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On having voices in your head.

Absolute Zero

fon memories
Atropine after reading your op I just had to post and say iv always been fastinated by multipule personalitys and the like.Trully intreasting.Im glade you accepted them and work together with them,you know it sought of reminds me of multipul works of fictions ive read where the hero as demons/spirits or the like that he/she chooses not to except but eventually does and becomes better and stronger then the bad guy and going on to save the day. Im glade you accepted them an everything is working out for you. Now im sought jelause lol. But I do have Q I wolud like to ask you
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Absolute Zero

fon memories
Are you guys able to rewatch events when your dreaming ? What wisdom have they passed down to you? If your a boy and one of the girls takes over does that get akwared ? I have the same question for you to answer if it turns out your a girl ? When they take over do you have out of body experiances where your floating next to your body ? What works of fiction have you read tha contain your unique outlook on life ?
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Absolute Zero

fon memories
Do you read manga ? If so have you heard of naruto,bleach or yugioh ? Those I Belive are realy good patrals of multi personalty disorder even if there japanesse Anime(cartoon)/Manga(comic book) respectivly geared material


Somewhere Out There
Sorry it's been so long. I've been dealing with some really nasty problems at home.

Atropine after reading your op I just had to post and say iv always been fastinated by multipule personalitys and the like.Trully intreasting.Im glade you accepted them and work together with them,you know it sought of reminds me of multipul works of fictions ive read where the hero as demons/spirits or the like that he/she chooses not to except but eventually does and becomes better and stronger then the bad guy and going on to save the day. Im glade you accepted them an everything is working out for you. Now im sought jelause lol. But I do have Q I wolud like to ask you

I guess it's sort of like that, I don't know. But I'm no hero and I don't consider them demons, so eh... There was never really anything "bad" about them, it was just a lot of denial on my part and a really bad even growing up that made it so we couldn't communicate properly. :) I wouldn't be jealous; it's got down sides.

Are you guys able to rewatch events when your dreaming ? What wisdom have they passed down to you? If your a boy and one of the girls takes over does that get akwared ? I have the same question for you to answer if it turns out your a girl ? When they take over do you have out of body experiances where your floating next to your body ? What works of fiction have you read tha contain your unique outlook on life ?

I try very hard not to dream. They are usually bad dreams, unless the others step in and help me out; they usually are stemming from someone's memories.

Wisdoms? Uhm... One of my girls has helped me to stop fearing the dark. Some of them draw, paint and such better than I do. One of the males helped me during school, because he knew more about medical stuff than I did. Some are better writers. Since many of the identify as having died, they help me with not fearing death as much.

I'm genderqueer, so I don't really care about the gender of the person fronting. :) It's more awkward when a system member who doesn't identify as human shows up; it's easier to accept a body that's not the right sex, it's harder to accept a body that's not the right species.

When they front, sometimes I just feel really dizzy but I can hang on. I can still see out of my eyes, but I also feel as if I'm outside of myself. Like I'm watching what is happening, but I'm not the one blinking or typing or speaking.

There are a lot of fictional sources we identify with, as many of the system members here identify with/as fictional people for whatever reason. We haven't read any fiction that really does the whole Multiple People In One Body thing though, if that's what you mean. :)

Do you read manga ? If so have you heard of naruto,bleach or yugioh ? Those I Belive are realy good patrals of multi personalty disorder even if there japanesse Anime(cartoon)/Manga(comic book) respectivly geared material

We have, and a couple of our system members identify strongly with the ones you listed. They're not really multiple personality disorder or DID, though, but I do agree that it's a look at what it can be like to have two souls in one body.

The system member who identifies with the Naruto story (who wishes to remain unidentified at this time) tells me it's not the same at all. From them, it's like living alongside a soul that is you and at the same time not-you, and almost like being just a husk for something far bigger and greater than yourself. A husk with sentience, yes, but a husk all the same. Which is why having them come out is so risky, because in the end they are like a big whale and you're like a tiny little boat. They could easily crush you under their power, sometimes they are mindful of the boat and sometimes they aren't. All depends on the whale. ... So it's not really so much a multiple situation as a host/parasite type situation, which can be beneficial or harmful depending. Not really a system.


Somewhere Out There
By "system", I mean the people who are here and the way we function together. We are people; together, we make up a system.

As for my gender, it's a bit of both, but I identify as male. :)

Absolute Zero

fon memories
By "system", I mean the people who are here and the way we function together. We are people; together, we make up a system.

As for my gender, it's a bit of both, but I identify as male. :)
Do you know any femals with your outlook on life ? I bet a female would be freaky in bed if she had three or four personalitys LoL ? Can you yourself draw on there cumalitive skills and add them to yourself ?


Somewhere Out There
We know plenty of people of various genders with a similar belief, yes. We don't much care about bedroom games, though; people being freaky is the least of our concerns. :) And yes. Sometimes I can ask people to share their knowledge, but how much I understand depends on what it is; often, it just doesn't stick, which is unfortunate.

And thank you, George.


Well-Known Member
I have noticed you know A LOT about your "friends". Not only do you know them in the same way I know my brother, but also u know exactly how they think, how they feel and why they do things. And this is what makes me think they are just your own creation, portions of your original personality. If it weren't that way, you would not know them so perfectly, because in theory, they are different from you and they just share "your" body somehow.

What do u have to say bout this?

Also, I have another question. Let's pretend that I believe you. How does it work? Maybe u want to answer this questions:

How many of you share that body?
Can all of you take control of the body at once? Or do you turn?
Can u make them take control? Or they will do this when they want?
When they take control, where are you? Confined somewhere in your mind? And if it works this way, can u still hear them and see what they are doing? Or is more like you "sleep" while they take control?


PS: I accept it if your "different personalities" (I will call it this way for the moment) want to give me their own answer.
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So... Basically, I hear voices. Only they’re not just voices; they’re people.

I have spoken about this before on other websites, but I wanted to be "out" in all the places that matter to me... And I have really not done anything about it until now. Which really is suckish of me, considering we’re talking about people. In my own head or not, they are still people, and being dishonest and cowardly about them (or with them) is not the sort of person I want to be in life. So, basically, I am outing myself concerning this issue on all the sites I am on (that matter), Even if I have brought it up before, I’m bringing it up one last time, because this time we’re just going to stay out and go about our lives as if this is all normal. Because to us, it is normal. And if we can help make it less of some creepy Hollywood-movie thing or some wacko Oprah special, all the better.

"...ever been so connected to an "imaginary" person, whether your favourite comic-book superhero, the tragic nemesis of a Shakespearean play, your fictionalised interpretation of a famous author or an entity of your own creation, that you literally couldn't get them out of your head? That you felt as if in some way, whether silent and unmoving or active and participating, they were with you or by your side? That their worlds and experiences were a personal story that they shared with you - or that their journeys were more than merely stories, but that to the both of you, they were as real as any other?

This is what we call a SoulBond."
~ Soul Whispers
.s o u l // whispers -- v3.0reflective -- soulbonding: an introduction

"...the experience of many individuals sharing (and most likely cooperating together towards running) the life of a single body. Different individuals can present 'at front' at different times."
~ Plurality
Plurality CIZ - BiOrgResources

This is what we are. This is what I am. I’ve know that “I” am technically a “we” since I was about three years old. I have always hated talking about it, because to be frank... it’s weird, it sounds nutty, and I am already weird/nutty enough without adding to it. There’s always been a lot of shame, discomfort and self-hatred associated with this. After all, hearing voices is supposed to be a mental disorder, right? What happens when they’re not just voices, but thoughts and feelings, likes and dislikes, personalities and allergies and love lives and families and friends and histories and... That’s an entire person. Not just a “voice” or a “character” or a “personality”. That’s a real, actual, existing person.

And that’s what these people are to me. People. And it’s about time I start treating them like people, not like a disease, a mental problem or a role-playing game gone too far. It’s not an over-active imagination. It’s not something wrong with my brain. It’s a difference, that’s all, and one that’s not terribly uncommon. I’ve come out about this before, on other sites... but then I got scared and deleted everything. Not any more. I don’t know what causes it or why, but it is what it is, so...

I’m going to let the others post replies and sign, if they like, since we feel gneerally safe here. If you see things like “~Bob” under a post, that would be them. If you see various font colors and sizes, again... that’s their doing. I’m not keeping a lid on whatever they want to do anymore. This is basically just to let you know that there isn’t five thousand flesh and blood people sharing one of my accounts, and to let you know what is going on when suddenly you see random posts by people who may or may not reference me, my life, etc, but are not me. It’s not like I expect anyone to really CARE, mind you, but if anyone does... there you have it.

I’m not sure if this a discussion or what. I don’t know what there is to say, really, besides “I have people in my head and some of them are from tv shows” and “these people are going to be hanging around on here”. This is more a coming out thing, and if people want to discuss it, that is fine.

- A

:facepalm: Have you ever heard of people who are sensitives? I'm going out on this one...o.k. you can even pick up on shows. Going to read up on empathics. :yes:


I hear voices from inside and out side my head
My dr says its psychosis but also i have alters ( i have DID not diagnosed) the alters where made from abuse that i suffered as a child
They are all different from me the alters some are very shy and rarely come out others are a bit loud and try to get us to drink alcohol ( am a recovered alcoholic) but when the rules are explained the them they usually understand apart from one that like to cause trouble they usually just more about it for a few days and then there fine as we dont go out the house with out my husband as we have social anxiety ( well some of us )
and we are some times a danger to ourselves if the little ones are out so we dont go out alone

Am unsure if its something that is paranormal or not
but i feel am lucky to have my alters

the other side is that i hear voices that tell me to hurt myself and others
One of the reasons i cant go out side on my own is that i could be a danger to other people

they could in fact be daemons telling me to do this then again maybe its just that am sick , either way i still take my medication all the same

Straw Dog

Well-Known Member
Thanks for being so open about your personal experiences and I'm glad that you feel comfortable sharing them here. Most of us tend to be a pretty open-minded bunch.

I know that some may jump to calling your experiences a disorder, but it is only a disorder in so far as it causes distress and impedes upon your ability to function in daily life. Does it cause a lot of problems? If so, then there's no shame in seeking outside help. It can be quite beneficial if you can find the right person to talk to.

Having said that, I do have many reservations about the mental health field from personal experience. Traditional therapy tends to be concerned with just suppressing the voices or denying the other people. A more efficient approach is actually listening carefully and learning how to harmonize the collective whole. This may or may not lead to a synthesis of some people.

Even so-called "normal" people don't actually have a monolithic mind. As much as people may like to believe, there isn't a single conscious "person" with a single driving instinct or a single goal at any moment. We are all a complex microcosm with different systems at variance seeking balance in thought and action. Peace of mind comes through finding harmony, whether or not it conforms perfectly to society's "norms".

Have you achieved harmony in your microcosm? If not, what prevents it? How can you remedy the distress it causes?

If you have achieved harmony, then I am glad for you all.


New Member
I used to hear voices, I thought it was the voice of god ,jessus and that of Satan. I was delusional and I thought I was possesed it was like almost having conversation with the voices... they were making plans for me telling me what to do. I ended up at psychiatry after trying to set a car on fire in front of a church... the night before I heard the voice of Jesus calling my name and telling me he is going to kill me with his own hand. I was upset by what I heard from Jesus and setting a fire at the church was like revenge. I was diagnosed with psychosis and I'm still seeing a doctor, its all gone now after having several injections but the memory of the voices and the things that happened to me is still there. I also felt like I was possessed sometimes and I would go down on my knees in front of a cross say prayers in a deep hardened voice and repeat the words: <Jesus take him out, Jesus take him out> it was like I was asking Jesus tot take the demon out of my body...
I would like your opinion on this and I could come up with more details (I had the voices for 10 months... the story is long)


Veteran Member
Premium Member
When I was a kid, I would sometimes hear screaming voices in my head.

It wasn't too often, and I ignored it so it mostly went away.

The brain is the most complex thing known to exist. Unfortunately, due to the complexity, there are a lot of things that can go wrong.


Active Member
With voices-in-your-head phenomenon you should really have some criteria to distinguish private unconscious communications from potential outside communications. Otherwise you're wallowing in neurosis.

Super Universe

Defender of God
I used to hear voices, I thought it was the voice of god ,jessus and that of Satan. I was delusional and I thought I was possesed it was like almost having conversation with the voices... they were making plans for me telling me what to do. I ended up at psychiatry after trying to set a car on fire in front of a church... the night before I heard the voice of Jesus calling my name and telling me he is going to kill me with his own hand. I was upset by what I heard from Jesus and setting a fire at the church was like revenge. I was diagnosed with psychosis and I'm still seeing a doctor, its all gone now after having several injections but the memory of the voices and the things that happened to me is still there. I also felt like I was possessed sometimes and I would go down on my knees in front of a cross say prayers in a deep hardened voice and repeat the words: <Jesus take him out, Jesus take him out> it was like I was asking Jesus tot take the demon out of my body...
I would like your opinion on this and I could come up with more details (I had the voices for 10 months... the story is long)

The voices are personalities. People who have died and moved on. Some people can connect with a personality that is still living in a past or even future time, like those who say that in a previous life they were Cleopatra.

You have your own distinct personality it's just that a door is open and other personalities enter your mind and take over. There are medications you can take to help and you can also learn to close the door on your own, know that you are in control, it is your body, feel a sense of strength then try to imagine an open door being closed to shut off the voices.

Not all personalities are bad. The reason some of the personalities pretend to be Jesus or Satan, sometimes even God, is because this gives them some level of control over you. Taking over your body is one thing but convincing you to do something you normally would not do is a whole level above. To them, it's about control and control is power.


Well-Known Member
The voices are personalities. People who have died and moved on.

Even if the idea of personalities somehow continuing after death were entertained, to make such a sweeping generalisation, and diagnosis of someone based on one post, does not have much credibility IMO.

This remark seems far more applicable -

The brain is the most complex thing known to exist. Unfortunately, due to the complexity, there are a lot of things that can go wrong.

Given the options of (a) personalities surviving death deciding to somehow inhabit someone else, and (b) the possibility of atypical behavior in a brain with 100 billion neurons, the second option seems way more likely. We have plenty of examples of the various ways in which a human brain can either malfunction or behave atypically. A statement well known to software developers is " All non-trivial systems have bugs".

For Super Universe to discount the possibility of such events being generated by the hugely complex brain in favor of a theory of 'possession' by spirits seems very silly to me, especially as the possibility of these experiences being generated by the brain was not even considered.

Super Universe

Defender of God
Even if the idea of personalities somehow continuing after death were entertained, to make such a sweeping generalisation, and diagnosis of someone based on one post, does not have much credibility IMO.

This remark seems far more applicable -

Given the options of (a) personalities surviving death deciding to somehow inhabit someone else, and (b) the possibility of atypical behavior in a brain with 100 billion neurons, the second option seems way more likely. We have plenty of examples of the various ways in which a human brain can either malfunction or behave atypically. A statement well known to software developers is " All non-trivial systems have bugs".

For Super Universe to discount the possibility of such events being generated by the hugely complex brain in favor of a theory of 'possession' by spirits seems very silly to me, especially as the possibility of these experiences being generated by the brain was not even considered.

Connecting with other personalities is not an error or mistake. Nothing is going "wrong". The brain is simply a receiver, like a biological television set. And I did not say that personalities are spirits, I said they are personalities.

How does a brain generate a language the person never learned?

How does a brain generate knowledge a person never learned?

If you want to live inside the smallest box possible that is your choice but it has nothing to do with the real universe.