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One God or many gods


Veteran Member
Just one lesser God ? certainly not according to the Bible .. the OT is full of Lesser Gods .. including but not limited to Ha Satan .. a very powerful God .. Son of the Supreme God .. with mucho God Powers .. who enters the New Testament as Chief God over the Earth if Matt is to be believed.
Do you believe the Bible ? that the "Tester of Souls" is a God .. albeit of lower status than El Oliun .. El Supreme -- Father of Many Gods .. who battle each other over who gets to be chief God on Earth.
Seems to me the " Tester of Souls" is the 'god' of this world of badness - 2nd Corinthians 4:4 aka HaSatan.
Notice in the book of Job (Job 2:4-5) that HaSatan challenges the man Job and thus all of us.
"Touch our flesh....." ( loose physical health ) and we would Not serve the God of the Bible under bad conditions.
Both Job and Jesus under adverse conditions proved HaSatan a liar and so can we.
God's Son 'with mucho God powers' uses his 'sword-like executional words ' to rid the Earth of the wicked - Isaiah 11:3-4
Jesus comes with angelic armies according to Revelation 19:14-15
That is how God will bring an end to war on Earth - Psalm 46:9
Jesus thus will be King of God's Kingdom government over Earth - 1st Corinthians 15:24-26
Notice what Jesus will do according to Psalm 72:8, 12-14

Bharat Jhunjhunwala

I've made many threads about it. But basically a feature of God is that he so great he encompasses a level of existence that is comprehensive enough that it's impossible he does not exi
Thx. God could be the name of our UNIVERSAL CONSC
Exist simultaneously but for how long ?
For ever and ever. Rev 12.12 is a tautology. By definition heaven is where there is no satan.
You are near truth when you say
us to be born and think who we would want as Sovereign over us.
Actually god is our collective consciousness when aligned with Universal Consciousness. Satan is our collective consciousness when not aligned with Universal Consciousness. We make god, dayanand God.


Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
To people on RF who believe in many gods, why do you believe that and not in only one god?
My experience with the divine has led me to accept the possibility of there being more than one god. I'm polytheistic and henotheistic. Meaning I venerate a pantheon of gods and realize there are more than those specific deities. I'm also transtheistic in that the question of the enumeration of gods and if they are gods at all is not that important. There could be one god and it's name is all things.

I also believe that every human born and who has ever lived has godlike qualities. It is as if life is a nursery of the gods.
How can God be everywhere?
How can God create out of nothing?
How can God know everything you think and feel?
How can God transcend time and space?
How can God always exist?
How can God know everything?
How can God direct the past, present, and future?
How can God be all powerful
By "How can" I mean by what method or circumstance are all of these "How can" possible?
The answer to these "How can"s is that our reality is in the mind of the one true God who is the Father of all realities because He creates them all in His mind.
John 14: 2 In my Father's house (mind) are many mansions (realities); if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
In our reality, the Father first placed a being in it with his own mind, heart, soul, and free will. That is when the beginning of our reality started. This is the Father's only first-born Son in our reality. The Father fills His Son with His Holy Spirit, and because where the Holy Spirit is, the Father is, the Son becomes the temple of the Father. The Father now can interact with our reality through His Son and the Son becomes the visible image (in our reality) of the invisible God. Together, they create our reality. Since the Father created all things in our reality through His Son, the Son can be considered as the father of all creation in our reality. The Father gives His Son authority over all things created making the Son Lord of all creation in our reality. Finally, since all things created by the Father in our reality through the Son are for the Son, the Son is God of all creation in our reality and is given his own kingdom of perfected believers.
The one true God is the God and Father of all realities. In each reality there are lesser lords and gods.


Veteran Member
Thx. God could be the name of our UNIVERSAL CONSC
For ever and ever. Rev 12.12 is a tautology. By definition heaven is where there is no satan.
You are near truth when you say
Actually god is our collective consciousness when aligned with Universal Consciousness. Satan is our collective consciousness when not aligned with Universal Consciousness. We make god, dayanand God.
Yes, agree Heaven is where there is No satan and None of his fallen angels.
Interesting about 'collective consciousness' aligned or not aligned with Universal Consciousness.
To me the 'collective consciousness' with Jesus and his faithful followers were aligned with the Universal Consciousness of the Creator of Heaven and Earth - Rev. 4:11.

Bharat Jhunjhunwala

How can God be everywhere?
How can God create out of nothing?
How can God know everything you think and feel?
How can God transcend time and space?
How can God always exist?
How can God know everything?
How can God direct the past, present, and future?
How can God be all powerful
By "How can" I mean by what method or circumstance are all of these "How can" possible?
The answer to these "How can"s is that our reality is in the mind of the one true God who is the Father of all realities because He creates them all in His mind.
John 14: 2 In my Father's house (mind) are many mansions (realities); if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
In our reality, the Father first placed a being in it with his own mind, heart, soul, and free will. That is when the beginning of our reality started. This is the Father's only first-born Son in our reality. The Father fills His Son with His Holy Spirit, and because where the Holy Spirit is, the Father is, the Son becomes the temple of the Father. The Father now can interact with our reality through His Son and the Son becomes the visible image (in our reality) of the invisible God. Together, they create our reality. Since the Father created all things in our reality through His Son, the Son can be considered as the father of all creation in our reality. The Father gives His Son authority over all things created making the Son Lord of all creation in our reality. Finally, since all things created by the Father in our reality through the Son are for the Son, the Son is God of all creation in our reality and is given his own kingdom of perfected believers.
The one true God is the God and Father of all realities. In each reality there are lesser lords and gods.
It is an apology. Isaac was clearly led to be sacrificed.


Veteran Member
How can God be everywhere?
How can God create out of nothing?
How can God know everything you think and feel?
How can God transcend time and space?
How can God always exist?
How can God know everything?
How can God direct the past, present, and future?
How can God be all powerful
By "How can" I mean by what method or circumstance are all of these "How can" possible?
The answer to these "How can"s is that our reality is in the mind of the one true God who is the Father of all realities because He creates them all in His mind.
John 14: 2 In my Father's house (mind) are many mansions (realities); if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
In our reality, the Father first placed a being in it with his own mind, heart, soul, and free will. That is when the beginning of our reality started. This is the Father's only first-born Son in our reality. The Father fills His Son with His Holy Spirit, and because where the Holy Spirit is, the Father is, the Son becomes the temple of the Father. The Father now can interact with our reality through His Son and the Son becomes the visible image (in our reality) of the invisible God. Together, they create our reality. Since the Father created all things in our reality through His Son, the Son can be considered as the father of all creation in our reality. The Father gives His Son authority over all things created making the Son Lord of all creation in our reality. Finally, since all things created by the Father in our reality through the Son are for the Son, the Son is God of all creation in our reality and is given his own kingdom of perfected believers.
The one true God is the God and Father of all realities. In each reality there are lesser lords and gods.
* God is Not everywhere. God has a home location - 1st Kings 8:39 - just No ZIP code listed.
* God did Not create out of nothing according to Psalm 104:30. God sends forth His spirit to create.
* Because of the gift of free-will (voluntary) God chooses Not to know our choices.
- That is why the number at Rev. 7:9 is still an unknown number to all.
* Because God is also Creator is why He is both from and to everlasting - Psalm 90:2; Rev. 4:11
* God is Not All Powerful because God can Not lie - Titus 1:2; Hebrews 6:18; Numbers 23:19
* God describes the wonderful future for us at Isaiah chapter 35 but as to who will be part of it remains to be seen.
- Jesus will separate the figurative 'sheep and goats' at his coming Glory Time - Matthew 25:31-43,37


My experience with the divine has led me to accept the possibility of there being more than one god. I'm polytheistic and henotheistic. Meaning I venerate a pantheon of gods and realize there are more than those specific deities. I'm also transtheistic in that the question of the enumeration of gods and if they are gods at all is not that important. There could be one god and it's name is all things.

I also believe that every human born and who has ever lived has godlike qualities. It is as if life is a nursery of the gods.
Basically the idea is that to not focus on God but focus on the God within us
What matters is not whom we pray to but our works - what we have done with our lives
And of course there is less hate - God Rama is Jesus is Allah is the Buddha is Yahweh and so on
Unfortunately except of Hindus and maybe Buddhists such words do not appeal to everyone
So instead of God, the One God people are locked into a Name, a religion.
If God ever decides to come to earth, for Christians He must come down as a blond young male, tall, blue-eyed and answer
to the name Jesus
If He came down as a woman or a black man, they will reject him
If He came down as a brown man and said His name was Rama, they might try to lynch him!
For Muslims God must come down as a bright light and speak with a booming voice, male, of course!


So did polytheism and idols. Slavery has its origins in the building of cities, which far predates monotheism.
Idolatry takes many forms - see my reply to Viker above
We Hindus are a bit confused over this Idolatry thing - Muslims consider even having a picture of God as Idolatry, does that not confuse you as well?
We do realize that these are stones, not real people - give us some credit
But to close one's eyes and pray vs pray before a stone idol - to us is the same thing
You are using a different method but the receiver is the same
My point is that the Christian/Islamic God was fashioned using the King, Dictator as a template
Take the terminology - "Commandments, Submit, beg, obey, judge, wrath, punish, mercy, forgive, Fear" - ALL Slave/Servant words totally absent in Hinduism/Buddhism, because these faiths do not view God as a Master
No one has any evidence for God
Clearly, these are all OUR views of God - some people used their king, Dictator as a template
others used their Teacher, some others used their Parent
And we see the terminology used, the behavior - the King, Dictator demands obedience and loyalty to him and him alone, think Putin - and hence the One God and no other
But in life one has many a Teacher, and even many a Parent - grandparents, aunts and uncles and even good strangers will look out for kids, have given their lives trying to save them if they are in trouble - and so the many Gods


What then is the difference between guru and devta?
I am talking about how these Gods originated - they originated from the life that we had
Sorry, I am a Rational person - i need evidence before I believe anything and so far we have zero, zip, nada evidence of any God or Gods
And so I believe that WE made these Gods using different people
Christians and Muslims view God as a Master - ancient people used their King, Dictator as a God
Buddhists view God as a Teacher, we Hindus do as well - God Krishna made it clear in the Mahabharata
"I will not lift a weapon, I will only advice and instruct" - that is a Teacher
We view God as a Teacher (which is why Gandhiji used to read from all holy books at his prayer meetings - we must learn from all
The goal is Enlightenment, knowledge - to follow in the footsteps of God, who is our Father, Mother)
We can see the differences in goals in these religions
Christians and Muslims goal is Heaven - an eternal life of ease & comfort
They say it cannot be Earned, but in actually it does not have to
A tree has a life of ease & comfort, so do most lower life forms
What pain and suffering does a rock undergo? None
I fear Christians and Muslims are going the wrong way - in their pursuit of a life of ease
Such a life can be GIVEN - a rich guy who hits it big in the stock market can just dump a 1000 dollars in a beggars bowl
With that money the beggar can buy food, shelter, sex - whatever - pleasures of the flesh
These can be given
But Enlightenment, Knowledge cannot be Given, it can only be Earned
To reach for the hand of God - to be the next Einstein, the next Mozart, the next Gandhiji
To make our Father Proud - that is Earned, never Given


Well-Known Member
Seems to me the " Tester of Souls" is the 'god' of this world of badness - 2nd Corinthians 4:4 aka HaSatan.
Notice in the book of Job (Job 2:4-5) that HaSatan challenges the man Job and thus all of us.
"Touch our flesh....." ( loose physical health ) and we would Not serve the God of the Bible under bad conditions.
Both Job and Jesus under adverse conditions proved HaSatan a liar and so can we.
God's Son 'with mucho God powers' uses his 'sword-like executional words ' to rid the Earth of the wicked - Isaiah 11:3-4
Jesus comes with angelic armies according to Revelation 19:14-15
That is how God will bring an end to war on Earth - Psalm 46:9
Jesus thus will be King of God's Kingdom government over Earth - 1st Corinthians 15:24-26
Notice what Jesus will do according to Psalm 72:8, 12-14
Hoooooold On there fellah -- let us not be making stuff up out of the blue and attributing it to poor Ha Satan ?? . Ha Satan of Job is never is claimed nor proved to be a liar ... nor does Jesus prove he is a liar .. or claim Ha Satan is a Liar when undergoing his ritual testing .. after which his divine spark will be activate .. the tester of souls sent by God .. never acting against God .. nor rebelling against God's will.

Isaiah has nothing to do with Jesus .. no idea what to think of 2 Corinthians but cool passage .. Psalm 46 72 have absolutely nothing to do with the issue .. completely irrelevent

KK ... the Devil of Revelations is not the same fellow as in Job ..

NOW .. all that said .. I agree tht Ha Satan is depicted as Chief God of this World .. and perhaps has a brotherly rivalry of sorts .. as when he says to Peter .. Get behind me Satan .. because Peter was accusing him .. Jesus then saying basically .. been through that already -the real accuser .. and presumably Peter is aware of Christ's trial .. says "no you too" .. been there done that .. got T shirt.

When Jesus says to the Pharisees .. Your father is the Devil .. thats YHWH he is referring to / or the the nasty demiurge God named Jealous .. This is not the God of Jesus ya hear .. Jesus is a high priest forever of the Order Melchi-Zedek .. YHWH is not the God of this priestly order.

Now .. 1 cor 15:24 -- no idea what to make of that passage at first read .. don't get what you do .. hard to relate this a specific dark force whicch would not be Ha Satan but .. rather the Primordial Chaos Dragon .. whome YHWH is depicted fighting in many a psalm .. the one called "The Old Serpent" I believe in one place... but again this is not ha Satan ... wrong address.


Veteran Member
..............I also believe that every human born and who has ever lived has godlike qualities. It is as if life is a nursery of the gods.
I agree that every human born who has ever lived has or can have God-like qualities or attributes.
I say this because in Scripture we are made in God's image or likeness.
In Scripture God has qualities of love, justice, mercy and wisdom.....
So, each of us can display or cultivate those godly qualities or attributes to varying degrees.