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Well-Known Member
So if Israel is supposedly treating Palestine so bad why does the whole world support Israel? I’m tired of hearing it’s complicated. Someone’s wrong in this. Give me a break. Don’t ya think it’s time to get a grip?
I don't support Israel. They are nutcase. The whole world supports Israel because they fear their wallets.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
The Israel Defense Forces said they “are currently not aware of the use of weapons containing white phosphorus in Gaza,”

This is called strategic ambiguity. It is required. And Israel is not alone in this. USA, UK both employ it themself. Israel's enemies are not permitted to know what Israel is capable of doing to them. They are welcome to use their imagination, and it is encouaged for them to do precisely that.



דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
I don't support Israel. They are nutcase. The whole world supports Israel because they fear their wallets.

This is a false assumption. Israel's enemies control the oil production. This is a stroong incentive to support them, Israel's enemies, regardless of what the facts are regarding Israel's actions.


Well-Known Member
This is a false assumption. Israel's enemies control the oil production. This is a stroong incentive to support them, Israel's enemies, regardless of what the facts are regarding Israel's actions.
What are you talking about?


Well-Known Member
The desire to live forever ( a god-like quality ) is noted in what you wrote.
Why is that a 'god-like quality'? Gen 3:22 God saith, `Lo, the man was as one of Us, as to the knowledge of good and evil; and now, lest he send forth his hand, and have taken also of the tree of life, and eaten, and lived to the age,'

is that where you learned that from?
The fixation on knowledge is also noted in what you wrote.
Because knowledge is what enables a living being to survive and help others with the same.
And the serpent said to the woman, surely you shall not die;​
For God knows that in the day you eat of it, then your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.​
OK.... but i do not accept that a 'god saith'ith anything to anyone.
The serpent is the one who is saying "surely you shall not die"
Now a serpent is talking to people? Which god saith'ith that. I even quote scripture with the saith'ith and dont use that as an authority.
But if mankind is still alive, and from first man/woman, than it is clear, they are still alive as us.

It's the very scope of 'raising the fathers to the flesh' they are us 'alive and in the flesh'

The serpent is the one who is saying "you shall be as gods"
Funny, the quote that I had from gen 3, is 'god' saying it. Even if I know better but just the same as you are using the dialogue.

Fact is, who you use to interpret the literature is not like me, capable!
The serpent is the one who is advocating for "knowledge"
OK........... both sides are written by human beings.
Compare that ^^ to what the serpent is saying. The similarity is / should be obvious to you. If it's not, don't worry, bro. I understand. Fully
I did compare and represented the answer.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
So if Israel is supposedly treating Palestine so bad...
....why does the whole world support Israel?
Not the whole world, but consider what portion does.
It's a Christian thing about the Chosen People & the
Holocaust, ie, religion, top victim status, & loathing
of Muslims.
It's that simple...even though it's not simple.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
dybmh said:
This is what I said: "Right or wrong, true or false, the UN has a pattern of being anti-Israel."

I am not siding with any that claims the UN is Anti israel
I will not even consider the dialogue.
Dead END

That is willful ignorance. It is completely one-sided and assumes your position is inerrant. The truth is not in you.

No, I will not even take that idea into consideration. Read UN Res 181, that document is what created israel.

I completely understand your limitations, bro. It's OK. It's wrong, but I understand it.

Jacob arguing with an angel in the river is not what created the state nor did an exodus into the Egyptian New Kingdom create and israel.

You sound confused and befuddled and scrambled.

What i considered irrelevant is the tangent of asking me If i knew what the word torah means as you confirmed why, you will have a different answer based on language and cause me to be wrong, no matter what i wrote.

Not true. All you needed to do is look it up. maybe you do not **know** how to do that and you do not **understand** the implications of that lack of knowledge.

~checking now to confirm the answer is readily avalable~

Yup. It's defintion #1 in the most common most respected hebrew/english dictionary online.

OK, do you know how and why human consciousness exists to the level of atoms and energy within nature (heaven)?

From a scientific perspective it is unknown and the subject of debate. The Jewish philosophers wrote about. Yes I have read their writing and I understand it.

I can play too.

How about something as simple as what is light and how that perfect cross of existence even sustains itself?

In what context? Physics or theology? Literally or metaphorically? In general or in particular?


Well-Known Member
You are asking: "Immune from what?" Answer: From the root cause of the conflict in the Middle East. You are not immune. I am not immune. No one is immune, with only one exception.
I am aware of samson option. Based on the MAD model. I get it, the cities will be destroyed, the toys will be gone, BUT the knowledge and mankind will survive.
It is rare to meet a Christian that fully understands idolatry. For example, it is written in Jewish law that Anger is Idolatry.
Idolatry for the location is the trigger to end that MAD event specifically that samson option
There are always a few bad apples in every bunch. Do you include this in your understanding of idolatry? If not it is incomplete.
I am aware that the good teachers can see the RABBID too.

OK. Are you trying to expose israel as having the idolatry of hatred (angry) based on what HAMAS did? Remember I can play the game too of flipping things around. You even tried to assimilate the pursuit of knowledge as by the serpent forgetting the scope of what judaism is about.
A religious conviction which is incorrect is the reason for many deaths? Thousands? Millions?
Exactly! The pursuit of that mount is the focal wrong of the middle east divide.
Then why did you make the following promise?
That the house of knowledge WILL NOT be in israel (the state)? Purely that location will not exist if the divide goes to the level of Ezek 22 prophecy as the first part.
Why are you questioning my understanding, if it is just a guideline? See below:
Because if you do not seek or look forward to an unveiling, then you do not comprehend tanakh
This is not consistent. There is flip-flopping between a desire to be rational, and the behavior which is considering oneself inerrant. There is flip-flopping between scripture being inerrant but also not inerrant.
The inherent part is feeling the truth resonates with the heart, soul, mind of each by combining memories thoughts and feelings.. the experience.

Inerrant........... the commandments! The few that focus on personal responsibility. The worship items are to be ended.
Please just come out and be honest about your actual position.

I have been
It is absolute faith in anti-Jewish doctrine, but, it is actually ignorant of Judaism.
No such thing and likewise, the ignorant do not know to await and seek what is real as a matter of keeping the faith
If you actually consider yourself capable of error, then this should not be difficult to accept and acknowledge.
i have acknowledged that i am not without error. I do and have made many mistakes during my life and love and learning.

Remember i am the guy that wrote that only a moron claims to be without sin. But you forget what I write.
If you actually consider scripture a guideline then this should not be difficult to accept and acknowledge.
I do accept the wisdom and guidance, just not what the scribes and pharisee imposed.
It is only a compliment if being possessed by the words of the forked-tongued serpent is considered "good".
That was a weak attempt to insult me. I have taken and impose far worse to myself over the course of life, than you could imply.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
Why is that a 'god-like quality'? Gen 3:22 God saith, `Lo, the man was as one of Us, as to the knowledge of good and evil; and now, lest he send forth his hand, and have taken also of the tree of life, and eaten, and lived to the age,'

You answered your own question. Because if people were intended to live eternally then they would not have been ejected fromthe garden. There's other reasons, but this should be sufficient since you quoted the verse.

is that where you learned that from?

I learn from many, but this specific teaching comes from King Solomon.

Because knowledge is what enables a living being to survive and help others with the same.

It is the cause of many-many deaths and sufferings. This fact is absolutley true and consistent.

OK.... but i do not accept that a 'god saith'ith anything to anyone.

Then this should be applied towards your own theological position.

Now a serpent is talking to people? Which god saith'ith that. I even quote scripture with the saith'ith and dont use that as an authority.
But if mankind is still alive, and from first man/woman, than it is clear, they are still alive as us.

It's the very scope of 'raising the fathers to the flesh' they are us 'alive and in the flesh'

It's a story that teaches an important lesson. The lesson is true and consistent and easily observable in this thread and throught world history and in everyday life.

And a talking snake is just as implausible as Jesus descendind and rising, animating a corpse, speaking and permitting his disciples to inspect the wound. Yet you seem to have no problem asserting that as absolute inerrant truth.

You have a choicee tto make in order to be consistent. If you are choosing to weaken the Hebrew bible inorder to make it metaphor, then you have mispoken about the New Jerusalem, and your savior is not a true king, but a metaphorical king at best, not a true savior buut a metaphorical savior, and the promise of eternal life is a meetaphorical promise not a true promise, among other issues. Or you will be fforced into a contradiction and inconsistency and double-standards which are common in your position.

Funny, the quote that I had from gen 3, is 'god' saying it. Even if I know better but just the same as you are using the dialogue.

You are not paying attention to the details. It's ok, it's not your fault. I understand.

The serpent tempts with eternal life.
The serpent tempts with being god-like.
The serpent tempts wiith god-like knowledge.

After they eat the fruit, they realize what they did was wrong. They realize that what God did was right. They know both good and evil. They have become both good and evil. This is appparent in the confessional, but you need to understand the hebrew language to fully comprehend what is written there.

Then, what does God say:

ויאמר יהוה אלהים הן האדם היה כאחד ממנו לדעת טוב ורע ועתה פן־ישלח ידו ולקח גם מעץ החיים ואכל וחי לעלם׃​
And the Lord God said, Behold, the man has become like one of us, knowing good and evil; and now, what if he puts forth his hand, and takes also from the tree of life, and eats, and lives forever;​

Who is "us". Who is there hiding in plain sight? You know who, don't you? And if you're reallt smart ( knowledgable, insightful, and wise, all three ) you'll know it's not just the serpent, but there's another lurking there too. In Revetion there's two enemies, if I recall? People are confused by this, but I can understand it. Can you?

Fact is, who you use to interpret the literature is not like me, capable!

I am more than capable. I have resources and connections which are far beyond you at this time. I offered you friendship and I offered to share. It's an open ended offer.

OK........... both sides are written by human beings.

No apply that to the the narrative you accept as "gospel" truth, not only about Israel but also about Judaism. Can you do that? I'm looking for evidence that you can do it, not just empty words.

I did compare and represented the answer.

Then speak clearly and honestly. What is your opinion of the serpent in the story? Your words are a perfect match to it's words, correct?


Well-Known Member
Nope. 1 John 1:8. The truth is not in you. You just contradicted yourself.
There it is again, the attempt!
You said you were not inerrant, and here you are claiming to be the tree-of-life. It's OK, it's not your fault. I understand your position.
No you dont. You do not see yourself as a part of 'the tree of life' That is the error of identifying yourself separate from 'g-d' and the garden
When you learn what 'is real' you will get it.

I will level that 'specific' soon enough but not just yet.
It's written that the tree of life was infront of her, instead she was fixated on knowledge.
The story claims she ate of the fruit. There was no 'tree of life' written or available to read nor even an embodiment of knowledge (books) back. then.
It's true. I do not deny your lineage, bro. I accept it, I understand it. But claiming authority due to your lineage predating day-one is an error as well.
Sorry, I am not like the rabbid or cohen or zealots that claim that a blood line lineage is how to be accepted as chosen ones (the misleading identifier of Jew)

And יהוה said to her, Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples shall be separated from your bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger.​
I get it, now you are trying to use theological additions as law and expect submission. Not gonna happen. I am not egyptian and do not keep the rules of the pharaohs' blood line culture as the law. If you study that culture you will find a huge amount of torah is from the egyptian culture.

But I do not want to make you mad by exposing too much of that part just yet. For example: if you are circumcised, it it because a pharaoh created that law.


Well-Known Member
You can type the word "Rabbid" as often as you like, it doesn't produce anything in my heart and soul.
I am not trying to on that matter. I am consistent as to why I wrote it.
Since you have been shown to ignore details and avoid responsibility and make unsubstantiated claims, these words have no effect on me.
Is it your responsibility to call me ignorant or point out that I have sinned
Because it is at the heart of the problem.
The pursuit of knowledge and enabling the new generations to become better than 'we' are is a part of being a responsible human being.

The heart of our problem is you are accepting that rabbi are the last word and you are getting mad at me, for pointing out that the RABBID are the teachers (rabbi) that have mislead the Jew (the good)
They go from strength to strength, every one of them appears before God in Zion.​
Heading banging on a wall is not appearing before a god (zion/ the hill/fortress place with no temple on it).

The tsion of promise (house of knowledge) will not even have a 'g-d' sitting on a thrown judging mankind. Time is the ultimate judge, not a being (almighty authority). That's the beauty of the unveiling, each will be capable to know without any cental authority other than the knowledge that they themselves can and will be able to understand.
Everyone one of them. From strength to strength. In this context, whom are those two strengths? Your lineage asserts there is only one. But that is not what is written. It cannot be a lineage of "knowledge" and "knowers" if it is willfully ignorant.
The ignorance is expecting a ruler. My lineage does not condemn a person to be incapable. Maybe your could do that but not mine.

Knowledge is and always has been evolving. Generation to generation, book to book, life to life.......... constantly evolving.

The capstone is 'the name' that which is actually the 'holy of holies'
You are not qualified to make that judgement. You do not **know** scripture. And you do not **understand** what it means.
OK.... thanks for telling me what I am and am not capable of.
Therefore you cannot acccurate assess whether Rabbis are misleading anyone at anytime.
Sure I can. Any rabbid SOB that teaches people that the mount and building a temple is required by a god, is beyond just wrong but completely irresponsible. I proved to you that some have been doing it and yet you just cannot condemn them before trying to insult me.
The reason you consider it blasphemy is becausse you do not actually know Judaism or understand it, at this point it is beyond you.

There you go again. Keeping the rules of personal responsibility as a matter of personal choice is the foundations of what judaism is about.

The additions after that core are just additions and I am sorry if you did not comprehend the importance of the tablets - moses and why them rules have been consistent since conception.

If you think or believe that I will comply to religious belief because you accept the authority over personal responsibility, then you are still mislead in your account of me, torah and comprehension of what was promised in judaic and global literature.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
I am aware of samson option. Based on the MAD model. I get it, the cities will be destroyed, the toys will be gone, BUT the knowledge and mankind will survive.

But you do not seem to underrstand the root cause, nor are you recognizing that it is a human flaw of which none are immune. It is parrt of our "flesh".

Idolatry for the location is the trigger to end that MAD event specifically that samson option

Just as anger is idolatry, so is knowledge when it is applied in the extreme.

I can play the game too of flipping things around.

Yes, but you need to apply it fully in order to be fair.

Exactly! The pursuit of that mount is the focal wrong of the middle east divide.

Please re-read your own words. The mount is the wrong focal point. And yet you are fixated on it. You seem to be obsessed with it. You cannot depart from it.

That the house of knowledge WILL NOT be in israel (the state)? Purely that location will not exist if the divide goes to the level of Ezek 22 prophecy as the first part.

The "house of knowledge" in not included in any prophecy or written text that I am aware of. You seem to have manufactured / conjured that on-the-fly when confronted with the simple truth: "You don't know what you're talking about".

Ezekiel 22? I am happy to discuss it, but you have flip-flopped again from scripture being a guideline to scripture being inerrant truth. You are not being consistent.

Because if you do not seek or look forward to an unveiling, then you do not comprehend tanakh

You are doing it again, claiming to be inerrant. The truth is not in you.

The inherent part is feeling the truth resonates with the heart, soul, mind of each by combining memories thoughts and feelings.. the experience.

I can feel that, but I understand how others can fully masquerade as that feeling.

Inerrant........... the commandments! The few that focus on personal responsibility. The worship items are to be ended.

If you are attempting to make claims about the Hebrew bible and Judaism, you have demonstrated your lack of knowledge, understanding, and wisdom to make any sort of judgements about what should or should not happen.

I have been

No. As I have shown there are inconsistent statements, claims of being rational and fair when you're not. The clearest example is the refusal to consider the UN from any other perspective rather than your own.

No such thing and likewise, the ignorant do not know to await and seek what is real as a matter of keeping the faith

You have deemonstrated your willfull ignorance of Judaism and your anti-Jewish theological position, but you will not admit it. I understand. It's ok. 1 John 1:8.

i have acknowledged that i am not without error. I do and have made many mistakes during my life and love and learning.

Those are empty words if they are not applied.

Remember i am the guy that wrote that only a moron claims to be without sin. But you forget what I write.

No, I remember very well, but they are empty words if they are not applied. Matthew 7:21. Do you know your own scripture?

I do accept the wisdom and guidance, just not what the scribes and pharisee imposed.

You don't know what they imposed. That is a myth you have accepted as inerrant. But just as you said:

both sides are written by human beings.

Bro, the myth about the scribes and the pharisee was written by human beings. Your absolute faith in these human beings is foolish and irrational. It is easy too see why they were written they way they were. Being trained in Judaism, or cultivating understanding, renders their bias into a bright blinking neon sign. The poison is so strong I can almost smell it wafting from your posts. You're just accustom to it like very strong cologne.

That was a weak attempt to insult me. I have taken and impose far worse to myself over the course of life, than you could imply.

It's not an insult. Bro, I include myself in that too. I am a sinner, I have a bias. I am not inerrant, I am not a god.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
What are you talking about?

You claimed that the world is on Israel's side because of their wallets. But you are ignoring that the world would be on the Arab side because of the oil.

Israel is not a "wealthy" nation. Banks are not operated out of Israel. There is no financial incentive to support Israel. That is just a myth.

The truth is that Oil is a commodity that is controlled by the Arab nations. That is the incentive to be anti-Israel by the world community. It is brave to support Israel in spite of the fact that it would inflame Israel's enemies who are in control of oil.


Well-Known Member
This is called strategic ambiguity. It is required.
It is required to lie (false witness) to defend the state? Again, israel does not represent Jews or Judaism.

Thanks for clarifying that AGAIN!
And Israel is not alone in this. USA, UK both employ it themself.
OK, and as usual pointing at another to circumvent addressing the crime.

Israel's enemies are not permitted to know what Israel is capable of doing to them.
Israel does not represent the integrity or quality of Jews of judaism................ I am well aware. You do not have to remind me of that fact.
They are welcome to use their imagination, and it is encouaged for them to do precisely that.

No imagination involved, israel did in fact use phosphorus munitions on civilians in 2009. I have watched the videos myself.
Nothing that a Jew could knowingly do to human beings, but israels can, have an do.


Well-Known Member
You claimed that the world is on Israel's side because of their wallets. But you are ignoring that the world would be on the Arab side because of the oil.

Israel is not a "wealthy" nation. Banks are not operated out of Israel. There is no financial incentive to support Israel. That is just a myth.

The truth is that Oil is a commodity that is controlled by the Arab nations. That is the incentive to be anti-Israel by the world community. It is brave to support Israel in spite of the fact that it would inflame Israel's enemies who are in control of oil.
I disagree.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
I disagree.

Do you have any reasons to disagree other than anti-Jewish prejudice and stereotyping. I recall frequent posts of yours making negative claims about "modern-abrahamics".

Do you have any evidence of the "wealth" of Israel or any world banks which are centralized there?

I understand the hatred. I am just curious if you understand it, or if are capable of recongizing it in yourself.


Well-Known Member
That is willful ignorance. It is completely one-sided and assumes your position is inerrant. The truth is not in you.
I have read the resolutions and agree with them. They are not biased.
I even agreed with UN res 181 when many still think that a letter (balfour) is what created israel. The ignorance is not mine.

I completely understand your limitations, bro. It's OK. It's wrong, but I understand it.
No, you have a bias and even try to claim that the UN is against israel. SHOW me one item that makes (proves) your claim 'anti israel'.
You sound confused and befuddled and scrambled.
NO, I am aware where the term israel began. In fact many interpret the word 'israel' to mean 'wrestles with god' because of that event as written in the story
From a scientific perspective it is unknown and the subject of debate. The Jewish philosophers wrote about. Yes I have read their writing and I understand it.
What is more important? The scientific (medical) perspective or the philosophers perspective?

For example. a life can exist and not be conscious (aware of itself and able to represent the position of an 'I')
In what context? Physics or theology? Literally or metaphorically? In general or in particular?
To the level of atoms and energy (light).

See what I mean, you actually have no idea what life itself actually is. And i did not even ask you what g-d is.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
It is required to lie (false witness) to defend the state?

It's not a lie to take no position one way or the other. "No comment" in response to a question is not a lie. And you are ignoring that USA and UK and other anti-Isreal nations also maintiain strategic ambiguity. This is another example of being inconsistent and religiously motivated as opposed to being rational, reasonable, and measured in making conclusions

Again, israel does not represent Jews or Judaism.

I didn't say they did. But it is not bearing false witness.

Thanks for clarifying that AGAIN!

Clarifying that you do not know what Jewish law is? You don't don't understand what words mean? And exaggerate your intellectual capabilites in this context?

Sure bro. You're always welcome for some tough-love from your friend, Daniel-Yosef ( that's me BTW ).

OK, and as usual pointing at another to circumvent addressing the crime.

What crime? You don't seem capable of understanding, the law, the evidence, or what constitutes a crime. You simply have an anti-Jewish theology, and speaking against Rabbis and Israel is extremely rewarding in your heart because your theology cannot distinguish between the the pleasure that comes from self-love, hatred, and altruism. It's all smooshed together as agape ἀγάπη.

Israel does not represent the integrity or quality of Jews of judaism................ I am well aware. You do not have to remind me of that fact.

Neither does your theology or the position you have taken against Israel. It's not even Christian. That's the part that needs to be clearly stated here, I think. Are you a Christian? Are you in Christ?

No imagination involved, israel did in fact use phosphorus munitions on civilians in 2009. I have watched the videos myself.

Maybe so, maybe not. Your track record on accuracy in reporting is ... not good.

Nothing that a Jew could knowingly do to human beings, but israels can, have an do.

You don't know what they did. At best, at the very best, you have a one sided opinion which is theologically anti-Israel and anti-Jewish, and is likely getting all sorts of facts wrong. You've admitted that you avoid the facts that disagree with you.


Well-Known Member
You answered your own question. Because if people were intended to live eternally then they would not have been ejected fromthe garden.
It was not my question. I am aware that the story is about a transition not a law or serpent speaking.

It is impossible to leave the garden (mother nature) going into outer space is still not leaving nature. Living forever is not even hard but how it works is an understanding that eludes most from even basic conversation. For example, you actually believe that man left the garden, when it is very easy to comprehend that it's impossible.

That transition is that the instinctive life becoming conscious began to believe that it was separate.
I learn from many, but this specific teaching comes from King Solomon.
And the point is. Did the king explain to you that it is impossible to believe yourself separate from the garden?
It is the cause of many-many deaths and sufferings. This fact is absolutley true and consistent.
Cause? Stop it! Just the knowledge to help women with child birth saved more lives than genesis ever did.

But I will agree, that some knowledge has created WMD's etc.....
Then this should be applied towards your own theological position.
My position is clear, there is a bunch of wisdom within many religious doctrines. It is why combining the people (cultures) is what will enable that 'house of knowledge' to be perfected. And be certain, israel, cohen and/or judaism will not be the final authority.
It's a story that teaches an important lesson.
Yep, the transition.
And a talking snake is just as implausible as Jesus descendind and rising, animating a corpse,
Funny stuff, I know.
speaking and permitting his disciples to inspect the wound. Yet you seem to have no problem asserting that as absolute inerrant truth.
That's a down right LIE (false witness)
You have a choicee tto make in order to be consistent.
I cannot stop you from false witness. Nothing can make a person stop lying, except to experience what is real.... the truth and choosing to be good.
If you are choosing to weaken the Hebrew bible
Weaken? No one is trying to weaken the works. That is a delusional attempt, just like claiming that i asserted jesus raised to the flesh. Bonafide lying (false accustion)
inorder to make it metaphor, then you have mispoken about the New Jerusalem, and your savior is not a true king,
Nothing about a New Jerusalem has anything to do with jesus or a king. Stepping on the metaphor of israel being a holy land is easy. Just watch the blood being spilled. But to be fair, upon comprehending what is real, the whole universe is holy land.

but a metaphorical king at best, not a true savior buut a metaphorical savior, and the promise of eternal life is a meetaphorical promise not a true promise, among other issues.
Of course, you lack the comprehension of much more than your religion.
Or you will be fforced into a contradiction and inconsistency and double-standards which are common in your position.
Anyone can twist up many standards and use that method to argue
You are not paying attention to the details. It's ok, it's not your fault. I understand.

The serpent tempts with eternal life.
The serpent tempts with being god-like.
The serpent tempts wiith god-like knowledge.
And that one line Gen 3:22 is all of that in one scripture. I focus on the good and you want to use it to insult
After they eat the fruit, they realize what they did was wrong.
Now you are trying to explain what they were thinking? The first human beings? Wow!
They realize that what God did was right.
No god said a word, the story is man made. But you do not care to learn the good of the dialogue.
They know both good and evil.
That's what a conscious does............ attaboy!
They have become both good and evil.
Can knowingly do either without being conscious.
This is appparent in the confessional, but you need to understand the hebrew language to fully comprehend what is written there.
I read from left to right and not going backwards just to appease you.
Then, what does God say:

And the Lord God said, Behold, the man has become like one of us, knowing good and evil; and now, what if he puts forth his hand, and takes also from the tree of life, and eats, and lives forever;​

Again, as I explained.... the transition from instinctive life (Unknowing of self) to consciousness. That is what the story is about.
Who is "us". Who is there hiding in plain sight? You know who, don't you?
No, as i am not speaking for a 3rd party ( a god as the literal application of the story represents)
And if you're reallt smart ( knowledgable, insightful, and wise, all three ) you'll know it's not just the serpent, but there's another lurking there too. In Revetion there's two enemies, if I recall? People are confused by this, but I can understand it. Can you?
From calling me "knowledgable, insightful, and wise," to "it's not just the serpent, but there's another lurking there too" then too "In Revetion there's two enemies,"

I have resources and connections which are far beyond you at this time.
OK...... enjoy that feeling of superiority. i care too much to go that low.
I offered you friendship and I offered to share. It's an open ended offer.

No you want me to comply. As if you and your resources are the authority.

Not gonna happen.

Consider me like ahkenatan/moses.... unwilling to comply unless mankind can be freed from the bondage of thebes (central authority).


Well-Known Member
Do you have any reasons to disagree other than anti-Jewish prejudice and stereotyping.

I am not going to be like you.... Anti and with a prejudice that your resources are the authority.
I recall frequent posts of yours making negative claims about "modern-abrahamics".
Show it. You have falsely accused me numerous times just this am.
Do you have any evidence of the "wealth" of Israel or any world banks which are centralized there?
Not even relevant to anything that i care about. Money does not make an importance. No wonder israelis love trump. Same kind of sickness.
I understand the hatred. I am just curious if you understand it, or if are capable of recongizing it in yourself.
I am recognizing that you are trying over and over to insult me. Trying to subdue me and even asking me to reflect and address what you consider important (resources and money).

I am not quite as weak.