I respect all persons that believe in evolution, I just feel it is silly because of the reasons I have already commented on. It makes absolutely no sense to me.
You don't understand it. This belief in the irreducible complexity of everything illustrates it.
How do all the vital organs in the body evolve?
How does the eyeball evolve?
How does the mouth, teeth, tongue, taste buds, the ability to swallow, the digestive system evolve?
The skeletal system?
The shoulder, the arm, the elbow, the wrist the hand the fingers?
The reproductive system?
How did you not learn these things in High school biology?
These are all very basic, well-understood processes, with well understood and often easily observable mechanisms.
Where did you get the idea that there was anything mysterious about these?
Wouldn't the first human need to be Instantly complete, to survive out the first day? How could the first of any life, live to see the next day If something vital was missing?
No! I keep hearing this assertion of irreducible complexity. It clearly illustrates a lack of knowledge about how evolution works; the mechanisms involved. It's been debunked from every angle from the day it was proposed, and is overwhelmingly rejected by science.
What is "the first of any life?"
Life's not a black-or-white, alive or not-alive phenomenon. It was generated as a continuum of small changes, with components and structures becoming increasingly "lifelike" over who knows how long. Like the point where Latin turned into Spanish, the point lifelike structures could be called "alive" would be an arbitrary designation.
Walt, ask some specific questions about the mechanisms of evolution that you find dubious and I'll try to explain them.