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Well-Known Member
I did, but the fact that you want an actual names of these people is ridiculous.
I get it. Hamas are the bad guys but you adlib what actual atrocities they committed, to raise the debt ceiling.

You have no integrity.
I never stated anything about a god. I am an atheist.

What does OMG mean?

Yes they are.
It is targeted, but are they not justified in defending themselves?
Blowing up buildings is not defending themselves! Blowing up the market is not self defense. If you had your way, you would blow up every muslim just for being there.
They just wait for more killing from the terrorists?
Not all palestinians are terrorist. Some palestinians are christian, jew and many other religious preferences.
You took that out of context. You like to play games.
NO, you hate and that is an ugly game of the weakest minds. As you write, you are no better than 'them'.
Once I said that I followed with who I hate.

You can actually watch the video of the terrorists parading around a dead naked woman in the back of a truck.
Is that your style of porn? Is that what excites you?
I think we are done here. It is obvious you don't think the terrorists are in the wrong.

Yep, you are not worth communicating with as you enjoy the model of hatred and will make up insults if I do not agree with you on every line item.
I am an atheist, I have always said that here and no I am not a Jew.
I get it, as you do not have the integrity of a Jew.

You can feed your hatred as you see fit and I will try to overcome such bias with rational thinking

Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member
I get it. Hamas are the bad guys but you adlib what actual atrocities they committed, to raise the debt ceiling.
Yes they are. Their stated goal is the destruction of Israel as written in the 1988 charter. That makes them bad guys. And what does the debt ceiling have to do with this? I gave sources for the atrocities. It is obvious which side you are on.
You have no integrity.
What does OMG mean?
Oh my god. It is an expression, does not mean I believe in god.
Blowing up buildings is not defending themselves! Blowing up the market is not self defense. If you had your way, you would blow up every muslim just for being there.
Nope, that is a lie. HAMAS needs to be stopped or they will keep attacking Israel.

Not all palestinians are terrorist. Some palestinians are christian, jew and many other religious preferences.
Never said they were. But some are and they need to be stopped.

NO, you hate and that is an ugly game of the weakest minds. As you write, you are no better than 'them'.
I am better than someone that rapes women and kills and decapitates babies as eyewitnesses have reported.
Is that your style of porn? Is that what excites you?
You are a sick person that defends the terrible tings the terrorists did and then wants to know my sexual proclivities.
Yep, you are not worth communicating with as you enjoy the model of hatred and will make up insults if I do not agree with you on every line item.
Another lie, I backed up my claims with news reports and videos from eyewitnesses.

I get it, as you do not have the integrity of a Jew.
I am not the one lying about my posts. Anyone can see you are a liar here.
You can feed your hatred as you see fit and I will try to overcome such bias with rational thinking
Then start responding rationally.

What is your stance on the war? Is HAMAS right in what they did and why?


Well-Known Member
Their stated goal is the destruction of Israel as written in the 1988 charter.
Which is a lousy goal. Israel does exist and I doubt if they could ever make a difference about that.
That makes them bad guys.
And what does the debt ceiling have to do with this?
You keep elevating the hatred at the expense of your own integrity

It is obvious which side you are on.
I side with human beings, not a government, charter or as you put it. Again, you expose your lack of integrity
Oh my god. It is an expression, does not mean I believe in god.
Nor that integrity is important
Nope, that is a lie.
It is no lie, pointing out that israel is destroying buildings in retaliatory strikes
HAMAS needs to be stopped or they will keep attacking Israel.
Destroyed or held accountable individually
I am better than someone that rapes women and kills and decapitates babies as eyewitnesses have reported.
People like you are a part of what the problem is
You are a sick person

I am sick of you and your lack of civility
Another lie, I backed up my claims with news reports and videos from eyewitnesses.
But will condemn me, for expecting civility and not believing you
Anyone can see you are a liar here.

There is a perfect example
Then start responding rationally.

For me to be rational, i should be ignoring you
What is your stance on the war? Is HAMAS right in what they did and why?
it is wrong and NO


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
tenet of zionism

post it, please?

Funny, as more christians are circumcised here in the USA than all of the Jews on the earth combined

It could happen. Perhaps making ritual slaughter illegal is more likely, but still, you understand my point of view? And it's reasonable and plausible? There needs to be an actual Jewish nation otherwise people can make my religion illegal based on popular opinion not objective fact.

Was is that key. The location already exists and well armed. but we can take a bet: After this last weekend, more Jews will move here to the USA than move into israel.

Even if the necessity subsided, that doesn't mean that it should not be available long term. And land has been legally sold to Israelis at this point. I'm not sure how one would go backwards or why one would go backwards.

Let's hypothetically role back the clock? Before the Palestinian mandate the land was conquered by whoeven had the strongest military in the area. If those are the rules, then, the Ottoman empire was defeated. The "winners" decided it would be fair for the Jews to have a sliver of land. Agreed?

If one does not agree with "might-makes-right" wwhich would rolling back the clock, then it's still fair for the Jewish people to have a sliver of land. No matter one looks at it, from any perspective, the Jewish people get a sliver of land.

This is fair.

I know Irgun is not the ism, but they were most definitely 'zionist'

So why use the general term knowing that it is imprecise? Why associate "monster" with zionist?

Can you change the daystar TV show and the stop the rabbid that continue selling the zionist movement? It's so bad now that the programs are trying to get christians to give money and visit 'zion'.

I need more details in order to judge fairly.

Burning homes down and attacking the locals is how that identifier was earned

I need details to judge fairly. I gave you an article showing that the land is being sold to settlers, but the locals do not know to whom they are selling. Then they do not leave. If the home is purchased by a settler, they are free to burn it down to remove those squating there. A large developer can demolish an entire neghborhood and start fresh if they purchased the land.

However if you are looking at current events. This is what I am reading. Out of respect for you, I won't copy-paste the contents. However, based on this the riot was provoked. The settlers are not monsters. They did not retaliate in a monsterous way to the attacks on them.

The reason that I trust this ssource as compared to this other source, see below, is the source above is much more detailed. The source below is sparse. When details are omitted, that signals to me that it is not as reliable.

I watched a palestinian yesterday standing on the rubble of his home that said 'If leave my property, they will say that i have abandoned it, and that is not going to happen'

post it, please.

the word 'zion' is about that stupid hill..... the holy of holies. The idea was learned from the egyptian culture but that is another chapter in which comprehending that Moses was born and raised in egypt. Specifically the house of pharaoh which is how so much culture was assimilated into torah.

That is a religious argument, the origin of zionism is not religious. They were not religious people. Like I said, I think you have your eyes on the wrong target.

I'll put a link here for others who may wish to read it. Zionism rose from the Haskalah movement. Not religious. The religious movement is anti-immigration to Israel, becausse scripture says they are NOT to return until the future king, Moshiach, is revealed.



Well-Known Member
post it, please?
""Traditionally described as "the act of going up" (towards the Jewish holy city of Jerusalem), moving to the Land of Israel or "making aliyah" is one of the most basic tenets of Zionism. The opposite action—emigration by Jews from the Land of Israel—is referred to in the Hebrew language as yerida (lit. 'descent').[1] The Law of Return that was passed by the Israeli parliament in 1950 gives all diaspora Jews, as well as their children and grandchildren, the right to relocate to Israel and acquire Israeli citizenship on the basis of connecting to their Jewish identity.
Perhaps making ritual slaughter illegal is more likely, but still, you understand my point of view? And it's reasonable and plausible? There needs to be an actual Jewish nation otherwise people can make my religion illegal based on popular opinion not objective fact.
The requirement of that temple, is for that alter and the ritual of animal sacrificing. Specifically that 'red heifer'. I do not know how to be kind upon realizing that the need of that site is for that very ritual. An unequivocal disgust rolls thru my heart. Between that comprehension and that so many have died over that site, is why i consider jerusalem the 'city of blood'.

Funny part is, I found that phrase used in one of the interpretations of bible scripture. It almost scared me.

And land has been legally sold to Israelis at this point. I'm not sure how one would go backwards or why one would go backwards.

Israel’s Settlements Have No Legal Validity, Constitute Flagrant Violation of International Law, Security Council Reaffirms""" UN RES 2334​

Trump heights was not a good annexation

The "winners" decided it would be fair for the Jews to have a sliver of land. Agreed?
Sliver.....does not include jerusalem
If one does not agree with "might-makes-right" wwhich would rolling back the clock, then it's still fair for the Jewish people to have a sliver of land. No matter one looks at it, from any perspective, the Jewish people get a sliver of land.

This is fair.
Sliver.................... Why make it appear so menial with the term?
So why use the general term knowing that it is imprecise? Why associate "monster" with zionist?
Because of the terrorism, violence and the oppression of the last 70yrs. I have watched the divide since I was a child and like I said, the sick realization that it's over that location (city of blood) breaks my heart.
I need more details in order to judge fairly.
Just like the news clip that I watched yesterday am with the palestinian standing on the walls of his destroyed home, refusing to leave. I am not going thru recordings to look.

This was from a search:

On Wednesday, dozens of Jewish settlers, some armed, set fire to houses and vehicles in the Palestinian West Bank town of Turmus Ayya, including agricultural areas near the village. According to Israeli security sources, the settlers threw stones and set on fire 15 houses and 30 cars. Jun 24, 2023

Mob of Armed Israeli Settlers Rampage West Bank Palestinian Village of Umm Safa, Burning Houses and Cars​

Over 100 settlers rioted in the town near Ramallah under the protection of Israeli soldiers, the town's mayor told Haaretz. The attack was condemned by Germany's ambassador to Israel who said he was 'shocked by another outbreak of settler violence'
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I need details to judge fairly.

I gave you an article showing that the land is being sold to settlers, but the locals do not know to whom they are selling. Then they do not leave. If the home is purchased by a settler, they are free to burn it down to remove those squating there. A large developer can demolish an entire neghborhood and start fresh if they purchased the land.
Just put this in google............"settlers burn west bank homes"

Then notice how many dates show up not just the labels of the clips.
The settlers are not monsters. They did not retaliate in a monsterous way to the attacks on them.
maybe you can fix that
post it, please.
I have but I prefer trying not to watch the stuff any further. Just like this last weekend, the acts should never have happened and I am not the type to take a side of hate for any soul.
That is a religious argument, the origin of zionism is not religious. They were not religious people. Like I said, I think you have your eyes on the wrong target.
""Zionism, Jewish nationalist movement that has had as its goal the creation and support of a Jewish national state in Palestine, the ancient homeland of the Jews (Hebrew: Eretz Yisraʾel, “the Land of Israel”). """

""Some scholars believe that the name also belonged to the “stronghold of Zion” taken by David (2 Samuel 5:7), which may have been the fortress of the city."""

The religious movement is anti-immigration to Israel, becausse scripture says they are NOT to return until the future king, Moshiach, is revealed.
That is one that I am aware of. But that's a whole other chapter.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
An unequivocal disgust rolls thru my heart

I would like to focus on this. The reason is, you keep returning to the temple even though it is not the subject of our conversation. This indicates to me, You Want to Talk about it. I notice you made mention of "city of blood" in one of your other posts. Your association of "monster" with the zionists. There is a repeated usage and associations of the word "rabbid" ( I'm not sure if you mean "rabid" or "rabbid" ).

It seems like there is an undercurrent of disgust which is an inner-conflict of the heart. When I spoke directly to your heart, you felt it. And it seems that you are looking for needing release of this inner-conflict. Not unlike a hot water tank whose temperature keeps rising, eventually the pressure is released via a spring-loaded safety valve. The decresed pressure reduces the temperature slightly, but, it's still scalding hot in there, and the temperature keeps rising, the cycle continues.

If you want, you are invited to send me a PM where you can be free to release this pressure in a way which is, maybe, not appropriate in the public forum. I genuinely think you would feel better if you can just "let-it-all-out". I won't judge. I'll just listen, and only offer my opinion if there is a prompt to do so. I have my own "hot-water" issues regarding Israel and Judaism, so I can relate to this phenomena. And sometimes it's a great comfort and relief simply to share with others who simply understand. Understand what's being said, the reasons behind them, the thoughts of the mind and the feelings in the heart which naturally accompany them. It's an open ended offer.

If not, we can proceed to discuss the topic here in the public space.


Well-Known Member
I would like to focus on this. The reason is, you keep returning to the temple even though it is not the subject of our conversation.
Zion is that place required for the mislead.
This indicates to me, You Want to Talk about it.
I am well aware that the location is the central problem.
I notice you made mention of "city of blood" in one of your other posts.
Because so much blood has been spilled over that location.
Your association of "monster" with the zionists.
After our discussions, i will reframe from the term monsters and try to leave out the word zionist.

Back to the above.... the term "ZION" is about that fortress and the quest by the mislead to build a temple there.
There is a repeated usage and associations of the word "rabbid" ( I'm not sure if you mean "rabid" or "rabbid" ).
The rabbi that have mislead the Jew to seek, take or require that location are the rabbid (rabid) (foaming at the mouth liars, misleading the good)
It seems like there is an undercurrent of disgust which is an inner-conflict of the heart.
Yep..... the folk causing so much blood letting and disent over that location hurt my heart. You and I both know, only one will create the New jerusalem and I can assure you, promise you that it will not be in palestine/Israel.
When I spoke directly to your heart, you felt it.
I still feel you brother. I wish every soul had your optimistic, kind and loving heart. So far you are the best example of a jew, that i have come across on this website, whether you practice or not.
If not, we can proceed to discuss the topic here in the public space.

I do not mind here as I find that people do evolve when exposed to quality material and methods of discussion.

I even evolve with such discussion and I will always seek to have such discussions with people like you that are capable of such patience and optimism.
In many ways, I am developing a Love for you.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
I do not mind here ...

OK. I'll respond to your post here, hopefully later today,

So far you are the best example of a jew, that i have come across on this website, whether you practice or not.

Thank you. But, be aware, I am overdue for a rather large mistake soon... where I will embarrass myself and degrade this lovely compliment... stay-tuned for that. When I fail, I fail big. The good news, it's usually pretty funny in retrospect. :oops::eek::p:tearsofjoy:


Well-Known Member
OK. I'll respond to your post here, hopefully later today,

Thank you. But, be aware, I am overdue for a rather large mistake soon... where I will embarrass myself and degrade this lovely compliment... stay-tuned for that. When I fail, I fail big. The good news, it's usually pretty funny in retrospect. :oops::eek::p:tearsofjoy:
With LOVE I will lean on the human capability to be patient too.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
So if Israel is supposedly treating Palestine so bad why does the whole world support Israel? I’m tired of hearing it’s complicated. Someone’s wrong in this. Give me a break. Don’t ya think it’s time to get a grip?
When we don't acknowledge complexity, we are unable to find solutions.

Zionism is the support of Israel as a national homeland for the Jews. It is needed because quite frankly we have learned from history that we cannot trust the countries we live in not to exterminate us. This land in the middle east was chosen because, quite frankly, it is the historical homeland of the Jews. We have never had a country in Argentina or China or South Africa. Jewish nations have always been in the Levant.

Back in the 1800s, when Zionists first began returning to the Land, it was basically VACANT. The very very few people that lived there were both Arabs and Jews.

When the Balfour Declaration was made, Arabs in the middle east began freaking out over the prospect of a Jewish state. It is a thing among Muslims that once they dominate a territory, they can never lose it again. They are still stewing over Spain. So at any rate, Arabs from neighboring states began immigrating to Palestine as a tactic to try to thwart the establishment of a Jewish state. What we call the Palestinians today are by and large these immigrant families. Yassir Arafat himself was born in Cairo.

Keep in mind that "Palestine" has always been a territory, not a state. For almost 2000 years, this territory was occupied by various different empires, some of the Muslim, some of them not. We hope that in the future there will be a Palestinian state, but so far, none has ever existed.

I realize I'm skipping over so much. The UN declared Israel a state in 1948, after which it was immediately attacked by neighboring Arab states, but won its independence., after which it was immediately attacked by neighboring Arab states, but won its independence. Since then, it has fought various wars not only against other nations seeking to invade it, but against various Palestinian terrorist groups hell bent on its destruction.

For a long LONG time, Israel tried a strategy known as "Land for Peace." It sought to negotiate a peace with the Palestinians through the creation of a second state of Palestine. After many false starts, Israel offered the Palestinians 95% of what they said they wanted in 2000 during the Camp David summit with Barak, Arafat, and Clinton. ARAFAT WALKED OUT.

Why? Because it was NEVER Arafat's goal to create a Palestinian state next to Israel. He was not negotiating in earnest. His goal was the destruction of Israel, and nothing less.

At that point, seeing that the Palestinians did not really want a two state solution, a LOT of Israelis became disillusioned. The result of this was the rise of the right wing in Israel, and the push for Israel to simply annex the West Bank and deport the Palestinians. I don't want to oversimplify. There are certainly many Israelis who still want a two state solution. But they are not in power.

In Israel, Arab-Israelis have equal rights. There are even Arab-Israelis that are members of the Knesset. But this is not the case in the West Bank. In the West Bank, we essentially have these terrorist settlers attacking and sometimes killing Palestinians, stealing their homes, chopping down their olive orchards, etc. And the IDF looks the other way. The present rightwing fascists in the Israel's governing coalition are actually pushing to increase the settlements. In other words, in the West Bank, Palestinians have second class status to Jews. This is why people level the charge of Apartheid.

Absolutely NONE of that excuses what Hamas did over the weekend. There simply is never any reason good enough to TARGET civilians, rape women lying on the ground next to the dead bodies of their families, behead little babies, etc.

Again, it is complicated. I cannot support Israel cutting off food and water because that targets civilians and is a war crime.

But Israel has every right to protect itself. It is my hope that Israel launches a huge ground attack, going door to door, and doesn't stop until every last member of Hamas is shot. No more taking prisoners!


Well-Known Member
When we don't acknowledge complexity, we are unable to find solutions.
Zionism is the support of Israel as a national homeland for the Jews.
Support? The USA is not a zionist nation and without US israel would not exist.
This land in the middle east was chosen because, quite frankly, it is the historical homeland of the Jews.
Torah, Tanakh, Bible are not historical record.
We have never had a country in Argentina or China or South Africa.
But hertzl did suggest the options.
Jewish nations have always been in the Levant.
JSIL....Jewish State in Levant.......... the foundation of where the opposition got the ISIL from

Israelis have a hard time owning up to that FACT
Back in the 1800s, when Zionists first began returning to the Land, it was basically VACANT.
Jerusalem has never been vacant. That city of blood has always had residents

The very very few people that lived there were both Arabs and Jews.
Correct and many of the Jewish observers were and still are of arab decent.
When the Balfour Declaration was made, Arabs in the middle east began freaking out over the prospect of a Jewish state.

And the irgun began terrorizing the british for not allowing the mass migration to steam roll over the locals.
It is a thing among Muslims that once they dominate a territory, they can never lose it again.
Is that why GAZA is full of the uprooted jerusalem and west bank palestinians? Israelis just remove them by force and then expect them to accept it?
What we call the Palestinians today are by and large these immigrant families.
The same with Israelis, the majority are there because of a aliya. The settlers are living on the palestinian property of the golan heights-west bank Sick part is, they create mod squads of attackers to uproot the palestinians next door with impunit
Keep in mind that "Palestine" has always been a territory, not a state. For almost 2000 years, this territory was occupied by various different empires, some of the Muslim, some of them not. We hope that in the future there will be a Palestinian state, but so far, none has ever existed.

I realize I'm skipping over so much.

The UN declared Israel a state in 1948,
UN res 181

I am betting that israel expected to control and have Jerusalem which was designated by UN RES 181 as a Neutral city. Then in 1967, israel took the city as a sort of retribution.
Israelis became disillusioned.
So am I by reading the layers of that comment.

The result of this was the rise of the right wing in Israel, and the push for Israel to simply annex the West Bank and deport the Palestinians.
Careful, as genocide is not an option.
In Israel, Arab-Israelis have equal rights.
Then what are the fences representing, equal but no dating.
In the West Bank, we essentially have these terrorist settlers attacking and sometimes killing Palestinians, stealing their homes, chopping down their olive orchards, etc. And the IDF looks the other way.
You wont see those words on TV or have the big bibi nutlessyahoo doing a darn thing to stop it

In other words, in the West Bank, Palestinians have second class status to Jews.

The evidence of the inequalities. You would think that israel could not let that happen to any soul, since jews have had the same problem (as you mentioned above)
This is why people level the charge of Apartheid.
No, it is not what's happening in the west bank or golan but the very creation of GAZA (concentration camp)
Absolutely NONE of that excuses what Hamas did over the weekend.
agreed. But likewise, NOTHING excuses israel of allowing the settlers to harm civilians of the west bank.
There simply is never any reason good enough to TARGET civilians, rape women lying on the ground next to the dead bodies of their families, behead little babies, etc.

Agreed......... ZERO excuse.
Again, it is complicated. I cannot support Israel cutting off food and water because that targets civilians and is a war crime.
Yep................ the concentration camp (GAZA) already has problems with food, water, power and chasing the HAMAS does not mean destroying GAZA beyond the capability to repair
But Israel has every right to protect itself.
Retaliations and retribution is not defense.
It is my hope that Israel launches a huge ground attack, going door to door, and doesn't stop until every last member of Hamas is shot. No more taking prisoners!

get them out of there but please do not shoot everyone as suspect. It's bad enough that the majority of GAZA is about 18 yrs old or less

They have very few adults to educate them children to stop hating. and if another generation loses their parents, it will just reoccur.


Veteran Member
When we don't acknowledge complexity, we are unable to find solutions.

Zionism is the support of Israel as a national homeland for the Jews. It is needed because quite frankly we have learned from history that we cannot trust the countries we live in not to exterminate us. This land in the middle east was chosen because, quite frankly, it is the historical homeland of the Jews. We have never had a country in Argentina or China or South Africa. Jewish nations have always been in the Levant.

Back in the 1800s, when Zionists first began returning to the Land, it was basically VACANT. The very very few people that lived there were both Arabs and Jews.

When the Balfour Declaration was made, Arabs in the middle east began freaking out over the prospect of a Jewish state. It is a thing among Muslims that once they dominate a territory, they can never lose it again. They are still stewing over Spain. So at any rate, Arabs from neighboring states began immigrating to Palestine as a tactic to try to thwart the establishment of a Jewish state. What we call the Palestinians today are by and large these immigrant families. Yassir Arafat himself was born in Cairo.

Keep in mind that "Palestine" has always been a territory, not a state. For almost 2000 years, this territory was occupied by various different empires, some of the Muslim, some of them not. We hope that in the future there will be a Palestinian state, but so far, none has ever existed.

I realize I'm skipping over so much. The UN declared Israel a state in 1948, after which it was immediately attacked by neighboring Arab states, but won its independence., after which it was immediately attacked by neighboring Arab states, but won its independence. Since then, it has fought various wars not only against other nations seeking to invade it, but against various Palestinian terrorist groups hell bent on its destruction.

For a long LONG time, Israel tried a strategy known as "Land for Peace." It sought to negotiate a peace with the Palestinians through the creation of a second state of Palestine. After many false starts, Israel offered the Palestinians 95% of what they said they wanted in 2000 during the Camp David summit with Barak, Arafat, and Clinton. ARAFAT WALKED OUT.

Why? Because it was NEVER Arafat's goal to create a Palestinian state next to Israel. He was not negotiating in earnest. His goal was the destruction of Israel, and nothing less.

At that point, seeing that the Palestinians did not really want a two state solution, a LOT of Israelis became disillusioned. The result of this was the rise of the right wing in Israel, and the push for Israel to simply annex the West Bank and deport the Palestinians. I don't want to oversimplify. There are certainly many Israelis who still want a two state solution. But they are not in power.

In Israel, Arab-Israelis have equal rights. There are even Arab-Israelis that are members of the Knesset. But this is not the case in the West Bank. In the West Bank, we essentially have these terrorist settlers attacking and sometimes killing Palestinians, stealing their homes, chopping down their olive orchards, etc. And the IDF looks the other way. The present rightwing fascists in the Israel's governing coalition are actually pushing to increase the settlements. In other words, in the West Bank, Palestinians have second class status to Jews. This is why people level the charge of Apartheid.

Absolutely NONE of that excuses what Hamas did over the weekend. There simply is never any reason good enough to TARGET civilians, rape women lying on the ground next to the dead bodies of their families, behead little babies, etc.

Again, it is complicated. I cannot support Israel cutting off food and water because that targets civilians and is a war crime.

But Israel has every right to protect itself. It is my hope that Israel launches a huge ground attack, going door to door, and doesn't stop until every last member of Hamas is shot. No more taking prisoners!
95%? Why not the 100?


Veteran Member
When we don't acknowledge complexity, we are unable to find solutions.

Zionism is the support of Israel as a national homeland for the Jews. It is needed because quite frankly we have learned from history that we cannot trust the countries we live in not to exterminate us. This land in the middle east was chosen because, quite frankly, it is the historical homeland of the Jews. We have never had a country in Argentina or China or South Africa. Jewish nations have always been in the Levant.

Back in the 1800s, when Zionists first began returning to the Land, it was basically VACANT. The very very few people that lived there were both Arabs and Jews.

When the Balfour Declaration was made, Arabs in the middle east began freaking out over the prospect of a Jewish state. It is a thing among Muslims that once they dominate a territory, they can never lose it again. They are still stewing over Spain. So at any rate, Arabs from neighboring states began immigrating to Palestine as a tactic to try to thwart the establishment of a Jewish state. What we call the Palestinians today are by and large these immigrant families. Yassir Arafat himself was born in Cairo.

Keep in mind that "Palestine" has always been a territory, not a state. For almost 2000 years, this territory was occupied by various different empires, some of the Muslim, some of them not. We hope that in the future there will be a Palestinian state, but so far, none has ever existed.

I realize I'm skipping over so much. The UN declared Israel a state in 1948, after which it was immediately attacked by neighboring Arab states, but won its independence., after which it was immediately attacked by neighboring Arab states, but won its independence. Since then, it has fought various wars not only against other nations seeking to invade it, but against various Palestinian terrorist groups hell bent on its destruction.

For a long LONG time, Israel tried a strategy known as "Land for Peace." It sought to negotiate a peace with the Palestinians through the creation of a second state of Palestine. After many false starts, Israel offered the Palestinians 95% of what they said they wanted in 2000 during the Camp David summit with Barak, Arafat, and Clinton. ARAFAT WALKED OUT.

Why? Because it was NEVER Arafat's goal to create a Palestinian state next to Israel. He was not negotiating in earnest. His goal was the destruction of Israel, and nothing less.

At that point, seeing that the Palestinians did not really want a two state solution, a LOT of Israelis became disillusioned. The result of this was the rise of the right wing in Israel, and the push for Israel to simply annex the West Bank and deport the Palestinians. I don't want to oversimplify. There are certainly many Israelis who still want a two state solution. But they are not in power.

In Israel, Arab-Israelis have equal rights. There are even Arab-Israelis that are members of the Knesset. But this is not the case in the West Bank. In the West Bank, we essentially have these terrorist settlers attacking and sometimes killing Palestinians, stealing their homes, chopping down their olive orchards, etc. And the IDF looks the other way. The present rightwing fascists in the Israel's governing coalition are actually pushing to increase the settlements. In other words, in the West Bank, Palestinians have second class status to Jews. This is why people level the charge of Apartheid.

Absolutely NONE of that excuses what Hamas did over the weekend. There simply is never any reason good enough to TARGET civilians, rape women lying on the ground next to the dead bodies of their families, behead little babies, etc.

Again, it is complicated. I cannot support Israel cutting off food and water because that targets civilians and is a war crime.

But Israel has every right to protect itself. It is my hope that Israel launches a huge ground attack, going door to door, and doesn't stop until every last member of Hamas is shot. No more taking prisoners!
Let me guess the 5% not given was the best part


Veteran Member
When we don't acknowledge complexity, we are unable to find solutions.

Zionism is the support of Israel as a national homeland for the Jews. It is needed because quite frankly we have learned from history that we cannot trust the countries we live in not to exterminate us. This land in the middle east was chosen because, quite frankly, it is the historical homeland of the Jews. We have never had a country in Argentina or China or South Africa. Jewish nations have always been in the Levant.

Back in the 1800s, when Zionists first began returning to the Land, it was basically VACANT. The very very few people that lived there were both Arabs and Jews.

When the Balfour Declaration was made, Arabs in the middle east began freaking out over the prospect of a Jewish state. It is a thing among Muslims that once they dominate a territory, they can never lose it again. They are still stewing over Spain. So at any rate, Arabs from neighboring states began immigrating to Palestine as a tactic to try to thwart the establishment of a Jewish state. What we call the Palestinians today are by and large these immigrant families. Yassir Arafat himself was born in Cairo.

Keep in mind that "Palestine" has always been a territory, not a state. For almost 2000 years, this territory was occupied by various different empires, some of the Muslim, some of them not. We hope that in the future there will be a Palestinian state, but so far, none has ever existed.

I realize I'm skipping over so much. The UN declared Israel a state in 1948, after which it was immediately attacked by neighboring Arab states, but won its independence., after which it was immediately attacked by neighboring Arab states, but won its independence. Since then, it has fought various wars not only against other nations seeking to invade it, but against various Palestinian terrorist groups hell bent on its destruction.

For a long LONG time, Israel tried a strategy known as "Land for Peace." It sought to negotiate a peace with the Palestinians through the creation of a second state of Palestine. After many false starts, Israel offered the Palestinians 95% of what they said they wanted in 2000 during the Camp David summit with Barak, Arafat, and Clinton. ARAFAT WALKED OUT.

Why? Because it was NEVER Arafat's goal to create a Palestinian state next to Israel. He was not negotiating in earnest. His goal was the destruction of Israel, and nothing less.

At that point, seeing that the Palestinians did not really want a two state solution, a LOT of Israelis became disillusioned. The result of this was the rise of the right wing in Israel, and the push for Israel to simply annex the West Bank and deport the Palestinians. I don't want to oversimplify. There are certainly many Israelis who still want a two state solution. But they are not in power.

In Israel, Arab-Israelis have equal rights. There are even Arab-Israelis that are members of the Knesset. But this is not the case in the West Bank. In the West Bank, we essentially have these terrorist settlers attacking and sometimes killing Palestinians, stealing their homes, chopping down their olive orchards, etc. And the IDF looks the other way. The present rightwing fascists in the Israel's governing coalition are actually pushing to increase the settlements. In other words, in the West Bank, Palestinians have second class status to Jews. This is why people level the charge of Apartheid.

Absolutely NONE of that excuses what Hamas did over the weekend. There simply is never any reason good enough to TARGET civilians, rape women lying on the ground next to the dead bodies of their families, behead little babies, etc.

Again, it is complicated. I cannot support Israel cutting off food and water because that targets civilians and is a war crime.

But Israel has every right to protect itself. It is my hope that Israel launches a huge ground attack, going door to door, and doesn't stop until every last member of Hamas is shot. No more taking prisoners!
I don’t blame them for becoming disillusioned but they still allowed a right wing to rise up and displace people from their homes. Sounds like they made a critical error and should get rid of the right wing and allow Palestinians to return to their homes in the West Bank no?


Veteran Member
When we don't acknowledge complexity, we are unable to find solutions.

Zionism is the support of Israel as a national homeland for the Jews. It is needed because quite frankly we have learned from history that we cannot trust the countries we live in not to exterminate us. This land in the middle east was chosen because, quite frankly, it is the historical homeland of the Jews. We have never had a country in Argentina or China or South Africa. Jewish nations have always been in the Levant.

Back in the 1800s, when Zionists first began returning to the Land, it was basically VACANT. The very very few people that lived there were both Arabs and Jews.

When the Balfour Declaration was made, Arabs in the middle east began freaking out over the prospect of a Jewish state. It is a thing among Muslims that once they dominate a territory, they can never lose it again. They are still stewing over Spain. So at any rate, Arabs from neighboring states began immigrating to Palestine as a tactic to try to thwart the establishment of a Jewish state. What we call the Palestinians today are by and large these immigrant families. Yassir Arafat himself was born in Cairo.

Keep in mind that "Palestine" has always been a territory, not a state. For almost 2000 years, this territory was occupied by various different empires, some of the Muslim, some of them not. We hope that in the future there will be a Palestinian state, but so far, none has ever existed.

I realize I'm skipping over so much. The UN declared Israel a state in 1948, after which it was immediately attacked by neighboring Arab states, but won its independence., after which it was immediately attacked by neighboring Arab states, but won its independence. Since then, it has fought various wars not only against other nations seeking to invade it, but against various Palestinian terrorist groups hell bent on its destruction.

For a long LONG time, Israel tried a strategy known as "Land for Peace." It sought to negotiate a peace with the Palestinians through the creation of a second state of Palestine. After many false starts, Israel offered the Palestinians 95% of what they said they wanted in 2000 during the Camp David summit with Barak, Arafat, and Clinton. ARAFAT WALKED OUT.

Why? Because it was NEVER Arafat's goal to create a Palestinian state next to Israel. He was not negotiating in earnest. His goal was the destruction of Israel, and nothing less.

At that point, seeing that the Palestinians did not really want a two state solution, a LOT of Israelis became disillusioned. The result of this was the rise of the right wing in Israel, and the push for Israel to simply annex the West Bank and deport the Palestinians. I don't want to oversimplify. There are certainly many Israelis who still want a two state solution. But they are not in power.

In Israel, Arab-Israelis have equal rights. There are even Arab-Israelis that are members of the Knesset. But this is not the case in the West Bank. In the West Bank, we essentially have these terrorist settlers attacking and sometimes killing Palestinians, stealing their homes, chopping down their olive orchards, etc. And the IDF looks the other way. The present rightwing fascists in the Israel's governing coalition are actually pushing to increase the settlements. In other words, in the West Bank, Palestinians have second class status to Jews. This is why people level the charge of Apartheid.

Absolutely NONE of that excuses what Hamas did over the weekend. There simply is never any reason good enough to TARGET civilians, rape women lying on the ground next to the dead bodies of their families, behead little babies, etc.

Again, it is complicated. I cannot support Israel cutting off food and water because that targets civilians and is a war crime.

But Israel has every right to protect itself. It is my hope that Israel launches a huge ground attack, going door to door, and doesn't stop until every last member of Hamas is shot. No more taking prisoners!
U say complicated but from what you told me it sounds like Israel made a critical error. Shouldn’t they have kept holding out for a two state solution before displacing families? I can see why there’s friction now. I don’t condone war however


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
""Traditionally described as "the act of going up" (towards the Jewish holy city of Jerusalem), moving to the Land of Israel or "making aliyah" is one of the most basic tenets of Zionism. The opposite action—emigration by Jews from the Land of Israel—is referred to in the Hebrew language as yerida (lit. 'descent').[1] The Law of Return that was passed by the Israeli parliament in 1950 gives all diaspora Jews, as well as their children and grandchildren, the right to relocate to Israel and acquire Israeli citizenship on the basis of connecting to their Jewish identity.

OK. Thank you, I can explain what this means in the common American Jewish community, but, I'm not sure you would believe me. But, at the very least, "Making Aliyah" is not how I understand the words "global migration".

The requirement of that temple, is for that alter and the ritual of animal sacrificing. Specifically that 'red heifer'. I do not know how to be kind upon realizing that the need of that site is for that very ritual. An unequivocal disgust rolls thru my heart. Between that comprehension and that so many have died over that site, is why i consider jerusalem the 'city of blood'.

Funny part is, I found that phrase used in one of the interpretations of bible scripture. It almost scared me.

Ahhhhh. Sorry. When I say ritual slaughter, I am talking about Kosher meat production distribution and importation in the USA. There are a few countries which have done this. The facts are on the side of permitting Kosher meat production distribution and importation if it regulated properly, but, that doesn't stop people from making anti-Jewish legislation in the guise of animal-rights.

A Jewish Homeland is needed because, no one is going to protect the Jewish people and our right to be Jewish besides ourselves. Being ourselves and being left alone makes people angry. We don't want to be part of their club, clique, or world-order. And this frustrates people. "Why do you Jews have to be so Jewish... arggggh!!!!"


Israel’s Settlements Have No Legal Validity, Constitute Flagrant Violation of International Law, Security Council Reaffirms""" UN RES 2334​

Trump heights was not a good annexation

Except that's not what I posted about. Not "settlements", I was talking about palestinians selling their property. And this UN resoltuons is from 2016 almost 10 years ago.

AND. Big picture:

Are you expecting me to defer to your sources as unbiased and accurate simply because they're anti-Israel? Or is it that I should defer to your sources because as you wrote: "you have 50+ years of experience watching these sorts of events unfold?"

Is it fair to disregard Pro-Israel sources and while simultaneously automatically placing faith in the anti-Israel sources. Right or wrong, true or false, the UN has a pattern of being anti-Israel. i think there is a valuable discussion which can be had, but it needs to be fair. If you are open to it, I'll share how my spouse and I are trying to, as I said, fill in the details of our understanding which up to now has been just to borders, outlines, and topic-headings of the on-going Middle-East conflict.

Sliver.....does not include jerusalem.

Right! What are the implications of this regarding the roots of zionism. Can you imagine any Jewish religious zealot settling for a plan which did not include jerusalem?

Sliver.................... Why make it appear so menial with the term?

Because it's not greedy to desire a sliver of land. The feelings of disgust seem to be directed towards an image of a perople who have a ravenous insatiable appetite. ( Is that part of the foaming at the mouth rabid rabbi you described? )

Because of the terrorism, violence and the oppression of the last 70yrs. I have watched the divide since I was a child and like I said, the sick realization that it's over that location (city of blood) breaks my heart.

Have you considered that you have been given only one side? Or perhaps only one side resonates with you? I was raised with a completely different narrative where rockets are launched into cafes, crazed shooters attack cars of innocent people. Bombs, many bombs.

Are you aware of the stories coming out of the kibbutzim? These are currrent events. Do you know what is being reported. Out of respect for you, I am not going to type it or link to the articles. But, as a parent, I cannot describe the feeling I have even considering the atrocity. This is tthe worst of the worst of the worst. And the pictures were sent to the grandmother to show her what they did? And not just one occurance of this? many others? more than 20?

Of course people will say it's fake, but these things are difficult to fake. Rockets are impossible to fake. Blood and bodies are impossible to fake.

My question is: are you able to consider this opposing narrative? If you consider it all fake, will you respect my perspective if it considers the anti-Israel narrative all fake?

Just like the news clip that I watched yesterday am with the palestinian standing on the walls of his destroyed home, refusing to leave. I am not going thru recordings to look.

This was from a search:

On Wednesday, dozens of Jewish settlers, some armed, set fire to houses and vehicles in the Palestinian West Bank town of Turmus Ayya, including agricultural areas near the village. According to Israeli security sources, the settlers threw stones and set on fire 15 houses and 30 cars. Jun 24, 2023

Mob of Armed Israeli Settlers Rampage West Bank Palestinian Village of Umm Safa, Burning Houses and Cars​

Over 100 settlers rioted in the town near Ramallah under the protection of Israeli soldiers, the town's mayor told Haaretz. The attack was condemned by Germany's ambassador to Israel who said he was 'shocked by another outbreak of settler violence'
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Facebook. Gettting news from social media, in my opinion is not news at all. It's targetted advertising. It is designed to keep users on their platform and it feeds them whatever they desire to accomplish that goal.

Yes. I most certainly researched it as soon as you told me about it. I think I posted those search results. But I know you don't read the links. Maybe I posted that in another later post, and there's a reply to it? Oh! I think you replied to it a few lines down.

maybe you can fix that

I can't fix anything if anti-Israeli crazed gunmen shoot into a cars with innocent people including children and this is ignored by those who are anti-Israel and ignore anything that doesn't agree with that. That s what happened prior to the riot.

I don't think you understand. Itt's too late to fix anything. Hamas made a huge mistake attacking the way they did. There's certain lines that cannot be crossed. When it comes to harming innocent children, that's it for me. And I'm not alone. The zionists did not go after children. They didn't harm a soul. You're talking to me a property damage? Which is in response for shooting at an innocent family at point blank range?

I don't care if a person or group has been unfairly oppressed for generations, when it comes to certain types of atrocities, I become a very cold and dangerous minded individual. It's not about revenge, it's not about torture, it's not about wrath. It's about "lights out" for the individual or individuals who are capable of doing those sorts of things.

There are certain lines which cannot be crossed.

That said, I can also unflip that switch. And consider what it means if the story is fake ( inspite of how unlikely that is ). But I'm not going to play that game unless you are also willing the play that game with me.

Sorry, I'm still deeply disturbed about it, clearly. And it's late for me in my little safe corner of america. I need to try to finish this up and settle down. I see I have another post of yours to reply to. That will be first on the agenda tomorrow morning.

I have but I prefer trying not to watch the stuff any further. Just like this last weekend, the acts should never have happened and I am not the type to take a side of hate for any soul.

If you don't post it then we can't discuss what happened. And then it's really just you venting about something that is deeply troubling you. Which is fine. I told you I wouldd listen, and I intend to keep my word. But if you ask for feedback, the answer will always be the same. I can't judge it without more details.

""Zionism, Jewish nationalist movement that has had as its goal the creation and support of a Jewish national state in Palestine, the ancient homeland of the Jews (Hebrew: Eretz Yisraʾel, “the Land of Israel”). """

""Some scholars believe that the name also belonged to the “stronghold of Zion” taken by David (2 Samuel 5:7), which may have been the fortress of the city."""

That's just a name. It's not anything religious. The zionists were Haskalah. They implemented Hebrew ( the holy language ) for mundane matters. Their not religious zealots. But, hopefully we can get to a point where we are discussing root causes, instead of trying to negotiate who's narrative is "falser".

That is one that I am aware of. But that's a whole other chapter.

It's actually important, imo. very. but, I'm going to bed. g'night.
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So if Israel is supposedly treating Palestine so bad why does the whole world support Israel? I’m tired of hearing it’s complicated. Someone’s wrong in this. Give me a break. Don’t ya think it’s time to get a grip?
The dehumanization of the middle east runs deep. The US has killed countless over lies and for political business interests. People generally still support the US. The treatment of the Palestinians by Israel isn't even the controversial part of this issue. Also the "whole world" is a huge stretch. The US and a few staunch allies for sure but not the whole world by any means.


Well-Known Member
And this UN resoltuons is from 2016 almost 10 years ago.
What about UN REs 476 and 478 from 1980. Just that mean because the wrong lasted so long that it is not important?
AND. Big picture:

Are you expecting me to defer to your sources as unbiased and accurate simply because they're anti-Israel?
Red Flag..... the UN the global community. And using that as a reason not to accept law and order, is rude.
Or is it that I should defer to your sources because as you wrote: "you have 50+ years of experience watching these sorts of events unfold?"
I am consistent and just like the 67 land grab, Israel has done some horrid wrongs.
Is it fair to disregard Pro-Israel sources and while simultaneously automatically placing faith in the anti-Israel sources. Right or wrong, true or false, the UN has a pattern of being anti-Israel.
But you dont see the pattern as perhaps what israel has done is wrong? Everyone comprehends that if a person sells their land, it's their choice but non one sold jerusalem, or the golan to israel. Just as there is no temple on that mount, why change the name?
What are the implications of this regarding the roots of zionism.
I thought we are trying to remove that term in our discussion Can you imagine any Jewish religious zealot settling for a plan which did not include jerusalem?
Can you imagine any Jewish religious zealot settling for a plan which did not include jerusalem?
Sure, the actual student would have read the warnings of tanach and know better than to even touch the city, especially by force.
Because it's not greedy to desire a sliver of land. The feelings of disgust seem to be directed towards an image of a perople who have a ravenous insatiable appetite. ( Is that part of the foaming at the mouth rabid rabbi you described? )
About like requiring Jerusalem. Not to mention the 'everyone hates me' claims and actually teach such rubbish.
Have you considered that you have been given only one side?
Given? Sorry, I have too much history and time on this earth and far too much care to simply roll over to one side.
Or perhaps only one side resonates with you?
pot kettle black
My question is: are you able to consider this opposing narrative? If you consider it all fake, will you respect my perspective if it considers the anti-Israel narrative all fake?
I do observe both sides. Do you see the palestinians having been demonized and hated or are you expecting me to believe the one sided narrative, that 'everyone hates us'
Facebook. Gettting news from social media, in my opinion is not news at all. It's targetted advertising. It is designed to keep users on their platform and it feeds them whatever they desire to accomplish that goal.
I know and why i dont even use it.
I don't think you understand. Itt's too late to fix anything.
Apparently, as even you think the world is against or Anti-israel. The idea that jerusalem is required or the fear of not having kosher prepared food is relevant, and then claiming that the UN is anti........ is sad to read
I don't care if a person or group has been unfairly oppressed for generations, when it comes to certain types of atrocities,
Imagine if you told yourself that about Jews.

I become a very cold and dangerous minded individual.

It's about "lights out" for the individual or individuals who are capable of doing those sorts of things.

It's actually important, imo. very. but, I'm going to bed. g'night.
it's morning for me.


Veteran Member
When we don't acknowledge complexity, we are unable to find solutions.

Zionism is the support of Israel as a national homeland for the Jews. It is needed because quite frankly we have learned from history that we cannot trust the countries we live in not to exterminate us. This land in the middle east was chosen because, quite frankly, it is the historical homeland of the Jews. We have never had a country in Argentina or China or South Africa. Jewish nations have always been in the Levant.

Back in the 1800s, when Zionists first began returning to the Land, it was basically VACANT. The very very few people that lived there were both Arabs and Jews.

When the Balfour Declaration was made, Arabs in the middle east began freaking out over the prospect of a Jewish state. It is a thing among Muslims that once they dominate a territory, they can never lose it again. They are still stewing over Spain. So at any rate, Arabs from neighboring states began immigrating to Palestine as a tactic to try to thwart the establishment of a Jewish state. What we call the Palestinians today are by and large these immigrant families. Yassir Arafat himself was born in Cairo.

Keep in mind that "Palestine" has always been a territory, not a state. For almost 2000 years, this territory was occupied by various different empires, some of the Muslim, some of them not. We hope that in the future there will be a Palestinian state, but so far, none has ever existed.

I realize I'm skipping over so much. The UN declared Israel a state in 1948, after which it was immediately attacked by neighboring Arab states, but won its independence., after which it was immediately attacked by neighboring Arab states, but won its independence. Since then, it has fought various wars not only against other nations seeking to invade it, but against various Palestinian terrorist groups hell bent on its destruction.

For a long LONG time, Israel tried a strategy known as "Land for Peace." It sought to negotiate a peace with the Palestinians through the creation of a second state of Palestine. After many false starts, Israel offered the Palestinians 95% of what they said they wanted in 2000 during the Camp David summit with Barak, Arafat, and Clinton. ARAFAT WALKED OUT.

Why? Because it was NEVER Arafat's goal to create a Palestinian state next to Israel. He was not negotiating in earnest. His goal was the destruction of Israel, and nothing less.

At that point, seeing that the Palestinians did not really want a two state solution, a LOT of Israelis became disillusioned. The result of this was the rise of the right wing in Israel, and the push for Israel to simply annex the West Bank and deport the Palestinians. I don't want to oversimplify. There are certainly many Israelis who still want a two state solution. But they are not in power.

In Israel, Arab-Israelis have equal rights. There are even Arab-Israelis that are members of the Knesset. But this is not the case in the West Bank. In the West Bank, we essentially have these terrorist settlers attacking and sometimes killing Palestinians, stealing their homes, chopping down their olive orchards, etc. And the IDF looks the other way. The present rightwing fascists in the Israel's governing coalition are actually pushing to increase the settlements. In other words, in the West Bank, Palestinians have second class status to Jews. This is why people level the charge of Apartheid.

Absolutely NONE of that excuses what Hamas did over the weekend. There simply is never any reason good enough to TARGET civilians, rape women lying on the ground next to the dead bodies of their families, behead little babies, etc.

Again, it is complicated. I cannot support Israel cutting off food and water because that targets civilians and is a war crime.

But Israel has every right to protect itself. It is my hope that Israel launches a huge ground attack, going door to door, and doesn't stop until every last member of Hamas is shot. No more taking prisoners!
So what was the 5% that Israel didn’t want to give the Palestinians?