I'm sorry if this has been posted already, but to all those ******** about the extending of the Bush Tax cuts Obama did it so the Republicans would allow him to pass a START, and IMO a reduction of nuclear arms takes president over tax cuts. But I do agree, unfortunately Democrats have no backbones and wont force anything on the Republicans. We need another Andrew Jackson.
That is the problem, the Democrats cannot get their act together and vote in one block like the Republicans can.
I laugh when the Democrats blame the Republicans for a watered down health care bill.
I don't believe one Republican voted for the health care bill.
It passed without the Republicans, and honestly, it could have had the public option included in the bill.
I was opposed to the health care bill, but if we where going to have one, it would have been better to have it contain the public option.
Getting the Democrats to vote in one block is akin to herding cats.
It is all too funny when the Democrats blame their inadequacies on the Republican party and especially George W. Bush
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