Well-Known Member
YUCK! Actually my parents were sort of like that - boy, did they ever believe in LONG TERM PUNISHMENTS.
I personally think that's overkill usually. To me, weeks or months of punishment creates a lot of resentment and can be counterproductive.
Now, we had a recent situation at our house though that I think we handled well. Our youngest son was fifteen at the time (this was last year). When we were both at work, he found the truck keys and snuck out. HE WRECKED THE TRUCK. Not bad, but it was a fender bender. Now - THAT is a serious violation, on a number of fronts.
We had a $500 deductible on our insurance. We made him work to earn that money. We have a big place - we live out in the country. We paid him $8 an hour to do yardwork, wash vehicles, paint, work on fences, etc. till he paid off that $500. It took him most of the summer (weekends only). We didn't make him work all weekend, every weekend. We pay him to do hard work around here nearly every Saturday anyway - but that money went into our pockets instead of his till that deductible was paid. I thought that was appropriate.
You don't even have to be spanked that much, only once - from there the threat of being spanked is usually enough, atleast for me it was.
Although, every child is different, that we cannot deny. Some respond terribly to a spank and it would have a nasty affect, but from what I've gathered during my lifetime, is that it's generally OK just as long as it's not over-done etc.
Of course, positive reinforcement is a good thing too, but just as they need encouragement to do good, they need deterent when it comes to misbehaving - that deterent can range from taking away toys/privilages to spanking, or to be threatened with a spank, but not actually spanked. A lot of people in this thread have different opinions and strategies, and to be honest, I think all of them have potential to work really well, it just depends on the child, and how the parenting is done.