It happened already in New Jersey. Family farms which had been there since the revolution are gone now.
But, hey, come on Rick, don't you know that the government can use that land more efficiently and effectively than any private person?
That is it in a nut shell. To much is given, much is expected. The rich should help the poor. I just believe the private sector can accomplish this much better than a shameless wasteful government.
Liberals are only 20% of the populace, but want to control the other 80% of the people.
Until the government can learn to live within it's budget, I do not want to send them one more penny. The problem is not that we pay too little taxes, it is we spend too much money.
The military and entitlements are out of control. We do not even control our own borders. We act as if we are still a world super power, but we would be powerless without borrowing more money.
What this country needs is a balanced budget amendment and the fair tax.
Then we as a country can decide what we want to fund and how much we want to pay for it. As long as we have a credit card with no limit and someone else making the payment for us, people will feel entitled to everything given to them.
Right now, we do not even know what our tax rate is going to be next year. How on earth can I as a businessman make decisions without knowing my obligations?
And then people wonder why unemployment is so high.........