You have taken up the mantle of hatred towards Rabbis and Scribes, whicch is Christian theology. And you spoke of a New Jersalem, made promises like Christian. All of that makes you SEEM like a Christian, and since you won't answer the question aboutt your religion, it seems like you prefer the benefits of that assumption, while being deceptive about it at the same time.

Key word in the above: seem.

What is the scripture you are using to produce the promises that you have made?

just like claiming that i asserted jesus raised to the flesh. Bonafide lying (false accustion)

I didn't claim it. You're lacking attention to the details. That is normal and natural for those in your theology. In order to produce their conclusions they are willfully ignorant while claiming to be gnostic. OOPs did I say the wrong thing.

Of course, you lack the comprehension of much more than your religion.

Now that's ^^ a false claim. And I've already demonstrated I know and understand more about my religion that you do.

I focus on the good and you want to use it to insult

All I see is an obession with pointing at others, manufacturing faults in them, and focusing on your own good and exggerating it.

I don't think you're bad, just misunderstood. Even inn your own eyes, I think you misunderstand yourself. Understanding that could be very rewarding, but, you seem t be blocking it. I think it's that feeling in the heart which feels so good to you, you're afraid to let go of it.

Stepping on the metaphor

You are missing the point. If you are relying on metaphor, then nothing you are writing which is reliantt on hat metaphor is literally true. Your promises are a deception. And if you trafffic in deception, if that is the currency of your realm, then I don't take you seriously.

From now on, I shall consider your words in the same category as a tortured poet. I think it's a good fit, don't you?

Anyone can twist up many standards and use that method to argue

Not if it's true and consistent in any possible world. That's the highest standard of truth that exists. if you scroll up you'll see it. It's true and consistent in any possible world you claimed "no comment" is "bearing false witness".

I read from left to right and not going backwards just to appease you.

This is an example of willfull ignorance. One cannot be a "knower" while simulatenously "ignoring". And didn't you accuse me of not understanding my own religion? Wow. Here you are refusing to learn about it. OK, bro. ~eye-rolls~

No, as i am not speaking for a 3rd party ( a god as the literal application of the story represents)

BUZZZZZZ. Wrong answer. You are asumming the serpent was telling the truth. But since you don't speak the language the "serpent" is speaking in the story, you will never know. Oh. Does that sting a little? Knowing you will never know?

From calling me "knowledgable, insightful, and wise,"

I'm not calling you anything unless you are able to honestly see that there is one hiding in plain sight in the story.

OK...... enjoy that feeling of superiority.

There's nothing wrong with it if it's true. False modesty is bearing false witness.

No you want me to comply.

Not at all. You claim to want peace. If that is what you want then there will be some give and take. Are you willing to give up your own dominant possessive obsession over the temple? Not just the physical temple but what it represents? The hearts and minds of others? Can you actually consider other points of view outside of your own?

So far, the answer seems to be 'no'.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
I am not going to be like you

But we can still be friends, and brothers, and work together towards a common goal. In fact, bro. Seriously. Let's put down the team jerseys for a minute. The best teams are diverse. If I'm putting together a team I want different people with different skills and talents.

Think about it. Why would I want to make you into me? That's a horrible idea.

But at the same time, every good team-member is cross trained. Do you know what that means? That means I've got your back. And you've got mine. If you're on comms, and something happens to you, I need someone else on the team who you can do what you do. And the same goes for me and my duties. This is simple teamwork, bro. Do you know how to work on a team?

It's great if you sleep when I'm awake! And it's great if I sleep when you're awake. That's perfect!

Show it. You have falsely accused me numerous times just this am.

Bro, you've lost touch with the convo. Look who I'm replying to:


Not even relevant to anything that i care about.

Because I was not talking to you.

I am recognizing that you are trying over and over to insult me

No. You percieve it is an insult, because it's, lets call it, uncomfortable to consider that you're wrong. It's not fun. But it's vitally important in order to achieve any sort of peace. But, if there isn't peace, ever, never-ever, I have made peace with that too. That is the highest form of peace. I have no conflict with conflict itself.

That's why I can call you Bro, and love you like a friend, even if we bitterly disagree, always and forever.

I am not quite as weak.

It is weak to consider constructive criticism an insult. It takes a lot of strength to that. But also maturity and .... grace. ;)


Well-Known Member
I don't believe you. That's the problem.

The problem is you lack integrity.

Do Photos and Video Confirm Israel Used White Phosphorus Munitions Over Gaza Seaport?​

The use of white phosphorus, a component of smoke screens, is widely considered a war crime when deployed over populated areas as an incendiary tool.​

Then I found out when looking for the 2009 video, the link above shows pictures . Not one person is holding a weapon.

But I found out, that they used them again 3 days ago in northern gaza and lebannon

Israel using white phosphorus in Gaza, Lebanon ... - YouTube​

www.youtube.com › watch



Israel has used white phosphorus in its continuing military operations in Gaza and Lebanon, putting civilians at serious risk, Human Rights ...
YouTube · Al Jazeera English · 3 days ago

Video Human Rights Watch says IDF used white phosphorus ...​

abcnews.go.com › International › video › human-rights-...


Human Rights Watch says IDF used white phosphorus munitions over Gaza · A video geolocated by ABC News shows a jellyfish-shaped plume of white ...
ABC News · 2 days ago


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
The problem is you lack integrity

No you've traded your credibility for flamboyant rhetoric regarding a red cow.

I'll look into it and report back since it is almost guaranteed you would not have fairly evaluated this story about white phosphorus.

I know, I know it's difficult to imagine that there's more to this than what's on the surface.

Yes yes, it hurts the heart, badly, to read and research these things further for a sensitive soul, a tortured poet.

It's ok bro. I've got this. This is my forte. I'm fantastic at research.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
The use of white phosphorus, a component of smoke screens, is widely considered a war crime when deployed over populated areas as an incendiary tool.

This ^^ seems to be an important qualifier.

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Well-Known Member
I don't believe you. That's the problem. You have work to do to be considered a source for anything but an anti-Jewish anti-Israel religion.

Nope. You did.

You claimed that saying "No Comment" is bearing false witness. Not only is this an example of not understanding, law, evidence and what constitutes a crime, it shows you either cannot keep track of your own words, or do not understand what they mean,

View attachment 83628

~let's see if anything else in your post deserves a reply~
Wow.... I asked you if it is required to lie (false witness) to defend the state? There is no strategic ambiguity to use phosphorus munitions on civilians. What i found sad is, that it is being suggested that they did it again this week along GAZA thru to Lebannon border. I have been looking as the images are not being confirmed by sources that I trust. But I'll keep watching.
I think you should be honest and give us the name of your religion.
I learn, i do not observe any single 'faith' beyond or more specific than the commandments.
What are you afraid of? You have already admitted to making conclusions based on a religious ttheology. Why hide? You claim to be clearly stating your postion, yet, you're hiding it.
Nothing to hide. I am not as weak minded to require a belief system to be good, nor do I have to have a religion to be sound of mind.

Are you looking for a weakness to try to use against me. Perhaps you wish to condemn and subdue, knowing that I appreciate judaism apparently more than you do.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש

Here's the problem with your source. It's clearly biased. Here's how I know, and this is not uncommon for any biased source. They give a nod to the truth at the beginning, then for the remainder of the report ignore it. In this case, they admit that the IDF did not break International law, but then immediately flip-flop and assume that they did for the remainder of it.

It makes sense that you are reluctant to post evidence for your claims, if this is the standard of their quality. Naturally they will be easily, as you said, discounted. That's because they are obviously biased. You already have a steep hill to climb for credibility, because you ignored the precipitating event which caused the riots, and the recent heinous actions by Hamas. Also, the repeated hateful assertions about rabid rabbis, when all you had to show for it was a red cow, and a desire to have a passover offering at the temple mount, and some preparations towards rebuilding the temple. And now this? White phosporous munitions which appear to have been used within international law.

It's possible that they weren't, but what's contained here indicates it wasn't. There are injuries reported, but they are extremely minimal compared what they would have been had the white phosphorous been used ON civilians as you claimed.

Here's a screenshot from the article. In red it admits that Israel did not break international law. Then the remainder assumes that they did. That's how I know they are biased.


This begs the question: how can human rights activists who seem sincere and intelligent end up producing consistently incorrect conclusions?

It has to do with 3 things which are unmoderated: LOVE, HATE, and PURPOSE.

Unmoderated with understanding, The LOVE in the heart for the perceived victim always produces its partner HATE in the heart for the perceived predator. LOVE and HATE are intimately joined. And this produces an illusion in the mind of the one who is loving and hating. They cannot consider themself as a hater, because they love the victim. But they are only seeing one side of the coin, because seeing themself as a hater is beyond their comprehension ( aka they cannot understand it. ) The "HATE" is hiding in plain sight. It's there, but the individual cannot believe it, they cannot be a "hater" since they are simultaneously filled with LOVE.

This is how a well intended person can get caught up in something that sounds benevolent like "human rights watch" and instead of revealing corruption, they are corrupting information themself. It's because the perceived ( imagined ) sharp contrast between victim and predator produces that over-flowing feeling of LOVE for the victim. This is extremely rewarding. But they don't realize that at the same time they are over-flowing with HATE for the perceived predator. They are doing it out of LOVE for the victim, but they are actually being rewarded by both LOVE and HATE simultaneously.

If the person finds these feelings empowering and rewarding, they will seek out ways to produce it. They will look for victims where they do not exist and seek out predators where they do not exist. They will seek both. Perhaps they will start to view themselves as a victim, thinking that convetional sources for information are "in on it". This makes the individual, themself a victim of a conspiracy, and this produces a conspiracy theory. It's a cycle which is self-reinforcing a feedback loop.

The individual stops seeking out balanced information, because they stop trusting that any source is true except the ones that produce the sharp victim/predator contrast. Then this convinces them that they were correct to ignore any other sources. And so they ignore more and more sources. Until finally they have created an echo chamber for themself that fills their heart with LOVE and HATE simultaneously in a way which is rewarding for them.

If the person is an activist, it's even worse, because they also need the sharp victim/predator contrast in order to have PURPOSE. For the common individual, it's bad; for someone who is an activist, it's like the perfect storm producing an illusion of certainty of LOVE for one specific group and HATE for another group and PURPOSE for themself. Then this can be applied to the armchair activist, and ... ~poof~ now there's a perfect model for what's happening in this thread.

If that sharp contrast is undermined in any way, the rewarding feeling goes away in the heart, making them feel depressed, and they may have lost their purpose, which makes this feeling of depression even worse. If there is a perceived "spiritual" concept attached to this rewarding feeling in the heart, then, when that over-flowing feeling of LOVE+HATE+PURPOSE is compromised the person might feel less attachhed to their god, or less imbued with holy vigor. They will vehemently fight against anyone or anything which produces this unpleasant feeling.

It's a vicious cycle. There's a similar cycle that can happen regarding gnosticism. It's so rewarding to uncover secrets, and to hate the "elite" who are hiding them, that the individual will intentionally ignore conventional facts in order to produce a false enemy to hate and seek out fringe coonspiracy theories. The more fringe theories they adopt, the less they trust conventional information, and that permits more hatred towards the "elite" who are hiding secrets, and this permits more and more discoveries which are rewarding... the cycle feeds on itself, reinforces itself, in the same way that the sharp victim/predator contrast feeds back on itself.

Any attempt at showing there's benefit to the conventional sources of information undermine the gnostic's reward in this model, so they reject them forcefully.
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דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
Wow.... I asked you if it is required to lie (false witness) to defend the state?

No, I told you that when the IDF said they neither confirm nor deny it, that is strategic ambiguity. Then you claimed it wass bearing false witness.

There is no strategic ambiguity to use phosphorus munitions on civilians.

They didn't use it ON civilians. Your own source confirmed that before they flip-flopped. And you didn't read your own source did you?

What i found sad is, that it is being suggested that they did it again this week along GAZA thru to Lebannon border.

Naturally those who are anti-Israel and anti-Jewish will suggest it and propogate it as true. The ignorant don't know the difference between proper legal use of white phosporous and using it as an incendiary. So this is a useful tool for the propagandist.

I have been looking as the images are not being confirmed by sources that I trust. But I'll keep watching.

If you want to understand, You need to read. Looking at images won't tell you anything. If you are seeing an airborn deployment, guess what, it's probably for smoke. And that's permissable.

I learn, i do not observe any single 'faith' beyond or more specific than the commandments.

So far, I have not seen any learning. Just armchair activism.

Nothing to hide. I am not as weak minded to require a belief system to be good, nor do I have to have a religion to be sound of mind.

I'll have to go back, but you agreed that your claims against the rabbis being corrrupt and misleading and being liars was a theology.

Are you looking for a weakness to try to use against me. Perhaps you wish to condemn and subdue, knowing that I appreciate judaism apparently more than you do.

You don't know what Judaism is. You are ignorant of it. You don't know the scripture, can;t speak the language, and deny anything that is put under your nose about it.
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Well-Known Member
No you've traded your credibility for flamboyant rhetoric regarding a red cow.
So you actually have no idea about the 'red heifer' sacrifice?
I'll look into it and report back since it is almost guaranteed you would not have fairly evaluated this story about white phosphorus.
Is Israel actually using white phosphorus?

On Thursday, Human Rights Watch accused Israel of using white phosphorus munitions in its ongoing military operations in Gaza and Lebanon. The allegations, which HRW based on verified video and witness accounts from Oct. 10 and 11, have been rejected by Israel's military as “unequivocally false.”3 days ago

Then I just watched on CNN that a New York senator is now looking into the claims and it will affect her vote on funding.
I know, I know it's difficult to imagine that there's more to this than what's on the surface.
Yep..... the IDF are ticked that they did not have the intelligence or capability to stop HAMAS at the time of it occurring.
Yes yes, it hurts the heart, badly, to read and research these things further for a sensitive soul, a tortured poet.
I am getting the problem, it hurts to believe that israel arm forced are almost as nasty as HAMAS

What gets me sick is the decades of divide over a stupid hill and then to find out it is because of the need of a temple and intent to sacrifice animals, is beyond just disgusting.


Well-Known Member
Here is a good source, I think, which details the actual interrnational law regarding White Phosphorous munitions. It is not a war crime to fire them from the air as an "obscurant" ( smoke ) or as an "irritant".

White phosphorus munitions | Weapons Law Encyclopedia
Those things are nasty and in 2009 they were used over gaza with zero ambiguity and no one in the international commnuity nor my own government did anything to israeli funding as a penalty.

I knew that it occurred before but was surprised to get a new feed about the current use.

Bottom line: you are unwilling to acknowledge that the use is wrong. No matter what the encyclopedia law has in writing.
Nor observe the RABBID that have taught good souls, that that stupid hill of the 'city of blood' is required. Even as I tried to explain what tsion (house of knowledge) is for, about and why.

No ashes of any animal sacrifice will israel and no messiah is going to accept it as required by any god, no matter what the rabbid sell.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
Those things are nasty

dude, soldiers walk right through the smoke. that's the point.

you don't actually know what you're talking about right now.

they were used over gaza with zero ambiguity and no one in the international commnuity nor my own government did anything to israeli funding as a penalty

that's because there's nothing wrong with it, and you don't know what you're talking about. there is a HUGE difference between a white phosporous incendiary device and what was VERY LIKELY was used in Gaza.

I knew that it occurred before but was surprised to get a new feed about the current use.

but you don't know anything except for a buzzword "white-phosphorous", and you seem to be sheilding yourself from learning anything about it. all of this seems to be inorder to maintain your role as an armchair activist.

you are unwilling to acknowledge that the use is wrong

it is not wrong to use it as "smoke", no. And that's a fact. If you want to argue that it is, then, you'll need to argue against USA and UK and the others who use it for "smoke".

No matter what the encyclopedia law has in writing.

The encyclopedia is on my side. Clearly you did not read it. Willfull ignorance, again and again. Anytime you see a picture of it from the air, guess what bro? It's not illegal.

And the question you should be asking yourself is, why aren't your sources telling you the truth about this? Oh yeah, you don't actually read them.


Nor observe the RABBID that have taught good souls, that that stupid hill of the 'city of blood' is required. Even as I tried to explain what tsion (house of knowledge) is for, about and why.

That is an illusion produced in your mind. Tsion doesn't mean "house of knowledge" you are making that up. That's more and more reasons to ignore you.

Do you want to be ignored? What would happen, how would you feel if no one listened to you?

No ashes of any animal sacrifice will israel and no messiah is going to accept it as required by any god, no matter what the rabbid sell.

There-there, there-there... it'll be OK big brother. It's not as bad as you think.



Well-Known Member
And, the thing is, you WANT to spill the beans. Deep down you seem to want recognition and validation and the satisfaction of, like I said, "being-in-the-know", but you also seem want the recognition and the awe of it from others.
Tell me more.

1.... I mentioned that ending the pursuit of the hill will help all of us.
2....That the reason that pursuit is a mess is because of the RABBID misleading the meak

3.....and then that the purpose of a tsion, is as a house of knowledge for mankind

Those are the beans and yet you feel as if you can write this rubbish:
It's domininate and possessive. In the extreme. Extremely possessive. ;) Are you aware of this? The tree of knowledge was to be desired. Do you understand what that means and hhow dominant and possessive that is. It capivates. Literally.
Yep.... knowledge is the importance, not dominance, possession...... and then you continue with:
You declared yourself as the tree-of-life, bro. The signficance this is not beyond me.
All of us are a part of the tree of life.......... our lineage, our forefathers are alive in us all. why do you write the nonsense?
The need to declare that, is no different than the need to charge after the temple mount. But, guess what? The Rabbis aren't doing that, YOU are. You brought evidnece that they want a festive meal there oone time a year.
Declare what? Solution to the conflict in israel, is end the pursuit of the mount. The evidence that I provided, showed the names of at least 3 rabbi, that are specifically intending to build a temple and alter and then I shared the specific animal to be sacrificed.

That's nothing. It honestly appears that YOU think you possess this temple, but it's a metaphorical/spiritual temple in the heart, right? In everyone's heart?

Possess what? I simplified and even spell out very clearly. I have been dodging insults and accusations ever since.
If so, that's dominant and possessive. Even if you want to share it,
I prefer forgetting before taking the abuse

if the temple did not ever belong to you in the first place,
Doesn't belong to israel or the rabbid...... but killing and dying over a stupid hill, is no better than drinking the jim jones cool aid.
That's theft. And perhaps, there's an argument to be made about stealing from the rich to give to the poor. But, like I said above, "maybe we'll get there, maybe not." At this point I doubt it because you're still stuck in the weeds trying to prove "You're wrong", instead of working together with me.
Theft? What do you own, dominate and possess that anyone could want? Is your wife the best cook in town? Stop trying to prove that I am wrong as that is the biggest problem of the work.
You are ignoring the point and obsesssing over knowledge again. Do you want peace or not? Do you want to be ignored? It can be done rather easily, just like a light switch, and poof... insignificance.
I am leaning that way. It's easier to just fade, than argue with the obtuse.
Are you in Christ?
Absolutely. The christos is not a person.
You have taken up the mantle of hatred towards Rabbis and Scribes, whicch is Christian theology.
I know.... 'wo to the liars'. I see why the religions evolve beyond the previous.
And you spoke of a New Jersalem, made promises like Christian.
What promise, that Tsion, New jerusalem will not be in the armpit called palestine/israel? You are right, I did make that promise. Darn it, you caught me.... I must be a bad man.
All of that makes you SEEM like a Christian,
Seem? is that a slang for you admitting not knowing
and since you won't answer the question aboutt your religion, it seems like you prefer the benefits of that assumption, while being deceptive about it at the same time.

What a sweetheart, 'Seems, assumptions and deceptive' all in one line.
Key word in the above: seem.

What is the scripture you are using to produce the promises that you have made?
Ezek 40: 'In visions of God he took me to the land of Israel and set me on a very high mountain, on whose south side were some buildings that looked like a city.'

I need not mention dialogue from any other belief systems, i will stay within what you may have read.
I didn't claim it. You're lacking attention to the details. That is normal and natural for those in your theology. In order to produce their conclusions they are willfully ignorant while claiming to be gnostic. OOPs did I say the wrong thing.
No, you're on a roll.
Now that's ^^ a false claim. And I've already demonstrated I know and understand more about my religion that you do.
But of course
All I see is an obession with pointing at others, manufacturing faults in them, and focusing on your own good and exggerating it.
What pointing? I was working on solutions
I don't think you're bad, just misunderstood. Even inn your own eyes, I think you misunderstand yourself. Understanding that could be very rewarding, but, you seem t be blocking it. I think it's that feeling in the heart which feels so good to you, you're afraid to let go of it.
I am too honest to care about my own self preservation
You are missing the point. If you are relying on metaphor,
No, I observe visions as written in the old literature and understand most are written metaphorically because the interpretations do not make sense
then nothing you are writing which is reliantt on hat metaphor is literally true. Your promises are a deception.
Thank you sweet heart. That model that you are defending is causing death and destruction. Nothing Jewish about it.
And if you trafffic in deception, if that is the currency of your realm, then I don't take you seriously.
I get it. If I do not comply, I will be attacked
From now on, I shall consider your words in the same category as a tortured poet. I think it's a good fit, don't you?
OK... at least that label has a romantic feel. That is perhaps the nicest thing that i have read as i enjoy the romanticism of the old writers
It's true and consistent in any possible world you claimed "no comment" is "bearing false witness".
Defending what the rabbid of israel have caused requires lying. Not much to debate.
This is an example of willfull ignorance. One cannot be a "knower" while simulatenously "ignoring".
My point exactly. Ignoring solutions to defend possessiveness created by dominance.
And didn't you accuse me of not understanding my own religion? Wow. Here you are refusing to learn about it. OK, bro. ~eye-rolls~
Judaism has far more wisdom than head banging on a wall begging for a temple, that is a dead end.

Seeking understanding to assist mankind, is the best model
You are asumming the serpent was telling the truth.
I am not worried about snakes talking. I do not use those kinds of drugs
But since you don't speak the language the "serpent" is speaking in the story, you will never know.
Great point. Best that I dont.
Oh. Does that sting a little? Knowing you will never know?
Ouch...... please tell me more about myself Oh king of the serpent language
I'm not calling you anything unless you are able to honestly see that there is one hiding in plain sight in the story.
There is no hiding the dross.
There's nothing wrong with it if it's true. False modesty is bearing false witness.
exactly.......... defending the apartheid using the pity fest that 'everyone hates me' and then trusting rabbid teachers over what is real is not good
You claim to want peace. If that is what you want then there will be some give and take.
End the pursuit of the stupid hill. The oppressed have taken enough and NO, tsion will not be on a stupid hill but a high mountain.
Are you willing to give up your own dominant possessive obsession over the temple?
I dont have any such dominance over that stupid hill. I do not oppress and cause violence over the 'city of blood'
Not just the physical temple but what it represents? The hearts and minds of others? Can you actually consider other points of view outside of your own?

So far, the answer seems to be 'no'.
Back to being condemned for noncompliance. Moses left thebes because of the same problem and the people learned personal responsibility before compliance or submission. Commandments!
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Well-Known Member
The "house of knowledge" in not included in any prophecy or written text that I am aware of. You seem to have manufactured / conjured that on-the-fly when confronted with the simple truth: "You don't know what you're talking about".
The ark was a box to carry the tablets (knowledge)......It was to be housed in a 'holy place'.
Ezekiel 22? I am happy to discuss it, but you have flip-flopped again from scripture being a guideline to scripture being inerrant truth. You are not being consistent.
I pointed out that the chapter of the vision (prophecy) has not happened.........yet. The fools have been mislead to believe it already happened.

It's where I get the 'dross' term from.
You are doing it again, claiming to be inerrant. The truth is not in you.
No you enjoy the word as a method to attack. Then try to quote a christian term as if to use christian scripture against me.

Funny part is, it exposes the weak argument and lack of integrity by using the assumption.
If you are attempting to make claims about the Hebrew bible and Judaism, you have demonstrated your lack of knowledge, understanding, and wisdom to make any sort of judgements about what should or should not happen.
Of course, you are the last word and expect to be taken seriously, if I do not comply with your brilliance, resources and interpretations.
No. As I have shown there are inconsistent statements, claims of being rational and fair when you're not. The clearest example is the refusal to consider the UN from any other perspective rather than your own.
I consider the UN as representing the majority on the earth. This am the russia idea was discredited by the UN because as the US rep said, 'it did not condemn HAMAS by name'

Right now, that Nutlessyahoo, is comparing HAMAS to nazis and ISIS...... Reaching and begging for the world to accept what israel is doing in solidarity. As if that fool has any integrity or should even be considered as relevant. ww2 german war machine was christian and had millions of ignorant fools. HAMAS is so small, that a gang of the LA crips could take them out. The usage and comparison is so far exaggerated that it's weird that israelis could even consider the man Jewish.
No, I remember very well, but they are empty words if they are not applied. Matthew 7:21. Do you know your own scripture?
Again, now you are using christian scriptures as if trying to impose application of our discussion.
Bro, the myth about the scribes and the pharisee was written by human beings.
The writers are often wrong. Perfect evidence: claiming to know what a snake/serpent said to first man.
Your absolute faith in these human beings is foolish and irrational.
My point exactly. You accept the old dialogue as better than new comprehension.
It is easy too see why they were written they way they were.
Because honest people can understand that often the old material is incorrect and misleading. Notice my comment is about that, which is exactly what 'woe to' means, not that I am attacking anyone specifically.
Being trained in Judaism, or cultivating understanding, renders their bias into a bright blinking neon sign.
What bias? That the old material has errors and that such material has caused damage?!?!? Now I question your training as having any depth since you cannot even comprehend what i wrote in relation to the 'woe to'. I was addressing that the material has errors and others have observed the same.
The poison is so strong I can almost smell it wafting from your posts.
I should have written that, but i try not to lower myself to be such a serpent
You're just accustom to it like very strong cologne.
And to you that is dialogue
It's not an insult.
i can see that is just how you were trained. And clearly nothing Jewish about it.
I am a sinner, I have a bias. I am not inerrant, I am not a god.
No need to remind me of those line items.


Well-Known Member
Ok, here is the claim.

Did you exaggerate? Did they use it ON civilians?
Yes.............. in 2009 absolutely.

This last week? I am still awaiting to see. The last video I watched was showing a hillside an i could not see the people being fired up.
But please do not try to discredit 'Human rights watch", check yourself first and try to accept that Israels IDF could be so mad that they are also committing atrocities.

I check sourcing and even in this reply, mention that but in 2009 there is no doubt!


Well-Known Member
Seriously. Let's put down the team jerseys for a minute.
I am not wearing or representing any team. But you are clearly defending israel and the rabbid. You willingly accept that they are right before you believe yourself to be capable of.
The best teams are diverse.
I am well aware of that and why I comprehend the 12. re: the house of knowledge Will be globally diverse and not named tribes of israel or rabbid interpretations of which who, are jew.
If I'm putting together a team I want different people with different skills and talents.
Exactly and with different religious material, visions, scientific, medical, agricultural and knowledge-comprehension
Think about it. Why would I want to make you into me? That's a horrible idea.
I agree with that. "Why would I want to make you into me? That's a horrible idea."
But at the same time, every good team-member is cross trained.
Absolutely...... About like the UN is cross trained. As a whole could not be 'anti-israel'.

Do you know what that means? That means I've got your back. And you've got mine.
I have been trying but you prefer defending the RABBID about even animal sacrificing (red heifer) and tried to make fun of me for bringing it up.

I am not the one or defending the pursuit of that stupid hill. Any rational mind can comprehend that it's practically stupid to put peoples live on the line for such a misunderstanding.
I need someone else on the team who you can do what you do.
Very few could take the BS that I do.
And the same goes for me and my duties.
Is your duty to pass rabies onto others or just break the commandments to defend the misunderstandings's's's?
This is simple teamwork, bro. Do you know how to work on a team?
My whole life has been based on team work but this topic/project is too big. Dont ask, as I am not willing to go over it with you in any depth at this point.
It's great if you sleep when I'm awake! And it's great if I sleep when you're awake. That's perfect!
Go back to your military training as I am not trained in such tactics.
Because I was not talking to you.
I recognize the mistake
No. You percieve it is an insult, because it's, lets call it, uncomfortable to consider that you're wrong.
I have been wrong before and will be again, for example.... who to trust that will be truly honest before belief or tribe?
It's not fun. But it's vitally important in order to achieve any sort of peace.
I know, giving up on a stupid temple is hard for the obtuse. The rabies have caused the tainted to believe the idea of grandeur and make believe dominance as if 'chosen' by a god.
That is the highest form of peace. I have no conflict with conflict itself.
Of course, living with rabies must be a self imposed torture and getting used to it must be horrendous.
That's why I can call you Bro, and love you like a friend, even if we bitterly disagree, always and forever.
If you treat your bro's like me, I guess using phosphorus munitions on the perceived enemies and a samson option philosophy, must be a part of life.
It is weak to consider constructive criticism an insult.
Show the constructive part? That will be interesting to see. Please do not show genesis as your starting point again, as I will not accept the debate between adam/eve and a serpent talking as a solid foundation when that metaphor has been long ago re-hashed and reinterpreted to describe 'the transition.'

I am quite certain, your training never exercised such a measurement on that topic.
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Well-Known Member
No, I told you that when the IDF said they neither confirm nor deny it, that is strategic ambiguity. Then you claimed it wass bearing false witness.

They didn't use it ON civilians. Your own source confirmed that before they flip-flopped. And you didn't read your own source did you?
Again, 2009 is confirmed.. nothing to debate.
This last week is where i opened up the ambiguity as i prefer to check but the historical evidence is not good.
Naturally those who are anti-Israel and anti-Jewish will suggest it and propogate it as true.
I understand that and why the topic is still open, but last night i watched one of the New york senators mention the scene and was happy to hear that her vote on funding will be far more focused because of it.
The ignorant don't know the difference between proper legal use of white phosporous and using it as an incendiary. So this is a useful tool for the propagandist.
I get it, you like to use the possibility of honorable usage. Is samson option honorable?
If you want to understand, You need to read. Looking at images won't tell you anything. If you are seeing an airborn deployment, guess what, it's probably for smoke. And that's permissable.
Most every atrocity is warranted by you. I said I could not see the people that the gel is raining upon. IN 2009 I could see it quite clearly and even noted that not one of the persons had a weapon in their hand.
It is and was inhumane and nothing warranted the usage.
I'll have to go back, but you agreed that your claims against the rabbis being corrrupt and misleading and being liars was a theology.
No, I shared material evidence, that the pursuit of the stupid hill is real world, just like the intent to sacrifice animals (red heifer) is real world.
But you do not like it.
You don't know what Judaism is. You are ignorant of it. You don't know the scripture, can;t speak the language, and deny anything that is put under your nose about it.
Of course........ no one knows more that the trained minds that know how to twist up such ridiculous concepts as talking serpents and others in the audience of the narrative. Do you even comprehend that MOSES learned the commandments from within egypt? OR why a pharaoh required circumcision? How deep is your training if you could not dig beyond your belief and question your own teachers?


Well-Known Member
dude, soldiers walk right through the smoke. that's the point.
Sure after the gel is already on the ground
you don't actually know what you're talking about right now.
Of course, the burning of human flesh by the gel, is not important as long as it is not your team.
that's because there's nothing wrong with it, and you don't know what you're talking about. there is a HUGE difference between a white phosporous incendiary device and what was VERY LIKELY was used in Gaza.
Of course not, you will accept the atrocity as long a your team is not experiencing it.
but you don't know anything except for a buzzword "white-phosphorous", and you seem to be sheilding yourself from learning anything about it.
I know what the material is and aware that my own country perhaps sold/gave them to israel
all of this seems to be inorder to maintain your role as an armchair activist.
activist? Is that your new key word?
it is not wrong to use it as "smoke", no. And that's a fact.
again, you will use and find any excuse
If you want to argue that it is, then, you'll need to argue against USA and UK and the others who use it for "smoke".
Yes.... stop sending israel weapons! That is perhaps why 'we the people' did not help Israel with dimona plutonium reactor, can't trust the obtuse. So the rogue just built it themselves and since samson option is an accepted philosophy with such nut cased, nothing can undo the reality that israel is nuke armed. There is nothing defensive about samson option
The encyclopedia is on my side. Clearly you did not read it. Willfull ignorance, again and again. Anytime you see a picture of it from the air, guess what bro? It's not illegal.
Of course not, humane application was never a part of your training.
And the question you should be asking yourself is, why aren't your sources telling you the truth about this? Oh yeah, you don't actually read them.
The truth is war is ugly but not to a nutlessyahoo, that has rabies
That is an illusion produced in your mind. Tsion doesn't mean "house of knowledge" you are making that up. That's more and more reasons to ignore you.
Great point.............. and why I will not explain such beauty as equality, love and worldwide comprehension, that NO single corner will hold and control over others.

Do you want to be ignored? What would happen, how would you feel if no one listened to you?
OK................. I did not join this forum to debate atrocities that began last week

As for other material, i am already aware that from the sciences thru to the philosophic applications many are rolling all over the world and nothing will stop it.