1. The fact is that homosexuals do not live as long as heterosexuals due to the health risks associated with the lifestyle, and billions of dollars are spent annually in health care for them.
This fact isn't supported here, but let's say it's cromulent....
Consider the consequences of government prohibiting marriage for any group which doesn't live as long.
This would also affect: dwarfs, the disabled, black folk, smokers, the obese
Your criterion fails due to reductio ad absurdum.
2. Legalizing gay marriage in virtually heterosexual society means having the morals of the minority forced upon the majority.
3. The percentage of homosexuals in society is less than 5%, yet it is being forced upon the other 95% of society in movies, TV, literature, and politics.
If anti-gay marriage types aren't forced to marry same sex spouses, how is it forced upon them?
4. Spiritual issues are extremely important to a vast majority of our society, and the stress imposed on religious people by forcing them to accept and/or support homosexual practice and/or intimidate them into silence harms a person's spiritual and emotional health.
There's an easy solution here.
Any one who is spiritually harmed by gay marriages need only look away, & mind their own business.
But if you believe spiritual sensibilities should confer governmental power to ban anything offensive,
then this poses great problems....
- Whose spiritual sensibilities should prevail?
- To what extent can the potentially offended go to prevent their being offended?
Bear in mind that many could find your particular religion offensive, not just heathens, but even other religious folk.
Would you accept their prohibitions of your own traditions, beliefs & practices which don't harm anyone else?
5. Homosexuality is being force-fed to our youth via the education system." It is immoral, and we are indoctrinating our children with immorality.
Presuming this is factual, gay marriage doesn't cause it.
Moreover, it would be an educational problem rather than a legality of marriage issue.
6. Civil unions are being recognized by employers which affects co-workers, money payouts, work time, etc.
Civil unions don't hold the same legal standing, nor do they satisfy the spiritual needs of those wishing to marry.
7. While it is not wrong to force morality on individuals in a society, such as in the case of rape, murder, pedophilia, and formerly homosexuality, altering morals in a society definitely causes stress. And stress is harmful to everyone and in this case, detrimental to society.
Such stress is self imposed.
Those whose health is so damaged by awareness of gay marriage should consider therapy,
rather than expecting everyone else to alter their beliefs & behavior to suit.
Consider this in light of all the SJW university students who want speech regulation & censorship
to create a "safe space" wherein they won't feel or slighted by what others say & believe.
Are the faithful as fragile as these fragile little snowflakes who expect everyone else to cater to them?