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דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
Good morning. ( Yikes, it was morning when I started this )

I'm trying very hard to get this into a single reply, because I think having multiple converstation streams is causing some miscommunication between us. I've spent a lot of time typing and revising and cropping. I needed to remove a great deal of, imo, valuable details, some of which were from your post in the quoted sections. I'm sorry for that. Please keep that in mind when reading it?

I think we'll need to try to focus and reduce our conversation in order to keep the conversation coherent. OK?

Please note: this reply goes through a bit of a transition. I began writing hours ago. And I've finally made it full-circle to the revisions. I began writing with a lot of hope that we can have a valuable discussion. By the end of the reply, I became much less hopeful.

Ultimately, I continue to feel, in my heart, that you do not want to listen to what I have to say. You want me to listen and be persuaded by your words. You want me to defer to you as an authority figure. That's not going to work for me for multiple reasons. But I gave you my word that I would be happy to listen.

What I'm looking for in a reply to this post, is some kind of reassurance I can believe in that you are interested in what I am writing, and that my words matter. That I'm not just some stereotype that fits into your certain conclusions. Lacking that, I hope you will undertand if I refrain from active participation. But I will listen because, I said I would do that. My word is my bond.


PS... I've got it. I've got it all figured out. You've tipped your hand. Now I see it clearly... well.... Maybe we'll get there, maybe not. The good news is, now that I understand your position. Fully. I can finally crop this reply below the word-count limit.

Whew. The good news for you is, you don't need to explain anything to me. I completely understand your postion. I've heard it before. I've been here for a while, bro.

Zion is that place required for the mislead... the location is the central problem... so much blood has been spilled over that location.​

I hear what you're saying. I understand. But, there's more to it than what it appears to be on the surface.

After our discussions, i will reframe from the term monsters and try to leave out the word zionist.

I think that's probably good. But, also, repression isn't healthy either. It's tricky. The problem with using generalized terms for negative assertions is that it reinforces stereotyping. It's the same for exaggerations. But this is more of an emotive mechanism, in the "heart". Both of these cause problems if they become in-grained and habitual.

And there's also a sort of echo-chamber / feedback loop that occurs when people, forgive me, preach outloud or in writing. This causes another cognitive fault, which maybe I will detail later.

Back to the above.... the term "ZION" is about that fortress and the quest by the mislead to build a temple there.

Ahhhhhh. the term is Tzion, not Zion. This is important.

Zion would be spelled זיון. Tzion is ציון. That's a HUGE difference. See below.
Not a Z, that's a Zayin. It's a Tz, that's a Tzadik. In Greek they use Sigma, not Zeta.


The term is not about a fortress. The fortress was named ציון, by the other nations. But that's not what the "term" is about. It's very difficult for me not to over-load you with information, because, I love-love this stuff. But you're claiming knowledge of this, and there's a lot more to this than appears on the surface.

I'm really struggling here. Because I hear you. The Rabbis mislead, and that hurts me too. How can I fix that without pouring out my heart and soul and correct the record? I've been fortunate to learn with some amazing pious, knowledgable, insightful, and wise Rabbis. Their hearts are certainly in the right place. They embody tzion. I am quite confident you know what I mean when I chose that word specifically. They embody tzion.

But I don't know if you want to hear me. I've been typing for... wow... 3 hours. I'm deleting what I wrote. It's too much.

I hear you, please hear me? Tzion is about Tzedakah and Mishpat, ref: Isaiah 1:17+27, Psalms 119:160, proverbs, in exodus, my daily prayers: Melech ohaiv tzedakah u'mishpat. The King loves tzedakah and mishpat. That's the essence of tzion and tzionism, but you need Hebrew knowledge to see it, and you are lacking that. I'm sorry to be blunt. I'm cramped for space.

ציון במשפט תפדה ושביה בצדקה׃


The rabbi that have mislead the Jew to seek, take or require that location are the rabbid (rabid) (foaming at the mouth liars, misleading the good)

There it is again. Mislead. 3 times in 6 sentences? And you lead with it. Hee-hee. ( pun unintended ) I don't think you are qualified to be certain about this. You would need a lot more data to make this allegation and have it taken seriously. Based on what you've written, this is irrational religious doctrine.

Yep..... the folk causing so much blood letting and disent over that location hurt my heart. You and I both know, only one will create the New jerusalem and I can assure you, promise you that it will not be in palestine/Israel.


I hear you. I know a few things. It's a burden knowing things, isn't it? Understanding makes it easier. One of things I deleted from this reply is this: In this context, understanding is the path to peace.

I even evolve with such discussion ... and I am developing a Love for you.

I agree, evolution is a wonderful model, but, I think it needs to be qualified.

Evolution is progress at a tragic price. The greatest advancements are produced by catatrophe. And what is produced? Survival of the fittest? Might=right? Dog-eat-dog? Yes there are symbiotic arrangements of stability, but there's also parasitic arrangements of decomposition.

I prefer a different word. Not evolve, cultivate. Like a garden.

Similarly, for love. I prefer a different word in this context. ϕιλία. I consider it a healthy love, because, I always try to partner it with respect.

What about UN REs 476 and 478 from 1980. Just that mean because the wrong lasted so long that it is not important?

You're either missing my point, or I'm not being clear.

Red Flag..... the UN the global community. And using that as a reason not to accept law and order, is rude.

I'm not making an excuse. I'm not being rude. You're demonizing me falsely.

I am consistent ...

It's not consistent to ignore rockets on cafes, multiple bombings, attacks on innocent children, and instead focusing on property damage, border disputes, and apartheid.

It's not fair, it's not balanced, it's not consistent.

But you dont see the pattern as perhaps what israel has done is wrong?

Bro, you don't know what I see. I am not spiritually blind.

I promise I can meet you half way **or more**. You don't know me. If you take one step towards me, I will take a dozen steps, towards you, even if it crosses way outside of my comfort-zone. That's who I am.

I thought we are trying to remove that term in our discussion

Well. It gets tricky because we had two different streams of discussion going, and I'm playing catch up.

So. Regarding the term zionism. I think there is value in using it, if it is used correctly. I think there's value in establishing what it actually means. And the spirit that is behind it. It is not military. It is not terrorist. ציון is not זיון. Huge difference. I also think there is value in analyzing these concepts at a high level. Much higher than this. When that happens, I think it can be understood, clearly understood, what produces the phenomena you are describing. It would be the how-and-why ציון becomes זיון. AND HOW TO FLIP IT BACK.

Not to mention the 'everyone hates me' claims and actually teach such rubbish.

It's not that "everyone hates me". That's not what I said. It's more nuanced than that. I can reply and explain in another post. But I need to crop out the details to fit this into a single reply.

Given? Sorry, I have too much history and time on this earth and far too much care to simply roll over to one side.

Yeah, given. The number 1 issue I have is trying to figure out if you want me to simply defer to you and your narrative. And, I thiink that's highly likely.

If you are calling me "brother", then we are equals. But it seems like what you mean is not "bro". It seems like you're calling me "son" and you're taking the role as "father", "teacher", "shepherd", or "minister". If that's your actual intention, you have some work to do to establish yourself into that role.

pot kettle black

Not true. I am not a hypocrite! I am different! I am not like the others! I have demonstrated this.

You are either not hearing me, ignoring what I'm writing, or you have forgotten already. I have demonstrated that I can absolutely identify potential for bias, and I can assume my own sources are biased. I can easily consider my own narrative as flawed and false!

I'll not write any further, because an excellent example is provided and highlighted below. Thank you.

Apparently, as even you think the world is against or Anti-israel. The idea that jerusalem is required or the fear of not having kosher prepared food is relevant, and then claiming that the UN is anti........ is sad to read

That's not what I said. This is the proof I mentioned a few sentences back that I am NOT a hypocrite.

This is what I said: "Right or wrong, true or false, the UN has a pattern of being anti-Israel."
Please read this and understand what I am saying. Anti-Israel can be right, and can be true. Please hear me. You already know in your heart, I am different. I do not fit the stereotype. The above quote PROVES it. I am saying here that being anti-Israel can be the correct position to take. But it's complicated.

Imagine if you told yourself that about Jews.

Absolutely! I would tell that to my own children! There are lines that are not to be crossed ever. Even if generations are oppressed, killing innocent children in the most heinous of manner? Are you actually claiming it's tit-for-tat????

No way. You think I'm a hypocrite? You're wrong. I'm different.
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Well-Known Member
Good morning.
Good morning!

I think we'll need to try to focus and reduce our conversation in order to keep the conversation coherent. OK?
I understand that
Ahhhhhh. the term is Tzion, not Zion. This is important.
I used to write it that way but got picked on

They embody tzion.

House of knowledge. That is what I learned, feel, support and often wish for
I don't think you are qualified to be certain about this. You would need a lot more data to make this allegation and have it taken seriously.
i am well aware of how easily I have been and can be discounted

I hear you. I know a few things. It's a burden knowing things, isn't it? Understanding makes it easier. One of things I deleted from this reply is this: In this context, understanding is the path to peace.
YES and agree
I agree, evolution is a wonderful model, but, I think it needs to be qualified.
The process does exist, just like learning takes time.
Evolution is progress at a tragic price. The greatest advancements are produced by catatrophe.
As the living process 'intends' to survive and must evolve to overcome, even if is pain and suffering is a part of the process.
And what is produced? Survival of the fittest? Might=right? Dog-eat-dog?
That model was a good starting point but there are far more factors to observe. For example: giving of self for the next generation to live.
Yes there are symbiotic arrangements of stability, but there's also parasitic arrangements of decomposition.
Hence the organisms have both often within the very cells.
I prefer a different word. Not evolve, cultivate. Like a garden.
Growth often exposes the evolution. ex... 'we' all had tails in the womb
You're either missing my point, or I'm not being clear.
I'm not making an excuse. I'm not being rude. You're demonizing me falsely.
Not everyone hates israel and the UN is for US ALL.
It's not consistent to ignore rockets on cafes, multiple bombings, attacks on innocent children, and instead focusing on property damage, border disputes, and apartheid.

It's not fair, it's not balanced, it's not consistent.

Agreed... What is new, is now the people of GAZA are showing the children dead from the bombings.
Bro, you don't know what I see. I am not spiritually blind.

I promise I can meet you half way **or more**. You don't know me. If you take one step towards me, I will take a dozen steps, towards you, even if it crosses way outside of my comfort-zone. That's who I am.
By me mentioning a bad that israel has done, is not attacking you. Putting the state before right and wrong is what is not acceptable.
So. Regarding the term zionism.
The pursuit of the mount, temple, alter, is the wrong. Seeking a location for peaceful living, is natural
I think there is value in using it, if it is used correctly. I think there's value in establishing what it actually means. And the spirit that is behind it. It is not military. It is not terrorist. ציון is not זיון. Huge difference. I also think there is value in analyzing these concepts at a high level. Much higher than this. When that happens, I think it can be understood, clearly understood, what produces the phenomena you are describing. It would be the how-and-why ציון becomes זיון. AND HOW TO FLIP IT BACK.
I get it. My vote: house of knowledge. Eventually to keep the holy of holies (name of g-d), the 12 assist with conveying to mankind.

That's my simple frame to the beauty of the quest, term.
It's not that "everyone hates me".
That old scope must end. Just end the mode as part of daily logic.
The number 1 issue I have is trying to figure out if you want me to simply defer to you and your narrative. And, I thiink that's highly likely.
I could be just that flawed to be making you feel like that. Just like natural phenomena, I often feel as if everyone should already know that nature was not created 6 k yrs ago.
If you are calling me "brother", then we are equals. But it seems like what you mean is not "bro". It seems like you're calling me "son" and you're taking the role as "father", "teacher", "shepherd", or "minister". If that's your actual intention, you have some work to do to establish yourself into that role.
I enjoy how easily you enable me to self reflect and see where I can apply better.
Not true. I am not a hypocrite! I am different! I am not like the others! I have demonstrated this.

You said that you dont care about the past atrocities that they had experienced. I initially figured that you perhaps mis-typed that line so i reread it a few times over.
You are either not hearing me, ignoring what I'm writing, or you have forgotten already. I have demonstrated that I can absolutely identify potential for bias, and I can assume my own sources are biased. I can easily consider my own narrative as flawed and false!
I should have skipped the line for a better explanation.
This is what I said: "Right or wrong, true or false, the UN has a pattern of being anti-Israel."
I do not know of any 'anti israel' line items from the UN. Imposing resolutions or condemnation is not 'anti'. Just like stopping a child from stealing is not hate or ill regard.
Please read this and understand what I am saying. Anti-Israel can be right, and can be true. Please hear me. You already know in your heart, I am different. I do not fit the stereotype. The above quote PROVES it. I am saying here that being anti-Israel can be the correct position to take. But it's complicated.

Im sorry brother, you are better than but I often react too quickly
Absolutely! I would tell that to my own children! There are lines that are not to be crossed ever. Even if generations are oppressed, killing innocent children in the most heinous of manner? Are you actually claiming it's tit-for-tat????

I still do not entertain the eye for an eye methodology
No way. You think I'm a hypocrite? You're wrong. I'm different.
I know and I hope you will accept my apology.

You and I could actually accomplish a bunch.

Love and Peace


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
OK. Please. Let's start here. False allegations are a serious offense. Most go to Exodus 20 for this. I'm going to Leviticus 19.

דבר אל־כל־עדת בני־ישראל ואמרת אלהם קדשים תהיו כי קדוש אני יהוה אלהיכם׃​
Speak to all the congregation of the people of Israel, and say to them, You shall be holy; for I the Lord your God am holy.​
לא־תלך רכיל בעמיך לא תעמד על־דם רעך אני יהוה׃​
You shall not go up and down as a slanderer among your people; nor shall you stand against the blood of your neighbor; I am the Lord.​

The rabbi that have mislead the Jew to seek, take or require that location are the rabbid (rabid) (foaming at the mouth liars, misleading the good)

I don't think you are qualified to be certain about this. You would need a lot more data to make this allegation and have it taken seriously. Based on what you've written, this is irrational religious doctrine.

i am well aware of how easily I have been and can be discounted

Please bring your evidence. If it is valid and true, it will not be discounted. The allegations are below:

"The rabbi that have mislead the Jew to seek, take or require that location are the rabbid (rabid) (foaming at the mouth liars, misleading the good)"​

Not everyone hates israel and the UN is for US ALL.

I didn't say they did. If I am wrong, please quote me and I will acknowledge, apologize, and learn from the mistake. It is nuanced and true that we are disliked simply for being who we are, for being "Jewish". It's easy to misunderstand this and interpret it as "everyone hates Israel", if one doesn't know what it means to be "Jewish".

Agreed... What is new, is now the people of GAZA are showing the children dead from the bombings.

I don't know how to parse this after the word "agreed". In context, I was asking why I should defer to you. You said because you are consistent. I objected because the bombings, the shooting at innocent children, and much-much worse, the worst of the worst, are all being ignored infavor of focusing on property damage, border disputes , and apartheid. This is not fair, balanced, or consistent.

If you would like me to understand your reply, please rephrase or elaborate.

By me mentioning a bad that israel has done, is not attacking you. Putting the state before right and wrong is what is not acceptable.

This comment is out of context. You claimed I did not see the patterns, and I was ignoring severe and persistent wrong actions by Israel. I submit to you I am not blind, spiritually or otherwise. If you are claiming I cannot see, yes that is attacking me.

I get it. My vote: house of knowledge.

I vote no: this is moving in the wrong direction and it is not at all reflected in what is written regarding the word ציון especially when compared to זיון.

You said that you dont care about the past atrocities that they had experienced.

No. I absolutely care.

Please read what I wrote again. Or, better yet, I will restate. If you are motivated you can go back to compare.

There are certain lines which cannot ever be crossed. I do not care what happens. I do not care if a person has a gun to my head, or to my children's head, it cannot ever be crossed. Torture me, torture my family, torture my pets. Endlessly torture me and my future generations.

Certain lines cannot ever be crossed. The stories coming from the kibbutizim cross that line. Kidnapping and murdering innocents going to a concert is bad. Really really bad. But the reports coming from the kibbutzim. That's it. I do not care about generations of oppression, those heinous acts which are being reported from the kibbutzim are never-never justified; certainly not be any manner of oppression. I would never do them. It doesn't matter what sort of oppression I am experiencing. People who can do that, are ... imo ... beyond any sort of rehabilitation. I think the best option for people like that is to, as quickly and painlessly as possible, give them an opportunity to see what happens after death.

I'm as serious as a heart attack.

It's crystal clear I hope?

I do not know of any 'anti israel' line items from the UN.

If it's relevant and important to you, after these other issues are cleared up. I'd be happy to examine some of the examples in detail. It sounds like you are telling me that the UN is beyond any sort of bias, and I find that very hard to believe. In order to make the point I'm trying to make, all that's needed is acknowledgement that bias in their decisions is possible, and, bias in your sources is possible. There are two opposing narratives and both of them could be corrupt.

Im sorry brother, you are better than but I often react too quickly

Apology accepted. You were actually already forgiven. ;) But forgiveness is not absolution, in my judgement. However, I react too quickly too. All the dang time. So how can I possibly judge you harshly for this?

Hopefully you'll notice, I did not lash out at you. I only defended my own words and actions.

I still do not entertain the eye for an eye methodology

OK, then, I am still asking the question why the atrocities which are much-much worse levied against the Israeli people are not being included in this discussion? Why?

Are you not aware of what is being reported? Do you automatically assume they are false? You introduced the riots, but did not mention the crazed paletinian gunner shooting into a vehicle of innocents, including children, at point blank range. Why?

This needs to be resolved. But I will share. I am researching the nuclear arms issue and the JFK assination as I said that I would do. We can talk all about that. If wwe get past these other issues.

I know and I hope you will accept my apology.

Already done, bro. Easy-peasy. It's in the past.

I used to write it that way but got picked on

It's fine to spell it zion. Most people know it that way, but, it's important to understand what it actually means, and the spirit behind the word.

You claimed to know what it was about, but, what you were describing was זיון. That's the difference between knowing and understanding. It's fine to know it as zion as long as it's understood as ציון.

You and I could actually accomplish a bunch.

ילכו מחיל אל־חיל יראה אל־אלהים בציון׃

They go from strength to strength, every one of them appears before God in tzion.

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Well-Known Member
"The rabbi that have mislead the Jew to seek, take or require that location are the rabbid (rabid) (foaming at the mouth liars, misleading the good)"​
Just a few of the RABID

. I awoke to read your request and I will never do this again.

Oct 29, 2014 — Rabbi Yehudah Glick, the head of the Temple Mount Faithful organization, was shot ..

The days of the Third Temple are apparently upon us. Why? It’s all thanks to a cow.

In the Bible, red heifers feature heavily in Temple law. The cows must be pure red, without even two hairs of another color, and without any other form of blemish, and they’re an essential part of sacrificial purity laws. Their ashes are required, according to passages in Numbers, to purify the Temple’s priests and its altars.

Not all Jewish scholars agree, however — they never do. Jewish groups have, especially in recent years, been allowed to pray on the Temple Mount. At least one group, Shalom Jerusalem, led by Yehuda Glick, has made promoting and establishing Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount its mission and, though the rules have officially remained unchanged, Israeli soldiers have protected Glick and other Jewish worshippers on the hilltop.

Boneh Israel, another pro-Third Temple group, has both Jewish and Christian members that, according to its website, work on “actively bringing the redemption closer”; they are responsible for shipping several red heifers from Texas to the U.S. earlier this year.

And Rabbi Yitzchak Mamo, from yet another Third Temple group, Uvne Jerusalem, told the Christian Broadcasting Network that he has planned a ceremony for Passover 2024 to slaughter the imported heifers,

(JTA) — An organization based in Jerusalem is working on a detailed architectural blueprint for the Third Jewish Temple on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount — and has turned to the internet for help with the controversial project.

The Temple Institute, which has recreated 60 vessels to be used in a Third Temple and which sponsors educational programs about the temple worldwide, has created a $100,000 Indiegogo campaign to draft plans for a Third Temple. Building the temple, says the Indiegogo campaign statement, would “usher in a new era of universal harmony and peace,” as prophesied in the Bible.

“It is not enough to wait and pray for the Third Temple,” the statement added. “It is a Biblical obligation to build it.”

According to Rabbi Chaim Richman, the institute’s international director, the temple would stand in the present location of the Dome of the Rock,

Referring to these incidents, Richman said the mount “is overrun by terrorists. This is a tangible fact.” He said rebuilding the temple is the next step to Israel’s current military operation in the Gaza Strip.

“We cannot be the people we’re supposed to be without the Holy Temple,” he said. “So what if we root out the [Gaza] tunnels and missiles? Then what are we doing with our lives? The redemption of humanity is dependent on the Jewish people.”

Launched on July 27, the campaign has so far raised $3,991. It will run until Rosh Hashana, on Sept. 25.

That request and to use torah against me, to evidence the stupidity within israel??????

try reading Ezek 22.............. that is not about a past event.

I didn't say they did. If I am wrong, please quote me and I will acknowledge, apologize, and learn from the mistake. It is nuanced and true that we are disliked simply for being who we are, for being "Jewish". It's easy to misunderstand this and interpret it as "everyone hates Israel", if one doesn't know what it means to be "Jewish".
Being Jewish is about personal responsibility. The rabid claims that its'a about a homeland or that lineage is what makes a person jew, are foundations of racism and exceptionalism. End them from your mind. If you need clarification on the line items of torah, I can help with understanding but reading that top part asking me to witness with evidence about the rabbid that mislead causing hatred and violence is not what I wish to do with my time as I have been watching this mess for far too long to waste time going backward.

I don't know how to parse this after the word "agreed". In context, I was asking why I should defer to you. You said because you are consistent. I objected because the bombings, the shooting at innocent children, and much-much worse, the worst of the worst, are all being ignored infavor of focusing on property damage, border disputes , and apartheid. This is not fair, balanced, or consistent.

The apartheid and oppression has enabled human beings to become horrid machines of violence Then to realize that the major reason for the whole divide is over that stupid location (hill with NO temple on it) is enough to make even Mary Poppins mad.

I woke up to hear that the nutlessyahoo want the palestinians to leave GAZA. Tel that fool to move them into his house and he can sleep on the streets for a bit until the homes are rebuilt.


Well-Known Member
I get it. My vote: house of knowledge.

And your reply "I vote no: this is moving in the wrong direction and it is not at all reflected in what is written regarding the word ציון especially when compared to זיון."

Then I must question your comprehension of torah.

The wisdom of torah is not about making one group better or 'chosen' by g-d but that mankind will eventually UNDERSTAND and that by following the rules of personal responsibility, eventually the truth will come. The additions to torah and descriptions often used to translate the meanings (midrash) are often fine attempts but many are less than when tangent to the promise of a universal foundation of unveiling what is real (the truth)

The reason a long sought messiah has been awaited is because the visions (prophecy) offered a view of that future, that a person would unfold the material. Not that an outside entity (g-d) told people what to write and then show up to fix the tangents at a later date (time period)

Most every population had people within the regions of the earth and had people write what they saw (prophecy). Coming up thru the lines of David, is because the prophecy expressed that single would be born within that region/population and will be the person to bring the 4 corners of the earth together.

That is how I came up with the bridge to the '12'. three from each of the colors/corners of mankind will have a voice. To complete the knowledge and build that house of knowledge (tsion).

The good chose to follow the rules. Any claiming to be 'chosen' expose a hypocrisy to the wisdom and LOVE of what has been written for us all (mankind).

That story of David cracks me up. I assimilate the Goliath as the giant to be the religiously obtuse, that will and do fall with a blow to the head (knowledge).

It's most definitely a Good Friday but I am looking forward to the eclipse that will show tomorrow am over the 4 corners of this region of US.

Hint: that house of knowledge will be close to that in the canyon of the blue lake. Untouched lands protected from encroachment, a 'heaven on earth'. Weird part is, the hill above it shows like a white pyramid during most of the year.



דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
I awoke to read your request and I will never do this again.

Thank you. Never is strong word. Do you mean it? Never?

That request and to use torah against me, to evidence the stupidity within israel??????

No. If false accustations of this magnititude and lacking evidence are permitted, then, there is no hope for a productive discourse. It is a deal-breaker for me. It's nothing personal. Like I said I fully understand your point of view. And I share that point of view, to a degree. I think to a large degree. I would even go so far as to say that I strongly agree where it matters most, in the heart.

But I simply cannot proceed if slander and libel are acceptable.

Here is the allegation. So that you know precisely what I'm looking for. The keywords are in red and underlined.

"The rabbi that have mislead the Jew to seek, take or require that location are the rabbid (rabid) (foaming at the mouth liars, misleading the good)"

There are 2 pieces of evidence required:

1) Evidence of preaching that the Jew should seek, take, or required
2) Evidence that the preaching was knowingly false

Oct 29, 2014 — Rabbi Yehudah Glick, the head of the Temple Mount Faithful organization, was shot ...

I'll review what you posted and report back, thank you. If I cannot find the original sources, I'll be asking for that. Anyone can say anything online. Proper evidence needs a source.

And your reply "I vote no: this is moving in the wrong direction and it is not at all reflected in what is written regarding the word ציון especially when compared to זיון."

Then I must question your comprehension of torah.

Then I question your comprehension of the Christian bible: 1 John 1:8.

I'll review what you wrote regarding a "house of knowledge" and report back once we reach an agreement on the allegations of "rabid lying and misleading the good" by Rabbis.

Have a good weekend bro. I'm sorry if I sound cold, I'm troubled for the reasons I have wriitten about previously. Friday's a day that I video chat with my Dad. Naturally, we discussed the war on its many levels. Not just the physical conflict.
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Well-Known Member
Thank you. Never is strong word. Do you mean it? Never?
Funny, as that very word bugged me too.

I do not like digging up the nasty information just to prove a point
No. If false accustations lacking evidence are permitted, then there is no hope for a productive discourse. It is a deal-breaker for me. It's nothing personal. Like I said I fully understand your point of view. And I share that point of view, to a degree. I think to a large degree. I would even go so far as to say that I stronlgy agree where it matters most, in the heart.
But I simply cannot proceed if slander and libel are acceptable.

If an accusation is being made of a certain magnitude, I need some evidence.
And what I posted are not accusations/allegations.
"The rabbi that have mislead the Jew to seek, take or require that location
IN the above. seek, take and require
are the rabbid (rabid) (foaming at the mouth liars, misleading the good)"
They are misleading the good, the Jew (command adherent). You could catch me in the scope that they are not Jew because they are mislead enough to listen to them
There are 2 peices of evidence required:

1) Evidence of preaching that the Jew should seek, take, or required
Actual learned Jew already know better
2) Evidence that the preaching was knowingly false
That is a trick question as many good folk do things not realizing what they are doing it wrong
I'll review what you posted and report back, thank you. If I cannot find the original sources, I'll be asking for that. Anyone can say anything online. Proper evidence needs a source.
Dig into the RABBID Glick he wants to be the next president so be careful,
and then that Rabbid Richman.... And see for yourself I even have pictures of them 2 looking at Heifers (they need the 'red') for the sacrificing but I am not digging them up either.

Them 2, I have been keeping my eye on for decades as they incite violence every 5-10 yrs under the guise of just praying. Perhaps one too many days banging their head on that wall (outside). I have very little patience for this topic just like I have about zero patience for the 'chosen ones' ideology of long past egyptian culture assimilated into judaism.

Then I question your comprehension of the Christian bible: 1 John 1:8.
Funny, only a moron would claim to be sinless. I dont play that way as you can see, I get quite emotional as I have been attacked for far too long by the 'community' expecting compliance.
I'll review what you wrote and report back once we reach an agreement on the allegations of "rabid lying and misleading the good" by Rabbis.

Let me correct that. "The rabbid are accredited rabbi, that have been misleading the good" Basically many folk who are loved, learned and appreciated have been misleading many good people trying to learn.... They are what I consider the RABBID
Have a good weekend bro.


Friday's a day that I video chat with my Dad. Naturally, we discussed the war on its many levels. Not just the physical conflict.
It's a good friday the 13th.
Tell your father that I said 'HI'. It wont make sense but do it for me and your own giggle.


Veteran Member
So if Israel is supposedly treating Palestine so bad why does the whole world support Israel?

I don't think that is the case at all.
The world supports israel only insofar as that they recognize them being victim of a terror attack.
Simultanously, many countries also critizise Israel heavily for their many transgressions of human rights in gaza etc.

If it wasn't for US veto's, they'ld have had a LOT of UN resolutions against them concerning their illegal occupation of palestine, their refusal to seriously engage in a 2-state solution, their continued expansion of settlements on palestinian land, etc.

I don't side with terrorists like Hamas, nor do I approve of their tactics. But at the same time, I can very much understand their desperation.

I’m tired of hearing it’s complicated. Someone’s wrong in this. Give me a break. Don’t ya think it’s time to get a grip?

Imo, both sides are rotten in their own way in this conflict.
There are no good guys.


Veteran Member
The reality is Israel would live in peace if they could.

I agree, on condition that by "if they could" you mean "on THEIR terms".

Palestinians, Hamas, Iran and other groups don't want Israel to exist. This is why we should support Israel over the terrorists.

Maybe you should look at how life for an average Palestian looks like. Then try to say without blinking that they have no reason to not be fans of israel.


Veteran Member
Yes, listen to Hamas, Iranian and Hezbolah leaders.

1985 Hezbolah Manifesto

“Our primary assumption in our fight against Israel states that the Zionist entity is aggressive from its inception, and built on lands wrested from their owners, at the expense of the rights of the Muslim people. Therefore our struggle will end only when this entity is obliterated. We recognize no treaty with it, no cease fire, and no peace agreements, whether separate or consolidated.”
You are taking quotes of a few warmongers and pretending that they reflect the opinions of all. This is nonsense.

People who say such things, still need to rally many more people behind them to have any kind of power.
To do so, they need "ammunition". Meaning: they need to be able to argue to their potential followers why Israel is evil.
Israel keeps providing them with that ammunition. They play right into their cards.

Imagine if Israel would NOT illegally occupy Palestine. Imagine if they would NOT violate their human rights. Imagine if they WOULD accomodate them like a normal western secular multi-cultural democracy would and NOT treat them like second-rate citizens.

Would Hezbollah warmongers still so easily be able to rally people behind their cause?
"Hey israel is evil, let's kill them all!"
A well treated palestinian who doesn't have to fear being evicted from his home, who doesn't need to pass 25 checkpoints to get to work, who is treated like a human being, who can live in peace in the way he / she wants to live his / her life.... would such a person answer "yeah, you're right, hand me the kalasnikov"? I say no.

Rather, that person would say "I disagree... we have our state, we have our access to all sites we want, we have our lives, our security, our safety,... what are you talking about??"

you might want to review a bit of history.


Veteran Member
When did Israel kidnap, rape, murder and parade around any Palestinian? When did Israel take civilian hostages and threaten to kill them on live TV?

I am not saying Israel has not done wrong things. But what Hamas is doing right now is evil and needs to be stopped.

The main difference is that Hamas doesn't hide their evil.


Veteran Member
I don't think that is the case at all.
The world supports israel only insofar as that they recognize them being victim of a terror attack.
Simultanously, many countries also critizise Israel heavily for their many transgressions of human rights in gaza etc.

If it wasn't for US veto's, they'ld have had a LOT of UN resolutions against them concerning their illegal occupation of palestine, their refusal to seriously engage in a 2-state solution, their continued expansion of settlements on palestinian land, etc.

I don't side with terrorists like Hamas, nor do I approve of their tactics. But at the same time, I can very much understand their desperation.

Imo, both sides are rotten in their own way in this conflict.
There are no good guys.
Odd. Israelis don’t see it that way. Didn’t Israelis offer 95% of what Palestinians wanted years ago but Arafat rejected so Israelis became dissolutioned?


I'm a planet
Odd. Israelis don’t see it that way. Didn’t Israelis offer 95% of what Palestinians wanted years ago but Arafat rejected so Israelis became dissolutioned?
And at other times, in other negotiations, Israel was the one who refused the two state solution. They've both been wrong, and can't seem to line up their negotiations so that they agree on anything.


Veteran Member
I think it’s time for Palestinians to start getting serious, organized and get together to do something about hamas. It’s been nearly 40 years since they came to power. I think it’s about time. I mean you have to rise up at some point don’t ya? At this point Palestinians are just starting to look foolish. I mean their the ones that are suffering because of the actions of Hamas. It would be a hard thing to do, no doubt but how else? Israel has failed.
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Veteran Member
So from what I gather here on RF, Israel is a far right thug who occupies Palestinian territory and Palestine is being run by The terrorist group Hamas. All I can do is pray for them at this point.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש

Here is the allegation. So that you know precisely what I'm looking for. The keywords are in red and underlined.

The rabbi that have mislead the Jew to seek, take or require that location are the rabbid (rabid) (foaming at the mouth liars, misleading the good)"

And what I posted are not accusations/allegations.

Then I question your comprehension of the Christian bible: 1 John 1:8.

I dont play that way as you can see,

No. I completely disagree. The truth is not in you, at least not right now. This is a deal-breaker for me. I told you, I was fair, honest, I brought scripture to support my position. Not just about the slander, but about the root cause of the problem, how to reverse it. I've been telling you about it, but, you're in another place.

I can only refer you back to what I posted earlier and then maybe recommend you simply set aside the religious theology and reread what I've posted with a truly open heart and mind. :handpointdown:

Now I see it clearly... well.... Maybe we'll get there, maybe not. The good news is, now that I understand your position. Fully. I can finally crop this reply below the word-count limit.

Whew. The good news for you is, you don't need to explain anything to me. I completely understand your postion. I've heard it before. I've been here for a while, bro.

Yup. It doesn't look like we'll get there. I'm stepping back from active participation in this discussion. I did what I said I would do. And I will continue to read your posts.

Good night bro,