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One God or many gods


Veteran Member
The biblical god before exodus is not jealous I believe. The pressure of keeping together during exodus brought in jealousy and much more. Why would God kill the Canaanites?
Why kill the Canaanites ? because they were wicked to the point of burning their children alive - Jer.32:35; Ezek. 23:37
Jealousy in the Bible does Not have to be connected to envy, but God jealous for his name.
God's name to be hallowed, held sacred, sanctified. - Ezekiel 38:23


Well-Known Member
Yes, Satan is our Adversary but I find the word Satan as meaning: Resister.
Devil as Slanderer
Serpent as Deceiver
Dragon as Destroyer

Fine .. but the question here .. of this thread .. is whether or not our good friend Ha Sataniel is Divine ... a God !


Christianity has only one Archangel, and that Archangel is God's Son Jesus as per 1st Thessalonians 4:16
From Wikipedia:
Zechariah 4,10 tells about "seven rejoices" that are "the eyes of the Lord, Which scan to and from throughout the whole earth." Revelation 8 (Revelation 8:2) mentions seven angels (Ancient Greek: ἀγγέλους) who "stand before God, and to them were given seven trumpets." . . .

(These seven archangels are identified in the Bible portion left out of most Protestant Bibles: the Apocrypha.)

. . . The idea of seven archangels is most explicitly stated in the deuterocanonical/apocryphal Book of Tobit when Raphael reveals himself, declaring: "I am Raphael, one of the seven angels who stand in the glorious presence of the Lord, ready to serve him." (Tobit 12,15) The other two angels mentioned by name in the Bibles used by Catholics and Protestants are the archangel Michael and the angel Gabriel; Uriel is named in 2 Esdras (4:1 and 5:20) and Jerahmeel is named in 2 Esdras 4:36, a book that is regarded as canonical by the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, the Georgian and Russian Orthodox Churches, and falls within the Apocrypha section of the Protestant Bible used by Lutherans and Anglicans. The names of other archangels come from tradition.

Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Camael, Jophiel, and Zadkiel.
OR Michael, Gabriel, Cecitiel, Uriel, Raphael, Ananiel, Marmoniel.

I love it when reading these posts have me researching and learning!


Well-Known Member
Why kill the Canaanites ? because they were wicked to the point of burning their children alive - Jer.32:35; Ezek. 23:37
Jealousy in the Bible does Not have to be connected to envy, but God jealous for his name.
God's name to be hallowed, held sacred, sanctified. - Ezekiel 38:23

Holy carp .. Lord YHWH commands child sacrifice .. the Israelites were Canaanites .. engaged in the same Canaanite religious practices .. including Child sacrifice if that is what it took to win the war.. was a trendy thing to do in King Solomon's court .. read the Bible for yourself to find out .. 1 Kings 11

5 He followed Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians, and Molek the detestable god of the Ammonites. 6 So Solomon did evil in the eyes of the Lord;

7 On a hill east of Jerusalem, Solomon built a high place for Chemosh the detestable god of Moab, and for Molek the detestable god of the Ammonites. 8 He did the same for all his foreign wives, who burned incense and offered sacrifices to their gods.

Good King Solomon followed the trendy Child sacrifice trend .. and in particular notice Chemosh .. the God of Moab who beats YHWH in one of the battles .. a battle recorded both in the Bible and externally .. by the Moabites on the Moabite Stone.

You are right about one thing though .. the God named "Jealous" is one of the nastier of the Gods in the Bible.


Veteran Member
Child sacrifice was widely prevalent. Why single out Canaan? Did they kill Esau.s people who, I presume, were similar? Were they appointed as policemen by God?
Canaan was for God's people. The Canaanites would either have to give up non-Israelite ways or not be there.
Child sacrifice was Not an Israelite practice from God - Jeremiah 32:35 B; 2nd Chronicles 28:3; Ezekiel 23:37
According to Josephus ( Jewish Antiquities XIII, 257-258, XV 253-254 ) Hyrcanus I subjected the Edomites (Esau's people) around 130-120 BCE and following the destruction of Jerusalem in the year 70 ' by the Roman armies ' they (Esau's people) ceased to exist as a people.
Seems as if in King Uzziah's rule the prophets Joel and Amos announced condemnation for the Edomites because of their unrelenting fury against Israel - see Amos 1:6, 11-12; Amos 9:11-12; Joel 3:19; Isaiah 34:5-10


Veteran Member
Holy carp .. Lord YHWH commands child sacrifice .. the Israelites were Canaanites .. engaged in the same Canaanite religious practices .. including Child sacrifice if that is what it took to win the war.. was a trendy thing to do in King Solomon's court .. read the Bible for yourself to find out .. 1 Kings 11
5 He followed Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians, and Molek the detestable god of the Ammonites. 6 So Solomon did evil in the eyes of the Lord;
7 On a hill east of Jerusalem, Solomon built a high place for Chemosh the detestable god of Moab, and for Molek the detestable god of the Ammonites. 8 He did the same for all his foreign wives, who burned incense and offered sacrifices to their gods.

Good King Solomon followed the trendy Child sacrifice trend .. and in particular notice Chemosh .. the God of Moab who beats YHWH in one of the battles .. a battle recorded both in the Bible and externally .. by the Moabites on the Moabite Stone.
You are right about one thing though .. the God named "Jealous" is one of the nastier of the Gods in the Bible.
Sinning Solomon ( Not God ) is the one who did what was 'evil in the eyes of God' according to 1st Kings 11:6 .
Unlike David, Solomon did Not turn back from what was bad in God's eyes - 1st Kings 15:5
God did Not approve of child sacrifice -> Jeremiah 32:35 B; Ezekiel 23:37; 2nd Chronicles 28:3; Deuteronomy 18:10
So, No, Lord God YHWH did Not command child sacrifice according to the Constitution of the Mosaic Law for Israel.


Veteran Member
From Wikipedia:
Zechariah 4,10 tells about "seven rejoices" that are "the eyes of the Lord, Which scan to and from throughout the whole earth." Revelation 8 (Revelation 8:2) mentions seven angels (Ancient Greek: ἀγγέλους) who "stand before God, and to them were given seven trumpets." . . .
(These seven archangels are identified in the Bible portion left out of most Protestant Bibles: the Apocrypha.)................................
The Apocryphal books simply exclude themselves for being out of harmony with the harmonious 66 Bible books.
In Scripture there is only one Archangel aka Michael - 1st Thess. 4:16 ; Daniel 12:1

I find the seven are the 'eyes' of God at Zech. 4:10 and what the eyes mean -> Revelation 5:6 B and Rev. 1:4 B
And hear what the spirit says at Revelation 2:7,11,17,29; Rev. 3:6,13,22.
Jesus has these 7 spirits of God - Rev. 3:1
Spirits also spoken of as 7 lamps of fire - Rev. 4:5; 5:6
Thus, 7 'eyes' meaning how strong God's penetrating vision is. Seeing and able to uncover any situations.
Whereas, Revelation 8:1-2; 15:1 does Not mentions spirits but angels.
Spirit body God has his own vision or sight.
Spirit body angels stand before God and the 7 trumpets are Not 7 eyes, but 7 pronouncements / plagues from God.


Veteran Member
Fine .. but the question here .. of this thread .. is whether or not our good friend Ha Sataniel is Divine ... a God !
Yes, Satan is a 'god' the 'god' of this world of badness according to 2nd Corinthians 4:4
Satan is the ruler of this world - John 14:30; Ephesians 2:2; 1st John 5:19
Remember 'god/ God' is a title and Not a proper name for the God of the Bible YHWH.
Since Satan came from the divine heavens then in that sense he is divine but Not in holiness.
Sinner Satan will be destroyed by Jesus - Hebrews 2:14 B


Veteran Member
satan is not divine in any sense of the word .. he fell from grace due to pride.
Indeed, satan will be defeated by Jesus, son of Mary .. he will be "chained in a pit" for ~1000 years.
Yes, due to un-due pride satan fell from holiness - Ezekiel 28:13-17
After being released from the pit/abyss - Rev. 20:3,7-8 - satan will act again but for the last time.
Then satan ends up in that symbolic ' fiery lake ' defined as 'second death ' Rev. 20:13-14; Rev. 21:8
Permanent death aka destruction for satan because Jesus will destroy sinner satan - Hebrews 2:14 B; Romans 16:20
Sinner satan's time is now short - Revelation 12:12,9


Well-Known Member
Sinning Solomon ( Not God ) is the one who did what was 'evil in the eyes of God' according to 1st Kings 11:6 .
Unlike David, Solomon did Not turn back from what was bad in God's eyes - 1st Kings 15:5
God did Not approve of child sacrifice -> Jeremiah 32:35 B; Ezekiel 23:37; 2nd Chronicles 28:3; Deuteronomy 18:10
So, No, Lord God YHWH did Not command child sacrifice according to the Constitution of the Mosaic Law for Israel.

Later polemicists - redactors .. and Chroniclers do not approve of the Practice of child Sacrifice .. writing during the Persian period ... when such things were frowned upon..

During King Solomon's day .. and prior .. YHWH was quite OK with the practice .. sometimes requiring it .. to win a tough battle against one of the other Gods .. Poor Jepthahs daughter had to pass through the fire .. as per the direction of the "Spirit of Lord YHWH"

Ezekiel 20 "their eyes lusted after their parents’ idols. 25 So I gave them other statutes that were not good and laws through which they could not live; 26 I defiled them through their gifts—the sacrifice of every firstborn—that I might fill them with horror so they would know that I am the Lord.’

That is YHWH speaking -- ordering the sacrifice of children . in the passage .. but this is Ezekiel speaking during the Babylonian captivity .. lamenting over the downfall of Israel and now Judah .. blaming the downfall on Idol worship in particular but mentioning also that child sacrifice was happening .. saying that while God disfavored the practice .. he ordered it anyway to punish Israel for their Idolatries.

Regardless -- the Phonecians were not the only Canaanites sacrificing children from time to time .. The Israelites were doing it .. as were others.

If you want to the Temple of YHWH in Israel ~ 900 BC .. what would you find ? .. exactly what the Bible tells us. There would be Two Standing STones .. one for YHWH and the other his consort and Queen of Heaven Asherah. not in the Bible but from archaeology .. they would burn cannabis oil on the Asherah stone. then at some point you would have to choose .. do you have sex with the female temple prostitutes .. the worship of Asherah .. or do you have sex with the male temple prostitutes .. the worshp of YHWH ..

Later you might wish to take in the sights at the "High Place" out back .. thats where the sacrifices happen and if you are really lucky .. and the war is not going well .. drastic measures need be taken .. perhaps witness a baby or two roasting on the fire.

Listen not to a monotheist talking about how bad things were .. as if this is the desire of YHWH. There were no monotheists in Israel .. ever .. during its entire existence .. Let that sink in .. and from Abe to the Israelites as well .. nary a single monotheist .