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North Carolina Magistrate refuses to marry interracial couple.

Let me assume for the moment there is no God...no creator...
Tell me why woman ought not be banned from voting, or why slavery ought not be permitted?

Do unto others as you wish done unto you. Sound familiar? Would you like to be told you couldn't vote in the country you reside? No, you wouldn't, so you can't take that right away from others unless you are prepared to have it taken from you in return. Would you like to be a slave? No, you wouldn't, so running around enslaving people would be rather hypocritical yes? Its really not that difficult to understand. Also, Jesus did not invent the golden rule. The golden rule was taught centuries before Christ showed up by the Buddha. The golden rule is also just common sense. Anyone who possesses common sense and good will toward their fellow man AND woman would want to live under a system that follows the golden rule. Just saying.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Hitler was stopped. Mussolini was arrested and stopped. Stalin was killed, poisoned. They were all stopped. They're all dead.
Of course they're all dead. Everyone dies. What's your point?
As I always say, there are consequences for our actions.
Not always. Many Nazis, some of the worst of them, lived to a ripe old age and died peacefully and comfortably in their own homes, never facing any consequences for the horrors they committed.
We must do what we believe is right, considering all the consequences. If others should decide we are wrong to do what we choose to do, it is up to them to stop us.
ISIS believes that what they are doing is right. Obviously it isn't. Ed Gein thought he was doing right, but clearly he wasn't.
If you don't like what I'm saying, then stop me from saying it.
Why would I stop you from saying it? You can say whatever you want.
I disagree. The pro-gay marriage types are losing a great deal
How are we loosing when we just won our largest victory yet?
They believe they suffer no harm.
Their is no harm.
1. The fact is that homosexuals do not live as long as heterosexuals due to the health risks associated with the lifestyle, and billions of dollars are spent annually in health care for them.
That does not equally apply to all homosexuals, only those who are not practicing safe sex, which is typically young homosexual men. Homosexual women actually don't catch or pass diseases at the same rate of homosexual men or even heterosexuals. And, of course, our life style of driving motor vehicles is extremely dangerous, very deadly, and very costly, but no one protests that.
2. Legalizing gay marriage in virtually heterosexual society means having the morals of the minority forced upon the majority.
A majority of Americans support same-sex marriage. And even those that don't are not being forced to accept it. They aren't being forced to be married to someone of the same sex, and they don't even have to like or support homosexuality.
3. The percentage of homosexuals in society is less than 5%, yet it is being forced upon the other 95% of society in movies, TV, literature, and politics.
According to many studies the percentage of homosexuals is actually closer to between 10 and 25 percent. And how is it being forced on you in movies, TV, and so on? That's no different than complaining that Asian or British culture is being forced on you, "black culture" is being forced on you in the media, all sorts of religions are being forced on you. Why shouldn't such things reflect reality? And reality is is that some people are homosexual. If this offends you, then you should probably reevaluate your beliefs and positions.
4. Spiritual issues are extremely important to a vast majority of our society, and the stress imposed on religious people by forcing them to accept and/or support homosexual practice and/or intimidate them into silence harms a person's spiritual and emotional health.
There are no churches being forced to host homosexual marriages and no pastors being forced to conduct them. Spiritual issues are very important to most people, but those issues, what they define as god, as their religion, and their morality, do not equally or universally apply. Because of this, we must make laws that are the most simple that preserve and maximize freedom for the most people. Because only some religions, some denominations, and some churches condemn homosexuality, and because some churches are indifferent, and because some are fully welcoming and supportive, it was decided that neither group should be granted favoritism and special treatment, thus those who are against homosexuality can still foam at the mouth over and spew their venom out to the masses, those who welcome homosexuals into their house of worship may do so, but no one is bound to the laws and policies of any group, and this includes homosexuals who are only being denied by one of those three groups.
5. Homosexuality is being force-fed to our youth via the education system." It is immoral, and we are indoctrinating our children with immorality.
What's wrong with teaching children that some people are homosexual? Why the double standard that we can have love stories of Knights and Princesses in school (something that actually is damaging by promoting archiac views that repress women and put them in roles of weakness, submissiveness, and in need of saving as they are incapable themselves).
6. Civil unions are being recognized by employers which affects co-workers, money payouts, work time, etc.
No differently than heterosexual marriage.
7. While it is not wrong to force morality on individuals in a society, such as in the case of rape, murder, pedophilia, and formerly homosexuality, altering morals in a society definitely causes stress. And stress is harmful to everyone and in this case, detrimental to society.
Morality isn't being changed. We value freedom, and we have granted it to a minority that was being denied a freedom that is readily given to others, and we granted them this freedom because they were being subjected to a religious morality that they do not believe in. If this is causing you stress and harm, you really need to rethink your life and be more concerned about your own life and less obsessed with what others are doing, because it isn't causing you any harm.


Well-Known Member
Do unto others as you wish done unto you. Sound familiar? Would you like to be told you couldn't vote in the country you reside? No, you wouldn't, so you can't take that right away from others unless you are prepared to have it taken from you in return. Would you like to be a slave? No, you wouldn't, so running around enslaving people would be rather hypocritical yes? Its really not that difficult to understand. Also, Jesus did not invent the golden rule. The golden rule was taught centuries before Christ showed up by the Buddha. The golden rule is also just common sense. Anyone who possesses common sense and good will toward their fellow man AND woman would want to live under a system that follows the golden rule. Just saying.
Well, considering that you have answered all your questions to me yourself, I suppose you are not interested in a truthful answer from me. See it as you like.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
So when an Islamic extremist murders your family, you ought have no recourse as they did no physical harm to you. You do not defend others, just yourself. Is that right?
This analogy is a non-sequitur,
And the apparent conclusions drawn are wrong.
- Gay marriage is not even remotely comparable to murder.
- Introducing Islam is a red herring.
- The word, "excuse", does not applly.
- Extremists would have a hard time with my family, as we & our neighbors are well armed.


yawn <ignore> yawn
Legalizing gay marriage in virtually heterosexual society means having the morals of the minority forced upon the majority.
3. The percentage of homosexuals in society is less than 5%, yet it is being forced upon the other 95% of society in movies, TV, literature, and politics.
Fortunately, this is demonstrably false.
A substantial and growing majority in the USA are coming to a different conclusion. Even totally heterosexual people can see that marriage equality is better for everyone. The damage done by people who hold opinions like yours will start to slowly go away. Then, even the statistics for the self destructive behavior of gay people will start to improve.

And we'll all be better off.

The big losers are going to be the people who cling to their old beliefs and make their religion look primitive and immoral.


Mother Heathen
An interracial couple tried to get married in the state of North Carolina. They were refused not by one but by two Magistrates in their local courthouse. Both cited religious reasons for refusing to marry them.


Should Government employees be allowed to refuse to marry couples if doing so goes against their sincerely held religious views?

No. They've assumed a secular position of employment. Religion should have no direct influence on decisions.


Veteran Member
Love has nothing to do with it. I love my children. I love my dog. I love my sister. I love my mother. I love my best friends wife. I love my enemies. But I don't marry them.
Marriage is only natural between a man and a woman. You perverting that truth doesn't change how God views what you are doing. It is sin. It will always be sin. And one day, very soon, all sinners will pay for their sins.

It is you and your liberal friends perverting the laws and God's truth. So this statement has nothing to do with me. I never pervert the truth, and unlike you, I never will.
Love has everything to do with it. You, as a consenting adult, want to be able to marry the person you're in love with but don't want to extend that same right to two other consenting adults who are in love with each other because your personal religion dictates that it is wrong. Well, people who don't practice your religion (and some who do) don't see it your way. And since they are harming absolutely nobody in any tangible way, why not allow them to experience the same kind of happiness in life that you want for yourself and your loved ones?

I don't believe in your god so I don't care if you think I'm doing what it wants. From my perspective, I would just be doing something you don't like, even though it brings absolutely no harm to you at all. Your threats of ends times are empty threats to me.


Veteran Member

  1. The fact is that homosexuals do not live as long as heterosexuals due to the health risks associated with the lifestyle, and billions of dollars are spent annually in health care for them.

Oh this is a fact, is it? Why don’t you tell us how long lesbians live? You guys always seem to ignore them. Gee, I wonder why.

I’ve seen people try to pass off this excuse a thousand times before and what you never seem to realize about it is that you are actually talking about promiscuity. Your problem lies with promiscuity, not homosexuality.
2. Legalizing gay marriage in virtually heterosexual society means having the morals of the minority forced upon the majority.

Oh, is someone forcing you to marry a person of the same sex as yourself? No? Then what’s your problem?

Never mind the fact that a majority of people in the industrialized western world now seem to have no problem with gay marriage.

I find this argument silly anyway. Let’s suppose that a majority of people in the US supported bringing back slavery and only a small minority (probably those who would be enslaved) are against it. Would it then be moral to reinstate slavery? I mean, how dare the minority force their morals upon the majority!
3. The percentage of homosexuals in society is less than 5%, yet it is being forced upon the other 95% of society in movies, TV, literature, and politics.
Again, is someone holding a gun to your head forcing you to watch Brokeback Mountain or Will and Grace? No? Then what’s your problem? You can’t just turn the channel like everyone else does when something is on TV that they aren’t interested in? Should I start a crusade to get Duck Dynasty off the TV because I don’t like it, or could I just turn the channel when it’s on?

Not to mention that the VAST majority of movies, literature, and television shows still depict heterosexual relationships. You can’t just watch one of those? It’s just too much for you that something else exists in the world that you don’t agree with? So much so that it must be terminated?

4. Spiritual issues are extremely important to a vast majority of our society, and the stress imposed on religious people by forcing them to accept and/or support homosexual practice and/or intimidate them into silence harms a person's spiritual and emotional health.
How about the spiritual issues that gay people experience? That doesn’t matter to you? How about the stress imposed on them by people who wish to demonize and marginalize them from society?

You don’t have to accept anything. Don’t like gay marriage? Don’t marry someone of the same sex as yourself. Easy peasy. Feel that stress just flow away!

Who’s being intimidated into silence? Certainly not yourself, as you are currently sharing your beliefs and opinions with the rest of the forum.

5. Homosexuality is being force-fed to our youth via the education system." It is immoral, and we are indoctrinating our children with immorality.
Yeah, there’s a real indoctrination problem in telling kids that gay people exist in the world. The horror! Never mind that any one of them could be gay; we wouldn’t want them to feel like we’d still accept them as human beings if there were gay. The immorality of it all!

6. Civil unions are being recognized by employers which affects co-workers, money payouts, work time, etc.
This is a problem …. Why?

While it is not wrong to force morality on individuals in a society, such as in the case of rape, murder, pedophilia, and formerly homosexuality, altering morals in a society definitely causes stress. And stress is harmful to everyone and in this case, detrimental to society.


Comparing rape, murder and pedophilia to homosexuality is ridiculous.

And again, you don’t seem to give a rat’s behind about the stress experienced by the people you wish to demonize and marginalize.
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Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
So the law is always perverse as is? And every single change to the law is progress?
I hope you're right.
I meant that it is often perverse as is, and that overall changes have been progress, although there are many clear examples were this is not the case. But we have banned slavery, more people are allowed to vote, we have jury trials that require evidence, we have work safety laws, and with more places legalizing same-sex marriage, we are definitely making progress towards laws that are making society more equal and extending more legal protections to the many rather than the few privileged. But we must be vigilant, as many laws are taking steps backwards, such as allowing the TSA to perform highly invasive and entirely unnecessary body searches, or laws that penalize being poor and homeless and punish those who try and help them.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Marriage is only natural between a man and a woman. You perverting that truth doesn't change how God views what you are doing. It is sin. It will always be sin. And one day, very soon, all sinners will pay for their sins.
That is why homosexuals are now allowed to get married. This "truth" you speak of is only a "truth" to those who believe it. If someone does not believe the same as you, why should they be expected to be held to the same rules? You can view that as truth if you want, but because it is a view that does not equally apply to all Christians or universally to all people, then it has no business being enacted as a state law.


Well-Known Member
This analogy is a non-sequitur,
And the apparent conclusions drawn are wrong.
- Gay marriage is not even remotely comparable to murder.
- Introducing Islam is a red herring.
- The word, "excuse", does not applly.
- Extremists would have a hard time with my family, as we & our neighbors are well armed.
I see that you are fully capable of making claims. Are you also capable of backing up any of your claims?


Well-Known Member
Fortunately, this is demonstrably false.
A substantial and growing majority in the USA are coming to a different conclusion. Even totally heterosexual people can see that marriage equality is better for everyone. The damage done by people who hold opinions like yours will start to slowly go away. Then, even the statistics for the self destructive behavior of gay people will start to improve.

And we'll all be better off.

The big losers are going to be the people who cling to their old beliefs and make their religion look primitive and immoral.
If what I have said is demonstrably false, then by all means, demonstrate that what I have said is false.


Well-Known Member
Love has everything to do with it. You, as a consenting adult, want to be able to marry the person you're in love with but don't want to extend that same right to two other consenting adults who are in love with each other because your personal religion dictates that it is wrong. Well, people who don't practice your religion (and some who do) don't see it your way. And since they are harming absolutely nobody in any tangible way, why not allow them to experience the same kind of happiness in life that you want for yourself and your loved ones?

I don't believe in your god so I don't care if you think I'm doing what it wants. From my perspective, I would just be doing something you don't like, even though it brings absolutely no harm to you at all. Your threats of ends times are empty threats to me.
No, I will stand firm in what I've said. Love has nothing to do with it. It is perhaps one of the worst reasons to be married.