You have to remember that the nations switchboard and every office phones have been ringing off the hook with people who do not want their representatives funding Obama Care. :sorry1:
Just one reminder, and first of all... "Obamacare" only directly affects the 15% of those that have NO access to affordable heath care of ANY kind at all. You know, those mooching 3 year olds with cancer that NO insurance company will ever enroll for those pesky "pre-existing conditions...
The other 85% of citizens have NOW ,at least some sort of insured health care (primarily through their employers)... though most of those really do not understand those provisions either, until vitally needed in crisis. Unless of course those that insure that company and its employees deems you to also be unreliably unhealthy with um, a "pre-existing condition". "Sorry, you gotta go...good luck with that".
Second, and just curious, who really advocates blocking access to affordable health care to all American citizens? Perhaps just in those special situations cases, you know, those that are laid off, independently employed, impoverished, homeless, old, newborn with disease, on and on...
What is the upside to that perspective?
Thirdly, whom is it that insistently repeats that any supplemented plans of heath care are unaffordable? Compared to what exists now? Seems to me that those opposed to "Obamacare" have insurance, and still regard basic care as a "right" that is earned, a not a humanistic obligation to all that "the wealthiest nation on Earth" might afford it's citizens as a cost to simply live here.
"Keep the gummint's hands off my Medicare!"
What is wrong with politicians doing what they were sent to Washington to do?
Not a thing.
But when they can not persuade other members in Congress to accept their views in the normal order of a democratic process in any majority vote ("polling", if you like), you can not argue as a result that becoming a suicide bomber in a bank that holds your house mortgage must not only eradicate that loan, but also give you a car and a vacation in the Bahamas too, or you will just kill all the inept hostages in the bank, just so you see ALL your demands really not a plea for's a plea for serious medical/mental attention...that hopefully is insured and covered.
The Supreme court said that the fines for not purchasing something you cannot afford was a tax. It only makes sense that the Taxed Enough Already folks have their voice in government.
SCOTUS spoke, and found the ACA not only merited on it's own, but constitutional.
Agreed that The Tea Party and it's varied sycophants are inescapably onerous and audible beyond any polite tolerances. We hear you.
If only democracy favored earnest focused energy and will alone...
But as many of religious faith will tell you, "God hears
all prayers... but sometimes the answer is "NO"
We hear you...but the answer is still NO.
Until this nation becomes a religious caliphate or submits to rule by a singular Pope, the nation as a whole speaks first in national elections with attendant consequences... and the answer is STILL "no".