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On Evolution & Creation

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
so mammals didn't exist and then *poof* they did but they weren't anything new because that would have been a change which even suggesting that something new evolved is nothing more than willful ignorance
Do you know what a strawman argument is? You just used one.

No, there was no "poof". Again, mammals are another example of an emergent process. The evolution of mammals was debated well back in the 1980's if I remember correctly as more and more fossils were found. The problem is that there is no clear definition of what is and what is not a "mammal". A lot of the debate focused on ear evolution since that was a major change between reptiles and mammals is how they hear. Different scientists had different qualifications for what it took to be a mammal. In emergent processes there is no "first". There was no first mammal. Eventually everyone agrees that certain organisms are mammals.

You are using creationist standards when it comes to biology and that just does not work.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
And again with the same error that's been corrected on a weekly basis since at least june 2021.

Tell me, does the fact that fruit flies remain fruit flies in your opinion contradict evolution, or is it actually in line with what evolution say would happen?

Puleeze explain, if you will, the proof or evidence you can show for sure that fruit flies do not remain as fruit flies. Thank you. Or -- finches do not remain as finches -- or -- humans do not remain as humans. Thank you so much. If you have no proof, forget it then. Remember though I said, proof or evidence. The two in relation to the perception of the theory of evolution are important. Obviously evidence considered by those trying to figure how artifacts in the way of fossils fit into the theory is not proof of the theory.


where did god come from
God is eternal in the past, present, and future.

The hallucinations that brought about the BBT proves beyond a shadow of doubt that God is eternal in existence.

The universe had to have a beginning to exist.
A beginning to exist requires a creator.

You can like it or lump it, that is the fact.



Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
You all seem to have a different dogma.

I've never agreed with anything I've read from you before this.

You continue to confuse your own ignorance with the degree of scientific understanding.

Evidence based conclusions, for the critically thinking empiricist, conjecture for those who remain in the dark.

A meaningless criticism coming from a creationist who has never seen anything she accepts as dogma.

There was no first woman.

There was no first man.

Conjecture. You never saw that.

And apples are still apples.
Isn't that something...apples are still apples after these many years...speaking of ignorance, do you know for sure without doubt what the very first particle of life was on the earth and how it was formed?


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
God is eternal in the past, present, and future.

The hallucinations that brought about the BBT proves beyond a shadow of doubt that God is eternal in existence.

The universe had to have a beginning to exist.
A beginning to exist requires a creator.

You can like it or lump it, that is the fact.

I agree God always was and always will be. Even before I believed in God I thought about this, wondering how can anyone always be? Yet there is God and now I know this.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Show me the proof
I can only answer you what I know and believe. I did not always believe in God, or that there is a supreme being. Now I do. I realize people's experiences are different. I used to listen to evangelical programs because I needed help but still did not believe in God. But I will tell you that one preacher turned me to God in prayer even though I told him I didn't believe in God. Because of my conversation with him, I finally prayed to know God. And yes, I believe God answered my prayer. He didn't say, "Here I am!" But the events were clear as I look back on it now. Even then as these things were happening I did not realize it was the "answer" to my prayer. Now I do. Obviously that's not everybody's experience. It's a detailed story, but it's my story, not anybody else's story. I did not, by the way, join that preacher's religion, but he helped me to finally turn to the One I cannot see.
New International Version
Praise be to the LORD, the God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting. Amen and Amen.
Psalm 41:13.


Does it matter?
You bet it does.

It was the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. There was never another tree like it or will there ever be another tree like it, in this universe.

Nobody has ever seen the fruit of that tree, except the man formed from the dust of the ground and the woman who was formed from a piece of bone from that man. This mankind existed somewhere in past eternity and died in the same light period he ate the fruit. Everything on earth died when God created the darkness found at Genesis 1:2.

So, how can anybody put a name on the fruit.

You might ask what this man looked like. I don't know but I have probably seen pictures of bones that came from his descendants.
The only connection I have with that man is He brought sin into the universe by choosing to disobey God and eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Thus, death passed on all mankind as all are born sinners doomed for a devil's lake of fire, unless they accept God's offer of a free full pardon and be born again.



Sorry, but we can show that man is far older than that. Are you willing to learn?

If you deny being an ape then you are denying being a man.
You don.t think mankind has been around as long as I do. I probably have you by a few trillion years the way we count time.

Man was the first lifeform on earth.


Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
You bet it does.

It was the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. There was never another tree like it or will there ever be another tree like it, in this universe.

Nobody has ever seen the fruit of that tree, except the man formed from the dust of the ground and the woman who was formed from a piece of bone from that man. This mankind existed somewhere in past eternity and died in the same light period he ate the fruit. Everything on earth died when God created the darkness found at Genesis 1:2.

So, how can anybody put a name on the fruit.

You might ask what this man looked like. I don't know but I have probably seen pictures of bones that came from his descendants.
The only connection I have with that man is He brought sin into the universe by choosing to disobey God and eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Thus, death passed on all mankind as all are born sinners doomed for a devil's lake of fire, unless they accept God's offer of a free full pardon and be born again.

How would you know what it looked like or tasted like? The Bible says nothing about that except that it was good to eat:

"6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat."

That is all that it says about it in that myth. How do you know what it did or did not look like?

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
You don.t think mankind has been around as long as I do. I probably have you by a few trillion years the way we count time.

Man was the first lifeform on earth.

You are demonstrably wrong either way. By the way, you should really try to learn. Then you might be able to understand the Bible.