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On Evolution & Creation


Veteran Member
Premium Member
The problem I have found with Evolution 101 is that if I have questions about what it says (and I have looked at it), will those here recommending it be able to answer those questions...
Some of us will, but when someone asks the same questions month after month, after repeated answers, or makes the same misstatements, over and over again, despite numerous corrections, it gets pretty frustrating, if not downright annoying.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Some of us will, but when someone asks the same questions month after month, after repeated answers, or makes the same misstatements, over and over again, despite numerous corrections, it gets pretty frustrating, if not downright annoying.
Lol I figure it can be.
The problem again I think I would have going over what is said at Evolution 101 is backing up the statements made there. I am willing to go over it systematically with the hope that many pro evolutionists here can actually answer questions about the statements. Perhaps those writing at Evolution 101 can answer those questions but...maybe we'll have to write to them to get those questions answered.?


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I can't say what the future will bring regarding those that may become extinct. Some years ago when some were thinking the earth was getting warmer there was a debate on about this. Some denied that the earth was heating up. What I am saying is this: the corruption of the earth's atmosphere seems to be jeopardizing many useful and intriguing forms of life. I don't know much about birds, I realize you like them. And I appreciate that. But the coral reefs are supposedly being destroyed and I believe these impairments are certainly causing destruction to many forms of life that are influenced by them. Much of this is due to mankind's greed regarding corruption of the atmosphere.
P.S. @John53 I look forward to the time that I, too, will be able to enjoy and explore patterns of birds among other things. I think yes... we'll need a long, long, long time to do that. Gnite and keep well.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
OK, but monkeys did not invent microscopes--not anything NEAR it -- did they? Yet these types of beings are supposed to be pretty close to humans, genetically speaking, of course. I'll stop there.
Are you confusing genetics and anatomy with intelligence?
Animals evolve what traits give them a reproductive advantage in their particular lifestyle. Monkeys didn't need intelligence. In fact, big brains are metabolically expensive, and may even decrease success.
Intelligence is not intrinsically "better" than stupidity. It's not the sine qua non of God's grace. We have intelligence in spades, and are on the verge of wiping ourselves off the planet.
So would you like to systematically read Evolution 101 going over a section at a time perhaps and since you know more than I do, I guess you will be able to answer questions about what Evolution 101 says or means.
Ask -- once or twice, but try to understand the explanations and their implications.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I imagine bird migration is yes, more amazing that I can imagine. Or maybe even what you can imagine.
As you see I am not the only one who tires of your nonsense. It is disingenuous to ask only silly "gotcha" questions that only demonstrate your incredible ignorance of all of the sciences.

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Speaking of which, I was walking on pavement today which was cracked and uneven. Then I thought about the engineers, why there were indentations in the pavement that could cause a person to stumble. Then I wondered why the engineers and people responsible for the upkeep in this commercial parking lot did not fix it or arrange for better materials. Either way, so-called intelligent people were entrusted to lay the concrete. Then I thought about beavers. They do not go to school to learn how to build their dams. They do it "naturally." (by instinct.)
Well, most of us breath, eat, drink, seek company, seek sexual companions, by instinct.

But beavers have never been noted for developing an advanced civilization, and honestly, their cooking is rubbish.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Except some birds instinctively go south in the winter, they don't need real estate agents to find then a home to explore. May I ask what you think evolutionary scientists think as to yes, the how necessitated perhaps by why some birds instinctively migrate to warmer climates come winter time?
??? -- clarify, por favor?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
On that last note, I might say good night, and yes, the question of the origin of life by science does remain. Thank you. But then...but then...do you think it is possible to ascertain if science knows what the first living organism was.
The one, "very first" organism? :rolleyes:
No. But we might discover the possibilities and probabilities.


Well-Known Member
Except some birds instinctively go south in the winter, they don't need real estate agents to find then a home to explore. May I ask what you think evolutionary scientists think as to yes, the how necessitated perhaps by why some birds instinctively migrate to warmer climates come winter time?
In the past, the trip was not so far. As climate has changed over millions of years, the distance has become greater.

And as for what motivates them to leave? It's generally a lack of food. Few insects to be found in the snow, after all. And many mammals are hibernating. Lakes and streams freeze over, so ducks and geese have to leave.


Veteran Member

There are those here that make pronouncements as if I am always wrong no matter what a scientist says...some will simply not admit that scientists truly do not know how life started....
This is a false statement. It implies science is completely and utterly ignorant on the subject.
Science knows far more about the origins of life then you would like to admit.


Veteran Member
Darwin certainly did draw away from the church as he grew older. Scientists may ponder over how it all happened without any divine intelligence. And not everything is easy to understand in the Bible. It doesn't mean it's wrong.
It matters not what Darwin's religious beliefs were (or weren't)


Veteran Member
How could one vital organ survive, while it is waiting for all the rest of the vital organs to evolve?

The average adult human has between 300 million and 500 million Alveoli in their lungs. Alveoli are the structural and functional units of the respiratory system, and they increase the surface area for the exchange of respiratory gases. Yes, the transfer of oxygen and carbon dioxide occurs throughout the bloodstream, primarily through the process of gas exchange where oxygen moves from the lungs into the blood and carbon dioxide moves from the blood into the lungs at the level of the alveoli, carried by red blood cells to be delivered to body tissues and then transported back to the lungs as waste.

Doesn't the heart, lungs, brain, blood stream, nervous system, muscles, digestive system, skeletal system, mouth, throat, eyes, passageways and other vital organs have to be fully developed all the same time?

How would one survive without all the others, fully developed all at the same time?
Your mistake is the strawman belief that evolution states that at one point there were animals with "half a heart" or "half lungs" or "quarter kidneys".

There is no such thing. Every species that ever lived was a "full" species in its own right.
Just like every variation of language between latin and spanish was a "full language" in its own right.
At no point in history did people speak "half spanish".


Veteran Member
The Sun stays at the perfect distance from the Earth and the Earth stays the perfect distance from the Sun. Both never too close, both never too far away.

Actually, the distance between the sun and the earth varies through the year.
Having said that... any planet orbiting its sun is going to orbit it at some distance.
It is not surprising to find ourselves living on a planet that orbits at a distance resulting in life-allowing temperatures...
A "miracle" would be if we found ourselves living on a planet on which we couldn't live.

Rocky planets orbiting in this zone aren't exactly rare either. We studies the equivalent of only a pixel of the night sky and already have found dozens, hundreds, of rocky planets orbiting their sun in the so-called "goldilock" zone.

Why you think this requires some kind of "special" explanation is a mystery to me. Well, other then your confirmation bias wanting to force fit every piece of data into your a priori supernatural beliefs, that is.

However, the earth's orbit doesn't require any extra-ordinary explanation at all.

To me this is a daily miracle, for the Huge Sun and our Planet to continue to do this very thing, everyday, since the beginning of human life, to me this is incredible!
Sounds like the problem is that you have very little education in physics.


Veteran Member
Who designs life with evolution? Who does all the steps? Why does it take millions of years?

Why do you ask "who"? Loaded question much?

Evolution is rather simple. Every generation has micro changes in its genetics and passes those on to their own off spring.
As such, these micro changes accumulate over generations.

1+1+1+1+1+.....+1+1+1 = big number.

After 5 generations, the accumulated changes are so small you'ld barely notice it if at all.
After 10.000 generations however...

If you believe in evolution you should be able to answer these questions!
We can. They aren't exactly hard questions.
But the problem is that the answers are usually met with intellectual dishonesty and refusal to learn.


Veteran Member
Goal a functional heart, a functional lung, a functional brain. --- Do you expect a heart to pump blood If it is only partially developed.

Have you never worked on a project? In the beginning a project is nowhere near completed.
You have just been told that your assumption of evolution having a "goal" (as in: an end-design) in mind is wrong.

Why do you then still double down on this mistake? Why do you insist on being wrong and arguing a strawman?