The GOP is all too happy to continue the shutdown. Bachman and others are all over the press expressing this. The votes exist right now to pass the Clean CR. Boehner explicitly said he would not bring the bill to the floor to be voted on even though it now has bipartisan support. Instead what they're doing is bringing bills to floor in a patch work approach to fund government. Many in the party have expressed they are happy with the shutdown.
DP, you keep repeating yourself. How many times are you going to say "Clean CR"?
JB said NO, and that is how it is going to be. I know it must be frustrating to almost cross the Obamacare finishline only to be stopped on the last step, (funding).
I will admit we Pubs must take ownership of the shutdown, but Obama could end this at any time. He is like the man swimming across the river with too much gold, he has to let go of something like maybe the mandate or the fines.
You keep talking about the economy, but what of the people who will have their hours reduced who do not have an all powerful union like federal employees do?
Jesus man, if the ACA is funded the government will inplode under it's own weight.
Just how or who is going to pay for all this? You do not see debt as a problem. Why?